Married to Evil S02E05 Out of Control

  • last month
When Angie meets Joe, her family and friends aren't sure what to make of their relationship; the couple marry and have kids but soon Angie becomes isolated from her loved ones and trapped in a spiral of abuse that ends in an horrific triple homicide.
00:00It was a new relationship and things were really, really good.
00:10I could tell how happy she was.
00:13My parents, they got concerned.
00:16She had to choose between Joe or her family.
00:20He was losing control.
00:22That was when he finally went full psycho.
00:26The scene itself just looked like a nightmare.
00:29When I looked at him, it wasn't human.
00:33It was evil.
00:34You got the one where it's your emergency.
00:35I'm telling you, you gotta get someone over here.
00:36Why would you do something like this?
00:56Morgantown for me has always been like a place of community.
01:03Everyone is everyone's neighbor.
01:06And honestly, if you don't know anybody there, it won't take five seconds before you already
01:10have a friend.
01:12It's that kind of community.
01:15My mom and dad moved us here in 91, 92.
01:21It was a fabulous place to be raised.
01:24I love raising the kids there.
01:29We were all living in one house.
01:31It was my mom and papa, and then my sister, my parents, and then my mom's siblings.
01:40And then Angie's kids were there as well.
01:44Angie had a boyfriend in high school and they actually went on to have two children.
01:51And then things did not work out between them and they separated.
01:58While our parents were not exactly thrilled because both of us became young mothers, they
02:05basically were 100% supportive.
02:09Yep, we were very, very close.
02:15Angie was the best sister.
02:18Me and her, you know, we're only two years apart.
02:21With her, she was my best friend.
02:24She was free-spirited.
02:28A rainy day, she came into the room, you wouldn't have ever thought it was raining.
02:34Oh, Angie was a firecracker.
02:39She always had the loudest laugh, you know, that was just infectious.
02:52So me and Angie, we went and got food.
02:57And she said, I'm going to tell you something, but you can't tell mom and dad.
03:01I was like, okay, lay it on me.
03:02What, what do we got?
03:03And she's like, I met someone.
03:04I was like, well, okay, like, what's his name?
03:09I remember her saying that he had come to her work and he was kind of like following
03:17her around the store, maybe found her attractive.
03:23Angie was very into like the emo scene, dark clothes.
03:26She was like a rocker girl.
03:29Joey was very much that rocker type boy.
03:35I remember it like when she brought him over, you know, mom was very on the defensive, very
03:41And dad was like, well, let's play this out and see, you know, prove to me that you're
03:46a decent person.
03:47You know, prove to me that you're good enough to date my daughter kind of thing.
03:52I talked to Joey about that and I went up to him and I was like, she really likes you.
03:58She really cares about you.
04:01Please be good to her.
04:03He said that he would.
04:07I remember the first time that I met Joey, I was at my mom and papa's house and I was
04:14sitting in the living room and that's when Angie walked in with Joey.
04:22I remember he leaned down to show me the tattoo he had on his shoulder and it was a 666 tattoo.
04:33I remember his exact words to me were, I got this tattoo to show that even in good,
04:39there's always some evil.
04:42Growing up in Morgantown, a small community, like, I mean, we were raised Christian.
04:46So when I seen him with all kinds of tattoos, like I was like, okay, like I don't know really
04:51how to feel about this.
04:54Morgantown is very small, pretty tight knit community.
05:00Everybody knows everybody basically.
05:04I think with Joey, it was outside of the norm of what you would expect to see in really
05:13anybody in our community.
05:15It kind of drew Angie in, in the sense of like, this was something different.
05:20She seemed happy.
05:21It was a, you know, new relationship and things were really, really good.
05:37In 2012, Angie and Joey decided that they were going to get married.
05:44I asked her, are you sure you want to do this?
05:50Does he make you happy?
05:52And she said, yeah, he does.
05:59We did a little reception at my uncle's house and everything went really well.
06:05I think in the beginning, she seemed happy.
06:09He treated her older two kids okay.
06:12And I think that we were, we were happy that she was happy.
06:17We were absolutely delighted and nice to see, you know, her and all the kids, you know,
06:24just happy.
06:34Angie decided she wanted to be a certified nursing assistant.
06:39She loved it.
06:40She loved it so much.
06:45Her and I worked together at a long-term care and rehab facility.
06:50Angie not only, you know, worked her full-time hours, but she worked overtime every single
06:55A lot of times we would go in together and we would actually work like doubles, which
07:00are 16-hour shifts.
07:05My sister, you know, was working almost every day.
07:09But later on in the relationship, we started seeing he would not work.
07:17He wouldn't work.
07:19I remember he got a job one time at, I believe it was a UPS shipping facility.
07:27He worked there for maybe a few months and then he quit.
07:31And then his reason for quitting was that it was boring and that was it.
07:38What made me more mad than anything was that Joey would get mad when she took days off,
07:47when she didn't pick up a shift.
07:49He said it was lost money, money that she wasn't bringing in.
07:56He liked being home.
07:57He liked, you know, only doing those bare minimal things and that Angie not only paid
08:03all the bills, but I mean, she got to where she was even giving him an allowance.
08:09He told everybody that it was because he was a stay-at-home dad.
08:16The house never got cleaned.
08:18And I remember that.
08:19Like, I saw that.
08:20The house was a wreck.
08:21The kids were in dirty clothes.
08:23Laundry wasn't done.
08:25I wish I would have said something then.
08:28But, like, Angie was doing everything that she could.
08:34This man didn't even have, like, a driver's license.
08:37Like, if he needed to go anywhere or needed to be dropped off, he had to wake Angie up to do it.
08:48The more I got to hang out over there, I guess Joey felt like he could be more comfortable
08:55with, like, me around, playing on, like, video games.
08:58Like, he would get, like, a violent yell, throw the controller.
09:03And so for me, it was like, if he's acting like this, you know, now, what's he doing
09:10behind closed doors?
09:12Angie, I was like, is he violent towards you?
09:15Does he yell at you?
09:16Does he hit you?
09:17All the time it was, no, he doesn't do anything like that.
09:21Joey wouldn't do that.
09:22Like, something in my gut was just like, I don't like him.
09:29I started asking questions and then Angie kind of lost contact with us.
09:43My parents, they got concerned.
09:46Even her phone had been shut off or she had gotten a new phone number.
09:51And so no one had a way of communicating with her.
09:56Looking back, I guess that was the beginning of him just trying to gain control.
10:01Like, just trying to maybe distance Angie from mom and dad.
10:08My whole family, if there's a reason for us to get together and celebrate something, we're
10:14going to do it.
10:16We have 50 people that show up for Thanksgiving, for Christmas.
10:22And all of a sudden she was not showing up to those things.
10:26He just kind of, you know, slowly did it over time.
10:28It was, oh, I don't want to go.
10:30If you go, you're saying that it's okay that they, that they don't like me, that they treat
10:34me differently.
10:35Then she would be guilted into staying home.
10:40Joe definitely had put a lot of strain on Angie with making her feel as if she had to
10:47choose between Joe or her family.
10:51Me, mom, dad, you know, everybody, you know, was blocked.
10:57Like on Facebook, phone numbers, all that.
11:01I remember mom crying about it.
11:06I remember dad crying about it.
11:11I remember they were in the church parking lot and we had pulled up to park and we went
11:17to say hi.
11:18Joey, you know, kind of shoved the kids in the car, shoved Angie and they sped out of
11:27And I remember my mom and dad being like just so upset because they just wanted to see their
11:32daughter and their grandkids.
11:35And I was worried for my aunt Angie.
11:38I was worried for my cousins.
11:41That is what prompted her mom to reach out to the Child Protective Services.
11:48That's whenever I guess you'd say everything started hitting the fan.
12:04The house was a wreck.
12:06It was disgusting.
12:09It was awful.
12:10Like honestly, if social services had seen the house like that, those kids would have
12:13been removed right then and there, no questions asked.
12:18It really did escalate because my parents were so immersed in their grandkids' lives
12:24that someone to just say, no, you're not seeing your grandkids anymore, was just heartbreaking
12:35for my parents.
12:37You know, they were the type of grandparents that always wanted their grandkids around
12:43They were happiest when they had all their grandkids around them.
12:48I think for mom and dad, they feared for the safety of the kids.
12:52And I think they knew that maybe they could do something to help those babies.
13:02I think her mom thought, if I can get the kids out of there, then Angie will follow.
13:10That didn't happen.
13:12Jo was able to really spin that and make it to where her mom was now the enemy.
13:23Her kids had practically been raised in and around my parents' home.
13:29All of a sudden, they were not allowed to be around any of our family.
13:35Mom and dad not seeing the grandbabies hurt mom and dad more than anything else.
13:53I remember Angie reaching out to dad.
13:56She came to the house and she started crying and she hugged dad and she's like, I'm so
14:01sorry for everything that I had done.
14:05It was heartwarming, I guess, but like it felt good because it was a bridge.
14:11It may not have been a sturdy bridge, but it was a start.
14:21She finally started to come back around and Joi would also come around with her.
14:29They would typically visit for about an hour at a time.
14:33It would be an hour on the dot and Joi was, okay, it's time to go.
14:37We need to go home now.
14:40It was like she was a prisoner and this was her hour of recess.
14:52In 2013, Angie and Joi had their first kid together.
14:58That was Violet, a little girl, and then they had their second child, Archer.
15:05I think that she really thought that maybe that was going to make him change his ways,
15:11that maybe things would turn around.
15:18Shortly after she had Violet, I remember her telling me she couldn't be around any
15:22other men at all without Joi.
15:28He would, you know, go through her phone, you know, her text messages, her Facebook,
15:33and then that would turn into, you know, a confrontation with him.
15:36You know, he would push her, he would hold her up against the wall.
15:40When he got something in his head and wanted to fight about something, there was no getting
15:48She had tried to leave before and he would tell her that if she didn't come back or if
15:59she didn't talk to him, that he would kill himself, that it would be her fault.
16:10She did leave Joi for a very short amount of time.
16:14She moved in with my mom, Papaw, and all of us with her kids.
16:20That was when she started to explain, like, Joi is abusive, he refused to get a job, and
16:30that when she would get paid, he would take control of her paychecks and her bank accounts
16:35and basically just leave Angie with just enough money for the bills.
16:42We were all just kind of like, leave him, like, you can't, you cannot put yourself through
16:47this, you can't put your kids through this, like, you have to get out of this relationship.
16:52And she would be like, I'm going to, I'm going to, and then she ended up going back with
17:00It seemed like it was just a back and forth, and it became almost exhausting where it was
17:05like they'd be okay for a couple of months, there'd be a fight, she'd leave.
17:11They'd stay at mom and dad's for a few days, they'd make up.
17:15It was a cycle.
17:17It was a cycle.
17:21Every time she would run away from him, she would run to my parents.
17:26And so there was always just that fear that, well, they're going to be caught up in the
17:31middle of this.
17:35Joey would send threats all the time, telling her, like, I'm going to put a bullet in your
17:42brain, your mom's brain, and your dad's brain if you ever leave me.
17:55Joey came to the point where he was being more aggressive, being more violent, and Angie,
18:04she knew she couldn't do anything if she was dead.
18:07She couldn't protect her babies if she was gone.
18:13So Angie had called me on Facebook.
18:16I messaged her as soon as I had woken up, and I was like, hey, what did you call for?
18:21And she said protection.
18:24Joe had me pinned in the bathroom.
18:26It got so bad.
18:29That was the straw that broke the camel's back.
18:31This was when she said, I've got to get out of here.
18:34I've got to do something to get out of this.
18:40I knew that he was going to do something.
18:43I knew he was going to take matters into his own hands, and I was scared for him.
19:02We are all at my cousin Renee's house, and we've got, you know, a fire going, and we're
19:13roasting marshmallows.
19:16I see my mom answering her phone, and I said, what's going on?
19:22She said, don't say anything.
19:24Angie left Joey.
19:27I'm thinking again in my mind, I'm just like, oh, here we go again, you know, for the umpteenth
19:33I sat there, and I remember saying, I was like, I won't believe it until the divorce
19:38papers are signed.
19:39I told them that.
19:40I was like, I won't hold my breath.
19:43She was different this time, and she was done, and it was very evident that she was done.
19:54I asked, I was like, well, how's he taking it?
19:56And she was like, oh, he won't stop blowing up my phone.
19:58Like, I have to literally, like, put him on, like, do not disturb.
20:03And I'm like, really?
20:05Like that much?
20:06And I was like, so now that he realizes what he's done, and what a piece of trash he is,
20:11now he wants to come running back.
20:14And Angie's just like, he's got nowhere to run to.
20:17She was like, I'm done with him.
20:19I loved hearing that.
20:22That was like a weight off my shoulder.
20:25Those first couple of months, I was skeptical, and I was thinking, OK, like, this probably
20:30isn't going to last long, but I'll just enjoy it while it is, you know?
20:35Then, you know, it kind of got to that point where it had been the longest she was away,
20:40and I could tell how happy she was.
20:49It's like 7 a.m.
20:50I'm sitting there in bed, and I just, you know, hear, you know, a knock at my door.
20:56Then the door just opens, and, like, she's standing there, you know, hands on her hips.
21:01She goes, knew me, the world is my oyster.
21:06She's like, and I am finally taking a hold of my life.
21:13We were thrilled.
21:14I mean, the whole family, it was basically like a party.
21:18I mean, we were so happy that she had left him.
21:28Angie eventually met somebody new, and when I say that he was a complete 180 from Joey,
21:37I'm happy to say that he was.
21:40Like, she didn't have a bad word to say about him, you know?
21:44Wes, I mean, he loved her so much.
21:47He was just smitten with her.
21:50He treated her nice.
21:52He wasn't pushing her out the door, saying, it's time to go, it's time to leave.
21:56He just had a great relationship with all of us, you know?
22:11Christmas was really great.
22:13We had everybody there.
22:18And it was probably one of the most, like, stress-free Christmases that we had had, especially
22:25with Angie.
22:26We knew she was done with Joey.
22:29We knew that this chapter was kind of closing, and we were just so happy for her, happy for
22:35her kids, and it was just really great.
22:40I think she finally opened her eyes to, you know, what he's doing is wrong.
22:46He's always been wrong.
22:47I can get out of this situation and be OK.
22:51And I think that's when she finally decided to put in the divorce paperwork.
23:00When she finally decided to divorce him, he wouldn't sign the papers.
23:09But I know for a fact that she did.
23:11She had a lawyer.
23:12She had everything.
23:16She even sat there, you know, got a new phone number, got a new bank account, like, everything
23:22to separate from him.
23:28His state of mind at that point, when the divorce papers were coming, was not good.
23:36He was angry.
23:38He was just constantly texting my sister, calling my sister, harassing my sister.
23:49When she wasn't answering, he was calling her oldest daughter.
23:53He would call her mom, and then he was calling her dad.
23:56I mean, they weren't even able to use their phones because he was just constantly calling.
24:03He was losing control at that point, I think, and that's what started to scare him.
24:20You know, Joey started to tell Angie that he was depressed and that he wanted to kill
24:26himself and started saying, like, some very disturbing things.
24:36He threatened to drink bleach.
24:39He also made the comment that he was going to do it whenever he had the kids.
24:47She told him she doesn't feel comfortable leaving the kids with him by himself because
24:52she was worried that he might actually kill himself in front of them, and she didn't want
24:57her kids to see that.
24:59And so she told him, like, I need you to get help.
25:02I'm going to keep the kids away for a little bit.
25:05I think that was when he finally went full psycho.
25:14He did threaten her life.
25:16He said, like, if I can't have you, no one can.
25:19He threatened mom and dad.
25:23One point he said, if there was a real-life purge, he was like, I'd go to your mom and
25:27dad's house and kill them.
25:30Her lawyer did suggest that she gets an emergency protective order against Joe.
25:36Her and her lawyer had decided it was best to have no contact, no telling Joe where the
25:41kids were, of what, you know, they were, what they were doing.
25:46It was basically just going to go cold turkey.
25:54Myself, my parents, you know, we all said, you know, we're scared for you.
26:00We're scared for you, Angie.
26:01I'm scared of what he's going to do.
26:03What if he shows up?
26:06This is one of the texts that Joe had sent.
26:08Okay, I'll give it to the end of the day.
26:11Then, like I said two days ago, I tried to play nice, tried to leave it be, but now you
26:16are not replying and not answering, so I will be handling things accordingly.
26:23Reading this, I don't think that she was thinking that this meant that he was going to show
26:28up with a gun to her home, but now we know that that's exactly what he meant.
26:41Number one, where is your emergency?
26:43Oh my God, my son.
26:45Oh God, you've got to get someone over here.
26:48Ma'am, what is your address?
26:50I don't know.
27:00Number one, where is your emergency?
27:02Oh my God, my son.
27:04Oh God, you've got to get someone over here.
27:11I just brought my son here to pick up the kids.
27:15Why would you do something like this?
27:18Jesus Christ.
27:20Oh my God.
27:24Ma'am, ma'am, I can't understand you.
27:27Now, is it your son that was shot or her?
27:34My cousin is at home.
27:37Her husband is on fire and rescue, so he has a police scanner, and it came across that
27:44there was a male not breathing on Lonnie Snodgrass Road.
27:50They even gave the exact address.
27:54I was in my office when I got a message from my cousin.
27:59I got told that an ambulance was heading to my house.
28:03My dad had COPD, he was 79, he had health issues.
28:07I actually thought that it was something with my dad.
28:12I was working at the hospital, and my brother Jonathan calls.
28:17He sounded troubled.
28:19He was like, Tony, I think something's going on with Mom and Dad.
28:23Can you go check on them?
28:25Can you go and see them?
28:27And I was like, okay, yeah.
28:30Okay, yeah.
28:34I reached my niece, and she said, Joey showed up with a gun.
28:42She said, Grandma told me to grab the baby and go to the closet and lock the door.
28:49I'm calling my mom, and I'm calling my mom, and I'm calling my mom, and she doesn't answer.
29:06I was at work that day when I got the call from the Kentucky State Police that we'd had a homicide.
29:13When I got to the home and made entry into the home,
29:16obviously it was unlike any crime scene I'd ever been to before.
29:19The current time is 11.10 at the scene of a shooting.
29:24I'd be doing a walk through the residence.
29:27As you breach the door threshold, Miss Carey was located prone on her back.
29:33She had substantial wounds evident of gunfire.
29:38A few further feet inside the residence was Miss McGranahan.
29:42To the area on the wall just above her head was a blood pattern impact
29:47that indicated that she had been shot at close range.
29:53Located on the couch of that residence were multiple casings
29:57indicating that Joseph Carey had entered the threshold of that door
30:00prior to firing on Lupe McGranahan.
30:03We're currently in the living room area,
30:06We're currently in the living room area,
30:09transitioning into the dining room kitchen,
30:15magazine floor, multiple shell casings.
30:19As you made your way in through the residence,
30:21there were various casings scattered across the living room and the dining room floor,
30:26kind of indicating the path that Joseph Carey would have taken as he had entered the residence.
30:30This is the laundry room area.
30:33Additional individuals deceased.
30:36Chuck actually was located inside the utility room.
30:40It appears that the incident was contained to the interior of the residence in the front driveway.
30:46The scene itself just looked like a nightmare
30:50and a normal life of people that had been interrupted by just a horrific event.
31:03They already had a state trooper that was blocking the road,
31:07and so I pulled in.
31:12I get there, I see some ambulances,
31:16and I keep thinking that like my mom or dad are going to come out of this ambulance.
31:24A first aid responder, she just looks at me and she's like,
31:27you know, starts shaking her head and she's like, I'm so sorry.
31:31She told me that Joseph Carey showed up with a gun
31:40and shot and killed my sister, my mom, and my dad.
31:47My brother comes to me and he says, they're all gone.
31:53You know, I said, what do you mean?
31:56I'm like, what do you mean they're all gone?
31:59And he said, you know, Joey showed up and they're all gone.
32:08I didn't really know what was going on.
32:12I didn't really know what to do at that point.
32:22We remember seeing Joey get taken in a police car.
32:26I remember that.
32:28I'll never forget I logged eyes with him too.
32:34And when I looked at him, it wasn't human.
32:38It wasn't human.
32:41It was evil.
32:50The police already had him in custody and he was transported from the scene
32:54to a state police post where they conducted a full interview.
33:00We now needed to determine what would cause Joseph Carey
33:03to essentially execute all three individuals of his very close and immediate family.
33:19I wasn't there. I didn't get to speak to you the first time.
33:22So if you could just walk me through your day,
33:27kind of let me know what happened and what your thought process was.
33:31I went down to go speak to Angela, the mother of my kids, my wife.
33:38She came to the door with the door closed and was like, you need to leave.
33:43I said, can I just see the kids? That's all I want.
33:46She said, you can talk to them through the door.
33:50Mr. Carey stated that he'd gone to the residence to get the children.
33:55I believe they were in the process of getting a divorce
33:58and that he was trying to see the children.
34:05And then that's when Lupe, Angela's mother, told Chuck to get the shotgun
34:12because I was staying too long.
34:15And that's when everything kind of went chaotic.
34:18She said, go get the shotgun.
34:20And I seen him passing through to the actual laundry room where I knew they kept the shotgun.
34:26I think Mr. Carey wanted to convey to us that he had made those actions
34:29because he had been forced to make those actions.
34:32Was Lupe the thing that you're saying escalated the situation today?
34:36Was Lupe telling Chuck to go get the shotgun?
34:39I was trying to save myself and the kids.
34:41What went through my mind was just not letting him get a shotgun
34:45or he could do something.
34:46I don't even know how in my mind my solution would have been.
34:50I should have ran or something.
34:52Has Chuck ever pulled a shotgun on him before?
34:56Carey stated multiple times that his primary concern with Chuck
34:59was that he was going to retrieve specifically a shotgun in the house
35:02that he knew or suspected to be located in the utility room of the residence.
35:06Chuck did enter that utility room.
35:09There was a shotgun present in that utility room.
35:12However, it wasn't loaded.
35:36I'll interject this.
35:37I'm going to plead to buy your Ipanex for you.
35:40I'll buy it.
35:42She had no filing.
35:44She didn't accost you.
35:45She didn't assault you.
35:47She was in no way, shape, or form an arguably a threat.
35:51She made no motion to her filing.
35:55And you shot her.
35:58I think it's very important to remember that Angie McGranahan
36:02and Lupe McGranahan were found in very close proximity to one another,
36:06neither one of them having a gun on them,
36:09and that he had no right, Joseph Carey, to take their lives
36:13or to come in that home at all,
36:15even if he thought someone was going to get a gun.
36:18So I've been listening to what you're telling me, okay?
36:22And some of the stuff's not adding up, okay?
36:27I'll tell you right now I'm guilty of what I did.
36:33Well, I mean, we obviously, we know that.
36:35What we're trying to understand is why.
36:41I'm telling you it was panic, but I ain't going to lie to you,
36:45there was probably more to it than that.
36:47But I honestly jumped when I heard the shotgun thing.
36:51That was just after a perceived threat.
36:54It was after one of three.
36:57I understand that, but I'm saying that was my main goal was to stop him.
37:03But what I'm getting at is Lupe was this way, he was this way.
37:07I get you.
37:08Your wife was here, he was this way.
37:10I get you.
37:11I think he was very much aware of decisions that he was making while he was present.
37:15I think he was aggravated with the custody agreement
37:18and possibly emotions were slightly elevated
37:22upon hearing that his kids would potentially be taken from him.
37:44He was charged with two counts murder, one count murder, domestic violence.
37:50And I believe three counts of wanton endangerment.
37:54The Commonwealth of Kentucky is a death penalty state
37:57and we knew most likely just given the numbers of deceased individuals on scene
38:03that that would most definitely be something pursued by the Commonwealth's office.
38:09When the suggestion of death penalty came up for Joey, I was in full support of it.
38:14The sooner he's dead, the better.
38:21I'm not going to lie, the plea deal turned my stomach.
38:27After the evil you committed, you somehow still think that you're worthy of a plea.
38:33It was only after Blake explained that with a plea deal,
38:40it's done, it's over, there was no appealing.
38:44It was life in prison.
38:46It's done, it's over, there was no appealing.
38:49It was life in prison without the possibility of parole.
38:54In looking at intent in a case like this of what Mr. Carey's intent might have been,
38:59I believe he went to that residence to kill Angie McGranahan.
39:05I believe that Lupe and Chuck's deaths were just a result of them being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
39:11Joseph Carey shot Angie simply because she made it very clear that he was not going to have access to the children.
39:19It was obvious that this was really just a cold-blooded, brutal murder of three people,
39:24three lives taken away from a family.
39:26That just really added another level to me of evil.
39:42He was a monster.
39:45And they were three beautiful souls who were loved and just missed every single day.
39:54And every day is hard without them, even now.
40:00They are the people who are going to be in prison for the rest of their lives.
40:05Every day is hard without them, even now.
40:11They were definitely a safety net for me.
40:16I felt like I was a tightrope walker, and if I did fall, they were there.
40:22My sister lived for her kids and ultimately died for her kids.
40:29And there's no greater sacrifice.
40:33I can't sum up one thing I miss about Angie.
40:38I miss my best friend.
40:42I miss my storyteller, my secret keeper, my confidant.
40:52Because she was that and more.
40:56And not a day goes by that I don't think about them.
41:03Angie's story continues.
41:12My father, he was charming, but he was also terrifying to anyone that knew him.
41:17You still don't tell me what to do.
41:20This isn't just a bad person, this is an evil person.
41:23They're shooting over here in our apartment.
