10 Simple Ways to Be Happier – Backed by Science!

  • 2 days ago
What if happiness was within your control? In this video, Douglas Vandergraph delves into The Science of Happiness and outlines 10 practical steps you can take to elevate your joy and well-being. Backed by research in psychology, these steps—like practicing gratitude, exercising regularly, and letting go of negativity—can help you create a more joyful and purposeful life. Start building your happiness toolkit today with these simple, science-backed actions!

#HappinessFormula #PositiveMindset #HappinessTips #ScienceOfHappiness #JoyfulLiving #HappinessToolkit #DailyHabits #WellBeingJourney #ScienceOfJoy

00:00Hey friends, welcome to today's video. Today is going to be the greatest day of your life.
00:07Now imagine waking up every day with a deep sense of purpose, peace, and joy.
00:13Not because your circumstances are perfect, but because you're in control of how you feel.
00:20What if I told you happiness isn't something that happens by chance?
00:24It's not reserved for the fortunate or for those who have it all.
00:28The truth is, happiness is a skill.
00:31It's a habit we can build just like learning to ride a bike or mastering a new language.
00:37So today, I'm going to share the science of happiness with you
00:42and how you can increase your joy through 10 simple research back steps.
00:48These aren't just theories, they're proven methods you can start using today
00:53to transform your life from the inside out.
00:56So, if you're ready to take control of your happiness, let's dive in.
01:02You know, happiness isn't just a fleeting emotion that comes and goes with good or bad days.
01:08It's a state of being, a feeling that you can nurture and cultivate with the right habits.
01:14Research has shown that while our genetics and life circumstances play a part,
01:19about 40% of our happiness is within our control.
01:24And today, I'm sharing 10 actionable steps that you can implement right now
01:29to increase your happiness and create a life filled with more joy, meaning, and fulfillment.
01:38Number one, practice gratitude.
01:42You know, countless studies reveal that gratitude is one of the simplest and most powerful ways to boost happiness.
01:50By taking time each day to reflect on the things you're thankful for,
01:54whether it's the roof over your head, the love of a friend, or the beauty of nature,
02:00you shift your focus from what's lacking to what's abundant in your life.
02:05This simple shift rewires your brain to notice the good more frequently
02:10and heightens your overall sense of well-being.
02:15Number two, foster meaningful relationships.
02:20We're wired for connection, and loneliness is one of the most significant predictors of unhappiness.
02:26While strong relationships are consistently linked to greater happiness,
02:31take time to nurture your close relationships.
02:35You know, do things like call a friend, share a meal with family, or reach out to someone you care about.
02:43These connections remind us that we're not alone and give us a sense of belonging.
02:49Number three, exercise regularly.
02:53You don't have to run marathons to be happy, but regular movement is key.
02:59Exercise releases endorphins, and those are the chemicals in the brain that make you feel good.
03:05Even something as simple as a brisk 20-minute walk can improve your mood,
03:10reduce anxiety, and increase your feelings of happiness.
03:15The more consistent you are, the more you'll see a positive change in both your body and in your mind.
03:23Number four, mindfulness and meditation.
03:27You know, in our fast-paced world, our minds are constantly racing.
03:31Learning to be still and present through mindfulness or meditation
03:36can drastically reduce stress and increase feelings of peace.
03:40Studies have consistently shown that regular mindfulness practice can decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety,
03:48helping you remain calm and grounded, even in tough situations.
03:54Number five, acts of kindness.
03:58You know, helping others may be one of the most powerful happiness boosters out there.
04:03When you perform an act of kindness, whether it's paying for someone's coffee,
04:08maybe volunteering, or simply offering a listening ear,
04:12your brain releases oxytocin.
04:15It's often referred to as the love hormone.
04:19And this not only improves your mood, but fosters a sense of connection and purpose.
04:25Number six, pursue goals with purpose.
04:29You know, setting meaningful goals, whether personal or professional, gives your life direction and purpose.
04:36It's not just about achieving them.
04:39The act of working towards something that matters to you brings fulfillment.
04:44Break your big goals into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate each victory along the way.
04:51The journey itself becomes a source of true happiness.
04:57Number seven, get enough sleep.
05:00You know, we all know how we feel after a bad night's rest.
05:04Irritable, unfocused, and drained.
05:07Sleep is essential for our mental and emotional health.
05:11And research shows that people who get enough quality sleep are generally happier, more productive, and able to handle stress.
05:20Aim for seven to nine hours per night.
05:24And notice how much brighter life feels.
05:29Number eight, eat a healthy diet.
05:32You know, what you feed your body has a direct impact on how you feel.
05:37A diet rich in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats provides the nutrients your brain needs to function optimally.
05:48Processed foods and excessive sugar can cause mood swings and fatigue.
05:53And by fueling your body with nutritious foods, you're also nourishing your mind.
06:00Number nine, limit negativity.
06:04You know, whether it's negative self-talk, toxic relationships, or too much exposure to distressing news, negativity can drain your happiness.
06:15And while it's important to avoid all negativity, you can limit yourself and your exposure by setting healthy boundaries, challenging negative thoughts, and focusing on the positives in your life.
06:29It's about protecting your energy and choosing to feed your mind what uplifts you.
06:37Number 10, learn to let go.
06:41Holding on to grudges, resentment, or past regrets can weigh heavily on your heart.
06:48One of the most freeing things you can do for yourself is to forgive.
06:54This is a big one for me.
06:56I had a hard time learning this, but I picked it up, and it's difficult.
07:03A lot of people have a hard time forgiving, and we tend to hold on to past resentments, right?
07:09You know, whether it's forgiving someone else or yourself, letting go doesn't mean forgetting.
07:15It means releasing the hold that these negative emotions have over you, allowing space for peace and happiness to enter your life.
07:25You know, these steps are grounded in research and proven to boost your well-being.
07:30Remember, happiness is not something you find.
07:34It's something you create.
07:36And it starts with small, intentional choices every day.
07:40So, here's the thing about happiness.
07:43It's a journey, not a destination.
07:46It's a series of choices we make every single day.
07:50And while these 10 steps might seem simple, their impact is profound.
07:56You have the power to shape your own happiness, regardless of your circumstances.
08:02So today, I challenge you to take just one of these steps.
08:06Start small, and watch how it begins to shift your mindset and your life.
08:11Because the question isn't, can I be happier?
08:15It's, will I choose to be happier?
08:20Happiness is yours to create, step by step, day by day.
08:25What will you choose today?
08:28I believe in you.
08:30I care about you.
08:32And I think you're going to choose happiness.
08:34So let's get started.
08:36Let's get those shoes on and get moving.
08:38Remember, actionable steps and the act of taking action is what's going to bring us the life we deserve.
08:46And I know if anybody can do it, you can.
08:50I'll see you tomorrow, friends.
08:52Have a beautiful day.
08:53Take care.
