• last year


00:00Today, Peppa and her family are at the museum, learning about dinosaurs
00:10Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, that's just how dinosaurs say hello
00:19Say, do you want to meet a real dinosaur?
00:24Our new time travel room can take us back in time to when dinosaurs lived, so we can meet them
00:30Dinosaur! Dinosaur! Dinosaur!
00:33I think that's a yes please, Miss Rabbit
00:36The time travel room takes you back into the past, where dinosaurs were still alive
00:44Ok, we do need to make sure we time travel safely today, ok?
00:51So hands and feet inside the time machine at all times
00:56If you want to see closer, use these special time binoculars
01:01And whatever you do, do not step on a butterfly
01:07Why would anyone want to step on a butterfly, Miss Rabbit?
01:12You'd be surprised, Peppa
01:15Anyway, off we go!
01:17Miss Rabbit's time machine is taking everyone back to when dinosaurs were alive, a long, long time ago
01:25That should be enough
01:28It worked!
01:30Of course it did!
01:32There is lots to see in the dinosaur jungle
01:36Look, a volcano!
01:40And lots of flying pterodactyls
01:43So pretty!
01:47But there is only one thing George really wants to see
01:52Dinosaur! Dinosaur!
01:55Oh he'll be along, but remember, real dinosaurs were a bit bigger than this one, George
02:03Speaking of which...
02:09Oh dear, the dinosaur is a bit scarier than George expected
02:14And pause! Sorry George, my dinosaur friend didn't mean to be scary
02:20That's just how dinosaurs say hello, remember?
02:23Maybe we should roar back and say hello too, then he'll know we're friendly
02:30And the good thing with time travel is, we can all try things again
02:36Ready to give it another go, George?
02:38Here we go then!
02:41Ready George? One, two, three!
02:47You did it George!
02:49George is very happy that Peppa helped him feel brave
02:53Oh, you want to go again?
02:56Oh alright then
02:58And George is really happy that he got to meet a dinosaur
03:05Mummy I really need a wee
03:14Mummy I'm bursting!
03:18Aha! Don't worry Peppa, there's a toilet right here
03:23You see, Peppa really needs the toilet, and this is a very fancy toilet
03:30Um, where is the toilet?
03:34Oh Peppa, it's um, I don't know where it is
03:41It's here!
03:45Do you need the toilet George?
03:48All done! Now to wash our hands, nice and clean
03:55Now, where is the flush button?
03:58I think this one looks quite flushy
04:02Peppa has turned on the hand dryer by mistake
04:08Whoops! Maybe it's this one
04:15Or maybe it's this one
04:19Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!
04:29Mummy, can we go to the toilets please?
04:35There's only one button left that hasn't been pushed
04:39The flush must be this one
04:48Phew! All done!
04:50Now George, you definitely don't need the toilet before we go
04:56Lovely! Come on then
04:58But Mummy, it's very messy in here
05:01Don't worry, this is a very fancy toilet, so all we need to do is step outside
05:12And as if by magic, ta-da!
05:17The very fancy toilet cleans itself
05:21This toilet is amazing!
05:28Peppa and her family are heading home
05:33But George is getting very wriggly
05:38What's the matter George? Do you need the toilet?
05:42But we've just been to the toilet
05:47Alright, back we go
05:53I hope you can hold it George
05:55George is desperate to use the very fancy toilet
05:59Everyone is desperate to use the very fancy toilet
06:03I think you're on mute, we can't hear you
06:07Today Mummy Pig is on a video call
06:11Ah well, let's circle back later
06:14In the meantime...
06:19Sorry, just going to mute myself for a moment everyone
06:24Hello Mummy, we're bored! Can you play with us?
06:30I'm a bit busy I'm afraid, I'm on a video call
06:33Ooh, we want to do a video call
06:38Why don't you ask Daddy Pig to set one up for you?
06:42Come on George!
06:44Daddy Pig has set up a video call with Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig
06:50Hello Peppa! And hello George!
06:54I want to be on screen George!
07:02George, can you hear us? Where's Peppa?
07:07I'm here!
07:09Peppa has joined the call from Daddy Pig's tablet
07:13Let's circle back Granny and Grandpa
07:17Circle back? What does that mean?
07:20Must be one of these circle buttons
07:24Oh, this isn't right
07:27Grandpa Pig has turned on a filter
07:31You're a robot!
07:35And George is a snowman!
07:42And I'm a spaghetti monster!
07:49There are lots of silly filters to choose from
07:54Erm, I don't know...
07:59Ooh, that's better!
08:02Where are you off to Peppa?
08:05Now there are two Peppas on the video call
08:10It's making a bit of an echo Peppa
08:15Let's call Mummy!
08:19You're on mute!
08:22Even I know that one!
08:24Sorry everyone, where's Daddy?
08:27I'm here!
08:33Now everyone is on the video call and everyone is a dinosaur
08:40Dinner's ready everyone, so time to hang up
08:44Bye Granny and Grandpa!
08:46Bye, speak soon!
08:48Ooh, bye!
08:51Maybe that's enough screens for today
08:54We'll circle back later
09:00Today Mummy Pig has received a package
09:04Ooh, thank you Miss Rabbit, I know exactly what that is
09:08Peppa and George are going to love this
09:11Mummy Pig has ordered an ice lolly maker and it...
09:15Looks like a penguin!
09:17I thought we'd use all the fruit from Grandpa Pig's garden to make very healthy, very tasty ice lollies
09:27Hello Mr Penguin, how do you work?
09:32Oh I remember, I had one when I was your age
09:37All we do is...
09:40We just...
09:42Mummy Pig does not remember how the ice lolly penguin works
09:46Perhaps we better look at the instructions
09:53Oh yes, we need ice for ice lollies
09:59The ice goes here and we turn this handle
10:06It sounds crunchy!
10:12Phew, now we lift up the wing
10:16Oh, the ice is all mushy
10:20Now we add the fruit
10:26Raspberries, my favourite
10:32Next we pour the raspberry ice mix into these moulds
10:38George has the lolly sticks, we use these to make the handles
10:44Good job George!
10:46And now we just need to wait for them to freeze
10:52Let's make more lollies while we wait
10:57Mmmmm, blueberries, my other favourite
11:01I like kiwi please
11:03And banana!
11:05Heather and her family spend the day making lots of fruity ice lollies
11:12And having lots of fun doing it
11:16But eventually...
11:17Oh no! There's no more fruit! What are we going to do?
11:24Knock knock! Don't suppose you need lots more fruit from my garden for any healthy tasty reason do you?
11:34Yay more lollies!
11:36Um, I'm afraid we can't make any more ice lollies you two
11:42Why not?
11:44Because we have to make space in the freezer by eating these first
11:50Peppa loves making ice lollies, especially very tasty fruity ones
11:58Today Peppa's playgroup are at the toothpaste factory
12:03And that's how toothpaste is made, understood?
12:07Um, not really
12:10Oh well it's more important to know how to brush your teeth, this way!
12:17The toothpaste factory has fun games to teach everyone about brushing their teeth
12:23Move the toothpaste, then push the button to squeeze out just the right amount
12:29And how much is the right amount?
12:31Just a small splosh!
12:34Great! Off you pop then!
12:47A sensational splodge of toothpaste, good job!
12:50Peppa is very good at this game but George is a bit confused
12:57Not like that George!
12:59I'll help you
13:01It goes on the toy toothbrush, not in your mouth
13:05Great job everyone, this way!
13:08Next we brush the teeth to make them nice and shiny
13:12Look out sneaky bits of food!
13:16Gotcha! Alright, off you go!
13:22Give those teeth a brilliant brush!
13:25Peppa is good at this game too, but George is confused again
13:31No George, you have to brush the big teeth, not your teeth, like this!
13:40Well done, those are some perfectly pearly whites
13:44Just one more step to go, we need to rinse the toothbrush with water, like this!
13:56Ready, steady, pew!
13:59Everyone really likes this game, but George is trying to spray himself
14:05Point it this way George, at the toothbrush
14:09What's wrong George?
14:13Oh, you want to brush your teeth!
14:18George wasn't confused after all, he just wanted to brush his teeth
14:23It's ok George, we'll get goodie bags of toothbrushes and toothpaste and all sorts soon, won't we Miss Rabbit?
14:34Oh yes, goodie bags, of course, good
14:39Give me a second
14:42Talk amongst yourselves, and here
14:45Thank you, thanks Miss Rabbit
14:49Remember George, just a little splodge, then you brush and rinse
14:56George loves brushing his teeth, everyone loves brushing their teeth
15:02Today, Peppa and her family are at a science museum
15:07They are very excited to see an exhibit all about magnets
15:13Oh, these aren't magnets, they're fish!
15:18The fish are made of metal, Peppa, so we can fish them out with these magnets
15:25Fishing rods! Just like on Grandpa Pig's boat
15:30Just be careful, magnets can be quite sticky
15:36Peppa and George are catching lots of metal fish
15:41And metal glasses
15:45And metal keys
15:49And all sorts of metal objects
15:56Stop! May I have my watch back please?
16:02Whoops! Sorry!
16:05Taw very much!
16:11There we are! Oh, maybe not
16:16Use the magnets to race your magnetic slime to the end of the track
16:24What magnetic slime?
16:27Maybe this button will give us the slime
16:32Magnets ready!
16:37Steady, go!
16:40The slime has little bits of metal in it, so it can stick to the magnets
16:45I'm winning! I'm winning!
16:48And the winner is...
16:55I can't see who the winner is
17:03What was that?
17:07Look, George!
17:09But what do pictures of us have to do with magnets?
17:27The board uses magnets and little bits of metal so you can draw on the pictures
17:34How creative, George!
17:43What do you think, Daddy?
17:46I look great, Peppa! Ah, not again!
17:51Everyone loves learning about magnets at the Science Museum
17:56Well, everyone except Daddy Pig
18:03Today Mummy Pig has brought Peppa and George for a special visit to the toy shop
18:10Hello, I'm looking for a mummy and two little ones for a special toy shop treat
18:15Have you seen them?
18:17That's us!
18:18Is it? Well what are you waiting for? Let's go!
18:26This is where you're able to create your very own special toy
18:34Let's wipe through to choose
18:36You could pick a robot or a princess or a silly monster or a...
18:44I didn't know you liked dinosaurs
18:47Dinosaur! Dinosaur! Dinosaur!
18:52George loves dinosaurs, they're his favourite
18:57I guess we know what he'll be making
19:00Have fun!
19:02Ooh, good choice! Lovely!
19:07A spaceman! A monster! A superhero!
19:13Peppa and George love making their own toys, they both like very different things
19:19Mine is a robot dinosaur!
19:26Fantastic! Now with a little toy shop magic
19:32The machine will make your toys! Lovely!
19:38Now you just need to pick an outfit for your toys
19:43There are lots of different outfits to choose from, but Peppa and George think these outfits are perfect for their new toys
19:53Perfect, in they go!
19:56Oh dear, the toy machine has put the wrong clothes on the toys
20:02The machine mixed up their clothes Miss Rabbit
20:06Oh yes, ah well they still look like fun toys to me
20:11And very creative
20:13La la la!
20:15Flying is fun! Whee!
20:19Wait for us Peppa!
20:23Wow, what is this room?
20:26This is a special new toy machine, just stand here in the middle Peppa
20:32What is it doing?
20:35Stay still!
20:37What was that?
20:39Ta da!
20:41The machine has made a little toy that looks just like Peppa
20:45Look George, I'm tiny!
20:52And so are you!
20:54Peppa and George love making toys in the toy shop, but George really loves being a toy too
21:03Today Peppa is going to Rebecca Rabbit's burrow
21:07Bye Mummy!
21:11Today Peppa is already at Rebecca Rabbit's burrow
21:16She's come to play a new video game called Carrot Catcher
21:21Do you want to play?
21:23Yes please, I'm amazingly really excellent at games
21:29Oh dear, Peppa doesn't know how to begin the game
21:33Um, I am amazingly really excellent at games
21:39But maybe it would be more fun if you started the game Rebecca
21:47Oh yes, I knew that
21:51First you pick your bunny, then you hop around and catch the carrots
21:58Oh yes
22:02Peppa is amazingly really excellent at video games, but she might need a bit of help with this one
22:11How do you catch the carrots please Rebecca?
22:15Like this!
22:19I'm good at this
22:23My turn
22:29Rebecca Rabbit is amazingly really excellent at this game
22:34Wow! You're really good at catching carrots Rebecca
22:40I've had lots of practice, do you want to play together now? We can be a team
22:47Yes! Wahoo!
22:52Got it! Yay! Here's one, there's one, whee!
23:00New high score!
23:03Peppa and Rebecca make a very good team
23:06Rosie, Robbie what are you doing?
23:11Hello you two, have you seen the twins? They've run off with our lunch
23:17We'll catch them!
23:19We're good at catching carrots
23:22And baby bunnies
23:30Found one, Rosie!
23:35Here's another one
23:37Robbie! Got it!
23:42Still good!
23:44Peppa and Rebecca are very good carrot catchers
23:48Hooray! Lunch is saved!
23:52For you!
23:54In fact, Peppa and Rebecca are amazingly really excellent carrot catchers
24:01Back soon Mummy!
24:03Daddy Pig has to pick something up from work, so Peppa and George have come with him to his office
24:09Sorry Mr Rabbit
24:17George really likes all the buttons in the lift
24:24Oh dear, all that button pushing has broken the lift
24:29Whoopsie George!
24:31Don't worry George, I'm a bit of an expert at lifts you know
24:39The buttons in the lift aren't working
24:42Hello, welcome to the lift
24:45Is this lift magic?
24:48No, it's voice activated, which means we just have to tell it where to go, much easier
24:57Hello lift, we would like to go to my office please
25:03The lift is working again
25:06Floor 2, office of bees
25:10But it hasn't taken them to Daddy Pig's office
25:16No, not office of bees, office please
25:22Floor 6, office cheese
25:26Mmm, I love cheese
25:30I said office
25:36Floor 60, our fish
25:40Silly magic lift
25:43The lift doesn't seem to understand Daddy Pig's voice
25:47I'll try, can we go to Daddy's job?
25:52Now arriving at the top
26:01Not the top, Daddy's job please
26:05Peppa and her family keep trying to get to Daddy Pig's office
26:09But the magic lift takes them to the wrong floors
26:17And spooky floors
26:22And even party floors
26:27But none of them are the right floor, until…
26:32My office!
26:38Hello Mummy Pig, we just had a little trouble with the lift, be there soon!
26:45Peppa and George really love the magic lift
26:51But Daddy Pig much prefers to take the stage
27:00Peppa and her family are ordering lunch at a sandwich shop
27:05Peppa, we don't order at the counter in this sandwich shop
27:10Peppa, we don't order at the counter in this sandwich shop
27:15We order at the special screens
27:19Oh, sorry
27:21Why don't you have a go at ordering a sandwich, Peppa?
27:26You can select different toppings for your baguette by pressing the pictures
27:31I'm very hungry
27:33I want a really big long baguette please
27:40Lettuce, tomato and lot of cheese
27:45Peppa is adding lots of cheese and her sandwich is getting bigger and bigger
27:51I know you're hungry, Peppa
27:54But that might be a bit too much cheese
27:57Oh, OK
28:00Now press the send button so the chef can make your order
28:04The chefs have received Peppa's order from the machine and are hard at work making it
28:09It looks so yummy and cheesy
28:14Now it's George's turn to pick his sandwich
28:23Look, that children's meal comes with a special surprise
28:34George can't wait for his special surprise
28:37Now it's Mummy Pig's turn to order
28:40I'll just have my usual
28:43Tomato and mushroom with six pickled onions, two cheese slices, olives, no cucumber, half a red pepper and a sprinkle of chilli sauce and a whole wheat poppy seed baguette
28:50Um, did you say cucumber?
28:54Surprise! Surprise!
28:56No, no, George, no
28:58Surprise! Surprise!
29:00George, no!
29:02I suppose it's always good to try new things
29:06Peppa and George are enjoying their lunch while they wait for Mummy's extra special sandwich
29:13Mmm, it's very cheesy
29:16Dinosaur! Surprise!
29:21Mummy Pig's sandwich is being made
29:23It's a bit bigger than she expected
29:27It's ready, Mummy
29:29Oh, how, um, big
29:37I don't think I can eat all this on my own
29:40Would you like some?
29:42Oh, it's a bit spicy
29:46Mmm, but very tasty
29:50I might have a new favourite
29:54Everyone loves their sandwiches, even if they aren't exactly what they meant to order
29:59Today, Peppa and George are helping Daddy Pig tidy some old boxes
30:05What's this, Daddy?
30:07Ah, that's my trusty old camera, Peppa
30:11You press the button to take a picture
30:16And it prints the photo out
30:18Look, I can see it
30:20Can I have a go, please?
30:23Say cheese!
30:27Now Peppa is taking photos with the camera
30:32This camera is really fun
30:37Have fun!
30:39But there isn't much photo paper left, so use it wisely
30:44George loves taking lots of photos
30:48Oh dear, it's run out of photo paper
30:53Oh, but I love taking pictures
30:58Hmm, why don't we use my phone's camera instead?
31:03It can even add filters to a photo
31:10Daddy Pig's phone camera can even take photos
31:15Daddy Pig's phone camera has given George a pretend moustache
31:20Come on, George, let's take more photos
31:24Peppa and George are having lots of fun taking pictures
31:28The phone camera has given Mummy Pig a flowery filter
31:32Say cheese!
31:35And Grandpa Pig has a very fine hat
31:40Peppa, George and Daddy Pig have come to the park to take even more photos
31:48Hello Mr and Mrs Bird
32:01Say cheese, Mr Bull
32:10What a funny photo!
32:13Daddy Pig wants to take a photo with Peppa and George by the ducks
32:18Say cheese everybody!
32:20One, two, three, cheese!
32:27Peppa and George are sticking all the photos from the day into a scrapbook
32:32Look at this one, George
32:35But some of the photos are blurry
32:38The photos don't have to be perfect, they just have to remind you of a lovely day
32:45Everyone loves taking photos and everyone has had a very lovely day
