THE ADVENTURES OF THE SEASPRAY - Episode 31 - "A Deadly Game"

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THE ADVENTURES OF THE SEASPRAY - Episode 31 - "A Deadly Game"
Originally broadcast in Victoria 18th May 1967 & in South Australia 30th May 1967
Written by Robert Mansfield

MOPPY-KUN TV was previously on you tube and a page dedicated to keeping the memory of THE ADVENTURES OF THE SEASPRAY alive and will continue to do so on both you tube & Dailymotion)

Synopsis - Eden, New South Wales, Australia: - The Well's family encounter a counterfeiting ring landing them in a whole lot of hot water.

"These are the adventures of a charter schooner, of its Captain - journalist Dan Wells - and of his children as they roam the South Pacific"

Starring: -
Walter Brown as Captain Daniel Wells
Susanne Haworth as Sue Wells
Gary Gray as Mike Wells
Leone Lesianawai as Willyum

Featuring: -
Chips Rafferty, Bill Hodge, Douglas Hall, Peter Armstrong & Tasi Warn.

Directed by Eddie Davis
Music by Eric Gross & John Egginton
Production Manager - Chris Stewart
Photography by Mick Bornemann
Assistant - Terry Minear
Story editing by Bill Strutton
Produced by Roger Mirams

A Pacific Film Production in association with Screen Gems Filmed entirely in the South Pacific


00:01Is that you there, William?
00:35William, get the front lines and follow him.
00:43Do you all right?
01:05But I'm going to hit you and you missed hit the mouth of the torch but it's
01:10a lucky thing he got you to be finished but you think it was maybe the man in
01:14the dinghy last night but make you think that well I had
01:18a red signaling torch what was he looking for the kind of it money might be used as
01:22evidence against him but what not you to go get some sleep we have
01:26a much like that.
02:40Night but that means he does not. Ignore him I am.
02:46That how long would be with the fishing fleet for some type of a couple of days
02:49get the material for the article. I do have I can give
02:53it up. What's wrong with him I can get the message that you felt that you want to do
02:58something just the way.
03:08The red light flashing over there.
03:15The signaling here at night.
03:18The business. Sounds like
03:20a dinghy. Certainly didn't want me company well I'd like some company for dinner
03:25who's coming below.
03:42Looks like money floating in the water.
03:47Well. If you can pick it up.
04:06Good fishing today looks like money or.
04:10Is money. No identification at all that means we can
04:16keep it that these are American hundred dollar bill right nothing but hundreds.
04:24Count of it is probably part of the real thing but it was dry but not after thinking
04:28about it kind of it money all right. I have something to do with
04:34a boat last night could have done with the rest to get away from it what are we going
04:38to do now. Let's get over the fishing fleet that might be what I think it was headed.
05:22Yeah I'm down well I think it's going to be yeah I know I'd like to talk to you
05:28I've got no time for interviews but. It was important.
05:33That it's better for you. All right I'll come as you are again.
05:42I have to look more like
05:44a pirate.
05:53My nephew Jim. Now what do you want I wanted to tell you we found something in
05:58the water. Did you drag me up here just to tell you think that's important.
06:04Now you can wait till I'm ready come on Jim.
06:06Come on. My gosh where'd you get this money.
06:14Got wet we fished it out of the sea over this morning out of the sea it's kind of
06:19a U.S. money.
06:23We think it came from a dinghy we saw last night what are you building up to captain
06:27it was too far from land to think you still don't make sense that dinghy could have
06:31come from one of your boats are you crazy why would anyone want to smuggle U.S.
06:35counterfeit money out of Australia or maybe into Australia people here are not
06:39so familiar with the currency it's easier to pass that you better think of another
06:42way of getting yourself a story what I know your type all you want to start and
06:47you just don't care you get it why would I do such a thing because you're miserable
06:51like all writers all you want to do is to make your story more interesting all
06:54you're after is publicity I think we'd better forget it that's what I intend to
06:58do forget it but let me give you a word of advice captain I can't order you out
07:02of these waters but keep away from me fair enough but I intend to call the police
07:08in on this mister you do just that hold on Jeff suppose he's right he's so phony
07:16he smells suppose the crook is part of the fleet if Wells calls him on the radio
07:21then our boy will hear it for sure and he'll be warned I don't care what Wells
07:25wants I want him out of the way all right but let him go to the fleet that way the
07:30crook will never get wise to the fact that we're on to him now look I just want him
07:33and his boat out of here well all right but as long as he's got to stick around till
07:37tomorrow least we can do is treat him decently you treat him decently if you want to as far
07:41as I'm concerned he's just a cheap publicity hound
07:47Captain Wells! Captain Wells!
07:51Don't take him seriously he's not himself lately the fish are not funny he's a bit upset
08:02You all right there captain? Sorry I'd like to see him when he is himself
08:08Should I radio the police? No it's too late to make the brief tonight
08:12we'll take the money out there tomorrow
08:21William? Is that you there William?
08:51William get the spotlight put the spotlight on him
09:02Is that you all right? How's the life?
09:06Burton Glass what did he hit you with? He missed he hit the mast with his torch
09:25Well that's a lucky thing if he got you you'd be finished who do you think it was?
09:29Maybe the man in the dinghy last night what makes you think that?
09:33Well he had a red signaling torch what was he looking for?
09:36A can of his money might be used as evidence against him
09:39Well what now? You two go and get some sleep William and I will stand watch
09:43Good night then Good night
10:03William there he goes again he's using oars so he won't be hurt
10:20He won't get away this time
10:50He won't get away this time
11:20He won't get away this time
11:50He won't get away this time
12:20He won't get away this time
12:50He won't get away this time
13:20He won't get away this time
13:23He won't get away this time
13:26He won't get away this time
13:29He won't get away this time
13:32He won't get away this time
13:35He won't get away this time
13:38He won't get away this time
13:41He won't get away this time
13:44He won't get away this time
13:47He won't get away this time
13:59Alright let's have it what's the story?
14:02I don't know anything
14:04Now look Jim I'm warning you
14:06I've got every right to be out of my own boat without some maniac trying to ram me
14:12We found this on his boat
14:14It's the one he used to flash red signals with
14:16He left to use it again last night and nearly framed me with it
14:19Come on but that's a bit far fetched
14:21Anybody can have a torch
14:23How can you tell one torch from another?
14:25Here's the dent you made in it when you hit the mast over there
14:27Here's the paint off the mast trapping
14:29I'll beat you just for nothing
14:32That's confusing me
14:34I promise you he's gonna talk
14:36I can't
14:38They'll kill me
14:40Who's they?
14:42I ask you who's they?
14:55Get on the radio to the police and get them out here in a helicopter
14:57Okay sir
14:59Ready to talk now
15:01That's just a sample of what you'll get unless you tell us the whole story
15:05I'll tell you but I don't know much
15:07Where are you going this morning?
15:08To make a pickup
15:09From whom?
15:11I don't know
15:13What do you mean you don't know?
15:14It's the truth
15:16They throw the money over the side of a pleasure boat that passes every two weeks
15:20Mike when I go in to pick it up they've already gone I've never seen anyone
15:23What's the signal for?
15:25To tell them that I'm there
15:28They slow down they throw this watertight bag over the side
15:32Then I go in and pick it up
15:34Tie the bag under the pier and someone comes and picks it up
15:37But I don't know who
15:40Why Jim?
15:46Well you know how tough things have been for us
15:48Now don't give me that it's tough for every man out here and they don't turn crooked
15:53What now?
15:55You said you were going to a pickup when I told you
15:58After I lost the pickup the other night I radioed the pleasure boat to come back in this morning
16:02What time's the due?
16:03About now
16:05From which direction?
16:06North east
16:08Wear the stocking cap when you go out to meet the pleasure boat
16:13Get the dinghy ready
16:15What are you going to do?
16:17I'm going out to meet that yacht
16:18Are you crazy?
16:19They'll kill you
16:21I've never seen your nephew
16:22I'll wear his cap
16:23There's a good chance I'll find something out
16:25Be careful
16:26It's a deadly game you're playing
16:28You keep on the radio for a week
17:10I want to come aboard and talk to you
17:21Just stay where you are and be quiet
17:23Do you want to wake everyone?
17:24It's been a discovery
17:25What sort of a discovery?
17:28What's going on here?
17:30Just a quiet gas line sir
17:32Nothing to worry about
17:33I thought I told you that I wanted to know everything that happened on my boat
17:36Do you want to wake her up sir?
17:38What is all this?
17:39A masquerade party?
17:42Captain Dan Wells of the off-sea train
17:44Well what's all this about?
17:46First of all, who are you sir?
17:47Harris Carter, owner and captain of this boat
17:50In that case, you're the man I want to talk to
17:52Your boat's being used for illegal purposes
17:55That's right
17:56This man of yours is using your boat for a counterfeit money operation
17:59It's impossible
18:03I have a bag of counterfeit money right here to prove it
18:06This man of yours threw it overboard a few minutes ago
18:08I also have his partner on my yacht
18:11What have you got to say about this?
18:12This man is some kind of nut
18:14I was down in the engine room when I came up to some air
18:16Saw this man tickling so I stopped the boat
18:18Sounds very saddening to me
18:20Captain, I want to get to the bottom of all this
18:23Come aboard and we'll get the police
18:24They're already on their way here in a helicopter
18:26I'd like to see you aboard the sea train
18:28Fine, I'll be there
18:30Can you handle this man on the boat too?
18:31Yes, I think so
18:33Bob, take the wheel and head her over
18:36Come with me
18:42Captain Scott
18:43He's agreed to have the entire matter investigated
18:47I just found out the police can't come by helicopter
18:49They're coming by launch in a couple of hours
18:51What's all this about?
18:53What do you mean what's all this about?
18:54I just brought you out there
18:55You're trying to tell me you didn't speak to me half an hour ago?
18:58Mister, I've never seen you before in my life
19:01Then why did you stop here?
19:02Because you weighed me down
19:05Isn't your name Harris Carter?
19:07My name's Peter Mordesman
19:08Now I'd like to get moving if you don't mind
19:10Just a minute
19:11Don't you have a crewman named Roper?
19:17This is my crewman
19:19That's not the one I mean
19:21It's the only one I've got
19:23Bob, you ever seen that man before?
19:27Do you mind if we search your boat?
19:28I most certainly do
19:30Never heard of such stupid nonsense in all me life
19:32Bob, get out of the way
19:46Why did he change the subject?
19:48Nobody knows the helicopter is coming
19:50He thinks he can get away before the police launch gets here
19:52He's headed for the open sea
19:54Captain Scott, do you think your men can head him off?
19:56You bet they can
19:58We'll either ram him or turn him back
20:00My boat's a lot tougher than that little tub
20:03OK, radio your men then
20:08Get around the way
20:09Yes, Captain
20:31Faster, Roper, faster
20:39He's getting away
21:02Captain Scott
21:04You're next, drop your nets
21:31Well, if you're out, then I'll be in jail
21:33I thought the police would never get here
21:35I'm sorry you left, you had to be involved
21:37Ah, it's not the first time he's been in trouble
21:42Speaking of trouble, you owe me a dollar
21:44What for?
21:45For your attempt to do the dishes and I did them
21:48I'll be back
21:49I'll be back
21:50I'll be back
21:51I'll be back
21:52I'll be back
21:53I'll be back
21:54I'll be back
21:55I'll be back
21:56I'll be back
21:57I'll be back
21:58I'll be back
21:59The easiest money I've ever got out of you
22:01For that I'd do the dishes every night
22:03You would?
22:04That's for next month
22:05It's a deal
22:07Here's your hundred dollar bill
22:09It's that counterfeit money
22:12Here's some money for you
22:29Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
22:59oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
