The Man Behind The Gun - S.H. Dudley (1900)

  • anteayer
This song was in a show titled Three Little Lambs.

Music by E. W. Corliss (his full name was Edward Warren Corliss, and he lived from 1872 to 1916).

Words might be by C. D. Bingham (or was this someone who changed the words of Corliss to create lyrics about England?).

Don't confuse this song with "The Man Behind"--and don't confuse it with a Sousa march titled "The Man Behind The Gun."

Some nations that are famous for their guns of mighty size
Are full of words of love for us today.
For happenings of late have made them open wide their eyes
To learn that guns alone don’t win the fray.

Though a gun be big and mighty, there is something needed more
If battles must be fought and battles won.
We need that modest hero but a hero to the core.
You have heard of him the man behind the gun.

The man behind the gun! Boom, boom! Boom, boom!
The man who fought and won! Boom, boom! Boom, boom!
The man so tried and true to our flag red white and blue
The man behind the gun! Boom, boom! Boom, boom!

He fights Columbia’s battles in the top or 'tween the decks: in jungle, in the open, up the hill.
He’s eager for the order to advance. He never recks of danger, for he’s fighting with a will...


