Palestinian Death Toll in Gaza Rises to 41,272

  • 2 days ago
The Palestinian death toll, from ongoing Israeli attacks on the Gaza strip, has risen to almost 41,300. The Israeli military killed 20 and wounded 54 others, during the past 24 hours. This has brought the death toll to 41,272, while the number of injured has reached 95,551 since the conflict broke out last year.
Jumlah korban tewas Palestina akibat serangan Israel yang terus berlanjut di Jalur Gaza telah meningkat menjadi hampir 41.300. Militer Israel menewaskan 20 orang dan melukai 54 lainnya dalam 24 jam terakhir. Hal ini menjadikan jumlah korban tewas menjadi 41.272, sementara jumlah korban luka-luka telah mencapai 95.551 sejak konflik pecah tahun lalu.#SEAToday #SEATodayNews
