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Lead Casting: Molybdomancy: The Oracle Art of Metal Casting, rituals, interpretation examples and lexicon with over 350 symbol explanations Paperback

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Lead casting is a branch of the ancient art of divination Pyromancy (Fire Oracle), which dates back to ancient times. This book introduces the magical world of metal casting. The introduction is facilitated by examples of interpretation, a lexicon with over 350 symbols and powerful rituals, which are described in detail: ~ Ritual to learn about the future financial situation and professional development ~ Ritual to make black magic or the "evil eye" harmless ~ Protection ritual to identify future dangers and obstacles ~ New Year's Eve ritual to learn about the future partnership ~ New Year's Eve ritual for the whole family

Lead Casting Molybdomancy: The Oracle Art of Metal Casting, rituals, interpretation examples and lexicon with over 350 symbol explanations.

Nik W. D. Goodman is the "White Diamond", an internationally known esoteric master and a very powerful medium. He was born in Greece and is in spiritual contact with light workers all over the world. For many years he studied ancient writings and acquired a deep spiritual knowledge across all magical arts.

Visions and contacts with other dimensions strengthened his belief in the existence of an invisible world and a higher power that secretly guides us through our lives.

Nik W.D. Goodman is a qualified parapsychologist and an esoteric master in demand all over the world, who uses his charisma and high spiritual abilities to help where special esoteric knowledge is required.

(Amazon & Ebay for Books):


If you have any spiritual problem and need help with supernatural or paranormal problems, do not hesitate to contact me and we will look at your case calmly and decide how and what to do to help you or your loved one.
If nobody believes you I am here for you, with over 25 years with real field experience in all Secret Arts
϶ϵ Nik W.D. Goodman ϶ϵ
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