Jack and the Beanstalk - 1974 (Full Movie)

  • le mois dernier
00:00:30Jack! Jack! Wake up you lazy good for nothing. It's 7 o'clock. There's work to be done, get out and milk the cow if you want breakfast this morning young man.
00:01:00Cosby it's morning. Hey wake up. You better get up, we don't serve breakfast in bed around here you know.
00:01:14Look sharp.
00:01:30Cosby, where do you think this is a restaurant? I'll let you know when it's time to eat you worthless bag of bones.
00:02:00Hum hum.
00:02:08Mathilda I expect a lot of milk from you this morning. Don't let me down.
00:02:30Hum hum.
00:03:00Hum hum.
00:03:30And if they don't, maybe we won't have fish today.
00:04:00Hum hum.
00:04:02Hum hum.
00:04:04Hum hum.
00:04:06Hum hum.
00:04:08Hum hum.
00:04:10Hum hum.
00:04:12Hum hum.
00:04:14Hum hum.
00:04:16Hum hum.
00:04:18Hum hum.
00:04:20Hum hum.
00:04:22Hum hum.
00:04:24Hum hum.
00:04:26Hum hum.
00:04:28Hum hum.
00:04:30Hum hum.
00:04:32Hum hum.
00:04:34Hum hum.
00:04:36Hum hum.
00:04:38Hum hum.
00:04:40Hum hum.
00:04:42Hum hum.
00:04:44Hum hum.
00:04:46Hum hum.
00:04:48Hum hum.
00:04:50Hum hum.
00:04:52Hum hum.
00:04:54Hum hum.
00:04:56Hum hum.
00:04:58Hum hum.
00:05:00Hum hum.
00:05:02Hum hum.
00:05:04Hum hum.
00:05:06Hum hum.
00:05:08Hum hum.
00:05:10Hum hum.
00:05:12Hum hum.
00:05:14Hum hum.
00:05:16Hum hum.
00:05:18Hum hum.
00:05:20Hum hum.
00:05:22Hum hum.
00:05:24Hum hum.
00:05:26Hum hum.
00:05:28Hum hum.
00:05:30Hum hum.
00:05:32Hum hum.
00:05:34Hum hum.
00:05:36Hum hum.
00:05:38Hum hum.
00:05:40Hum hum.
00:05:42Hum hum.
00:05:44Hum hum.
00:05:46Oh non! Ne me dis pas que tu es un motard, Matilda!
00:05:48Ne me dis pas!
00:05:50Encore une fois, Matilda!
00:06:00Maybe I'm having a bad dream!
00:06:04With no milk to sell at the marketplace,
00:06:06how will my poor mother and I be able to buy food?
00:06:22Just our luck!
00:06:24Pay her down to the butcher!
00:06:25See that you get a fair price!
00:06:52Or a cow that gave no milk or butter, they're not worth a penny!
00:07:01This is the law that seems to rule us all, don't you try to break it!
00:07:09Though you may think you're riding handsome and tall, you're due for a fall!
00:07:18Rules are often bad, and this rule is one!
00:07:26Though it makes us mad, that's the way it's done!
00:07:37Don't you worry Matilda, I'll find a home for you!
00:07:40I'm not gonna sell you to a butcher!
00:07:47Hey, music Matilda!
00:08:44You like my music Jack?
00:08:50I've never met you before, how do you know my name?
00:08:52Oh I know lots of things my boy, more than you've ever dreamed of!
00:08:57I'm just a poor farm boy and I haven't seen much of the world!
00:09:00Bet you're a fortune teller!
00:09:11Well you're a bright boy, and that guess isn't very wide of the mark!
00:09:16Know what I really am?
00:09:21I'm a seller of miracles!
00:09:23My mother says miracles don't happen!
00:09:37You say you like music right my boy?
00:09:39Right! Music's one of my favorite things in the whole wide world!
00:09:43Makes me feel all bubbly!
00:09:47Well, if you like music you must believe in miracles!
00:09:51You see, music is a kind of miracle itself!
00:09:56I don't think I understand, how can music be a miracle?
00:09:59It makes you happy when you're sad, it turns your tears into laughter!
00:10:03I'd certainly call that a miracle wouldn't you?
00:10:07Hasn't music ever started your feet to dancing without you even knowing it?
00:10:11There is mystery in music!
00:10:17But, not only in music my boy!
00:10:21Mystery and miracles are all around us Jack, everywhere!
00:10:24And sometimes where we least suspect them!
00:10:27Take this bag for instance!
00:10:32It contains mysterious, miraculous and magical beans!
00:10:36Mysterious, miraculous, magical beans? Let me look!
00:10:40Besides a miracle won't happen without it!
00:10:44Besides a miracle won't happen until after you plant them!
00:10:48What kind of miracle will happen?
00:10:50Well, now that would be telling!
00:10:56I can see that you want them, so I'll tell you what!
00:10:58I know you have no gold, so I'll trade them for your cow!
00:11:01How does that sound?
00:11:03It sounds like you're trying to trick me!
00:11:05No sir, I might be a poor farm boy, but I'm not stupid!
00:11:10Oh, think it over carefully!
00:11:13This is a genuine miracle! Look!
00:11:19That's enough, you know you want them!
00:11:21I'm offering you a miracle, so make up your mind!
00:11:24Think, if you turn these beans down you may regret it for the rest of your life!
00:11:28When opportunity knocks, open the door my boy!
00:11:31It won't knock a second time, remember that!
00:11:33So, what do you say, do you want to trade your cow for my beans?
00:11:46Alright, I'll do it, I've made up my mind!
00:11:48A wise decision! Here, you're a lucky old man!
00:11:52Takes more than luck to get ahead in this world, I've got brains in my head!
00:12:09What? You dunce! You blockhead!
00:12:12Crackbrained simpleton! You...
00:12:16You numbskull!
00:12:19Noodle-minded nincompoop!
00:12:21And ignoramus!
00:12:24Alright, alright!
00:12:25Please mother, that's enough!
00:12:27You're right!
00:12:28I was wrong and I was foolish and I'm sorry!
00:12:31Your being sorry won't put one cold potato on our table!
00:12:35The only thing your poor father left us was that cow!
00:12:38And now you've given her away for a handful of worthless beans!
00:12:41Magic beans that can work miracles indeed!
00:12:44You foolish dunce!
00:12:46You blockhead!
00:12:48I'll teach you!
00:12:50Thanks to you we're penniless!
00:12:53How will we live?
00:12:55I'll teach you!
00:12:57I'll teach you!
00:12:59I'll teach you!
00:13:01I'll teach you!
00:13:03How will we eat?
00:13:05How will we live?
00:13:07Are we to become beggars?
00:13:09Or thieves?
00:13:11Is that what you want?
00:13:15What will become of us?
00:13:19I've worked up an appetite!
00:13:22Me too!
00:13:24Magic beans!
00:13:27Magic my elbow!
00:13:36I hope when you grow up you'll remember this day!
00:13:38Since there's nothing to eat, I'll drink some water and go to bed!
00:13:42Tomorrow I'll try to think of something!
00:14:03To be continued...
00:14:33To be continued...
00:15:03To be continued...
00:15:33To be continued...
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00:16:33To be continued...
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00:17:33To be continued...
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00:18:33To be continued...
00:19:03To be continued...
00:19:33To be continued...
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00:20:33To be continued...
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00:21:33To be continued...
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00:22:33To be continued...
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00:23:33To be continued...
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00:24:33To be continued...
00:25:03To be continued...
00:25:33To be continued...
00:26:03To be continued...
00:26:33To be continued...
00:27:03To be continued...
00:27:08To be continued...
00:27:13To be continued...
00:27:18To be continued...
00:27:23To be continued...
00:27:28To be continued...
00:27:33To be continued...
00:28:03To be continued...
00:28:34Hey! Wait for me!
00:28:41Where are you, princess?
00:28:47This is my beloved Prince Tulum.
00:28:49Tomorrow I'll be his wife.
00:29:00This is my warm, gentle, loving Prince Tulum.
00:29:05And don't you agree he's very handsome?
00:29:21A human child!
00:29:27What a stroke of luck!
00:29:32And best of all, it's a boy!
00:29:51It's been such a long, long time!
00:30:00Now, which method shall I use?
00:30:03Magic or my beauty?
00:30:05Madame Hecuba?
00:30:09Where are you, Mother?
00:30:16Vous avez l'air si jolie aujourd'hui, Mère.
00:30:28Mère, j'aimerais que vous rencontriez notre visiteur, Jack.
00:30:33Est-ce que vous voulez un petit déjeuner, mon garçon ?
00:30:35Oui, Madame, j'ai faim. Je veux dire, j'ai...
00:30:37Il n'y a pas besoin d'être timide avec moi, Jack.
00:30:39Viens avec moi et on va te fatiguer.
00:30:43Me fatiguer ?
00:30:45Margaret, va à ta chambre.
00:30:47Oui, Mère.
00:30:49Je reviendrai bientôt pour réparer ton maquillage, mon amour,
00:30:52après avoir vu les besoins de ce jeune homme charmant.
00:30:55Je te verrai plus tard, Princesse.
00:30:57Margaret a besoin de repos. Viens avec moi.
00:31:46La salle de dîner est à l'étage.
00:31:49Au lieu de marcher, je crois que tu aimerais monter.
00:31:52Monter ?
00:31:53Viens avec moi.
00:32:16Ah, voilà.
00:32:20De ce côté.
00:32:28Tu peux t'asseoir, Jack.
00:32:35Je vais te faire un déjeuner.
00:32:37Je vais te faire un déjeuner.
00:32:39Je vais te faire un déjeuner.
00:32:41Je vais te faire un déjeuner.
00:32:44Je vais te faire un déjeuner.
00:33:04Aide !
00:33:07Tu dois te calmer, Jack.
00:33:15Apprécie ton déjeuner.
00:33:19Tu le trouveras délicieux.
00:33:27Silence !
00:33:34Bois ton soupe.
00:33:36Je ne le ferai pas !
00:33:38Tu le feras.
00:33:40Non !
00:33:48C'est mieux.
00:33:55Bois tout.
00:34:08Ah !
00:34:13Quel déjeuner délicieux !
00:34:16Écoute son rythme d'esprit.
00:34:19Ça fait 20 ans que je n'ai pas mangé.
00:34:22Je dois renouer ma beauté.
00:34:24Je vais devenir une reine.
00:34:26Curses ! Mon fils Tulip est à la maison.
00:34:38Quand est-ce que tu es arrivé ?
00:34:41Tu joues à la sauverie des oiseaux à nouveau ?
00:34:48Tu as oublié de me tuer ?
00:34:51C'était toi le jour où j'ai tué le Joe ?
00:34:55Tu ne peux pas me tuer.
00:34:57Je suis le renouveau.
00:34:59Je veux que tu te calmes.
00:35:01Je vais lui donner un bon déjeuner.
00:35:04Je vais lui donner un bon déjeuner.
00:35:07As-tu oublié que demain c'est ton jour de mariage?
00:35:09Commence à t'activer comme un homme!
00:35:30Maintenant écoute-moi, Tulip.
00:35:32Je ne vais pas t'embrasser juste parce que nous ne vivons plus dans une grotte.
00:35:35Nous avons commencé une nouvelle vie.
00:35:37Je préfère vivre dans une grotte à la manière dont nous vivions.
00:35:40Et tu vas juste devoir t'habituer à ça, c'est clair?
00:35:59Demain, tu seras un prince et je serai la reine de la terre des nuages.
00:36:16Qu'est-ce qui se passe avec toi, ape?
00:36:24J'ai l'air d'un humain.
00:36:28Arrête! Il n'y a pas d'humains dans le château.
00:36:39Tu as fait un erreur!
00:36:46D'accord, d'accord, je l'admets.
00:36:48J'ai un humain.
00:36:49Et si tu as mon mot, je le partagerai avec toi.
00:36:51Mais pas jusqu'à la fête du mariage demain, tu gâchis de l'esprit!
00:37:01Je te promets de le manger maintenant!
00:37:05Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de mal?
00:37:08Cursed brat!
00:37:10Suivez-le, votre cerveau de potato!
00:37:12Il est quelque part dans le château.
00:37:13Trouvez-le avant qu'il s'en va complètement!