• last year
Kordinasi kuat yang terjalin antara pemerintah pusat dengan pemerintah daerah akan terus meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional secara menyeluruh. Menko Perekonomian, Airlangga Hartarto menegaskan, perlu adanya penguatan dan perluasan peran APBN dan Bank Pembangunan Daerah.


00:00The next information is about the strong coordination between the central government and the regional government
00:10will continue to increase the national economic growth overall
00:15and the Minister of the Coordination of Regional Economic Affairs, Erlangga Artato,
00:18emphasized the need for strengthening and broadening the role of the APBD and regional development banks.
00:23In the context of coordination of regional digitalization acceleration to support regional economy,
00:27Erlangga emphasized that an important factor in the growth of the national economy
00:31is the strengthening of synergies between stakeholders in creating a faster regional economy.
00:37For that, it must be considered that various regions have experienced economic improvement
00:45and contributed to strengthening the national economy.
00:49The government continues to support the strengthening of the role of the regional budget and income
00:54as well as the broadening of the functions of regional development banks.
