In Hong Kong, Cheng Lai-sheung (Josie Ho) works two jobs with the hope of earning enough money to buy her own apartment with a view of the Victoria Harbour.[3][4] In mixed chronological order, we see scenes from Lai-sheung's past. In her childhood, her family and friends are evicted from their low-rent housing so that developers can build expensive flats. Later in life, she vows to buy her mother and father a new apartment, but is unable to fulfill her promise before her mother dies. When her father becomes ill with mesothelioma, she begins searching in earnest for a new place. She has an obsession for the Victoria Bay No. 1 high-rise address, originating in a childhood vow that she would one day buy a flat near the harbor. The vow was aimed at preventing her grandfather from having to walk there and back on a daily basis.