• il y a 3 mois


00:00C'est un film qui a été réalisé avec le soutien d'Universal Pictures, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour
00:30leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci
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03:00soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci à eux pour leur soutien, merci
03:30Sous-titrage MFP.
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14:05Sous-titrage MFP.
14:10Sous-titrage MFP.
14:15Sous-titrage MFP.
14:20Sous-titrage MFP.
14:25Sous-titrage MFP.
14:40réduction facile
14:50Si c'est la dernière chose que je fais.
14:53Il marchait de l'un à l'autre pendant des jours et des jours et enfin une nuit.
14:58Il ne pouvait pas marcher un pas plus loin.
15:01Mais la prochaine matinée, le soleil est revenu comme un vieil ami de retour d'une longue vacation.
15:08Et son très premier enfant a ticlé la bouche de Peter et l'a réveillé.
15:14Et c'est là que je suis arrivé dans la histoire.
15:18Excusez-moi, Peter.
15:21Vous dormez sur mon grand toit.
15:23Vous devriez vraiment avoir été éloigné pour utiliser un grand toit comme un pilote.
15:28Je suis désolé, Mr. Sassafras.
15:31C'est bien. C'est mon plaisir, Peter.
15:34En fait, mon plaisir du grand toit.
15:37Où sommes-nous?
15:38Dans mon jardin.
15:40C'est le jardin des surprises où je grosse tous les légumes que j'utilise pour faire des jolies couleurs.
15:46C'est un peu magique, si je le dis ainsi, mon élément magique.
15:50Vous voyez? Vous voyez juste là-bas.
15:52Il y a des légumes rouges, blancs et bleus aussi grands que les maisons.
15:55Et des légumes d'or vert aussi grands que les bâtiments de l'église.
15:59Des tomates étroites et des aiguilles d'or.
16:02Pourquoi vous l'appellez le jardin des surprises?
16:05Tout le monde me pose cette question.
16:08Et je réponds, pourquoi ne pas l'appeler le jardin des surprises?
16:12Je veux dire, je ne sais jamais ce qui se passe.
16:15Parfois, je plante des légumes et des roses me surprennent.
16:19Pourquoi une fois j'ai planté des pommes?
16:21Et savez-vous ce qui s'est passé?
16:23Hein? Non, qu'est-ce?
16:25Des pommes.
16:26Maintenant, c'était une surprise.
16:30Eh bien, c'est toujours plus facile de changer les couleurs que de changer les marques.
16:34Eh bien, personne ne pourra jamais changer ma marque.
16:37C'est une erreur.
16:39Oh, ne soyez pas si déprimé, Peter.
16:41Quand vous êtes déprimé, ça devient très déprimant.
16:46Mais l'été est terminé et j'ai perdu.
16:49L'été est terminé?
16:51Ah, rien n'est jamais vraiment terminé, Peter.
16:55Là, c'est ma bière de demain.
16:58Pourquoi vous l'appellez la bière de demain?
17:01Parce que c'est ce que je l'appelle.
17:03Vous voyez, ça vous transporte vers l'aujourd'hui ou le demain.
17:07Par contre, la plupart des transports vont d'ici à là.
17:10La bière de demain va d'ici à là.
17:12Et d'ici à quand?
17:15Rencontrez le pilote.
17:20Allô, allô, allô?
17:21Un oiseau?
17:22Pardon, monsieur.
17:24Je m'appelle Zorin de Caterpillar.
17:27Nous avons notre premier passager, Antoine.
17:29Son nom est Peter Cottontail.
17:31Maintenant, montrez-lui comment tout fonctionne.
17:34Oui, bien sûr, je le ferai avec plaisir.
17:37Vous remarquerez, Peter, les nombreux boutons et boutons.
17:43Ils sont beaux, non?
17:45Ils sont marqués le futur et le passé.
17:50Et ici, bien sûr, nous avons plus de contrôles
17:53pour transporter l'un vers les vacances.
17:57Un bouton pour Noël.
17:59Une bière pour Halloween.
18:02Une bière pour Noël,
18:04une bière pour Mère Noël,
18:06une bière pour Saint-Patrick,
18:08une bière pour Valentin,
18:09une bière pour Arbor,
18:11et cette belle bière pour Noël.
18:14Hé, je comprends.
18:16Tout ce que je dois faire, c'est monter dans le sac
18:19et te faire emmener à Noël.
18:21C'est correct.
18:22Ensuite, vous pouvez transmettre vos oeufs
18:24comme vous devriez l'avoir fait au début.
18:26Gagnez le contest et tossez l'ancienne pierre.
18:31À l'été, Antoine.
18:32Bien sûr.
18:38Bonne chance, Peter.
18:40Merci pour tout, Mr. Sassafras.
18:42Mais je ne t'ai pas donné tout.
18:54Si je pouvais revenir à hier,
18:59Aujourd'hui serait un jour parfait
19:04Si je pouvais revenir à hier
19:08Oh, les choses différentes
19:12Je ferais la même chose
19:17Je serais un homme différent
19:21Si j'avais une seconde chance
19:23Ne serait-ce pas toi?
19:25Ne serais-tu pas toi?
19:27Je ferais un plan spécial
19:30Si j'avais une seconde chance
19:32Ne serais-tu pas toi?
19:34Ne serais-tu pas toi?
19:37Si je pouvais revenir à hier
19:42Aujourd'hui serait un jour parfait
19:46Si je pouvais revenir à hier
19:51Oh, les choses différentes
19:55Je ferais la même chose
20:00Je serais un homme différent
20:04Si j'avais une seconde chance
20:06Ne serais-tu pas toi?
20:08Ne serais-tu pas toi?
20:10Je serais un homme différent
20:13Si j'avais une seconde chance
20:16Ne serais-tu pas toi?
20:18Ne serais-tu pas toi?
20:20Si je pouvais revenir à hier
20:25Aujourd'hui serait un jour parfait
20:30Si je pouvais revenir à hier
20:34Oh, les choses différentes
20:38Je ferais la même chose
20:44Oh, hier
20:48Oh, hier
20:53Oh, hier
20:55Oh, hier
21:23Oh, hier
21:25Oh, hier
21:27Oh, hier
21:29Oh, hier
21:31Oh, hier
21:33Oh, hier
21:35Oh, hier
21:37Oh, hier
21:39Oh, hier
21:41Oh, hier
21:43Oh, hier
21:45Oh, hier
21:47Oh, hier
21:49Oh, hier
21:51Oh, hier
21:53Oh, hier
21:55Oh, hier
21:57Oh, hier
21:59Oh, hier
22:01Oh, hier
22:03Oh, hier
22:05Oh, hier
22:07Oh, hier
22:09Oh, hier
22:11Oh, hier
22:13Oh, hier
22:15Oh, hier
22:17Oh, hier
22:19Oh, hier
22:21Oh, hier
22:23Oh, hier
22:25Oh, hier
22:27Oh, hier
22:29Oh, hier
22:31Oh, hier
22:33Oh, hier
22:35Oh, hier
22:37Oh, hier
22:39Oh, hier
22:41Oh, hier
22:43Oh, hier
22:45Oh, hier
22:47Oh, hier
22:49Oh, hier
22:51Oh, hier
22:53Oh, hier
22:55Oh, hier
22:57Oh, hier
22:59Oh, hier
23:01Oh, hier
23:03Oh, hier
23:05Oh, hier
23:07Oh, hier
23:09Oh, hier
23:11Oh, hier
23:13Oh, hier
23:15We are falling
23:17This is an outrageous situation
23:23That's what little Antoine cried out
23:25as they tumble through the sky
23:27Here, see for yourself
23:29We are falling
23:31This is an outrageous situation
23:33We made it, that mon ami is obvious. Thanks of course to my superb piloting.
23:52Superb? We're a long way from Easter.
23:55Ah, well, tell me Pierre, in the rules of Apple Valley, does it say the eggs must be given at Easter?
24:05No, but who wants Easter eggs on the 4th of July? They didn't even want them on Mother's Day.
24:11Easter eggs, no, but 4th of July eggs?
24:17What I am saying mon ami, is that one sometimes must improvise.
24:24People believe what they are, still their eyes. So when you can't get it all together, improvise.
24:33When you can't get it all together, improvise.
24:38You can't tell a rose isn't a rose if you keep it away from your nose.
24:47It might be made out of papier-mâché, but it's a rose if you want a rose to be that way.
24:56People believe what they are, still their eyes. So when you can't get it all together, improvise.
25:05When you can't get it all together, improvise.
25:12So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
25:23Give your girl a valentine when you're giving out, instead of taking it any day is fine.
25:30People believe what they are, still their eyes. So when you can't get it all together, improvise.
25:40When you can't get it all together, improvise.
26:11When you can't get it all together, improvise.
26:19So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
26:29So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
26:39So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
26:49So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
26:58So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
27:08So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
27:18So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
27:28So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
27:38So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
27:48So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
27:58So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
28:08So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
28:18So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
28:26So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
28:36So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
28:46So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
28:54So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
29:04So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
29:14So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
29:22So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
29:32So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
29:42So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
29:50So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
30:00So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
30:10So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
30:18So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
30:28So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
30:38So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
30:46So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
30:56So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
31:06So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
31:14So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
31:24So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
31:34So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
31:42So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
31:52So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
32:02So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
32:10So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
32:20So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
32:30So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
32:38So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
32:48So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
32:58So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
33:06So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
33:16So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
33:26So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
33:34So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
33:44So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
33:54So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
34:02So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
34:12So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
34:22So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
34:30So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
34:40So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
34:50So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
34:58So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
35:08So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
35:18So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
35:26So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
35:36So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
35:46So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
35:54So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
36:04So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
36:14So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
36:22So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
36:32So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
36:42So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
36:50So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
37:00So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
37:10So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
37:18So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
37:28So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
37:38So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
37:46So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
37:56So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
38:06So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
38:14So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
38:24So give Easter eggs on the 4th of July. Put bananas in your apple pie on Halloween.
38:34I'll find him here.
38:38That's exactly what I and Hale say.
38:40And he meant it.
38:42Here, see for yourself.
38:44I shall hide these eggs
38:46where you'll never
38:48find them again.
38:54We've got to catch him.
39:00Why do you go off
39:02without your friend?
39:04Hang on, Bonnie.
39:06Not so fast!
39:08Can't go slow, Bonnie.
39:10I've got to catch Irontail.
39:12The whole future of April Valley
39:14depends on it.
39:20Come back for me.
39:24Antoine, we forgot all about it.
39:26We must go back.
39:28But I can't.
39:30I don't know how to make it go backwards.
39:32Au revoir, mon ami.
39:34Au revoir!
39:40You ridiculous rabbit.
39:42You'll never catch me.
39:50What are you doing with those eggs?
39:52Well, you know they belong
39:54to Peter Cottontail.
39:56Oh, why don't you stick
39:58to your own holiday?
40:02Well, Santa got
40:04the egg basket back to Peter.
40:06And poor Peter, he couldn't even stop
40:08the yes-tomorrow bill, not even to say thank you.
40:10I sure do miss Antoine.
40:14Peter thought he'd try
40:16being the New Year's Eve bunny.
40:18But he couldn't bring the yes-tomorrow bill
40:20to a stop. It's no use.
40:22I'll never figure out how to run this thing.
40:24I guess we're lost.
40:26Lost up here in time.
40:28You never tried this one, Peter.
40:30It says stop.
40:34As a matter of fact, I was just about
40:36to try that button out.
40:44Oh, how beautiful.
40:46What is it?
40:48All those heart lanterns.
40:50It must be a St. Valentine's Day skating party.
40:52Sure, that's it.
40:54You know what I'm gonna do?
40:56Don't tell me, let me guess.
41:02Nobody can resist a Valentine's Day egg.
41:06Excuse me.
41:08Oh, hi.
41:10I hate to bother you, but
41:12could you help me put my skates on?
41:14Oh, no bother at all.
41:16My name's Donna.
41:18Hi, Donna.
41:20Oh, I recognize you from your picture
41:22on the paper.
41:24You're Peter Cottontail.
41:26Oh, no, my name's Harold.
41:28Harold Hassenpfeffer.
41:30I guess I'm Peter Cottontail.
41:32Well, you shouldn't be ashamed.
41:34Anybody can make one mistake.
41:36You just overslept.
41:38Gee, that's a kind thing to say.
41:40I mean it.
41:42Yeah, yeah.
41:44Donna, would you skate with me?
41:46I'd love to,
41:48but aren't you going somewhere with those eggs?
41:50Oh, they can wait.
41:52Here for you.
41:54Oh, Peter, a valentine.
41:56I'll leave it here with the others
41:58where it'll be safe.
42:00I've got a paper heart
42:02that's got your name up on it.
42:04I've written a sonnet
42:06and set it to music.
42:10My heart's the number
42:12come and listen to it playing.
42:14It seems to be saying
42:16be mine today.
42:18Be mine today.
42:20Not another day.
42:22Be mine today.
42:24Not just today.
42:26For just a 24-hour day.
42:28Be mine.
42:30Oh, let me hear you say
42:32that you'll be mine.
42:34Can't wait another day.
42:36My valentine.
42:40Be mine today.
42:46Today's the day
42:48for good old-fashioned turtle-doving,
42:50for songs about loving,
42:52for hearing the music.
42:56So I'll be yours
42:58for just today
43:00and not tomorrow.
43:02My heart you can borrow
43:04for just today.
43:08I'm yours today.
43:10Not another day.
43:12I'm yours today.
43:14Not just today.
43:16For just a 24-hour day.
43:18Be mine.
43:20Oh, let me hear you say
43:22that you'll be mine.
43:24Can't wait another day.
43:26My valentine.
43:30Be mine today.
43:36What luck!
43:38I knew I'd find
43:40Peter and his eggs
43:42if I just kept waiting
43:44for all the holidays.
43:46Now let me see.
43:48Where's my book
43:50of evil spells?
43:52Here it is.
43:54The evil old bunny
43:56found a spell
43:58which would ruin the eggs for good
44:00and make them so that no one
44:02would ever want them.
44:04He turned them all green.
44:08Oh, and were they ever green.
44:10Real greeny green.
44:12All the way through.
44:14The shells were green.
44:16The yolks were green.
44:18Even the whites were green.
44:20Naturally, nobody at the valentine party
44:22wanted green eggs.
44:24Even Donna gave hers back.
44:26So poor Peter and little Bonnie
44:28were forced to move on
44:30to the next holiday.
44:32George Washington always had green eggs.
44:34Why, they were traditional
44:36at Mount Vernon when he chopped down
44:38the lime tree, remember?
44:40Washington couldn't tell a fib.
44:42I can't say the same
44:44for Georgie Bunnies.
44:46Oh, Peter!
44:48You've just about run out of holidays.
44:50And it's all my fault.
44:52If I didn't go to that party
44:54in the first place,
44:56I wouldn't have overslept.
44:58And if I didn't tell so many fibs,
45:00lots of people would have taken my eggs.
45:02But now it's hopeless.
45:04Who wants green eggs?
45:06Oh, Peter, Peter,
45:08the most important thing
45:10is that you just don't give up hope.
45:14In the puzzle of life,
45:16there is one piece
45:18that keeps it together.
45:22It's the hard one to place
45:26and the best one to chase.
45:30The stormy weather
45:32The stormy weather
45:36In the puzzle of life,
45:38there is one piece
45:40that keeps it from breaking.
45:44You can tell when it's there
45:48from the sound
45:50that your own
45:52heartbeat is making.
45:56If you find
45:58that it's lost,
46:00well, the puzzle
46:02cannot be completed.
46:06For that piece
46:08is called hope
46:10and without it,
46:12our cause is defeated.
46:16When you're lost
46:18in the maze
46:20of the tricks that life plays,
46:22be reminded
46:26In the puzzle of life,
46:28hope is there,
46:30listen close,
46:32and you will find it.
46:36And you will find it.
46:40And you will
46:42find it.
46:50What's that music?
46:52Gee, Mr. Sassafras is right.
46:54I vow
46:56that if only I can find a way
46:58to give my eggs,
47:00I'll never, never, never tell another thing.
47:02And I'll always tend to my duty
47:04before pleasure.
47:06I promise. I promise.
47:08It's some kind of a parade.
47:10Must be another holiday.
47:12But who...
47:14Who would want green eggs?
47:18Oh, must be say...
47:20What's the matter?
47:22Is your talker stuck?
47:24Bonny, Bonny, me prayers have been answered!
47:26Glory be in me gara!
47:28Tis St. Patrick's Day!
47:34Sure and tis, me hisself,
47:36the Blarney Bunny,
47:38get your Paddy's Day shamrock eggs right here!
47:40Free for the asking they are,
47:42and as green as the Emerald Isle
47:44all the way through.
47:46And that for once is no filth.
47:55Well, Peter's shamrock eggs
47:57were the hit of the St. Patrick's Day parade.
47:59Needless to say, Peter won the contest
48:01finally hands down.
48:03Peter Cottontail,
48:05you have shown great ingenuity.
48:08Oh, that's what Colonel Bunny said.
48:10Here, see for yourself.
48:14Peter Cottontail,
48:16you have shown great ingenuity.
48:19And therefore,
48:21you have won the right
48:23to be official
48:25Chief Easter Bunny.
48:31And on Easter morning,
48:33Peter was off again.
48:35Only now, he was the Easter Bunny.
48:38All of his friends turned out to greet him,
48:40because everybody knew that Peter Cottontail
48:43was on his way.
48:45Here comes Peter Cottontail.
48:47Here comes Peter Cottontail.
48:49Here comes Peter Cottontail.
48:51Hoppin' down the bunny trail,
48:53hippity hoppin',
48:55Easter's on its way.
48:59Drinkin' every gulp.
49:01Baskets full of Easter joy,
49:03things to make your Easter bright and gay.
49:08He's got jelly beans for Tommy,
49:10collard eggs for Sister Sue.
49:13There's an orchid for your mommy,
49:16and an Easter bunny too.
49:18Here comes Peter Cottontail.
49:21Hoppin' down the bunny trail,
49:23hippity hoppin',
49:25Happy Easter Day.
49:29Listen, Pierre!
49:31Antoine! Antoine, where are you?
49:34Up here.
49:36Look what has happened.
49:39Do you like my new Easter outfit?
49:43When I went to sleep for a few months,
49:46and when I wake up,
49:48well, I was butterflied.
49:53Come on, you can help.
49:55You can all help, everybody.
49:57Here comes Peter Cottontail.
50:00Hoppin' down the bunny trail,
50:02look at him stop,
50:04listen to him say.
50:07Try to do the things you should,
50:10maybe if you're extra good,
50:12he'll roll lots of Easter eggs your way.
50:16You'll wake up on Easter morning,
50:19and you'll know that he was there,
50:22when you find those chocolate bunnies
50:24that he's hiding everywhere.
50:27Here comes Peter Cottontail.
50:30Hoppin' down the bunny trail,
50:32hippity hoppity,
50:34Happy Easter Day.
50:38Happy Easter Day!
50:42Happy Easter Day!
