Frank Crumit - Kingdom Coming (1927)

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Frank Crumit

"Kingdom Coming (And The Year Of Jubilo)"

Henry C. Work song

This song was popular during the Civil War. Please keep that in mind when you hear offensive lyrics, including the term "darkies"--at that time, such lyrics were not considered offensive. Offensive lyrics are to be deplored, but the bigger message of the song is that the North has won the war, so slavery is at an end.

Say, darkies, hab you seen de massa
wid de muffstash on his face go long de road some
time dis mornin' like he gwine to leave de place?

He seen a smoke way up de river where de Lincoln gunboats lay.
He took his hat and left very sudden, and I spec' he's run away!

De massa run, ha, ha! De darkey stay, ho, ho!
It must be now de kingdom coming an' de year of Jubilo!

He's six foot one way, two foot tudder,
and he weigh tree hundred pound.
His coat so big he couldn't pay the tailor,
an' it won't go halfway round.
He drill so much dey call him Cap'n,
an' he got so dreadful tanned.
I spec' he try an' fool dem Yankees
for to think he's contraband.

Oh, de massa run, ha, ha! De darkey stay, ho, ho!
It must be now de kingdom coming an' de year of Jubilo!