With an optimistic attitude towards life, Cho Sai Fung (Chapman To) is a neurotic man with extraordinary skills, who relies on bounty hunting to make a living. This time he comes to an island, a small hotel called LAZY Inn, to hunt down a fugitive robber Lee Kin Fai, with a HK$4000,000 reward from the police. Suen Long Ching (Fiona Sit) is the innkeeper's (Alex Man) daughter. She has a rich imagination and curiosity, and is a little hyperactive. The nosy father and daughter have been monitoring the weird customer Cho, with the repeated wrong touch and misunderstanding, attracts a variety of funny jokes.
电影《悬红》讲述的是乐天知命的阿曹(杜汶泽饰演),生活处事带点乌龙;为人神经质,又似乎身手不凡,他是一个倚靠“悬红”为生的人。这次他来到离岛一家名叫LAZY Inn的小旅馆,追捕一个警方悬红四十万的抢劫逃犯:李见辉!孙朗清(薛凯琪饰演)是旅馆老板(万梓良饰演)的女儿,拥有丰富幻想力及好奇心, 从小到大都有点过度活跃。诸事八卦的父女一直留意着阿曹这个怪客,连番错摸及误会下,引来笑话连篇
电影《悬红》讲述的是乐天知命的阿曹(杜汶泽饰演),生活处事带点乌龙;为人神经质,又似乎身手不凡,他是一个倚靠“悬红”为生的人。这次他来到离岛一家名叫LAZY Inn的小旅馆,追捕一个警方悬红四十万的抢劫逃犯:李见辉!孙朗清(薛凯琪饰演)是旅馆老板(万梓良饰演)的女儿,拥有丰富幻想力及好奇心, 从小到大都有点过度活跃。诸事八卦的父女一直留意着阿曹这个怪客,连番错摸及误会下,引来笑话连篇