WCW World Tag Team Title Match - The Undertaker & Kane vs Booker T & Test - SmackDown 9/27/01

  • 3 days ago

The Undertaker and Kane defend their WCW World Tag Team Titles against TNT - Booker T and Test - on SmackDown on September 27, 2001.
00:00And kicking off SmackDown with the WCW Tag Team titles on the line!
00:16What an ovation for the Brothers of Destruction!
00:22Before the contest is scheduled for one fall, it is for the WCW Tag Team Champions!
00:30Coaching the ring at a combined weight of 658 pounds, they are the WCW Tag Team Champions, Kane and The Undertaker!
00:41The Undertaker and Kane successfully defending their titles at Unforgiven this past Sunday night!
00:47And welcome to SmackDown everybody, Michael Coleman, Paul Heyman, Taz is in WWF New York tonight for the Tough It Up Finale which airs immediately following SmackDown on MTV!
00:58But Unforgiven was awful tonight, Stone Cold Steve Austin lost the WWF title to Kurt Angle!
01:04Oh and I do have the advantage, Michael! Now let me ask you this, when Stone Cold shows up tonight, are you going to get in his face?
01:11Oh no, not at all! But we haven't seen Stone Cold Steve Austin since Sunday!
01:16Unforgiven at 282 pounds, Test!
01:20The biggest pick up by The Alliance thus far! A big time player and impact player for your Alliance Paul, Test!
01:28No doubt about it, what a move by Shane and Stephanie to acquire the services of Test!
01:36And what a tremendous opportunity for Test here tonight! A chance to win the WCW Tag Team titles!
01:47And being accompanied by the owner of the WCW, Shane McMahon, weighing in at 251 pounds, Booker T!
01:56Well it hasn't been a good week for the Booker Man!
02:02With a chance to redeem himself so to speak tonight by winning the WCW Tag Team titles!
02:08The five time former WCW champion, the most electrifying man in the course of entertainment today!
02:17So Book keeps up with Test to go for the Tag Team titles that belong to Shane O'Mac and The Alliance!
02:26Well this match was made by Shane McMahon, as Paul mentioned Shane does have jurisdiction over all WCW titles
02:33So Undertaker and Kane forced to defend the gold as we kick off Smackdown here tonight
02:38But Paul I gotta ask you, you stole the limousine out of the parking lot, is Stone Cold here?
02:43Have you had any contact with Stone Cold Steve Austin since Unforgiven when he lost the WWF title to Kurt Angle this past Sunday?
02:50No sir, I have not spoken to Stone Cold Steve Austin and quite frankly I'm a bit disturbed at that fact
02:57However my sources tell me that Austin will be here tonight
03:03Speculation is, rumor is that no one's heard from Stone Cold Steve Austin over the past four days
03:09Doesn't that worry you?
03:11It does worry me of course, Stone Cold Steve Austin obsessed with the World Wrestling Federation Championship
03:16That title meant everything to Austin and now he no longer has it, it's around the waist of WWF superstar Kurt Angle
03:22The Undertaker starting things off against Tess with a side headlock
03:26WCW tag team titles on the line as we kick off Smackdown
03:30Don't you think it's a shame that the WCW tag team titles are in the possession of the Brothers of Destruction
03:37No not at all
03:38Of the WWF
03:39And they want it fair and square, The Undertaker and Kane deserve it
03:42And look out now, tremendous suplex, WWF tag team titles
03:45Wait a minute, cover by The Undertaker in a kickout
03:47WWF tag team titles, they're in the hands of the Dudley Boys
03:51Isn't that a shame?
03:52No sir, it's a coup by the Dudley Boys
03:54Here tonight Y2J, Rob Van Dam, a rematch off their spectacular hardcore championship match just four days ago
04:01An unforgiving hardcore title is on the line here tonight
04:05Plus The Rock and Kurt Angle, expected as well
04:08Sidewall slam, could have new WCW champions
04:11No, Kane gets the shoulder up
04:13Not only does Tess pick Kane up with ease
04:17Drives Kane down into the canvas
04:20And now, here comes The Booker Man
04:23Booker T, no stranger to WCW tag team gold
04:27A ten time WCW tag team champion
04:31Delivering the right hand to Kane
04:34Booker T backing Kane into the ropes
04:36Here's the reversal
04:37WCW tag team titles on the line
04:39And Booker T is planted by Kane
04:42Imagine that, 300 pounds across the sternum
04:46Cover, hook of the leg, could have it, no
04:48Booker T gets the shoulder up
04:50It hasn't been a good week for The Booker Man and Shane McMahon
04:54It hasn't been a good week for The Booker Man
04:56Why don't you say something?
04:58The man is in the ring right now with a shot
05:00For the WCW tag team titles
05:02To me, that's a good week
05:04To me, that's an opportunity to take advantage of
05:08All I'm doing is telling the truth
05:09You should try that every once in a while
05:10As Tess comes in off the tag
05:12By Booker T and goes to work on The Undertaker
05:14Shane McMahon has no business being on the apron of the ring
05:17Distracting referee Nick Patrick and allowing here
05:19The double team by Tess and Booker T
05:23This match was made by Shane McMahon
05:25Who of course has jurisdiction over all titles
05:28Within the alliance, the WCW
05:30And there are the right hands by Tess
05:33Man, Tess is not intimidated by The Undertaker
05:36How many men can make that claim?
05:38Not many. Big elbow by Tess
05:40He has been impressive thus far
05:42Joining the alliance under The Undertaker
05:44Working on that arm of Tess
05:46Nice cross arm breaker by The Undertaker
05:49I'll give the man a lot of credit
05:51He's taken the fight to Tess
05:53But Tess has been on such a roll lately
05:56Working on Tess' shoulder by The Undertaker
05:58A decade of destruction by The Undertaker
06:01Could be old school time
06:04Right on his feet
06:06Undertaker takes it
06:08He does it!
06:10This is illegal!
06:12The man goes to the top rope
06:14That means he's out of bounds
06:15He's walking on the top rope
06:17He comes down with such velocity
06:19It's a dangerous move
06:20Well this is illegal as well
06:22Booker T and Shane in the ring
06:23And Tess with a low blow
06:24Behind the referee's back
06:26Distracted by Booker T and Shane
06:28And I use the word distracted loosely
06:31Booker T with a low blow
06:33Over the referee
06:34Or at least over the referee with a shot
06:36Never mind, it's been passed
06:38Shane and Booker T go to work on The Undertaker
06:40A pack of dogs this alliance crew
06:43Thank you very much
06:45The stakes are high in this matchup
06:47WCW tag team titles on the line
06:50Tess catching his breath in the ring
06:52He was just taken down by Shane McMahon and Booker T
06:56Looks to me like the big dog
06:58Is getting beat up in his own yard
07:00Now Tess delivering the right hands
07:02It's been a three on one thus far
07:04To take The Undertaker out
07:05And here's Tess whipping The Undertaker
07:07Across the ring and into the corner
07:09Follows it up with a big clothesline
07:10And Tess Paul a pretty big dog himself
07:13Oh look out, Undertaker
07:15Look at the strength of Tess on the duplex
07:17Into the cover
07:19WCW tag team titles on the line
07:21And Undertaker just gets the shoulder up
07:24Yeah but just barely
07:25Tess is big and young and strong and agile
07:29And now in comes The Book
07:32Booker T
07:34Big shot to the chops of The Undertaker
07:37Knocking The Undertaker down
07:39The WCW tag team titles are on the line
07:41And you know Shane McMahon would love to have the gold
07:44Back within the alliance, wouldn't he Cole?
07:46Oh, imagine this
07:47Booker T has held the WCW tag team title ten times
07:53Ten times, Michael
07:55A five time champion
07:57A ten time tag team champion
07:59Booker T is all about the gold
08:02Well he's just about won every gold he's ever battled for
08:05With the exception of course of the WWF title
08:07From Raw this past Monday night
08:09As Undertaker delivers the right hand to Tess
08:12The Undertaker and Tess exchanging blows
08:14Undertaker trying to gain momentum in this matchup
08:16With the WCW tag team titles
08:18Let's call it like it is
08:19Illegal clothespins by The Undertaker
08:21But a legal clothesline
08:24Well that's a perfectly legal flying clothesline by Undertaker
08:27As he knocks Tess down
08:29Undertaker crawling toward the cover
08:31Can he get Tess here?
08:32There's one, there's two
08:33And Booker T breaking up the three count
08:35As Tess got the shoulder up
08:36What great teamwork by Booker T and Tess
08:39Shane O'Mac has a real thoroughbred tag team here
08:42Well I agree with you
08:43Tess and Booker T working tremendous together
08:45Off the neckbreaker, hook of the leg
08:46Top titles on the line
08:48And Undertaker just gets his shoulder up
08:50Tess not only doesn't step back from The Undertaker
08:53Tess takes the fight tooth and minute Michael
08:56You guys in the WWF blew it with Tess
09:00Well I'll admit it Paul
09:01There's not many people that can stand toe to toe with The Undertaker
09:03Like Tess Tess here tonight
09:05And Tess with The Undertaker
09:07And a terrible predicament here
09:09With the WCW tag team titles on the line
09:11The fans trying to come alive as Shane McMahon looks on
09:15No last ride by The Undertaker
09:17Tess has destroyed the vertical base
09:21What an uppercut by The Undertaker
09:23Trying to regain control of this matchup
09:26Tess ripped into the corner
09:27Undertaker, Tess going for the ride on the suplex
09:31And now Undertaker desperately needs to try to get to his brother Kane
09:35To make a tag
09:37Tess to his feet as well
09:38Right hand to The Undertaker
09:39Exchanging blows, center of the ring
09:42I'll tell you this Tess has been extremely impressive
09:45As has The Undertaker in this matchup
09:48Undertaker off the ropes, here we go
09:50Oh and both men knocked down center of the ring
09:53And this could be the first man to his feet to make a tag
09:56Could be the difference in this match Paul
09:58Oh no doubt, but Tess is a lot closer to Booker T
10:02Than The Undertaker is to his own brother
10:06Looks like a caged animal wanting to get into the ring
10:08Booker T wants to get in as well
10:10Can Undertaker make it to his brother?
10:12Can Tess make it to his corner?
10:15Referee administering the count for him into their feet
10:18And both men with two big boots to the face
10:21And both men down again
10:23How many men have the guts to kick The Undertaker right in the face?
10:27How many men can withstand a boot from The Undertaker?
10:31How many men can withstand a boot from Tess?
10:33We've seen Tess for a number of men
10:36And the crowd comes alive again and check this out
10:39Imagine the impact of those two huge boots
10:42Two huge boots
10:43Undertaker to the corner
10:45He'll toss Kane
10:47And Kane, he'll get Booker T a tag
10:49A big forearm
10:50Cheap shot, cheap shot by Kane
10:52Close fist by Kane
10:54Can anybody in the WWE stay with the rules?
10:58Oh look at this, big right hand by Kane as well
11:00Two men in the ring
11:01Kane to Tess
11:02The sidewalk slam
11:04With the WCW tag team titles on the line
11:07And Booker T's in illegally
11:09They're not following any rules
11:11Top slam
11:13Into the cover
11:14Hook to the leg
11:15There's one
11:16And what the hell is Shane doing?
11:18I can't believe Shane did that
11:20What do you mean you can't believe he did that?
11:24Wait a minute
11:25Undertaker with a right hand
11:27And Shane is not going to get his
11:29But Booker T in the ring
11:31With a scissors kick to the back of Kane's head
11:36Undertaker beating the hell out of Shane
11:38Booker T coming to his punches aid
11:40Kane and Tess both down in the ring
11:42All hell is breaking loose
11:47And again Undertaker backs it off the announce table
11:50I hate when they come over here
11:53Undertaker flipped back into the ring by Booker T
11:55Tess and Kane battling it out outside the ring
11:58Into the crowd goes Tess
12:00Kick to the face by Booker T
12:02Kane is following Tess into the crowd
12:04Cover by Booker T
12:06Hook to the leg
12:07No! No!
12:08Undertaker just got his shoulder up
12:10I don't want to hear you crying
12:12About Nick Patrick being close anymore
12:15That was a fair bout by Nick Patrick
12:18And Booker T look at this
12:20Yelling at Nick Patrick as Undertaker
12:22With a right hand
12:23The Undertaker battling back with a WCW tag title
12:27Booker T and Nick Patrick
12:29And both men knock heads
12:31Booker T and Undertaker down
12:33That was deliberate by The Undertaker
12:35What do you mean deliberate?
12:36Well I'll tell you what I mean
12:37This is deliberate by Shane McMahon
12:39Trying to steal a chair in the ring
12:40Shane McMahon was trying to save the WCW tag team title
12:44And Booker T with a steel chair
12:46Misses to The Undertaker
12:48And Undertaker's got Booker T running up
12:50Booker T!
12:52Chokeslammed by The Undertaker
12:57And look at Shane!
12:58Steel chair on the back of The Undertaker
13:01Flooring The Big Man
13:03And Shane again
13:06Oh he missed that time
13:07Oh no
13:08Your boss is in trouble Paul
13:10Oh no!
13:12He'll break him in half perhaps!
13:14His last ride!
13:16What an impact!
13:19And Booker T with a choke on The Undertaker
13:23Into the cover
13:25Oh no!
13:26He's bleeding out this way!
13:28Damn it!
13:29Damn it!
13:30Booker T attempts to win the title
13:32He did it!
13:33And the new WCW tag team champions
13:37Tess and Booker T!
13:40The Alliance wishes to congratulate The Undertaker and Kane
13:43On a phenomenal run as the WCW tag team champions
13:48One, two, three!
13:50WCW tag team champions
13:53Both Booker T and Tess!
13:55The Alliance, Shane McMahon, Booker T, Tess
13:58And that damn crooked referee Nick Patrick
14:01To screw The Undertaker and Kane
14:03Out of the WCW tag team title
14:07It's just an omen for what coming out is gonna be
14:09For Shane O'Mac and The Alliance
14:13Moments ago an absolutely shocking way to kick off Smackdown
14:16Booker T and Tess stealing the WCW tag team title
14:20From The Undertaker and Kane
14:22How can you steal something that belongs to you to begin with?
14:25Shane O'Mac!
14:27With a chair on The Undertaker
14:30Well Shane O'Mac had no business being in the ring
14:32And The Undertaker made him pay for it
14:34The last ride
14:35The referee Nick Patrick was down
14:37But check out Booker T
14:39With a steel chair from behind
14:42And then the cover
14:43Nick Patrick
14:44One, two, three!
14:47Nightmare three count!
14:48And with that Booker T, Tess
14:50Bring the WCW tag team titles
14:53Back to The Alliance
14:56And meanwhile during the break
14:58That limo in the parking lot was not Stone Cold's
15:01But Shane McMahon's
15:04We got him baby!
15:05We go!
15:06We got him Shane!
15:07We got the gold again!
15:10We got the gold baby!
15:11We're one of the stars of the Alliance baby!
15:12We got the gold!
15:14Let's go!
15:15Let's go!
15:16Let's go party baby!
15:17Let's go!
15:18We got him baby!
15:19You win it bro!
15:21Ha ha ha ha ha!
15:26And Paul, the referee went with him
15:28Nick Patrick went with him
