• last year
El Presidente | One Bite
00:00So, where's the oven?
00:24It's in the house.
00:25It's just a normal oven.
00:27But this is your pizza?
00:29My pizza, I've been making them for...
00:32That's the name of our outdoor bar.
00:34Okay, what's up?
00:36How's it going?
00:37Alright, so it's just that you cook this in...
00:39You don't have a pizza oven?
00:40Nope, I don't have a pizza oven.
00:41I've been cooking pizzas for a long time.
00:43You do in the kitchen?
00:44Alright, let's check it out.
00:46I thought you were going to have some elaborate pizza oven for some reason.
00:50No, it's just a normal pizza.
00:53You know, when you were speaking to Derek on his birthday,
00:56he was so thrilled with that, and he was like,
00:59hey, I think he wanted to set me up for failure, I don't know.
01:02He may have, because it's like, I don't know what I was expecting.
01:06I like the flag, though.
01:08Yeah, that's his flag.
01:09Yeah, I love that.
01:10Alright, let's see.
01:11Normal oven.
01:13I usually bang out like three on Fridays for the family.
01:16So, it's a Friday tradition?
01:18I usually want them for...
01:19And they go blue.
01:20I'm going to make a backup, you know, just in case.
01:22Okay, alright.
01:25And then we give them out to like family and friends or, you know,
01:30someone who, you know, a couple uncles who are all by themselves.
01:34You know, I'm just making pizzas, and the boys don't live here,
01:37so usually, you know, I used to make three, I give them out.
01:41Alright, nice.
01:42That's cool.
01:44Well, the good news is, if we're being like totally honest,
01:47my expectations are low knowing that it's coming straight from like,
01:51I thought we were going to, because a lot of people have crazy outdoor pizza ovens.
01:54Yeah, you know, because everybody says they like it, and...
01:58Alright, so...
01:59So, I didn't want a fancy pizza oven.
02:01Alright, so Zucchin Murphy's Homemade Pizza, one of the first,
02:05is it the first home pizza?
02:08That may be the next iteration of Pizza Reviews,
02:10going to people's like actual backyard.
02:13I don't know if we're going to do oven pizza necessarily.
02:15I didn't even know you could do it, to be honest.
02:18He owns, Elliot owns a pizza place.
02:19Wait, what are you cooking, on a slate or something?
02:21I don't know.
02:22I picked up these pans I had, and they're to wash them.
02:24That's awesome.
02:28Listen, how truthful do we want me to be here?
02:34Derek, you say 100% truthful.
02:36Oh, absolutely.
02:37No sugar.
02:38He's a straight shooter.
02:39Okay, then we'll be straight shot.
02:41Alright, I'll say this.
02:43I wouldn't have 100% known it was made in a conventional oven,
02:48and on an actual going into a restaurant review style,
02:56it's a 5.8, which isn't horrible.
03:00There's deadly silence here.
03:02You said you wanted it real.
03:03We'll take a 5.8.
03:04You said you wanted it real.
03:06Derek wants straight shoots.
03:07I ain't 5.8 at anything.
03:09The number's unimportant.
03:11Yeah, I mean, how much better can you make?
03:13I don't think you can make it any better
03:15in an oven.
03:17It's not bad.
03:19I thought when you said oven, I was like,
03:21oh, this is going to be some awful shit.
03:24But no, you do a pretty good job with it.
03:26It's not horrible.
03:28No, it's good.
03:29What's the name of your local deli?
03:31What's the name of the local deli?
03:33Why, give me a shout out.
03:36My boy, Michigan Wake, he's a huge Michigan guy.
03:38No, it's just Michigan people out here.
03:40It is.
03:41He never takes his hat off.
03:43We talk to him all the time.
03:44Every time there's a track meet.
03:46I was like, I've seen you.
03:47He's a track man.
03:48Shout out.
03:49You two know each other.
03:50I met Elio before.
03:51He was big on Mr. Ice.
03:53And we were talking.
03:54What do you think?
03:56It's great, man.
03:57Really good.
03:58Love it.
03:59It's not great.
04:00I love all pizza.
04:02It is good.
04:03I could eat this every day.
04:04I could eat it too every day.
04:06It's a real score.
04:07Is this real?
04:08You call four minutes.
04:09What's the name of our bar?
04:10Our outdoor bar.
04:11Where's the outdoor bar?
04:13You want a drink?
04:14Love it.
04:15The Viva La Snooze liquor.
04:16So how did Derek become a Michigan fan?
04:18I'm sure he told me before.
04:19Followed suit.
04:20His father is.
04:21His brother is.
04:22So the whole fam.
04:24Oh, that's right.
04:25And he was lucky enough to...
04:27We never got to see a football game,
04:28but he's seen three hoop games.
04:30And he actually was able to meet John Beeline twice.
04:32Very cool.
04:33Unexpected in New York City.
04:35Both times we happened to...
04:37We were going down to see games.
04:38Both times we stayed in their hotel.
04:41Dave, actually, before we go out,
04:42if you wouldn't mind,
04:44signing Derek's Barstool flag in his room?
04:46Yeah, of course.
04:47Such an odd combo there.
04:49It's quite a combo, you know?
04:51Where's the flag?
04:52Right behind it.
04:53Oh, all right, yeah.
04:54Oh, yeah.
04:55Pirate dog.
04:56You got to do that.
04:57That's the official.
04:58Very cool.
04:59Thank you so much.
05:00No, of course.
05:02Eli, all the New York.
05:03It is a crazy combo.
05:05Yes, yes.
05:06Yes, it is.
05:08He loved his sports.
05:10Very good witness stats and all that different stuff.
05:12Yeah, I remember that when we spoke.
05:14He couldn't play, but...
05:16He did play when he used to be little,
05:18before he went into a wheelchair.
05:20We had a banner made of him when he was like five.
05:22Oh, that's cool.
05:24He couldn't serve, but he was our hero.
05:26You know, he had muscular dystrophy,
05:28and for his whole life,
05:29he was raising, or we were raising money with MDA.
05:32He's been a goodwill ambassador,
05:33going to the national telethons,
05:35and so he's our hero.
05:37So this is just our...
05:39I love that.
05:40Who made this?
05:41Who made that, you?
05:42No, we had some lumberyard make it.
05:44My nephew did that one.
05:46He couldn't travel much,
05:47so we made this sidewalk
05:48so he could come out and enjoy everything.
05:50I love that.
05:51We just had the ramps all picked up here,
05:53like we're under construction a little bit.
05:55Yeah, yeah.
05:56So there was a ramp going from this garage.
05:59He could get around anywhere.
06:00What town are we in right now?
06:03Troy, New York.
06:04Is that why you asked about DeFazios?
06:06Yeah, DeFazios.
06:07It's right down the street.
06:09It's a great spot.
06:10Have you had the cake?
06:11The oil cake?
06:13We did pick up a couple pieces for you.
06:14Oh, there might be a piece for you.
06:15Oh, is that what you got?
06:16So we got one for ourselves.
06:17There's three left.
06:18Oh, those are the best.
06:19I was like, seriously?
06:20What else do we cook?
06:21Is that it?
06:22The pizza?
06:24I mean, it is...
06:25I may have been rough.
06:26That's a restaurant scale.
06:27I don't want to leave here
06:28and have you motherfucking me.
06:30Oh, no.
06:31Absolutely not.
06:32Let me tell you,
06:33this wasn't about the review.
06:35No, I know.
06:36It was about carrying out Derek's legacy.
06:38No, I know.
06:39It was one of these things.
06:40He followed you, and they do too.
06:44No, happy to do it.
06:45This was all about it,
06:46so we're very grateful
06:47that you would take the time
06:48to even do this.
06:49Oh, happy to do it.
06:50And the hardest part
06:51was not to tell anybody.
06:52Our family?
06:54Oh, good God.
06:55Yeah, that's the hard part.
06:56We both have big families,
06:57and that was the hard part.
06:58I was like, no.
06:59I don't want them showing up
07:00being like over there
07:01with the neighbors.
07:02They're going to be sitting
07:03at that table
07:04acting like they live there.
07:05I wouldn't mind it, but...
07:07Yeah, so...
07:08These guys are just talking horses.
07:12Thank you so much.
07:13No, no, no.
07:14It was...
07:15It helps us move forward.
07:17I know.
07:18I check off, so I would say...
07:19How much would you have a bunch of,
07:21like a list of things
07:23that you're going to do?
07:24We do.
07:25We have things that we would do,
07:26I call them adventures,
07:27that we would do with Derek,
07:28and then there's stuff
07:29that was left off
07:30that we didn't get to,
07:31or that we couldn't do
07:32because he physically couldn't do it.
07:35So we've been doing them.
07:37And then there's a couple things
07:38that he said to me,
07:39can you just wait,
07:40and I'll just be blunt,
07:41can you just wait
07:42until after I die to do that,
07:43like ride on Sean's motorcycle?
07:45Yeah, like he was afraid
07:46something would happen to us.
07:47Something, like,
07:48because we were the main carriers.
07:49Yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:50So Sean just,
07:51he got the bike,
07:52he has a couple bikes,
07:53but he had that one
07:54personalized and themed,
07:55and then I was like,
07:56well, my first ride,
07:57I got to do it,
07:58and then,
07:59and it was a good ride.
08:00Yeah, so...
08:01That's very sweet.
08:02You know,
08:03stuff like that,
08:05you know,
08:06stuff that he wouldn't have done.
08:07So he,
08:08and he asked for
08:09the danger activities.
08:11to be wait to wait.
08:12Smart guy.
08:14I mean,
08:15he went on hospice in January,
08:16and he kept saying,
08:17you know,
08:18I won't be here in June,
08:19but, you know,
08:20you can do it after that,
08:21and I'm like,
08:23is there other stuff
08:24that I can do?
08:25Very realistic look at it.
08:26Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:27He always embraced everything,
08:28so, yeah.
08:29How old was he when he passed?
08:31So he was diagnosed at two,
08:33it was a progressive illness.
08:34So when was he in the wheelchair?
08:39Diagnosed at two,
08:40wheelchair at 10.
08:42motorized wheelchair at 10,
08:44So he could,
08:47It was a progressive illness
08:48that affected all the muscles
08:49within his body,
08:50so he could move his head
08:51and hands,
08:52and then cognitively,
08:56one of his things.
08:57Sometimes that's harder.
08:58Yeah, yeah.
08:59He could never actually run,
09:01he was passing,
09:02one of his friends said,
09:03what are you going to do
09:04when having one of his uncles
09:05is up there?
09:06Are you going to walk over
09:07and see Uncle Tom?
09:08Because he hasn't been able
09:09to walk in a long time.
09:10He said,
09:11I won't be walking,
09:12I'll be running.
09:13I love it.
09:14So that's his quote now.
09:15That's his quote.
09:16That's kind of when,
09:17it's on Sean's motorcycle.
09:18It's on his back.
09:19Yeah, so it's,
09:21we just,
09:22I mean,
09:23we tend to take things
09:24and turn it into a positive
09:25throughout the years.
09:26You have to.
09:27I know,
09:28it's life, right?
09:30What are you talking about cake?
09:31I heard cake,
09:32and I don't even know.
09:33I'm going to get you
09:34the third piece.
09:35I'll get it from DeFazio.
09:36This place,
09:37near here,
09:39I had to review,
09:40they have the best cake,
09:42almost I've ever eaten
09:43in my life.
09:44What do you mean cake,
09:46It's called an oil cake.
09:47It's super heavy,
09:48but it's spectacular.
09:49Where is that?
09:50Right on the table
09:51on the other side,
09:52I didn't forget.
09:53I left it outside.
09:54I saw it in the blue bag,
09:55I was eyeing it.
09:56What is in there?
09:57A couple little,
09:58I call them sparkles.
09:59You know,
10:00whatever you do with it
10:01is what you do with it.
10:03You know,
10:05Is that the bracelet
10:06look like you're wearing?
10:08I have a Derrick bracelet.
10:10Are those in there?
10:11You want one?
10:13you have?
10:14Do you have extra?
10:16I do.
10:17I go in between this
10:18and a Derrick
10:19had a Michigan bracelet,
10:20so I was the one
10:21that got Derrick's
10:22Michigan bracelet,
10:23so I wear that
10:24and some of this,
10:26but yeah,
10:29Thank you so much.
10:31of course.
10:32What is this guy?
10:33Did you guys want a picture?
10:34You can jump in.
10:35It's about,
10:37you're heating it up,
10:39What are you doing?
10:40Go look at Derrick's Michigan.
10:43we get this bench,
10:44a friend of ours
10:45bought a bench.
10:46It's not here yet.
10:47A Michigan bench?
10:49it's a beautiful bench
10:50and it's Derrick's
10:51face on it.
10:52He does have
10:53his little blue hair.
10:54He was young
10:55and we did fundraising,
10:56you know,
10:58it's a beautiful bench
10:59in memory of Derrick.
11:00So it's going to go there?
11:02It has his quote on it
11:03and his face.
11:05that is a beautiful bench.
11:06And they're going to
11:07drop it off next Friday.
11:08I don't know what I was
11:10but yeah,
11:11that's beautiful.
11:12And it's going to go
11:13right there.
11:14This is Derrick's
11:15high school quote.
11:16He is kind of a big deal
11:18you know,
11:19and he passed it
11:20just like things,
11:21just sparkles like this
11:22started to happen
11:23and just so beautiful.
11:25we're just figuring
11:26it out.
11:28I love it.
11:29Make it positive
11:30as much as you can
11:31out of it,
11:32for sure.
11:34I don't know what I think
11:35about the Yankees
11:36rock next week,
11:37but what are you going
11:38to do?
11:39That is your one thing
11:40that you guys don't
11:42that you're the
11:43Red Sox guy.
11:44So there,
11:45there's the cakes.
11:48And then,
11:49this was a nice sparkle.
11:50So we had a family picnic
11:51and this is obviously
11:52the first event
11:53Derrick was going to miss
11:54and my cousin,
11:56It's the last one.
11:57So I was like,
11:59you know,
12:00I had to hide it
12:01because I was afraid
12:02someone would eat it.
12:03So I hid it in the fridge
12:04and I was like,
12:06Dave's got to have it.
12:07She went on Twitter
12:08and he had something
12:09about the BET
12:10for Michigan.
12:11So she made a bunch
12:12of cookies like that too.
12:18I was impressed
12:19that she,
12:20she goes,
12:21I go,
12:22how did you know that?
12:23And she goes,
12:25oh wow,
12:32It's like soaked
12:33with oil or something.
12:35I think that's what,
12:36I think oil cake
12:37is what it's called.
12:38You sink to the bottom
12:39of the ocean.
12:40I mean,
12:41it's heavy.
12:42It's not a white cake.
12:47maybe he brings
12:48you good luck
12:49this weekend.
12:50I know.
12:51I hope so.
12:54I know a couple
12:55of his buddies
12:56who were pole bearers
12:57went up to the track
12:58early in the season.
12:59So they went to his grave
13:00and said,
13:01hey Derek,
13:02you know,
13:03we're going up.
13:04Can you give us
13:05some stuff?
13:06And they lost us shit.
13:07They sent me a picture
13:08and they were like,
13:11they were like,
13:12he's playing with us.
13:13He's laughing
13:14is what he's doing.
13:18if you guys do
13:19anything in the future,
13:20I don't know,
13:21like events or whatever,
13:22but Derek was,
13:24something about Derek.
13:25He was a very giving person
13:26and saw the good in people.
13:27Sometimes he had to tap us
13:28on the shoulder
13:29and say,
13:30see the good in that person
13:31and then be like,
13:33I could use some of that.
13:34I love some of that.
13:35So he's,
13:36so basically we set up
13:37this fund
13:40to do good things.
13:41Double H is very close
13:42to our heart
13:43in Lake Luzerne.
13:44I don't know if you've
13:45ever heard of that.
13:46There's a camp that Derek
13:47used to go to,
13:51you know,
13:52it was for chronic illness
13:53and people
13:54and stuff like that.
13:55But anyways,
13:56we do,
13:58so we'll definitely.
14:00we're happy to help us
14:01if we can.
14:03come join us.
14:06Our big one is
14:07we do a huge bar crawl.
14:10In Troy.
14:11September 21st.
14:12September 21st this year.
14:16we do it down in Troy
14:17and everybody likes that
14:20I think we're in Mississippi.
14:22that's Arkansas.
14:24We've been doing it
14:25his entire life
14:26but all that money
14:27was going to MDA
14:28and to,
14:29you know.
14:30And the golf tournament.
14:32research and all that jazz
14:33or whatever.
14:34So now we're just trying
14:35to fund his memorial fund
14:36and we're going to
14:37do a scholarship,
14:38give kids whatever.
14:39If they need a wheelchair
14:40they need something.
14:42we're just hoping
14:43we can help.
14:44What Derek faced a lot,
14:46so I do case management
14:47for Albany Med Neurology.
14:49I was the mom
14:50and the case manager.
14:51So Derek saw
14:52me with my family
14:53as a patient
14:54and then Derek saw it
14:55firsthand when
14:56things weren't being
14:57covered under insurance.
14:58And then,
14:59you had to
15:00come up with the money
15:01and stuff like that.
15:03that was something that
15:04Derek really wants
15:05to leave behind
15:06and say,
15:07make things easier
15:08for families
15:09who have illnesses.
15:11Guys, great.
15:12Thanks for having us.
15:13Yeah, thank you.
15:14Yeah, no,
15:15happy to do it.
15:16Stephanie's smiling
15:17looking down.
15:18This is who he was.
15:19We're going to go
15:20visit him right now.
15:21This is when he was little.
15:22He wrote this himself.
15:23I love that.
15:24Isn't that good?
15:25I love that.
15:26We just made posters.
15:27I love it.
15:28Oh, I can't have that.
15:29I wasn't sure if you would
15:30do that.
15:31I was like,
15:32I don't want to steal
15:33your last one.
15:34I wasn't sure.
15:35I was like,
15:36I like this.
15:37I thought it was
15:38a good quote.
15:39I just made him
15:40the posters.
15:41He wrote it
15:42on a piece of paper
15:43and there was
15:44a letter
15:45and he wrote it
15:46at the bottom.
15:48He's taught us a lot.
15:49I love that.
15:51He surprised us
15:52with the Harley.
15:53So Harley's a big
15:54sponsor for
15:55Muscular Dystrophy.
15:56Oh, really?
15:58And so my kids
15:59would wear Harley's
16:00when they were little.
16:01Harley shirts
16:02and they'd be like,
16:03oh, does their dad ride?
16:04I'm like, hell no.
16:05Wait, Harley gave you this?
16:06No, no, no.
16:07No, Sean bought it.
16:08Harley does rides
16:09and they give the money
16:10to MDA.
16:11Got it.
16:12So we support
16:13Harley by buying
16:14their merchandise.
16:15My son bought the Harley
16:16and he gave it to Derek.
16:17Very cool.
16:19Just another
16:20spark of his.
16:21I love it.
16:22This was the bike
16:23I went on.
16:25Good one.
16:26I need you to wait for it.
16:27Alright, thank you.
16:28See ya.
16:30Take care.
16:31Good luck.
