Every day I keep on searching for happiness in my work, my relationships, my child, etc. So what can be truly considered real happiness?
00:00So every day I'm asking myself what is happiness?
00:05Every day is happiness my work?
00:09Is happiness my relationship?
00:12Is happiness my child?
00:15I'm asking myself what is real happiness?
00:18See, happiness is a result of right understanding.
00:24By wrong understanding you will feel unhappiness.
00:28By right understanding you will feel happiness.
00:31So happiness is a result.
00:33But it is a result of what?
00:35Right understanding.
00:38Your understanding is wrong then you feel unhappiness.
00:44So happiness or unhappiness is not directly you will get.
00:52It is a result.
00:54If you have wrong belief then you feel happiness, unhappiness, both the things.
00:59Means maximum unhappiness only.
01:03So real happiness means it never ends.
01:08There is no unhappiness after happiness.
01:12It is called permanent happiness.
01:16And that will come after right understanding, right belief.
01:22So do I understand then that happiness is nothing that you can touch, untouchable?
01:27Like something from the relative world?
01:31No, you cannot touch but you can experience.
01:36You can experience but by what?
01:39By right knowledge you can experience happiness.
01:42Wrong knowledge you will feel unhappiness.
01:45You will experience unhappiness.
01:47It is a result.
01:49When you are in the stage of pure soul, you are knower and seer,
01:53then you will feel bliss within automatically.
01:57Because soul is having infinite bliss, full of happiness.
02:03Soul is nothing but full of happiness, full of knowledge, full of vision,
02:08infinite energy, so many properties of soul.
02:14But due to wrong belief we are separated from soul and we feel that I am Gokhan.
02:21And that is a wrong belief and that will give you unhappiness,
02:27effect of body, positive or negative, happiness or unhappiness,
02:32but it is relative happiness.
02:34When you realize who am I, I am pure soul,
02:41that will give you permanent happiness.
02:44Yes, I do understand but it is like the soul is in me
02:52but it feels like you always talk about as a separation, like a co-existence.
02:58You are really Gokhan or your name is Gokhan? What you will say?
03:04In this universion I am Gokhan.
03:08So now you say my name is Gokhan, then you say I am Gokhan.
03:14Is there any contradiction between two sentences?
03:19If you say this is my house, then you say I am house.
03:22Is there any contradiction?
03:24So belonging and honor must be separate.
03:29Belongings, wherever you apply my, my house, my wife, my business,
03:36my money, my car, my body, my thoughts, everything comes in my department
03:42and you are separate from all these belongings.
03:47So belongings totally separate from you.
03:52Due to wrong belief you are honor of these all belongings.
04:01And here in Gnan Vidhi you will get self-realization.
04:07What is your part and what is your, what are your real belongings
04:14and what are all these relative belongings.
04:17You are separated from all these relative things
04:20and you can realize your real thing, oh, I am pure soul.
04:27And that will, once you realize you are pure soul,
04:33that will start your real happiness.
04:38And all this relative thing is temporary.
04:42When you achieve that thing you will get happiness
04:46and that is temporary, it will destroy.
04:49Your happiness also destroys.
04:52This is because it is relative.
04:55And soul is permanent.
04:57Once you get happiness from soul, it will ever last,
05:02it never destroys, never finishes.
05:05It's permanent happiness.