न्यूयॉर्क: न्यूयॉर्क में सीईओ गोलमेज सम्मेलन को संबोधित करते हुए प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने कहा, चिप्स और सेमीकंडक्टर के लिए हमने जो नीतियां पेश की हैं, उनका वैश्विक स्तर पर बहुत अच्छा स्वागत हो रहा है। इस क्षेत्र में लगभग हर कोई भारत आने के लिए आकर्षित है, और हम इसके लिए आवश्यक बुनियादी जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए पूरी तरह तैयार हैं। सेमीकंडक्टर क्षेत्र में हम 15 अरब डॉलर के अतिरिक्त निवेश के साथ आगे बढ़ रहे हैं।
00:00We welcome the policies that we have brought in the world of chips and semiconductors.
00:12Almost all the people in this area are attracted to come to India, and we are fully ready for
00:20the basic needs that are required for that, whether it is a matter of policy or infrastructure.
00:29We are ready to cooperate with the Central and Western Governments on all these issues.
00:40And that is why the biggest thing is design.
00:45Even today, the big companies of the world, their research and innovation centres are in India.
00:53All of you are familiar with India's talent.
00:59You have complete faith in India's talent.
01:03So we are giving a lot of strength in the mood of design in India, so that we can give something new to the world.
01:16We are investing an additional $15 billion in semiconductors.
01:25As I said, investment is coming from all over the world.
01:30And the private sector of India is also investing a lot in these days.
01:39Recently, we held a Semicon India Summit.
01:44Some of you were there.
01:47India has the ability to become a reliable and credible partner in the global semiconductor ecosystem supply chain.
02:02Today, our electronic sector is worth more than $150 billion.
02:09Our goal is to take it to $500 billion by 2030.
02:16So that we can provide 6 million new jobs in this sector.
02:25To achieve these goals, we are ready to cooperate with the industry as much as possible.
02:35And I have been successful in proactivating my system.