• il y a 2 mois


00:00:00Les voiles de la 1ère partie de la série sont associées à l'image de l'écran de la première partie de la série.
00:00:07Le faite est que les voiles sont en fait des écrans de la première partie.
00:00:20Les voiles d'une 2ème partie sont admis dans la 2ème partie du jeu.
00:00:25Les voiles sur la 1ère partie sont en fait des écrans de la première partie.
00:02:59Présenté par Le Crayon d'Oreille
00:03:18C'était l'anniversaire de la Nouvelle Époque à la Pole du Nord.
00:03:22L'heure était proche pour commencer la voyage de Santa.
00:03:26Les lumières dans le magasin de jouets s'illuminaient brillantement,
00:03:29révélant des jouets stockés de fin en fin.
00:03:35Sept d'entre eux travaillaient super vite,
00:03:38en faisant la dernière des nouveaux jouets brillants.
00:03:41Mais la huitième petite élève, nommée Calvin,
00:03:45travaillait lentement, en faisant beaucoup de bruit.
00:03:50Santa examinait profondément sa liste de Noël longue,
00:03:55tout en se détendant dans sa chaise préférée.
00:03:58Il mangeait un biscuit et boitait de la laitée,
00:04:01alors que les oiseaux remplissaient l'air.
00:04:05Les oiseaux étaient inquiets pour commencer la voyage
00:04:08sur la voie de la laitée avec des oiseaux.
00:04:12Ils n'arrivaient jamais à entendre les sonneries
00:04:15quand ils appuyaient sur l'esclavage magique.
00:04:19Bientôt, une pleine lune s'enlevait,
00:04:22et l'esclavage glissait dans le ciel.
00:04:25Alors rapidement, les oiseaux ont fait des jouets après des jouets,
00:04:29mais tout ce que Calvin a fait, c'était essayer.
00:04:32Pauvre petit Calvin, il a fait de son mieux,
00:04:36mais il n'a rien fait qui a l'air correct.
00:04:39Il était oublié, inattentif et lent.
00:04:43Son travail était vraiment un spectacle.
00:04:46Il a fait une dolle avec des cheveux brillants
00:04:49et il l'a habillée dans une veste calico,
00:04:52avec des oignons sur ses doigts et des cheveux brillants,
00:04:56mais ses jambes étaient vers l'envers.
00:04:59Il a fait une voiture et l'a peinte en bleu,
00:05:02certain que certains garçons l'admireraient.
00:05:05Mais Calvin a fait un terrible erreur.
00:05:08Sa voiture n'avait qu'une seule roue.
00:05:12Le fourmillier des Elfes a été nommé Heilig.
00:05:16Il a inspecté chaque jouet.
00:05:20Il voulait que chaque cadeau soit parfait
00:05:23pour chaque fille et garçon spécial.
00:05:26Calvin a fait une boue et des arbres,
00:05:29pendant que Heilig a inspecté un bouclier.
00:05:32Pauvre Calvin a brûlé l'arbre.
00:05:37Heilig était fatigué,
00:05:39mais il avait du travail à faire.
00:05:42Il n'avait pas le temps de s'arrêter.
00:05:45Beaucoup de jouets avaient encore à être inspectés.
00:05:48Oh, ses jambes avaient fait mal.
00:05:51Heilig a compté les tambours,
00:05:54les oignons et les cheveux brillants.
00:05:57Il a fait une voiture et l'a peinte en bleu,
00:06:00certain que certains garçons l'admireraient.
00:06:03Heilig comptait les tambours, les oignons et les cheveux.
00:06:07Il n'avait jamais vu autant de jouets.
00:06:10Il y en avait deux fois plus que l'année dernière.
00:06:13C'est-à-dire, deux fois plus de bonnes filles et garçons.
00:06:20Chaque année, plus d'enfants.
00:06:23Je n'aurai que des jouets suffisants
00:06:25pour les bonnes filles et garçons.
00:06:28Maintenant, laissez-moi voir.
00:06:30Cette liste devient de plus en plus grande chaque année.
00:06:34Mes petits elfes travaillent très fort
00:06:37pour faire des jouets pour tout le monde.
00:06:39Mais chaque année, il devient plus difficile de remplir tous les ordres.
00:06:43Oh, mon Dieu ! Regardez le temps !
00:06:46Notant l'horloge,
00:06:48Santa s'est déplacé à ses pieds.
00:06:50Le temps valable s'éloignait.
00:06:53Aucun autre instant ne pouvait être perdu
00:06:56ou il serait vu par la lumière du jour.
00:06:59Les graines de sande s'éloignaient
00:07:02alors que Santa s'attardait pour trouver son vêtement.
00:07:05Il avait l'air drôle,
00:07:07il s'accrochait vers la fenêtre
00:07:09car Santa ne portait qu'une seule chaussure.
00:07:12Ho, ho, ho !
00:07:19Le petit Calvin s'assoit doucement dans un coin
00:07:22pour réparer un grand bébé.
00:07:25Il s'assortit une de ses jambes bleues.
00:07:29Une jambe qu'il n'avait pas intentionnée de peindre.
00:07:32Heilig inspecta Calvin's work.
00:07:36Tout d'un coup, tous les erreurs qu'il avait espiées !
00:07:40Calvin regarda
00:07:42pour voir le visage de Heilig devenir rouge
00:07:45et souhaita qu'il puisse se cacher.
00:07:51Qu'y a-t-il, Nudnik ?
00:07:55Ma jambe fait de beaux jouets.
00:07:57Tout le monde mais toi.
00:07:59Je t'ai dit tout l'année
00:08:01que tu dois faire attention.
00:08:04Dis quelque chose.
00:08:06Je suis désolée.
00:08:08J'ai vraiment essayé.
00:08:10Je ne l'ai pas fait pour un but.
00:08:13Un but ! Un but, il dit.
00:08:15Oui, il y a eu des accidents.
00:08:18Il y a eu trop d'accidents.
00:08:20Chaque coup, c'est autre chose.
00:08:23Des dames ridicules.
00:08:25Des chiens morts.
00:08:27Des wagons inutilisables.
00:08:29Regarde ce couteau. Inutile.
00:08:31Calvin, tu ne fais pas attention.
00:08:34Je n'ai plus d'alternative
00:08:36que de te tirer.
00:08:38Tu peux m'aider ce soir,
00:08:40mais c'est ton dernier jour.
00:08:42Tu comprends, Calvin ?
00:08:44Tu es tiré.
00:08:47Des larmes grosses
00:08:49s'éloignaient des cheveux de Calvin
00:08:51comme s'il pensait être envoyé.
00:08:54Il savait qu'il allait manquer
00:08:56ses amis du Nord-Pole
00:08:58et qu'il allait avoir
00:09:00un jour de Noël misérable.
00:09:04Calvin aimait vivre
00:09:06au Nord-Pole de Santa.
00:09:08C'était sa seule maison.
00:09:10Il regardait ses amis
00:09:12pour la dernière fois
00:09:15et, malheureusement,
00:09:17il se sent seul.
00:09:22Il a intentionnellement
00:09:24arrêté de leur dire au revoir,
00:09:26mais ils n'ont pas
00:09:28l'intention de le voir.
00:09:30Calvin savait qu'il n'allait pas
00:09:32devenir l'un d'entre eux.
00:09:34Ils étaient aussi déçus qu'il.
00:09:40Calvin se demandait
00:09:42ce que Santa lui dirait
00:09:44en lui lire la note de renonciement.
00:09:46Curieusement, il se demandait
00:09:48où Santa l'envoyait
00:09:50en lui laissant son petit chapeau.
00:09:58Oh, Calvin !
00:10:00Que vais-je faire avec toi ?
00:10:02Je t'ai dit
00:10:04que tu devrais faire attention.
00:10:06Tu es un bon elfe,
00:10:08mais tu n'es pas prudent.
00:10:10Je suis trop occupé maintenant
00:10:12pour en discuter.
00:10:14Vas-y et aide-moi
00:10:16si ils te veulent
00:10:18et on en parlera
00:10:20quand je reviendrai.
00:10:22Le jardin était chaleureux
00:10:24et silencieux à l'intérieur
00:10:26quand Calvin a gentiment
00:10:28caressé les oiseaux.
00:10:30Avec des fleurs dans ses yeux,
00:10:32il s'embrassait chacun d'entre eux
00:10:34et les tenait tous proches.
00:10:36Curieusement, ils se demandaient
00:10:38ce qui se passait avant sa visite.
00:10:40Ils aimaient tous les elfes,
00:10:42mais Calvin
00:10:44était leur préféré.
00:10:46C'est un rêve stupide,
00:10:48pensait Calvin,
00:10:50de penser à demander de se renvoyer.
00:10:52Les faits étaient faits
00:10:54sans retourner.
00:10:56Et le fait est resté.
00:10:58Calvin a été tiré.
00:11:00Les oiseaux ont regardé Calvin
00:11:02s'assurer de ses pleurs
00:11:04pendant qu'il s'assoit
00:11:06pour essayer de l'assurer.
00:11:08Ils souhaitaient
00:11:10qu'ils disaient quelque chose.
00:11:18Est-ce que tous les jouets
00:11:20sont terminés, Heilig?
00:11:22Oui, monsieur.
00:11:24Chaque dernier.
00:11:26Même celui de Calvin.
00:11:28Il serait un bon garçon
00:11:30si il apprendrait à s'occuper.
00:11:32Peut-être que je pourrais
00:11:34lui donner une autre chance.
00:11:36On ne peut pas en parler maintenant,
00:11:38Santa, tu es en retard.
00:11:40C'est ce que je suis.
00:11:42Santa a rapidement vérifié
00:11:44le dernier nom sur sa liste.
00:11:46Voyant l'ombre presque vide,
00:11:48il a pleuré.
00:11:50Où est-ce que l'heure
00:11:52est partie?
00:11:54Vite! Vite! Il a crié à Heilig.
00:11:56Il n'y avait pas beaucoup de temps
00:11:58et beaucoup de choses à faire,
00:12:00pensait Santa,
00:12:02il devait aller dans la salle
00:12:04pour acheter son chapeau rouge.
00:12:06Il avait un schédule spécial.
00:12:08Heilig a essayé d'aider Santa
00:12:10à préparer ses vêtements.
00:12:12Il n'y avait pas de temps à perdre.
00:12:14Il a rapidement
00:12:16enlevé son costume tricoté
00:12:18et le goût des balles de mouche
00:12:20a rempli l'air.
00:12:22Les elfes ont commencé
00:12:24à paquer les sacs rouges de Santa
00:12:26et à les mettre en place.
00:12:28Ils ont pensé à la surprise
00:12:30de l'Awakening de Noël.
00:12:32Les elfes ont paqué des cadeaux
00:12:34de grande taille et de petite taille.
00:12:36Quelle fête magnifique ce serait!
00:12:38Les enfants seraient heureux
00:12:40qu'ils aient été bons
00:12:42en trouvant leurs cadeaux sous l'arbre.
00:12:44Les sacs ont devenu plus gros
00:12:46avec chaque nouveau jouet.
00:12:48Ils ont commencé à plonger
00:12:50de côté à côté.
00:12:52Enfin, le dernier jouet
00:12:54a été paqué doucement
00:12:56et les roues sur les sacs
00:12:58ont rapidement inspecté
00:13:00la pièce vide.
00:13:02Ils ont examiné les sacs encore une fois.
00:13:04Ils savaient que Santa
00:13:06attendait impatiemment
00:13:08quand les sacs ont été lancés
00:13:10du sol.
00:13:12J'espère que tout est prêt.
00:13:14Oh mon Dieu,
00:13:16je dois vraiment
00:13:22Il a été difficile
00:13:24de mettre les sacs sur le jouet.
00:13:26Les enfants avaient l'impression
00:13:28que les sacs étaient trop gros.
00:13:30Ils avaient tant de jouets
00:13:32qu'ils se demandaient
00:13:34où allait Santa.
00:13:36Ils ont poussé et tiré
00:13:38avec toute leur puissance
00:13:40en essayant de mettre les sacs
00:13:42en place.
00:13:44Ils n'ont jamais vu Calvin
00:13:46derrière le jouet
00:13:48regarder ou voir
00:13:50son petit visage triste.
00:13:52Ensemble, ils ont fait
00:13:54une grande surprise.
00:13:56Les sacs se sont enfin placés.
00:13:58Le jouet a été rempli
00:14:00de devant à l'arrière.
00:14:02Il ne restait plus
00:14:04d'espace pour Santa.
00:14:06Les elfes ont terminé
00:14:08leur travail pour l'année.
00:14:10Exhaustés, ils sont partis.
00:14:12Le petit Calvin
00:14:14se trouvait seul
00:14:16à côté de l'animal
00:14:18en regardant le jouet rempli de Santa.
00:14:20Les elfes ont étendu
00:14:22leurs couches
00:14:24et ont laissé leurs outils.
00:14:26Ils ont hâte d'un long sommeil
00:14:28et de la turquoise
00:14:30pour l'année.
00:14:32Très bien.
00:14:34Très bien.
00:14:36Avant de partir,
00:14:38je dois remercier tous les elfes.
00:14:40Ils ont travaillé très dur
00:14:42cette année et méritent
00:14:44un bon dîner et un peu de repos.
00:14:46Merry Christmas, tout le monde.
00:14:48Merci pour votre travail dur.
00:14:50Merry Christmas, Santa.
00:14:52Si vous avez besoin de quelque chose
00:14:54quand vous reviendrez,
00:14:58Je ne pense pas que ce soit nécessaire.
00:15:00Maintenant, je dois m'épouser.
00:15:02La boutique a l'air gentille
00:15:04avec tout en place.
00:15:06Chaque elfe s'est assise avec un sourire.
00:15:08Pendant ce temps, Calvin
00:15:10a regardé l'animal
00:15:12en se demandant
00:15:14comment Santa les a fait voler.
00:15:16Calvin a été à côté de l'animal
00:15:18en souhaitant qu'il puisse
00:15:20donner les jouets.
00:15:22Il a pensé à l'amusement
00:15:24que Santa devait avoir
00:15:26quand il visitait les filles et les garçons.
00:15:28Il a décidé de jouer
00:15:30à un jeu d'espoir.
00:15:32Ça serait sûrement très amusant.
00:15:34Il a regardé autour
00:15:36et s'est remonté
00:15:38dans l'animal.
00:15:40C'était quelque chose qu'il n'avait jamais fait.
00:15:42Calvin a pris l'animal
00:15:44dans ses mains
00:15:46comme la pluie nordique froide.
00:15:48Il a pausé un instant
00:15:50dans son jeu d'espoir
00:15:52en se demandant
00:15:54ce que Santa ferait maintenant.
00:15:56Essayant de ressembler à Santa,
00:15:58Calvin a tiré son poitrin
00:16:00et a tapé
00:16:02sur son cheveu.
00:16:04Il a brûlé fort
00:16:06en se posant sur le sol.
00:16:08Il n'y avait rien
00:16:10que Calvin avait peur.
00:16:12Arrêtez! Arrêtez!
00:16:16Je ne voulais pas que vous partiez!
00:16:22Je ne sais pas comment
00:16:24conduire cet animal!
00:16:26Oh, mon dieu!
00:16:40Frightened, Calvin
00:16:42clutched tightly the rein,
00:16:44en se demandant
00:16:46comment il pouvait tourner l'animal.
00:16:48Oh, comment il voulait
00:16:50ne jamais prétendre être Santa
00:16:52et qu'il soit en sécurité
00:16:54sur le sol.
00:16:56Il a crié fort
00:16:58lorsque le cheveu
00:17:00a brûlé fort,
00:17:02mais l'animal n'a pas entendu un mot.
00:17:04La pluie nordique a fait son voix
00:17:06ressemblant à un cris.
00:17:08Pauvre Calvin ne pouvait pas être entendu.
00:17:12S'il vous plaît, revenez!
00:17:16Oh, mon dieu!
00:17:22Les elfes avaient découvert
00:17:24l'animal manquant
00:17:26lorsque ils venaient dire au Santa au revoir.
00:17:28Ils ont cherché tout autour du sol couvert de neige
00:17:30en se demandant comment
00:17:32et pourquoi.
00:17:34L'animal ou le cheveu
00:17:36n'étaient pas vus nulle part.
00:17:38Les couloirs étaient couverts de neige.
00:17:40Les elfes ont cherché et cherché
00:17:42tout le monde
00:17:44en se demandant
00:17:46le haut et le bas.
00:17:48Ils ont cherché chaque inche
00:17:50de la grande boite rouge
00:17:52en se demandant
00:17:54si l'animal s'était emporté
00:17:56de la froide.
00:17:58En découvrant la boite vide,
00:18:00ils savaient que quelque chose
00:18:02n'était pas bon
00:18:04et qu'il devait le dire au Santa.
00:18:06Le cheveu a disparu!
00:18:10Regardez le temps!
00:18:12Nous devons le trouver!
00:18:18Oh, mon dieu!
00:18:20Heilig va vraiment me punir maintenant!
00:18:24Arrêtez! Arrêtez!
00:18:26Revenez, s'il vous plaît!
00:18:28Ils ne m'entendent pas!
00:18:32Nous avons cherché partout.
00:18:34Les pauvres enfants sans jouets.
00:18:36Je me demande qui aurait pu
00:18:38prendre le cheveu.
00:18:40Peut-être que c'était un gros monstre.
00:18:42Oh, ne soyez pas folles.
00:18:44Il n'y a pas de gros monstres.
00:18:46L'oiseau doit avoir disparu quelque part.
00:18:48Mais nous avons cherché partout
00:18:50sauf dans le ciel.
00:18:52Ils ne voleraient pas sans
00:18:54quelqu'un dans les pluies.
00:18:56Je ne peux pas croire que pour la première fois
00:18:58dans l'histoire de Santa Claus
00:19:00les enfants du monde
00:19:02Oh, quel mauvais jour de Noël!
00:19:06Et après tout notre travail dur,
00:19:08si les elfes ne trouvent pas le cheveu
00:19:10bientôt, il sera trop tard.
00:19:12Noël à la Pole du Nord
00:19:14est devenu la nuit
00:19:16la plus désagréable de l'année.
00:19:18Les elfes, malheureusement,
00:19:20ont pensé aux enfants
00:19:22qui attendaient Santa.
00:19:24Même Heilig a fait un sourire.
00:19:26Les elfes ont tous décidé
00:19:28de retourner au jardin.
00:19:30Il doit y avoir une clue
00:19:32quelque part près.
00:19:34Qui n'a jamais entendu parler
00:19:36d'un cheveu perdu, des sacs de jouets
00:19:38et tous ces oiseaux?
00:19:40Après toutes ces heures
00:19:42et des heures et des heures
00:19:44de faire des jouets.
00:19:48si le cheveu est perdu,
00:19:50je sais que je vais être en retard.
00:19:52Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire?
00:19:54Tu ne peux pas penser à quelque chose?
00:20:00Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire?
00:20:02Laissez-moi voir.
00:20:04Je devrais juste penser un peu.
00:20:06Là-bas, c'est Polaris,
00:20:08la Pole du Nord.
00:20:10En dessous de la Pole du Nord,
00:20:12c'est la Pole du Nord
00:20:14et à côté de la Pole du Nord
00:20:16est la maison de Santa.
00:20:18Si je suive la Pole du Nord,
00:20:20je trouverai la maison de Santa.
00:20:22En suivant la Pole du Nord,
00:20:24Calvin a respiré un sourire.
00:20:26Les oiseaux ont commencé à glisser
00:20:28lentement vers le bas
00:20:30quand Calvin a vu la terre couverte par le neige.
00:20:32Dans la distance faible,
00:20:34Calvin a vu le jardin.
00:20:36La fumée de la chimnière de Santa s'est approchée.
00:20:38Plus près, ils sont arrivés
00:20:40à la lumière brillante dans la boutique.
00:20:42Il n'y avait jamais eu de vue aussi chère.
00:20:48les chasseurs de fleurs ont touché la terre,
00:20:50s'écroulant dans la neige froide.
00:20:52Les oiseaux ont arrêté rapidement
00:20:54à l'avant de la maison de Santa
00:20:56quand Calvin a demandé
00:20:58« Est-ce qu'il y avait quelqu'un ? »
00:21:00Calvin a remarqué
00:21:02la lèvre lisse sur le sac de jouets
00:21:04en cherchant un endroit pour se cacher.
00:21:06Il a rapidement retiré l'arrière
00:21:08à l'ouverture,
00:21:10et s'est mouillé lentement à l'intérieur.
00:21:12C'est la nuit.
00:21:14C'est la nuit.
00:21:16C'est la nuit.
00:21:18C'est la nuit.
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00:24:02And the strange odor made Santa sneeze.
00:24:05Santa then entered an oriental home.
00:24:08His journey had been six hours long.
00:24:12When placing the gifts, he heard a loud noise,
00:24:16which was only a large brass gong.
00:24:22He visited a home called an orphanage,
00:24:25leaving 22 pairs of skates.
00:24:28He then filled 22 stockings
00:24:31and departed for the United States.
00:24:39After hundreds of visits,
00:24:41Santa reached his last stop.
00:24:43He was so exhausted he could hardly see.
00:24:46He dropped his bag as he sat down to rest
00:24:50beside a colorful Christmas tree.
00:24:53Upstairs in her bedroom,
00:24:55Kim, a little girl, slept.
00:24:58She was dreaming of what Santa would bring,
00:25:01snuggling closely to a brown teddy bear,
00:25:04hoping for a big doll and a swing.
00:25:08She dreamed of three stockings hanging in a row,
00:25:11stuffed with goodies from toe to the knee.
00:25:14Even in dreams she could hardly wait
00:25:17to discover the gifts under the tree.
00:25:24The last of the toys had been orderly placed.
00:25:27Tired, Santa could hardly stay awake.
00:25:31Accidentally, Calvin had been removed from the bag
00:25:35and given as a gift by mistake.
00:25:40Kim slept soundly as dawn drew near.
00:25:43The night was slipping away.
00:25:46Little did she know she'd be the only child in the world
00:25:51to receive an elf on Christmas Day.
00:25:57Merry Christmas, everyone!
00:26:00Merry Christmas and to all a good night!
00:26:16The lights on the tree softly twinkled.
00:26:19Calvin was quietly asleep.
00:26:23The lights on the tree softly twinkled.
00:26:26Calvin was quiet as a mouse.
00:26:28He wished he was back at Santa's North Pole.
00:26:31He didn't like being in a stranger's house.
00:26:34Sitting on the floor, Calvin began to cry
00:26:37as a tree bulb lit up his ear.
00:26:39If only he hadn't hid in the toy bag,
00:26:42he knew he wouldn't be here.
00:26:45Santa directed the deer and sleigh homeward
00:26:48as he watched the dim light of morning appear.
00:26:51He was glad all the toys had been delivered at last
00:26:54and it would be a merry Christmas this year.
00:26:58The bells on the sleigh jingled loudly
00:27:01as it quickly flew through the sky.
00:27:03Closer they came to the cold North Pole
00:27:06as Santa yawned with a sigh.
00:27:11Now I'm really going to go to bed.
00:27:14So am I.
00:27:17I can't remember a Christmas
00:27:19that came so close to not happening.
00:27:24Calvin knew he would soon be discovered.
00:27:27Desperately, he wondered what he should do.
00:27:30Could he hide somewhere or perhaps run away?
00:27:33He knew his choices were few.
00:27:36He looked at the toys, so quiet, so still.
00:27:40Then an idea entered his mind.
00:27:43Why, he'd pretend to be one of them
00:27:46and an elf doll the children would find.
00:27:50Dear Santa Claus,
00:27:52I have been a very good girl all year.
00:27:56Please bring me a doll and a swing
00:27:59and some coloring books.
00:28:01If you don't think that's too much,
00:28:03thank you and Merry Christmas.
00:28:06Love, Kim.
00:28:08Calvin wondered how an elf doll felt.
00:28:12He tried to look sort of dumb.
00:28:14He crossed his legs and made his arms limp,
00:28:17pretending to be lifeless and numb.
00:28:23Christmas morning had finally arrived
00:28:26as the excited children examined the toys.
00:28:29Their parents opened beautifully wrapped gifts.
00:28:32Poor Calvin was alarmed by the noise.
00:28:38Oh, look what I got.
00:28:40A beautiful little doll.
00:28:44Look what Santa Claus brought me.
00:28:47Santa Claus? He wouldn't bring anything like that.
00:28:50Somebody else gave it to you for Christmas.
00:28:53Where did Kim get that, Mother?
00:28:56I don't really know.
00:28:58I guess Santa Claus did bring it.
00:29:00I think he's sort of cute.
00:29:02Don't you, Kim?
00:29:04Oh, yes, I love him.
00:29:07That's just what I wanted, a little doll.
00:29:11Little Kim took Calvin into her arms.
00:29:15She felt Sherry and Robert were being unfair.
00:29:18It didn't matter, her doll wasn't perfect,
00:29:21and she pretended not to care.
00:29:24The gifts were scattered about the room
00:29:27as the children played with each new thing.
00:29:30Kim held tightly her new elf doll
00:29:33while examining an unassembled swing.
00:29:41I still think Kim's doll is funny-looking.
00:29:44Look at those funny legs and funny ears.
00:29:47He's not funny-looking.
00:29:50He's very nice and I love him.
00:29:53I'm glad Santa Claus brought him to me.
00:29:57Santa Claus?
00:29:59You know there really isn't a Santa Claus.
00:30:02I wonder where Mother and Father got that silly doll.
00:30:05Sherry laughed at Calvin's short laugh.
00:30:09Sherry laughed at Calvin's short little legs.
00:30:12Robert made fun of his large ears.
00:30:15Kim's feelings were hurt because they were being unkind,
00:30:19and she ran from the room in tears.
00:30:23Drying her tears, Kim noticed Calvin's hands.
00:30:28Curiously, his little fingers she began to feel.
00:30:32Looking at his face, she saw his eyes blink.
00:30:37He wasn't a doll. He was real.
00:30:41Her large blue eyes widened in surprise.
00:30:45Calvin knew he could no longer pretend.
00:30:49Kim then smiled warmly and tickled his nose.
00:30:53She wanted to be his friend.
00:30:56I'm going to be your friend.
00:30:58My name's Kim. What's your name?
00:31:02My name's Calvin and I come from the North Pole.
00:31:06I used to work for Santa Claus and now I'm here with you.
00:31:10You're in the United States and now you belong to me.
00:31:14You're my own little real doll and we're going to have lots of fun.
00:31:18So don't be afraid.
00:31:20I'm not afraid.
00:31:23Calvin tried very hard to return her smile
00:31:27when he saw Kim wasn't anyone to fear.
00:31:31Shyly, he tugged at his little coat
00:31:34and smiled from ear to ear.
00:31:38Kim neatly straightened Calvin's collar
00:31:41then helped him to his feet.
00:31:43Politely, she said,
00:31:45How do you do?
00:31:47An elf she was pleased to meet.
00:31:51Calvin then explained what had happened.
00:31:54She listened closely to every word.
00:31:57It was certainly a strange Christmas story
00:32:01unlike any she'd ever heard.
00:32:05He told her about Heilig and the elves,
00:32:08about the magic deer and sleigh.
00:32:12Calvin described how he'd hid in the toy bag
00:32:16and was delivered on Christmas Day.
00:32:20Kim thought it was an exciting story
00:32:24but the ending made her sad.
00:32:28She knew that Calvin missed his home
00:32:32and was sorry that he'd been bad.
00:32:59I'm going to be the best worker Santa Claus has!
00:33:03Don't be sad, Calvin.
00:33:05You and I are going to have fun together.
00:33:09Kim tried her best to cheer Calvin.
00:33:12She introduced him to her friend, Mr. Bear.
00:33:16Calvin became more interested in eating
00:33:19as the aroma of bacon filled the air.
00:33:23Calvin shyly told Kim he was hungry
00:33:26and asked for something to eat.
00:33:29His stomach growled as she left the room.
00:33:32Anything would be a treat.
00:33:36Mother, Calvin is hungry.
00:33:39I would like to have something to eat for Calvin.
00:33:43Calvin? Who's Calvin?
00:33:46That's my elf that Santa gave me for Christmas.
00:33:49And you know something, Mother? He's alive.
00:33:54Sometimes your imagination goes too far.
00:33:57But it's true, Mother.
00:34:00He's a live elf on the North Pole
00:34:03and Santa Claus gave him to me by mistake.
00:34:06And now he says he's hungry.
00:34:08All right, dear.
00:34:10If you want to have a little tea party for your elf,
00:34:12whatever his name is, you may have it.
00:34:15Now hurry with the food as your little Calvin will starve.
00:34:18Thank you and thank you for Calvin.
00:34:22Kim quickly returned to her bedroom
00:34:25carrying lots of food on a plate.
00:34:28They sat at a little round table
00:34:31as Calvin ate and ate.
00:34:34Kim thought it was fun to have a live doll,
00:34:38one that could walk and talk.
00:34:41She then told Calvin they would play school
00:34:44as she brought out a blackboard and chalk.
00:34:48Kim drew a strange-looking picture.
00:34:51It was a face wearing a frown.
00:34:54She told Calvin it was a picture of him
00:34:57with a smile upside down.
00:35:02Together they wrote their ABCs
00:35:05and drew a picture of Santa's sleigh.
00:35:08They became covered with colored chalk
00:35:11as morning slipped away.
00:35:14Look at you, Calvin.
00:35:16You've got chalk right over your face.
00:35:19Well, wipe it off!
00:35:23Where's Kim?
00:35:25She's still in her room with that funny-looking doll.
00:35:28She told me he was alive and they're having a tea party.
00:35:31That's silly. Why do you let her do that?
00:35:34It doesn't really matter and it keeps her occupied.
00:35:37You all did things like that when you were little.
00:35:40I never pretended I had a live elf.
00:35:42Oh, you did other things.
00:35:44Now just leave her alone as long as she'll be quiet.
00:35:47Kim then produced puzzles from a drawer.
00:35:50A contest would be lots of fun.
00:35:53Whoever finished first would win the game.
00:35:56Listening, Calvin munched on a bun.
00:36:02Eating now a red candied apple,
00:36:05Calvin was certain he'd win.
00:36:08But Kim finished first
00:36:10as Calvin searched for a puzzle piece
00:36:13stuck to his chin.
00:36:18The elves had discovered Calvin was missing.
00:36:21They wondered where he could possibly be.
00:36:24They searched every corner of the toy shop.
00:36:27They even looked under the tree.
00:36:30They looked under the wide workbenches,
00:36:33peeked in nearly empty buckets of glue.
00:36:36Heilig searched in a closet and found a mouse
00:36:40and began chasing it with his shoe.
00:36:43We've looked all over for Calvin
00:36:45and he's nowhere to be found.
00:36:47He's so thoughtless.
00:36:49He could have done almost anything.
00:36:51Now, he's not really that bad of a boy.
00:36:55He must be around someplace.
00:36:58You must keep looking.
00:37:00I want to have a talk with him.
00:37:02If it's about rehiring him, I'm against it.
00:37:05The elves had searched the entire shop
00:37:08and Calvin was the only one left.
00:37:11The entire shop.
00:37:13And Calvin wasn't anywhere within.
00:37:16Heilig motioned for the elves to follow.
00:37:19They would search the barn again.
00:37:23The seven elves inspected the barn,
00:37:26searching it through and through.
00:37:29They looked in the feed bin and in the loft
00:37:32as the forceful north wind blew.
00:37:35The elves were searching Santa's house
00:37:38when they entered the laundry room.
00:37:40Heilig decided to look in the clothes bag.
00:37:43Carrying it, he tripped on a broom.
00:37:46The dirty clothes were scattered about,
00:37:49cluttering the laundry room floor,
00:37:52bending to pick them up.
00:37:54Heilig mumbled as he bumped his head on the door.
00:37:58Heilig noticed the clothes covered with soot.
00:38:02Seeing the toy bag, he wanted to shout.
00:38:05Why couldn't Santa ever remember
00:38:08that he should be turned inside out?
00:38:11A piece of paper fell from the bag.
00:38:14Heilig thought he had seen it before.
00:38:17Quickly, he summoned all the elves,
00:38:20removing the note from the floor.
00:38:23As the elves drew near, they saw the note.
00:38:26It was last seen in Calvin's hand.
00:38:30Heilig felt sure he knew what had happened,
00:38:34explaining he took command.
00:38:37The elves listened closely as Heilig spoke.
00:38:40Looking at the bag, they imagined Calvin inside.
00:38:44Why, Calvin must have been delivered.
00:38:48He'd certainly chosen the wrong place to hide.
00:38:53They entered Santa's room, giving him the note.
00:38:57He could hardly believe his sight.
00:39:00Carefully, he wondered what he could do.
00:39:03He knew Heilig's theory was right.
00:39:07Poor little Calvin.
00:39:10He must be miserable.
00:39:13We'll have to make a plan to get him back.
00:39:16Santa, maybe I was too harsh with him.
00:39:20I hope he's all right.
00:39:23Calvin and Kim began to talk,
00:39:26wondering if Calvin had been missed.
00:39:30If so, could Santa possibly remember the last names
00:39:35on his Christmas list?
00:39:38Calvin became homesick and worried,
00:39:41but he tried not to let it show.
00:39:44Oh, how he wished he was home again,
00:39:48eating ice cream made of snow.
00:39:51Kim tried very hard to cheer Calvin,
00:39:54but there was little she could do.
00:39:57She told him to make a Christmas wish,
00:40:00and perhaps it would come true.
00:40:03Kim told him she truly believed in wishing,
00:40:07but only for a very special cause.
00:40:11Crossing their fingers and closing their eyes,
00:40:15they wished for Santa Claus.
00:40:22Hello, Mr. President.
00:40:25This is Mr. Santa Claus.
00:40:28I have a very special favor to ask of you.
00:40:31I must get a new visa to visit the United States
00:40:35because one of my elves was lost,
00:40:38and I must get him back.
00:40:40I'm sure you'll understand,
00:40:43and I promise to wear regular clothes.
00:40:46Strangely dressed, Santa climbed into the sleigh.
00:40:50The elves liked his foolproof disguise.
00:40:54He wore a raincoat and a tan straw hat,
00:40:58as sunglasses covered his eyes.
00:41:01Santa peered over the rim of his glasses.
00:41:04He hoped his plan would succeed.
00:41:07He shook the reins and whistled loudly.
00:41:11His command the deer did heed.
00:41:15This is the place where all the kids come to play.
00:41:19We don't have anything like this in the North Pole.
00:41:24Kim proudly took Calvin outdoors to play.
00:41:28Her elf, she wanted everyone to see.
00:41:31But Calvin knew his secret must be kept,
00:41:34and a doll he must pretend to be.
00:41:38The children first stared at Calvin,
00:41:41then began laughing and making fun.
00:41:45They'd never seen a doll so ugly,
00:41:48and were glad they hadn't received one.
00:41:51Such pointed ears they'd never seen.
00:41:55His legs made him look like a bird.
00:41:58Protectively, Kim held Calvin tightly,
00:42:01pretending she hadn't heard a word.
00:42:04One little girl tried to imitate Calvin,
00:42:07appearing to look lifeless and numb.
00:42:10Then a little boy tugged at his ears,
00:42:13making fun of the doll so dumb.
00:42:17Poor little Calvin wanted to yell,
00:42:20but he dared not make a sound.
00:42:23He wished the children would go away,
00:42:26but instead they gathered around.
00:42:29The children laughed and pointed at Calvin.
00:42:33He was the funniest sight they'd seen.
00:42:36Kim became angry with her playmates.
00:42:39They'd never been so cruel or mean.
00:42:42Quit that. Calvin's my doll and he's not ugly.
00:42:47Look at those funny ears.
00:42:50Look at those funny feet.
00:42:52Look at those silly clothes.
00:42:56They're not silly.
00:42:58He's an elf and I love him.
00:43:01How can anyone love a doll like that?
00:43:04I think he's funny looking.
00:43:07Yeah, so do I.
00:43:09Quit talking like that.
00:43:11He's my Christmas present and I love him.
00:43:16Santa secretly hid the deer and the sleigh
00:43:19in a place where they couldn't be found.
00:43:22He told them he'd continue the journey by playing
00:43:25as they listened, not making a sound.
00:43:30Santa finally had reached the large city
00:43:33as a door-to-door search began.
00:43:36He discovered some people to be unfriendly.
00:43:39After all, he was a strange-looking man.
00:43:43Santa felt he'd walked a hundred miles
00:43:46as he searched the south of town.
00:43:51He sat down to rest on a green park bench,
00:43:55relaxing as he looked around.
00:43:58The blue water rippled before him.
00:44:01Towering buildings stood to his right.
00:44:05He watched the trees move with the breeze.
00:44:08It was certainly a beautiful sight.
00:44:15Santa rode a bus to the north of town.
00:44:18Another search he was ready to try.
00:44:21He wondered if people questioned his raincoat
00:44:24when there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
00:44:30Santa entered the gate of a large white house.
00:44:34A sleeping dog he didn't see.
00:44:37The dog began barking and gave quite a chase.
00:44:40And Santa ran for the nearest tree.
00:44:44Santa saw children playing hide-and-seek.
00:44:47They were having lots of fun.
00:44:50Santa peered from behind a large palm tree
00:44:54and was surprised by a water-filled gun.
00:44:59Wondering where Calvin could possibly be,
00:45:03Santa shook his head with a sigh.
00:45:07Somewhere Calvin was waiting.
00:45:10He'd find him, or at least he'd try.
00:45:15Calvin's hungry again, Mother.
00:45:19That doll of yours certainly eats a lot for a little toy elf.
00:45:23He's not a toy, Mother.
00:45:26He's real.
00:45:28He's a real elf and he's hungry.
00:45:31Turkey, dressing, and applesauce cake were given to Kim on a tray.
00:45:36Her mother knew Calvin wasn't at all real.
00:45:40It was only a game Kim pretended to play.
00:45:44The food was placed on the little table.
00:45:47Kim arranged seats for three.
00:45:50Calvin, Kim, and the little brown bear were quite a trio to see.
00:45:57Calvin ate so much his tummy bulged.
00:46:01Kim feared he would soon turn blue.
00:46:04But Calvin ate the last crumb on the plate.
00:46:07He was full, but miserable too.
00:46:11You shouldn't eat so much, Calvin.
00:46:15When morning came, Santa felt much better.
00:46:18He had rented a room for the night.
00:46:21His search continued as a playground he spied
00:46:24and children came into sight.
00:46:28Santa moved closer hearing the noise.
00:46:31He wondered what the commotion was about.
00:46:35The children were huddled by the swings.
00:46:38Big ears, he heard one boy shout.
00:46:41Calling each other names wasn't at all nice, thought Santa,
00:46:45listening to the noise.
00:46:48Next year, they'd be sorry to discover no Christmas toys.
00:46:54He doesn't have big ears. That's the way elves all look.
00:46:59The children joined hands forming a circle,
00:47:02securing Calvin and Kim inside.
00:47:05They made fun of Kim's little elf doll as his ears she tried to hide.
00:47:11Calvin became frightened by the children's noise.
00:47:14He didn't understand their teasing for fun.
00:47:18Tears filled Kim's eyes as she started to cry.
00:47:22And home she wanted to run.
00:47:28Sherry and Robert felt sorry for Kim.
00:47:32They distracted their friends with a game.
00:47:35While everyone played, Kim held her doll tightly
00:47:39and in the sand wrote Calvin's name.
00:47:43Calvin noticed the stranger drawing near.
00:47:47He could hardly believe his eyes.
00:47:50Jumping reindeer, it was Santa,
00:47:54wearing a strange disguise.
00:47:58Santa was certain at last he'd found Calvin
00:48:03as he hurried toward the children at play.
00:48:06He watched Kim holding tightly her doll
00:48:09and wondered what he could possibly say.
00:48:39Oh, no! Poor Santa Claus!
00:48:42Slowly, Santa turned and walked away.
00:48:46There was nothing he could say or do.
00:48:49Even if he wanted to, he couldn't.
00:48:52He didn't know what to do.
00:48:55He didn't know what to do.
00:48:58He didn't know what to do.
00:49:01He didn't know what to do.
00:49:04He didn't know what to do.
00:49:07He didn't know what to do.
00:49:10Even if he told the policeman who he was,
00:49:13he'd never believe it was true.
00:49:17Leaving the park, Santa felt very sad,
00:49:21thinking he may never find Calvin again.
00:49:25Santa never noticed two boys on a bike
00:49:28racing through the playground sand.
00:49:31The boys were older and chose to play rough.
00:49:36They bullied the children as they climbed on the swings.
00:49:40Calvin wished that one would fall.
00:49:43Kim, I don't like those naughty boys.
00:49:46Let's go home.
00:49:48One of the boys saw the doll Kim was holding.
00:49:52He wanted his friends the dummy to see.
00:49:55They gathered around and began to laugh.
00:49:58Calvin thought, the dummy's not me.
00:50:03He doesn't have big ears.
00:50:06That's the way all elves look.
00:50:09I don't like those big boys.
00:50:11They always come over here and tease the little kids.
00:50:15Leave me alone.
00:50:17We're playing and we don't want any big boys around.
00:50:21Robert saw the boys were frightening Kim.
00:50:24He told them to go away.
00:50:27The tallest boy shoved him to the ground.
00:50:30Robert had nothing else to say.
00:50:33The boys then went into a huddle.
00:50:36Sherry took Kim by the hand.
00:50:39She told Robert it was time to go home
00:50:42as the boys whispered a plan.
00:50:46Before anyone knew what had happened,
00:50:49the boys grabbed Calvin and ran.
00:50:53They jumped on their bikes and raced away
00:50:57as Kim fell helpless in the sand.
00:51:09Bring back my doll. That's my doll.
00:51:12Calvin, don't let them take you away.
00:51:17The boys took Calvin to a large field.
00:51:21They laughed about what they had done.
00:51:24Calvin listened closely as they talked,
00:51:27wondering how could stealing be fun?
00:51:31The boys momentarily forgot about Calvin.
00:51:34Soon he discovered why.
00:51:37They were looking at a model plane,
00:51:40talking about how fast it could fly.
00:51:43Calvin had never seen a model so big.
00:51:46He thought flying, it sure must be fun.
00:51:50He wished that Santa's bag had been larger
00:51:53so he could have delivered every boy one.
00:51:57One of the boys spoke of the plane.
00:52:00It was the best toy he'd ever had.
00:52:03Calvin knew he wouldn't have received it at all
00:52:06if Santa had known he was bad.
00:52:09Oh no, they're not going to do that to me.
00:52:15They can't put me on that airplane. I'm too big.
00:52:19Besides, I don't know how to fly.
00:52:24Calvin was tied on top of the plane.
00:52:27Jumping reindeer, he couldn't fly.
00:52:31One of the boys spoke of remote control,
00:52:34explaining how it worked and why.
00:52:37All we have to do now is start the engine.
00:52:40We're going to make this dummy the pilot.
00:52:43I bet he'll be the best pilot there ever was.
00:52:46He's a little big to be the pilot of this plane.
00:52:49Ah, don't worry, it'll carry him.
00:52:52I think it's going to look cool flying alone.
00:52:55Okay, hurry up, let's get it started.
00:52:58They started the engine after checking the fuel.
00:53:02Calvin was to ride his first real plane.
00:53:06They laughed at the dummy looking so stupid.
00:53:10It seemed they'd given Calvin a name.
00:53:14The propeller of the plane rapidly turned.
00:53:17As the ground disappeared from sight,
00:53:20upward it flew as Calvin braced himself
00:53:23for his very first airplane flight.
00:53:27The plane tilted right, left, then right,
00:53:32circling high above the ground.
00:53:35Suddenly it began turning over.
00:53:37Calvin was flying upside down.
00:53:42Oh! Oh! Oh!
00:53:45Look at everything upside down!
00:53:48This makes me feel sick!
00:53:51Slowly the plane turned right side up.
00:53:54Calvin could see the boys below.
00:53:57Feeling dizzy, he wished it would land,
00:54:00but straight upward the plane did go.
00:54:04The boys took turns taking control
00:54:07as each maneuvered the craft.
00:54:09They thrilled with delight to see the grand flight,
00:54:12while at the dummy they laughed.
00:54:16Look at the chimneys and people!
00:54:20Oh! Oh, wow!
00:54:26I see a wire! I wonder where it goes to!
00:54:32Oh, my goodness! I think I'm going too fast!
00:54:38Gee, I wish my head felt better!
00:54:42All the blood is rushing to my head!
00:54:47Everything is happening so fast!
00:54:51Oh, I'm dizzy!
00:54:55Oh, my! Look at all the people go by so fast!
00:55:00One boy asked how low the plane could fly.
00:55:03His friend pointed to a tree.
00:55:06Checking the control, they navigated the plane.
00:55:09This would be fun to see!
00:55:12Let's see how close we can get it to the tree.
00:55:15Be careful!
00:55:17Suddenly the plane went into a nosedive.
00:55:20Its target, the tree on the ground.
00:55:23Louder and louder its engine roared.
00:55:26It could be heard from miles around.
00:55:29Closer and closer it came to the tree.
00:55:32Calvin thought for sure he was doomed.
00:55:35He expected the worst, preparing to crash
00:55:38when upward he suddenly zoomed.
00:55:45Boy, look at that! I made it zoom up!
00:55:48Let me try! No, I want to do it!
00:55:56Calvin wondered if he was dead or alive
00:55:59as the aircraft began to glide.
00:56:02Meanwhile, the boys were thrilled by the stunt.
00:56:06Calvin was shaking from the ride.
00:56:09Up and down.
00:56:12Around and around.
00:56:14The plane was remotely controlled.
00:56:17First flying high and then flying low.
00:56:20Calvin was getting brave and bold.
00:56:23The wings of the plane were spread like an eagle.
00:56:27As through the air like a jet, it soared.
00:56:30The boys had never seen anything like it.
00:56:34They watched as the engine roared.
00:56:39Let me see.
00:56:41These boys are controlling it from the ground.
00:56:44Maybe there's some way to control it from up here.
00:56:48Suddenly the plane seemed out of control.
00:56:51The boys were filled with concern.
00:56:54Examining closely the master switch,
00:56:57the problem they tried to learn.
00:57:00Calvin had discovered by moving a wire,
00:57:04the plane would fly off course.
00:57:07Now the boys were extremely worried.
00:57:10The problem was getting worse.
00:57:17Santa was discouraged as he wandered about.
00:57:20He spotted the boys flying a plane.
00:57:23When he saw Calvin, he feared for his life
00:57:27and loudly shouted his name.
00:57:30Calvin knew his wish had been granted
00:57:33when sighting Santa below.
00:57:36He pulled and pushed on the wire.
00:57:39Downward he wanted to go.
00:57:42The boys did their best to gain control
00:57:45as the plane circled the sky.
00:57:48But Calvin was determined he'd fly the plane.
00:57:51Or at least he was going to try.
00:57:57My, my! I think Calvin's gained control of the aircraft.
00:58:01My, my!
00:58:03The problem, the boys thought, had been discovered
00:58:07when briefly the plane responded to control.
00:58:10They watched it closely with fingers crossed
00:58:14while nearby Santa pretended to stroll.
00:58:18Suddenly the plane began flying downward
00:58:22heading straight for a traffic light.
00:58:25The boys tried to guide the plane upward.
00:58:28Poor Santa was filled with fright.
00:58:31Oh, look out!
00:58:34It's going to crash into the street.
00:58:37Look out! Pull it up! I can't!
00:58:40There seemed to be nothing the boys could do.
00:58:43Only Calvin could pilot that flight.
00:58:47As he pulled on the wire, the plane tilted upward
00:58:51and by inches missed the light.
00:59:18Santa stood watching in absolute disbelief.
00:59:23It was a miracle before his eyes.
00:59:26He scratched his beard as he wondered
00:59:29had Calvin made the plane rise?
00:59:32All through the sky the model plane flew.
00:59:36Calvin knew it was Santa he had spied.
00:59:39He pushed and pulled on the rudder
00:59:42and the plane weaved from side to side
00:59:45Staring at the controls, the boys were confused.
00:59:49Its signals were totally dead.
00:59:52The plane should have crashed long ago
00:59:55but it continued to fly instead.
01:00:03Flying's fun now that I'm not afraid.
01:00:07Learning quickly, Calvin knew how to fly
01:00:11but was uncertain how to land.
01:00:15The boys looked upward, not saying a word.
01:00:19Of their plane, Calvin had taken command.
01:00:23Calvin thought and thought about what to do
01:00:26to land on the street below.
01:00:29He wished he'd made the plane in the toy shop.
01:00:32Then he would surely know.
01:00:35The plane began making an unusual noise.
01:00:38Out of gas, it began to glide.
01:00:41Calvin tried to direct it toward the street
01:00:44as the wings dipped down to the side.
01:00:48It was a lucky break for Calvin the pilot
01:00:51that the fuel had all been used.
01:00:54For slowly the wheels of the plane touched the street.
01:00:58He landed without even a bruise.
01:01:01Oh Calvin, you've come back.
01:01:04Those naughty boys.
01:01:06I knew they couldn't keep you very long.
01:01:09Are you hurt Calvin?
01:01:12No, I had to get control and get back here.
01:01:16Santa paced back and forth wondering.
01:01:20Now what was he going to do?
01:01:23There had to be a way to get Calvin back.
01:01:26Suddenly, a way Santa knew.
01:01:30Kim was happy her elf doll was safe.
01:01:33She told him she was glad he'd returned.
01:01:37Calvin asked her to please listen closely
01:01:40and his secret she soon would learn.
01:01:44Now Calvin, you must tell me everything.
01:01:48All right, but you have to promise never to tell anyone else.
01:01:52While I was flying, I saw Santa Claus
01:01:55and he has come to get me and take me back to the North Pole.
01:01:59That is, if he still wants me.
01:02:01You know Kim, if I ever get another chance,
01:02:04I'm going to work hard and pay attention
01:02:06and not make any more mistakes.
01:02:09Oh Calvin, I don't want you to go away.
01:02:13We had so much fun together.
01:02:17Santa had borrowed a very large truck
01:02:21and was returning to the home of Kim.
01:02:24He thought of all that had happened to Calvin,
01:02:27hoping it had been a lesson to him.
01:02:31As Santa drove the truck down the street,
01:02:34he planned what next he would do.
01:02:37He had to be careful with every move,
01:02:40for he needed Kim's help too.
01:02:44The truck stopped in front of Kim's house.
01:02:47Santa saw the boys had found their plane.
01:02:51He looked at each one closely,
01:02:54memorizing each one's name.
01:02:58Hopefully, Santa approached the house
01:03:01and loudly knocked on the door.
01:03:04Kim heard her mother talking to Santa,
01:03:07the stranger Calvin mentioned before.
01:03:11We're collecting toys for next year.
01:03:14I'm sure with all the nice new things
01:03:16your children receive this Christmas,
01:03:18they won't mind giving up a few of their old and broken playthings.
01:03:23Maybe the other children have some things.
01:03:26It's a little early this year though.
01:03:28Usually you come around much later in the year.
01:03:31Oh, there are getting to be so many children
01:03:34that we have to start early.
01:03:36It takes a while to get them fixed and painted, you know.
01:03:40I guess you're right.
01:03:42I'll see what the other children have.
01:03:44I'm sure we can find something for you.
01:03:49I understand you received a funny little doll for Christmas
01:03:53and since he isn't really what you wanted,
01:03:56maybe you could donate him.
01:03:59But I love him.
01:04:01He's my own little elf doll.
01:04:03I'm going to tell you this,
01:04:05and you're the first little child in the world ever to see me,
01:04:10but I'm Santa Claus
01:04:13and I really need little Calvin to help me.
01:04:17Looking at Kim holding Calvin tightly,
01:04:21Santa knew she loved him too.
01:04:23Patiently he watched and waited,
01:04:26wondering what the little girl would do.
01:04:29It was difficult for Kim to make a decision.
01:04:32Should she keep Calvin or let him go?
01:04:35He had told her he wanted to go home,
01:04:38but she felt she'd miss him so.
01:04:42Kim looked at Santa and then at her doll.
01:04:47The North Pole was where Calvin belonged.
01:04:50Hesitantly she extended him to Santa.
01:04:53Thanking her, he waved and was gone.
01:05:01Taking Calvin under his arm,
01:05:03toward the street Santa hurriedly walked.
01:05:06As the boys carried the plane, Calvin saluted.
01:05:10They saw the doll they'd mocked.
01:05:14Look at that, that doll's walking.
01:05:17Yeah, he's getting into the truck with the old man.
01:05:21The boys watched Santa place him in the truck
01:05:25and then stepped toward the steering wheel.
01:05:28They were stunned by what they'd seen.
01:05:31Was it possible the dummy was real?
01:05:35Santa was overjoyed to have again found Calvin,
01:05:39but he knew he wasn't home yet.
01:05:41The children watched as he drove down the street,
01:05:44not knowing it was Santa they'd met.
01:05:52Kim and her mother stood in front of the house,
01:05:55watching the truck go out of sight.
01:05:58Kim missed Calvin,
01:06:00but she was certain that the decision she had made was right.
01:06:05Goodbye, Calvin.
01:06:07I'll always remember the fun we had.
01:06:11I remember. You promised to be good.
01:06:19At the airport, Calvin pretended to be a doll.
01:06:23The customs agent wondered what he should do.
01:06:26There was something strange about that toy,
01:06:29but he nodded and let it pass through.
01:06:32The plane carried a happy elf homeward.
01:06:35Santa told him where he'd hidden the deer.
01:06:38Calvin was anxious to see all of his friends,
01:06:41but Highleg he dreaded to hear.
01:06:45The reindeer were safely waiting.
01:06:48Santa and Calvin climbed in the sleigh.
01:06:51Soon the bells on the harness were jingling
01:06:54as Santa reined them on their way.
01:06:57Through the air the reindeer sped.
01:07:00The cold north wind began to blow.
01:07:03Anxious to return to the warmth of the barn,
01:07:06the deer hurried through the falling snow.
01:07:19The elves were thrilled with Calvin's return.
01:07:22Joyfully they jumped up and down.
01:07:25That is, all of the elves except Highleg.
01:07:28He watched, not making a sound.
01:07:32Calvin truly wanted to be Highleg's friend
01:07:35to prove he could make perfect toys.
01:07:38As Highleg listened, he knew Calvin was sincere.
01:07:42He'd learned a lot from the girls and boys.
01:07:45The elves were happy for Calvin was rehired.
01:07:48He wasn't going to be sent away.
01:07:51Although it was the beginning of a new work year,
01:07:54it was like another Christmas day.
01:07:57Starting his special list for next year,
01:08:00Santa relaxed in his favorite chair.
01:08:03Certain boys needed to be watched more closely.
01:08:07Giving gifts to naughty children wasn't fair.
01:08:11No sir, no toys for bad girls and boys.
01:08:16I'm going to keep my eyes on those boys down in the United States.
01:08:21They were wrong being mean to little children.
01:08:24They'd better be careful.
01:08:27Now let's see.
01:08:29I have to check my list again.
01:08:33All right men, we've had enough rest.
01:08:35We're starting in on the toys for next year.
01:08:38Calvin, you start working over there on that drum.
01:08:41And two of you start on that slide.
01:08:43And the rest of you find something to do.
01:08:45We all have lots of work to do.
01:08:47That's it. Now let's get this workshop humming.
01:08:51Are you doing better Calvin?
01:08:53Oh yes, I have no trouble when I pay attention.
01:08:57You're going to be proud of me Highleg.
01:08:59Just wait and see.
01:09:01The little elves began making new toys.
01:09:05Calvin discovered how work could be fun.
01:09:09Highleg laughed as the first toy was finished.
01:09:12And Calvin held up a drum.
01:09:20Santa recalled the unselfish little girl
01:09:23who had given up a toy so dear.
01:09:26He took a pencil and wrote Calvin a note
01:09:29requesting a special doll for next year.
01:09:33Santa knew there were many toys to be made.
01:09:36As his list began to grow,
01:09:38he made plans to secretly visit each good child.
01:09:42Who they were, only Santa would know.
01:09:57Calvin had received Santa's message
01:10:00and began making a special toy.
01:10:03He knew the gift would be perfect
01:10:05and Kim would be delighted with joy.
01:10:09Welcome back Calvin.
01:10:11All the little children in the world need toys
01:10:14and we must make them correctly.
01:10:17Highleg inspected the newly made toys
01:10:20before storing them on a shelf.
01:10:23He chuckled when seeing Calvin's perfect doll
01:10:26for it looked just like Calvin himself.
01:10:30The drum and the doll were only the beginning
01:10:33as Calvin worked super fast.
01:10:36He had finally become a perfect elf.
01:10:39Never again would he finish last.
01:10:45Being a good worker is easy and lots of fun.
01:10:48See what I've done by paying attention?
01:10:50And by the way, a Merry Christmas to everyone.
01:10:54That's right Calvin.
01:10:56May I say the same thing?
01:10:59Now remember, be good little girls and boys.
01:11:03Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.
01:11:05A Merry Christmas everyone.
