A Good Romance Movie

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A Good Romance Movie
00:00:00Hello, I'm Abbey Brooks.
00:00:02We're here at Seattle's Avacoutrier,
00:00:04and this is Abbey's Restaurant Takeover.
00:00:08Don't be nervous. You're going to love it.
00:00:11We're about to reveal the complete remodel of Avacoutrier,
00:00:15a fine-dining, five-star restaurant in the heart of the city.
00:00:18And despite serving European cuisine,
00:00:20it's had trouble keeping its doors open.
00:00:22So hopefully, this renovation will give it a second life.
00:00:25We're here with Raphael Sabatini, owner and chef.
00:00:29Raphael, are you ready to see your new restaurant?
00:00:34Okay, take it away.
00:00:39Wow, nice job, Abbey.
00:00:41Let's take a look inside. Come on.
00:00:44For the design, I decided to go with a sleeker, more modern look.
00:00:47I had the bricks sandblasted, the floors refinished,
00:00:51and I went with these darker chairs.
00:00:53Wow, it's beautiful.
00:00:55Raphael here is an amazing five-star chef,
00:00:58but I think he was trying to do too much with his menu,
00:01:01which took him away from his basic flair for grilled meats and fish.
00:01:05But this renovation, it really highlights and emphasizes
00:01:09the space and Raphael's best attributes.
00:01:12This is really good, Abbey. I love it. Thank you.
00:01:16Oh, you're so welcome. I'm so happy you're happy.
00:01:18Good luck.
00:01:21I had a blast renovating this little neighborhood gem
00:01:24into a slick, trendy Seattle bistro.
00:01:27As always, I'm Abbey Brooks,
00:01:29and this has been Abbey's Restaurant Takeover.
00:01:32And that's a cut.
00:01:35Great work, everybody.
00:01:37Okay, let's pack it up because we've got to be out of here in 30.
00:01:40First round of drinks on me.
00:01:43First round of drinks on the boss. That got him moving.
00:01:46Meanwhile, I brought donuts this morning and nothing.
00:01:49Well, that could be because half of them were already eaten.
00:01:52Kids ate them.
00:01:54Oh, okay, fine.
00:01:55I got stuck in a long light and the smell was so delicious.
00:01:58No one's perfect.
00:02:02Is that Becca?
00:02:03Yes, and it looks like we will not be having drinks tonight.
00:02:06She wants us to go to the office and go for dailies.
00:02:09Tonight. It's not that much work.
00:02:11Okay, one day you'll be married with kids
00:02:14and you'll realize how important a night out on the town is.
00:02:16It's our producer's prerogative.
00:02:18But I was really looking forward to potstickers tonight.
00:02:21You can come over after and we'll order takeout.
00:02:23We have a restaurant show and we're getting takeout.
00:02:27Ooh, and we can watch a movie.
00:02:29Okay, fine.
00:02:30But they're ready to be potstickers and fried dumplings and fried stuff.
00:02:33Lots of fried stuff.
00:02:35We'll see you in the office.
00:02:36Okay, bye.
00:02:41Man, Becca can be hard to read sometimes.
00:02:44I know.
00:02:45That's why I don't even try.
00:02:46I'm waiting for her to be books on tape.
00:02:49Ooh, you went all in with that fried food.
00:02:53Fried food soothes me.
00:02:59I was watching that.
00:03:01You were watching competitive bass fishing?
00:03:04I can't believe people get paid to do that.
00:03:08Oh, I think Becca produces this show.
00:03:10Chef's Challenge.
00:03:13Oh, I miss being a chef.
00:03:16Oh, I miss being a chef.
00:03:18You're a chef.
00:03:20Kind of.
00:03:21You're always around chefs.
00:03:23Oh, I miss the heat of the kitchen.
00:03:24Everybody buzzing around.
00:03:26That's what your sets are like.
00:03:27Everyone buzzing around.
00:03:29The heat from the lights.
00:03:31Delicious foods.
00:03:32Practically the same thing.
00:03:33Minus the satisfaction of cooking.
00:03:36You know what, change of channel.
00:03:37I've had enough of kitchens, cooking, food in general, fried food specifically.
00:03:49No one wants to kiss in the pouring rain.
00:03:51That is so cliche.
00:03:52I got proposed to in the rain.
00:03:54No, yours was probably really sweet.
00:03:58It's my favorite bit.
00:03:59The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew that you were my everything.
00:04:03I've never felt a love like the love we have.
00:04:09That is not real love.
00:04:11That's not real life.
00:04:12Real life is sharing a meaningful cholesterol moment with a friend.
00:04:15I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I've got another best friend at home.
00:04:21The one who married me.
00:04:23You think I'm a cynic, don't you?
00:04:24Look, Abby, you're a catch.
00:04:26But you gotta, you know, let yourself get caught.
00:04:30Release into the ocean of dating, my friend.
00:04:33Swim upstream and find the man of your dreams.
00:04:36Wait, are you talking about my love life or are you stuck on that competitive bass show?
00:04:40You know what I mean.
00:04:42I do.
00:04:44You're a great friend.
00:04:57Okay, so here's your next makeover.
00:04:59Wow, already?
00:05:00It's called Rocco's. It's a little hidden gem of a diner in Lawrence.
00:05:03Where's Lawrence? I've never heard of it. Is it near here?
00:05:05No, it's just outside of Minneapolis, but still technically a city.
00:05:08Why there?
00:05:09We've decided to go in a little different direction.
00:05:12More east?
00:05:14Becca, are you not happy with the show? I know we've had some growing pains, but it's only our third season.
00:05:18That's true. It's just the network wants to move the show around a bit more.
00:05:22I don't know. City fine dining is kind of my thing.
00:05:25It's either this or take the risk of getting cancelled.
00:05:29So not really a choice then.
00:05:33Well, I guess I can do this. Wait, can I do this?
00:05:37Sure you can. You and Kenna will drive out tomorrow and then your crew will follow right after.
00:05:41All right. Let's do it. I guess I'm going to... where did you say this was again?
00:05:54Are we close to the hotel yet?
00:05:55No idea. I'm looking up the nightlight.
00:05:58What does it say?
00:05:59Well, there's a bowling alley called Bowl House that's open till 9.30.
00:06:05Okay, that's an option.
00:06:07Nope. That's it. That's the nightlife.
00:06:16Hey, why are we stopping? Is something wrong with the car?
00:06:29Honk at them.
00:06:35They don't seem to be listening.
00:06:42Okay. Wish me luck. Thank you.
00:06:52Okay. Come on, you adorable walking sweaters. We've got to make a path through here. Come on.
00:07:00Not from around here, are you?
00:07:03Just passing through or trying.
00:07:06Yeah, you know you can honk your horn at them, right?
00:07:08I tried that.
00:07:14Maybe your horn has more authority.
00:07:30Hey, Becca.
00:07:32Hey, Abby. How's Lauren?
00:07:34Well, we haven't gotten there yet. We got stuck in a bit of local traffic.
00:07:39Okay, well, I'll call ahead and let them know you're going to be a little late.
00:07:41When you said this place was a hidden gem, did you mean it was literally hidden?
00:07:44Okay, so we may have overly compensated.
00:07:47Look, we think Rocco's is the perfect trial balloon, so just give it a chance.
00:07:51Trial balloon? Isn't that canary in a coal mine?
00:07:55Oh, by the way, the show's now Abby on the Road.
00:07:57You'll only be there for a week or two or maybe a month. Who knows? Exciting, right?
00:08:03Very exciting.
00:08:05Oh, come on, Abby. Chin up. This is right up your alley. Have fun.
00:08:10Yes, thank you, Becca.
00:08:12Okay, bye.
00:08:26So what happened? Are we canceled?
00:08:30No, I just completely lost track of my show.
00:08:33I don't even know what it is anymore.
00:08:35It's like they want me out of my element.
00:08:39Then we should have got some footage of you and those sheep.
00:08:42You looked completely out of your element.
00:08:46Okay, try the horn again.
00:08:49Try the horn again.
00:08:54There, see, you just got to do it with authority.
00:08:58You get rid of the sheep next time.
00:09:05Wow, this is different than you usually do.
00:09:10Well, this is the address.
00:09:13Yep, yeah, yeah, this is a diner.
00:09:21Michelin five star? It is not.
00:09:23Yeah, but I bet they do a heck of a cheeseburger and fries.
00:09:26You and your fried food.
00:09:37Oh, sorry.
00:09:41That was the matinee. Come back at six for the double feature.
00:09:46What is going on out here?
00:09:51Oh, well, hello again.
00:09:57I'm glad to see that the sheep didn't take up too much of your time.
00:10:01How can I help you, ladies?
00:10:03Wait, you work here?
00:10:05Yeah, yeah, it's kind of my place.
00:10:07Rocco's is your place?
00:10:08Last I checked, yeah.
00:10:10Tommy, you want me to take over the kitchen so you two can get a booth?
00:10:15This is Kenna. I'm Abby.
00:10:17It's nice to see you again.
00:10:19Oh, can I get you some food?
00:10:21Oh, maybe later. Thank you, but we better get started.
00:10:25Get started on what?
00:10:26The makeover.
00:10:28I don't know what you're talking about.
00:10:29The restaurant makeover show.
00:10:31You don't recognize her from TV?
00:10:34Don't watch too much TV. I'm kind of busy at the diner a lot of the time.
00:10:38Plus, I mean, aren't all those shows like lame reality shows now anyway?
00:10:42Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but we're going to be making one of those lame reality TV shows.
00:10:47Oh. Um, what are you talking about?
00:10:51Tommy, she's here because I signed us up for her show.
00:10:58Abby's restaurant takeover.
00:11:01She does restaurant makeovers and I think we need one.
00:11:06So you did this without consulting me. Can I talk to you in the kitchen for a second?
00:11:10Look, I know you own the place, but I am the eldest member of the Billings family and I made a decision.
00:11:16Tommy, you are my favorite nephew.
00:11:18Your only nephew?
00:11:19Don't interrupt.
00:11:20Yes, ma'am.
00:11:21You've done a good job with this diner, sweetie.
00:11:23But everyone needs a little help sometimes.
00:11:25That sounds familiar.
00:11:27Besides, what are you going to do? You going to fire me?
00:11:31I am the best waitstaff you've got.
00:11:34Okay, we're off to a great start.
00:11:39Listen, I'm here to help. The good news is I am pretty good at my job.
00:11:45I bet you are. I just need a little time to think this over.
00:12:04Okay, so I just want you to come through.
00:12:07Get a shot of you looking at the restaurant.
00:12:11And maybe just checking out the space.
00:12:13Absolutely, that's really good.
00:12:14Okay, if you're going to...
00:12:15So I just want you to...
00:12:16Maybe sit down, look comfortable.
00:12:18No, that's great, because if we put a camera here, I could do the interview here.
00:12:22Yeah, yeah, and then maybe you could even talk to someone on that chair there.
00:12:27We'll be okay. We need this.
00:12:31We need this.
00:12:33Look, I don't need her help.
00:12:35Tom Clancy Billings.
00:12:37I'll rarely use my full name now.
00:12:40You are the fabric that keeps this diner together. Even the whole town, maybe.
00:12:45After Linda passed, you seem to be stuck doing the same thing.
00:12:50It's time to shake things up.
00:12:53Look, my parents ran the same diner for years, okay?
00:12:56Worked for them, works for me too.
00:12:58Your parents ran a diner out of necessity.
00:13:00They weren't natural born chefs, you are.
00:13:05The whole town could see how much potential you have.
00:13:08I just don't understand why you can't.
00:13:11Look, there's nothing wrong with running a traditional diner, okay?
00:13:14I mean, the regulars seem to like it.
00:13:16Sure, maybe it's not flashy, okay, but...
00:13:21I don't know, I need the stability for Claire.
00:13:23Honey, you are an amazing father.
00:13:27And you can still be that same great father by chasing your own dreams.
00:13:33Make this place a destination.
00:13:37Plus, she's cute.
00:13:44Yeah, for a city girl.
00:13:47I mean, she's pretty cute.
00:13:49I mean, she's pretty cute.
00:13:53Look, I just don't have the time.
00:13:54Yeah, you don't have the time today.
00:13:55I know, I know.
00:13:56Okay, well.
00:13:57I know.
00:13:59Couldn't you just open yourself up a little bit?
00:14:02Be good to yourself, for my own sanity, okay?
00:14:05Oh, okay, yeah, I'll do it for your sanity.
00:14:07Yeah, and you be a gracious host.
00:14:10Make them feel at home.
00:14:22Excuse me, I'm Abby Brooks, and I'm...
00:14:24Oh, hey, I know who you are.
00:14:26Yeah, I've watched your show on Food and Wine.
00:14:28Nice to meet you.
00:14:29What are you doing in our neck of the woods?
00:14:31Well, we're looking to do a show here about Rockos.
00:14:34Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
00:14:36Yeah, sure, have a seat.
00:14:41This is my director, Kenna.
00:14:44I'm Bill.
00:14:45So, what do you think this place could improve on?
00:14:48Oh, um...
00:14:51It's okay, Bill.
00:14:52They're here on our side.
00:14:54Oh, okay.
00:14:55Well, I've known Tommy since he was a boy.
00:14:59We used to go fishing with him and his dad every weekend.
00:15:01And Tommy was always so proud of being from Lawrence.
00:15:06And proud of his diner.
00:15:08It's all he ever talked about.
00:15:09All he ever wanted to.
00:15:10And he's kept his promise to his dad beautifully.
00:15:14I guess if I was to pick one thing to improve on...
00:15:19Tommy's a real good chef.
00:15:20I think he could make this place more his own.
00:15:23You know?
00:15:26How was that?
00:15:28It was good.
00:15:30You know, Bill here made his family farm his own
00:15:32by being the first organic grower in the region,
00:15:35long before it became fashionable.
00:15:38Well, that's great, Bill.
00:15:39Hey, Dad.
00:15:40I went by Bill's and picked up our order.
00:15:42Look at the size of these beets.
00:15:44Wow, those are beautiful.
00:15:46Not as beautiful as my clear beer.
00:15:48I was thinking we could add a light summer salad to the menu.
00:15:51Spinach with fresh red onions.
00:15:55Top it off with a basil vinaigrette.
00:15:57That's a nice idea.
00:16:00Oh, my gosh.
00:16:01It's you.
00:16:02You're here.
00:16:03Yes, I am.
00:16:04I'm Claire.
00:16:05Me and Anne Marge watch your show every week.
00:16:07I'm Claire.
00:16:08Me and Anne Marge watch your show every Thursday.
00:16:10It's part of the girls' night.
00:16:11Oh, you're so sweet.
00:16:13Well, I am very excited to meet you and be here and get to work.
00:16:17Me too.
00:16:18Dad, this is so great.
00:16:21I have a few ideas.
00:16:23I'm literally the only person that didn't know about this.
00:16:26Well, we thought you'd freak out.
00:16:27Well, I'm not freaking out.
00:16:30I'm not.
00:16:31I'm just surprised.
00:16:33We are going to send out these call sheets tonight.
00:16:35Call sheets?
00:16:36We'll be here at 6 a.m. to start shooting the episode.
00:16:39Yeah, if we do the show, I still haven't decided.
00:16:41Tom, I just rode in a rental car for two days with my director here who only played 90s boy bands.
00:16:48So, we're doing the show.
00:16:50Actually, it was early 2000s boy bands, which is not important.
00:16:56Well, last I checked, I still own the place.
00:16:59Oh, come on, Tom.
00:17:01Come on, Dad.
00:17:03Look, just let me think about it, okay?
00:17:06My camera crew will be here at 6 a.m., so we need to know by then.
00:17:09You know, Tom wanted to be an actor when he was a kid.
00:17:12He'll be a real natural.
00:17:14I also wanted to be a professional football player and an astronaut.
00:17:17I want to be an astronaut too.
00:17:19And a chef.
00:17:20Well, I am sure that you will do whatever you put your mind to.
00:17:24Tom, I'm here to help.
00:17:27I'm not the enemy.
00:17:29See you tomorrow at 6 a.m.?
00:17:32Good night, all.
00:17:37All right, mister.
00:17:38Let's get these beets in the oven.
00:17:43Don't worry, Dad.
00:17:44You'll do the right thing.
00:17:48Tom, let's go!
00:17:50Yes, ma'am.
00:17:52Oh, wow, you got a deer plushie?
00:17:55I didn't get a plushie.
00:17:57Don't worry, I won't let it ruin my trip.
00:18:01Any word from the crew?
00:18:02Yeah, they just got here.
00:18:04And the equipment truck should arrive in the morning, so we are good to go.
00:18:10What's wrong?
00:18:12Oh, nothing.
00:18:13Okay, your nothing is always something.
00:18:16It's just that I'm used to working with five-star, big-city restaurants.
00:18:19I have a clear vision.
00:18:21That guy Tom obviously doesn't want me here.
00:18:23And it's strange.
00:18:24That guy Tom obviously doesn't want me here.
00:18:26And it's stressful for him and me.
00:18:28Hey, stop questioning yourself.
00:18:30You know good food and you know what people like.
00:18:32I know what restaurant city people like.
00:18:34Well, what's the difference?
00:18:35Everybody chews with their teeth.
00:18:37You know what?
00:18:38Go out.
00:18:40Discover what people want.
00:18:41And, while you're at it, discover what your new show is about.
00:18:46I knew there was a reason I kept you around.
00:18:48Yeah, and I'm taking this.
00:18:55I'm not sure Abby will tell me what's going on.
00:18:58He's supposed to get here in ten minutes, but I...
00:19:02Oh, Tom, hi.
00:19:04We're a little light on crew today, so I am director, producer, and PA, it would appear.
00:19:08Can I get you a coffee, Tom?
00:19:09It's my diner.
00:19:10We've got coffee.
00:19:11Can I get you a coffee?
00:19:12No, I'm good.
00:19:13Good morning.
00:19:14Morning, Abby.
00:19:16Good morning, Tom.
00:19:17So, what are you thinking?
00:19:18No pressure, but we are all ready to go.
00:19:21I'll be honest, I'm not completely convinced that we need this makeover, but my beautiful daughter is.
00:19:25And she loves your show, so let's give this thing a try.
00:19:29Let's try this thing.
00:19:30Can we get Tom to hair and makeup?
00:19:33Hair and makeup?
00:19:34We just need you to be a little more camera ready.
00:19:36It's all part of the process.
00:19:38Don't worry.
00:19:39It won't bite.
00:19:40You're gonna do great.
00:19:46Hair and makeup?
00:19:47Hair and makeup?
00:19:48Okay, so we've got sound speeding, and we're gonna go from the intro, Abby, and action.
00:19:54Hi, I'm Abby Brooks, and welcome to Abby on the Road, where we go to small towns to find local hidden gems and give them a much-needed facelift.
00:20:02I don't know if it needs a facelift.
00:20:05Fresh coat of paint, maybe.
00:20:06A few more items on the menu, but, you know, it's a diner.
00:20:09Reality housewife.
00:20:11And this is Tom Billings, the owner and head chef here at Brocco's Diner in Lawrence, Minnesota, and apparently an aspiring stand-up comedian.
00:20:24First run, you two.
00:20:26Um, let's just loosen it up on this next take.
00:20:28Maybe pretend that you like each other a little bit more.
00:20:31Or a lot more.
00:20:33Let me just do my intro, and I'll cue you in to talk.
00:20:37Yeah, you'll cue me, yeah.
00:20:38I just need to do my introduction.
00:20:40Then you can tell your little jokes.
00:20:42Well, you know, the crew left.
00:20:46Can I talk to you for a second?
00:20:48A word?
00:20:53Can you tell him to just let me do my thing?
00:20:56I think he's trying to sabotage the whole shoot.
00:20:58I think you've been watching too many political thriller movies.
00:21:01He's great on camera.
00:21:03You know, the camera loves same chemistry, so just flirt.
00:21:05This is not a show about finding love.
00:21:08This is a show about finding a diamond in the rough.
00:21:11And now that I said it out loud, I hear how that sounds.
00:21:14This is a restaurant makeover show.
00:21:16But it's a new show, and you've got to get used to it.
00:21:18Look, your chemistry is off the charts.
00:21:21We just need the audience to believe that you actually like each other.
00:21:24Think about the show.
00:21:26Our show.
00:21:31Okay, we're going to do this.
00:21:34Okay, we're going to try that again.
00:21:36And everybody loves the camera.
00:21:40And action.
00:21:42Hi, I'm Abby Brooks, and welcome to Abby on the Road.
00:21:46A show where we go to small towns to find local hidden gems
00:21:49and give them a much needed facelift.
00:21:51I'm here with Tom Billings, the owner and head chef of Rocco's Diner.
00:21:56Head chef? That's fancy.
00:21:58I should update my dating profile.
00:21:59I'm surprised you even need a dating profile.
00:22:04Tom, tell us about your diner.
00:22:08Well, it's been a staple in the community for generations.
00:22:12And I'll prove it to you.
00:22:14That Rocco's is a diner like no other.
00:22:17Yes, I'd love that.
00:22:19That's the premise of the show, so you'd be doing me a favor.
00:22:24Cut! I'm going to go to my trailer.
00:22:26You don't have one.
00:22:27Fine, I'll go to my diner then.
00:22:33This isn't working. I'm going to call Becca.
00:22:35It's new. You just have to get used to it.
00:22:38He's impossible to work with.
00:22:40You don't have to like him.
00:22:42You just have to pretend that you like him.
00:22:45I'm glad you're getting your rom-com fix,
00:22:48but this show has to be better than the last one.
00:22:51Think about ratings.
00:22:53Abby, you've got to be more patient with him.
00:22:54If you keep fighting with him, he'll keep fighting back.
00:22:59You know what, you're right.
00:23:01I'm dealt with five-star chefs. I can deal with this.
00:23:09Besides, have you tried his catering?
00:23:13Because it is so delicious.
00:23:15Not helping.
00:23:20Okay, so we're just going to pick up where we left off.
00:23:22We're rolling and action.
00:23:25Tom, what are we cooking here today?
00:23:28It's my mother's famous Mississippi meatloaf.
00:23:31Smells amazing. So what's in it?
00:23:34Well, ground up meat, eggs and some spices.
00:23:39Great. Sounds good.
00:23:44Usually I would ask what's in the dish, but this is a family recipe.
00:23:48It's been in Tom's family for generations.
00:23:49And that's really what you feel when you come into Rocco's.
00:23:53Family. Tradition.
00:23:55And I hope to bring that out during the renovation.
00:23:57Yeah, you really need to come to this place to experience it.
00:24:00Sometimes we focus on the Michelin stars and how to push food to the limit,
00:24:05to the point where we don't even recognize what we're eating.
00:24:07It's places like this that make us realize why food is so important.
00:24:11Family and community.
00:24:13Yeah, we don't really need any Michelin stars.
00:24:15Just some good home cooking.
00:24:18Um, how about we take a 10?
00:24:21Excuse me, could you please get me a glass of wine?
00:24:28I'm sorry, that was rude.
00:24:30Look, all this is just kind of new for me, right?
00:24:33I mean, one day everything's normal and then all of a sudden there's a camera crew here.
00:24:36I've got makeup on my face.
00:24:40Look, it's just this diner is my heart and soul.
00:24:42And I'm not going to let you down.
00:24:44It's my heart and soul.
00:24:46And I just don't feel comfortable exploiting it on some show.
00:24:51Some show?
00:24:53Okay, like your diner?
00:24:55This show means everything to me.
00:24:57And I'm not trying to exploit you.
00:24:59I'm legitimately trying to help you.
00:25:03Okay, I can see that.
00:25:05I guess I'm just not good at asking for help.
00:25:09Really, I'm just trying to carry on my family's legacy and don't be a good dad.
00:25:14That's really sweet.
00:25:16So, yeah, I think some of my stuff kind of just gets put on the back burner, just a little bit.
00:25:22I can tell you're a great dad just by the way your daughter's eyes glow when she looks at you.
00:25:26And I'm not trying to change any of that.
00:25:28That's good to know.
00:25:31Your diner is great.
00:25:33All I want to help you do is find your own way of expressing yourself through your food.
00:25:37It's obvious to me everyone wants that for you, including your friend Bill.
00:25:41Bill? Bill's our best customer.
00:25:44By the way, I'm pretty sure the only reason he comes in here is to flirt with my aunt.
00:25:49Yeah, I saw that too.
00:25:51You did? Yeah.
00:25:53Yeah, good.
00:25:56So what do you say? Should we take another run at this?
00:26:00Okay. I'm in. But it's still my diner.
00:26:04It's still my show.
00:26:08So we're here with Tom's adorable daughter Claire, who's going to be helping us out today, right Claire?
00:26:13I think my dad does pretty good without me.
00:26:17So what are we making?
00:26:19We're making my grandma's world famous Mississippi meatloaf.
00:26:23It's the dish that put Lawrence on the map.
00:26:25Well, I don't know about that, but it's pretty darn good.
00:26:28Great. So was your mother originally from Mississippi?
00:26:32No, not at all. She never even left Lawrence.
00:26:34So why Mississippi?
00:26:35I'm not sure. She must have had a taste for the southern food, I guess.
00:26:39She actually invented this.
00:26:41She just taught it to me when I was Claire's age, and now I'm teaching it to her.
00:26:45I love that.
00:26:47So what's in it?
00:26:49Oh, that's a secret.
00:26:52I'm just kidding.
00:26:54I'm kidding.
00:26:56Okay, so, I like to start with some ground corn fed by Gu Beef.
00:27:00Alright, now you want to add a little ketchup, okay?
00:27:02Let's get that in there.
00:27:03I'm going to add a pinch of oregano, a pinch of paprika.
00:27:06Okay, now, I'm telling you, alright?
00:27:09Throw in a little chili powder, just to really bring the heat, okay?
00:27:14Now the real secret lays in the golden brown crust.
00:27:17For that, I like to use this rosemary blended maple syrup.
00:27:21Wow, do you make that here?
00:27:23No, I get that from my dear friend Miss May over at the marketplace.
00:27:26Yeah, she just creates these magical infusions with Minnesota's very own organic maple syrup.
00:27:30I help him pick out the best syrups.
00:27:33I bet you do.
00:27:35So what else is in there?
00:27:37Everything's from Lawrence.
00:27:39I mean, I get my flour from my neighbor who grounds it himself.
00:27:42I get all the organic vegetables from Bill.
00:27:45Here, try that.
00:27:51Oh, that is an explosion of flavor.
00:27:55Yep, Bill is the best farmer and best customer.
00:27:57Okay, so after that, what I like to do is I fry up the garlic, all the vegetables, right?
00:28:03I throw in a little breadcrumbs, some Worcestershire sauce.
00:28:06And then, once it cools down, okay?
00:28:09You just want to layer that into the meat.
00:28:11Then, form it in your pan, throw it in the oven at 400 degrees for 55 minutes.
00:28:18That sounds so good.
00:28:20It's the best.
00:28:22So when do I get a taste?
00:28:24Oh, I actually made one for you.
00:28:26Oh, that looks amazing.
00:28:31I am so excited to try a bite.
00:28:42Oh, that is out of this world.
00:28:45I don't know where that came from.
00:28:49And cut.
00:28:51That's a great first day, everyone.
00:28:52Okay, call sheets will go out tonight.
00:28:54Expect to be here at 6 a.m. on Monday.
00:28:57And have a good weekend.
00:28:59You did so good.
00:29:02To be honest, I was a little nervous.
00:29:03Oh, yeah, I could tell.
00:29:04Then you became your real self.
00:29:06Oh, good.
00:29:07Thanks for your honesty.
00:29:09Abby, this is so great.
00:29:11I can't believe you're here and we're on your show.
00:29:13When is it going to be on TV?
00:29:15Don't know, but I will give you plenty of notice so that you can get all your friends to watch.
00:29:18That would be awesome.
00:29:20Just keep working on my dad.
00:29:21I know he'll get a lot better.
00:29:23Hey, hey, I thought I did pretty good.
00:29:25Yeah, you were great.
00:29:26Really, you're a natural.
00:29:27See, thank you.
00:29:29Hey, Abby, what are you doing this weekend?
00:29:31Oh, I don't know.
00:29:32Probably just working and watching some movies with Kenna.
00:29:35Why don't you come over to Aunt Marge's house?
00:29:37We have a Sunday barbecue that Dad does.
00:29:39Oh, I'm not sure.
00:29:41Yeah, please.
00:29:42Why don't you?
00:29:43You know, I think you'd really enjoy yourself.
00:29:44You know what?
00:29:45Chalk it up to work.
00:29:46Plus, you get to taste a little more of my food.
00:29:48Okay, yeah.
00:29:49Sounds good.
00:29:50It's a date.
00:29:51No, it's not a date.
00:29:59What's going on over here?
00:30:01Oh, just trying to find an outfit for the barbecue.
00:30:04I want something elegant but cash.
00:30:07Is this a date?
00:30:09It's not a date.
00:30:10It's a work event, but I still want to look nice.
00:30:12Hmm, I see.
00:30:14Don't do that thing you do.
00:30:18It's a small town.
00:30:20There's not that much drama.
00:30:21I've got to find it where I can get it.
00:30:23What about this?
00:30:25Hmm, too much.
00:30:27Well, help me then.
00:30:30How about this?
00:30:32It's, uh, cute.
00:30:36Yeah, that can work.
00:30:38At doing what?
00:30:41What are you getting at?
00:30:44Just saying.
00:30:46Kenna, have fun.
00:30:55Okay, you guys are like a bunch of hungry dogs.
00:30:58Just want to make a little speech before we all dig in.
00:31:01All right, well, the floor is yours.
00:31:03I would like to thank Bill for so graciously providing this beautiful bounty.
00:31:07I would like to thank Abby and her team for coming all the way down to Lawrence to help Rocco's become the best-kept secret in the country.
00:31:13And I would like to thank my nephew Tom for his brilliant barbecuing skills.
00:31:19Hear, hear.
00:31:21All right, well, everyone eat up. Enjoy.
00:31:24Oh, this looks so messy.
00:31:27Hold on, you know you don't eat ribs with a fork and a knife, right?
00:31:33Oh, that's messy.
00:31:35Yeah, okay, I know it's messy, okay, but how does it taste?
00:31:40This might be the best barbecue I've ever had.
00:31:43I mean that. I've had Texas, Kansas City, South Carolina, but right here in Minnesota? Can you imagine?
00:31:52And this salad, it's delicious. So fresh.
00:31:54Oh, yeah, that's Bill. She really tastes the difference, right? Hey, Bill.
00:31:57She loves your salad.
00:31:59Well, hot dog, that makes me happy. I just picked all that this morning.
00:32:02I told you you were the best.
00:32:04Well, ma'am, you give me some competition for that title.
00:32:14That Bill is quite the entertainer.
00:32:18Oh, yeah, he sings any time he can get an audience.
00:32:26Excuse me.
00:32:37This place sure is beautiful.
00:32:39Yeah, love the sweat.
00:32:40Love the sweat.
00:32:42The food was spectacular.
00:32:47So you don't hate me anymore?
00:32:49I don't hate you. Never did. I'm just not used to people telling me what to do.
00:32:56Plus, it was a lot all at once coming at me. I mean, I got the film crew, hair, makeup.
00:32:59Like when they got you telling me to flirt with you.
00:33:02I said to flirt for the camera.
00:33:04I still don't know what that means.
00:33:06Me neither, but you're good at it.
00:33:11So how long has Mar joined this place?
00:33:14Oh, uh, forever. I, uh, literally grew up here, so.
00:33:21It's a great place to grow up.
00:33:23And you don't seem like the kind of guy who loves this city so much.
00:33:27The city's fine. I just love the town of Lawrence more.
00:33:33You know, and city people, they're always in a rush.
00:33:37And, you know, for what?
00:33:41Yeah, my dad always used to say that you should enjoy the place you love with the people you love.
00:33:47You really do love it here.
00:33:50I really do.
00:33:53Hey, did you know that my dad proposed to my mom in a boat right here in this stream?
00:33:58What a lovely memory.
00:34:00Yeah, he forgot the ring.
00:34:05My dad was always forgetting things. I mean, my mom always had to stay on him about it.
00:34:08So he finds this fishing line in the boat, and he fastens it around her finger.
00:34:12And he tells her that he finally caught the woman that he loves.
00:34:16It's a little corny.
00:34:17No, it's not corny. It's really sweet.
00:34:22So how about you? You got anyone you're going home to when this is all done?
00:34:29Well, Ken has kids. I'm their honorary aunt, and they love me.
00:34:33Well, I don't know if they love me or the gumballs more.
00:34:35Oh, bribery. I love it. That's a thing.
00:34:41So what about Claire's mom?
00:34:45After she passed, I just, I didn't feel like dating.
00:34:49After we lost her. So I just kind of honed in on Claire and the restaurant.
00:34:54I didn't know she passed away. I'm so sorry.
00:34:57Yeah, thank you.
00:34:59Trust me, she lives on through Claire.
00:35:05That's the downside to living in a small town, is that everybody knows everybody.
00:35:08So when it comes to dating?
00:35:11That's hard. For me, it is.
00:35:14Well, I have the opposite problem.
00:35:16In a big city, there's so many people. Dating is stressful.
00:35:19And unlike you, work takes up all my time.
00:35:22That I get. But I mean, you love the show, right?
00:35:26And, you know, you're pretty good at it.
00:35:28Well, thank you. I'll take that as a compliment.
00:35:31Yeah, I love the show. It's just not what I'd envisioned for myself.
00:35:35I started off as a chef. And I love being a chef.
00:35:39But then I met my ex, and he had all these ties to the TV and culinary world,
00:35:43and he kept pushing for me to be a TV show host.
00:35:46And before I knew it, I had my own show.
00:35:49It was very exciting, but it wasn't really my dream.
00:35:52Then what's your dream?
00:35:54Right now?
00:35:56Yeah, right now. What's your dream?
00:35:58To cook more.
00:36:01And cook more?
00:36:03I wish it was that simple.
00:36:05If so, I'd be running my own little restaurant outside the city.
00:36:08If you ever decide to ditch showbiz, you know, I might know a guy who owns a diner that
00:36:13might be interested in hiring a lovely lady such as yourself.
00:36:21You know, if you're here next week, maybe there's a big annual fundraiser that I do.
00:36:27Maybe you wanna come?
00:36:29What's that?
00:36:31It's just a big dinner that I put on. It's to help raise money for the volunteer firefighters.
00:36:36It's usually a big barbecue.
00:36:38Well, we know you're great at barbecue, and I would love seconds.
00:36:42A little different than this. I usually do these big gorgeous steaks.
00:36:45Well then, yes. And we can tape it. It would be a great finale for the show.
00:36:54Yeah, I guess we should probably get back to the party, huh?
00:36:59Yeah, sure.
00:37:08Need some help?
00:37:11Oh, thanks dear.
00:37:14It's been really fun. Thank you for having me over.
00:37:17It's my pleasure. You're a sweet girl, and my niece Claire cannot stop talking about you.
00:37:22Oh, she's a doll.
00:37:23She's really bonded with you. Tom doesn't usually let people get close enough to do that.
00:37:28I think you're winning him over.
00:37:30Really? Well, he's a great guy.
00:37:34And she is so special. She's gonna do great things, I can feel it.
00:37:39You're right about that.
00:37:42I'm just glad you're here. And I know Tom is, too.
00:37:47You just keep pushing him. You'll keep pushing back, but that's when you know you're making something great.
00:37:54I like that perspective. And don't worry, I'm gonna keep pushing so the diner reaches its full potential.
00:38:00Oh, the diner will be fine. I'm talking about pushing Tom to be a better version of himself.
00:38:07Thank you for making me feel so welcome.
00:38:10Absolutely, sweetheart. Anyone who comes to Aunt Marge's house is family.
00:38:29Hey, Becca.
00:38:31Hey, Abby. Are you busy?
00:38:34Just wanted to call and tell you that I've been watching the dailies, and I have to say, you and Tom have some real chemistry.
00:38:40Oh, that's good. It was a rough start, but I think we're making progress.
00:38:43So I was wondering if you could lean into that a little bit.
00:38:46Lean into what?
00:38:48The chemistry. The flirting. It's camera gold. You should have been an actress.
00:38:53Becca, I'm doing a food show, not The Bachelorette. Besides, it's more than that. He's a really good chef.
00:38:58Alright, listen. The network is considering doing two restaurants per episode.
00:39:03So what does that mean?
00:39:05It means less time at each restaurant. Shorter shoots. And it frees you up to do more locations.
00:39:09But the good news is you'll be leaving Lawrence a week earlier and heading down to Tulsa.
00:39:15Oh, so I'm leaving soon.
00:39:18You sound upset. I thought you'd be happy to be spending less time in Lawrence.
00:39:23I need more time. I can't wrap a week early.
00:39:26Look, I love that you're a perfectionist. But just think of this as the pilot. We may not even air it. We'll just use it as proof of concept.
00:39:34Becca, I really wish I was involved in these decisions.
00:39:36You know how much I care about my show. And now I care about these people, too.
00:39:39I understand. But at the end of the day, this is the network's show. And they want what they want.
00:39:44As my friend, let me stay through their fundraiser. It'll make a great finale.
00:39:48And trust me, we can sell them the show based on this one episode alone. I will make it pop.
00:39:52Okay. I'll see if I can hold the network off.
00:39:56But Abby, this better be worth it.
00:39:58It will be.
00:40:07Good morning.
00:40:09Where's the camera crew?
00:40:11Oh, we don't shoot every day. Plus, today's a big renovation day.
00:40:14Oh yeah, we can hear that.
00:40:16We're giving you a fresh, modern look with exposed brick.
00:40:19Oh, I love it, I think.
00:40:21I have something I want to show you guys.
00:40:24Ooh, what?
00:40:26I can't tell you, Claire Bear. It's a surprise. Follow me.
00:40:31Close your eyes, both of you.
00:40:32Okay, you're not going to dump water on our heads, are you?
00:40:35No, keep your eyes closed.
00:40:37They're closed.
00:40:39Yeah, I promise.
00:40:41Okay, open up.
00:40:46Okay, where did you get that?
00:40:49Your Aunt Marge. And I had it blown up.
00:40:52I thought it would set the tone for the new look, really make the place pop.
00:40:56That's from the first time we reopened the diner. Look at us.
00:40:59Check out you and your dad.
00:41:00He loved the idea of you two doing this together.
00:41:03I remember, Papa.
00:41:05It was also the first time we saw his name in lights.
00:41:08That was Tommy's idea.
00:41:10Yeah, well it was originally named the Penny Diner. No idea why.
00:41:14That's just the name it was when my dad bought the place.
00:41:17So, now when I took over, I wanted to honor him.
00:41:20Believe it or not, his real name was Theodore Billings.
00:41:23So you think he would have went by Ted? No.
00:41:25My granddaddy worked in the local quarries and he nicknamed his son, Rocco.
00:41:31That's what everybody knew him as.
00:41:33Big Rocco.
00:41:35That's my dad.
00:41:38And we put up that sign and here we stand.
00:41:43Your dad must have thought the world of you.
00:41:46Both your parents.
00:41:48They'd be so impressed with your dedication to their legacy.
00:41:52Thanks, Aunt Marge.
00:41:53They were absolutely great, both of them.
00:41:57After the renovation is done, you will get to continue that dream.
00:42:01And I imagine Claire here is going to make you one great sous chef.
00:42:05I was thinking I'd be a great head chef.
00:42:08Oh really? You're going to push the old man out already, huh?
00:42:11You told me I have to reach for the stars, right?
00:42:13I did. I did.
00:42:24We made big points with that photo.
00:42:26I knew they'd love it.
00:42:30You're wearing sneakers.
00:42:32And your hair is up.
00:42:34It's a renovation day and these are comfortable.
00:42:37And I didn't have time to do my hair.
00:42:39You always have time to do your hair.
00:42:41I've missed flights because you had to do your hair.
00:42:46Hey, don't worry. The network will realize the show's a hit.
00:42:50I know.
00:42:51I just want to stay and finish what we started before we move on.
00:42:55I know you do.
00:42:57Just relax. Everything's going to be fine.
00:42:59You're right. I just need to loosen up.
00:43:02So, you got the new schedule?
00:43:04Um, we leave next Tuesday for Oklahoma.
00:43:09I like the sound of Oklahoma. It sounds like a worthy joint.
00:43:12We won't be done yet.
00:43:14Well, it's quite evident that you won't be done yet.
00:43:17Stop it.
00:43:19No, you stop it.
00:43:21I'll continue with Tom.
00:43:23Oh, come on. Abby Brooks is so afraid of love she can't even talk about it?
00:43:27I'm not in love.
00:43:29Do I think he's cute?
00:43:31Yes. Do I think a lot of guys are cute?
00:43:33Yes. I haven't actually heard you talk about men in general, let alone them being cute.
00:43:39Admit it.
00:43:41Admit what?
00:43:43Go ahead.
00:43:45Okay, if I lived here, maybe I would go on a date with him.
00:43:49But I don't.
00:43:51No, there's no point.
00:43:53I hear you, but aren't you just a tiny bit curious?
00:43:58Yeah, maybe, but he's not part of the plan right now.
00:44:01No guy is part of the plan right now.
00:44:03I need to turn the show around. That is the plan. The show is the plan.
00:44:06Okay, whatever makes you happy.
00:44:09But just so you know, I think Abby Billings has a really nice ring to it.
00:44:13Alright, you eat these peanuts.
00:44:18Hello, Abby Billings, I mean Brooks, Abby Brooks.
00:44:21Hello, Abby Billings, I mean Brooks, this is Tom Billings.
00:44:25Are you still there?
00:44:28Yeah, hi. I don't have good reception, so maybe you can't hear me?
00:44:33No, I hear you just fine.
00:44:37I'm so glad you can hear me.
00:44:39What's up?
00:44:40Well, listen, I was just thinking about, you know, what you said about expanding the legacy.
00:44:45And I was just wondering if maybe you'd want to come over to my place and preview one of the dishes that I was considering, adding to the menu, eventually.
00:44:53Listen to you, Tom Billings, change is a coming.
00:44:56So, uh, so what do you say?
00:44:59Yes, yeah, I'd love to, sure. That sounds good.
00:45:04I'll see you soon.
00:45:06Okay, I'll text you the address.
00:45:14I don't want to hear it.
00:45:16What? You know so much. I need to preview a menu for his new item.
00:45:20He's actually listening to me for once.
00:45:23It's good for the show.
00:45:25The show is important. You are driving me crazy.
00:45:29I gotta go.
00:45:31I'll see you later.
00:45:33Cut it out.
00:45:34I love you. Bye.
00:45:52You know I have a bigger mirror in the house, right?
00:45:55Having a makeup moment?
00:45:56You look beautiful. You want to see what I've been cooking?
00:45:59Yes, I do.
00:46:00Come on in.
00:46:11Uh-oh. I know that look.
00:46:14I hope you left your makeover hat at the inn because, uh, no notes on the decor, please?
00:46:18No, I really like it. It's, it's so homey.
00:46:24Although I would get a different couch.
00:46:26I just said no notes.
00:46:27I'm sorry.
00:46:31Where's Claire?
00:46:32Oh, it's Thursday, so girls' night over at Aunt Marge's.
00:46:35She'll be back later.
00:46:38So, what are we having for dinner?
00:46:41Well, let me show you.
00:46:42First, I'm going to need a little bit of your help just to finish it.
00:46:45Oh, that's why you invited me over.
00:46:47You need a sous chef.
00:46:49Well, I mean, everyone needs a sous chef, right?
00:46:59Oh, that smells so good.
00:47:01I know.
00:47:03Oh, that smells amazing.
00:47:06I'll wait until I bake it with the cheese and the sauce.
00:47:08The potatoes are already in the oven.
00:47:10I can't wait.
00:47:11Should I just throw these right into the sauce?
00:47:14That's a nice idea.
00:47:16Oh, I am so sorry. Are you okay? Did I burn you?
00:47:20No, not at all.
00:47:21Oh, I feel terribly...
00:47:22No, well, don't. Listen.
00:47:23Keep an eye on the sauce.
00:47:24I'm going to go change my shirt real quick because I cannot be entertaining you looking like this.
00:47:29Okay? Be right back.
00:47:54Ah, there you are.
00:47:56What are you doing in here?
00:47:58Sorry, I saw these when I came in.
00:47:59Did you draw these?
00:48:01Yeah, just, you know, some doodling.
00:48:04No, it's not doodling. These are full-blown restaurant designs. I love them.
00:48:09You do?
00:48:10Yeah, and this menu, it's simple but elegant.
00:48:13I know. I dream. Sometimes I guess it's a hobby.
00:48:18Well, if it's just a hobby, it's because you're making it that way.
00:48:22Guilty as charged.
00:48:26You are full of secrets, Tom Billings.
00:48:28No, I'm not trying to keep any secrets, but I will let you in on one secret.
00:48:33What's that?
00:48:34Yeah, I don't like burning my sauces for chicken parm, so dinner is served, my lady.
00:48:38Oh, thank you, kind sir.
00:48:39After you.
00:48:51Oh, that didn't sound good.
00:48:54Okay, here we are.
00:48:55My personal recipe for chicken parmesan with roasted rosemary potatoes and steamed spinach.
00:49:02Oh, it smells so good. I'm so excited to try it.
00:49:05Now wait until you try that portobello tomato sauce that you helped me make.
00:49:10Oh, Tom. Mmm, that is divine.
00:49:15Thank you. It means a lot coming from someone with your culinary pedigree.
00:49:21Knock it off.
00:49:22Really, it's delicious. So when are you going to add it to the menu?
00:49:26Oh, uh, soon. If.
00:49:30Look, I just don't think it's diner food.
00:49:33Well, who decides what diner food is anyway?
00:49:36I guess I do.
00:49:40No, I just don't think that my patrons are ready for it.
00:49:45Not ready for chicken?
00:49:47Yeah, I mean, if you want that kind of cuisine, you just have to be ready.
00:49:50Yeah, I mean, if you want that kind of cuisine, you just go to the Italian place across town, right?
00:49:54So what are you saying, that only steak restaurants can serve steak?
00:49:58No, what I'm saying is that Rock Coast people just probably wouldn't order it.
00:50:02Hey, Mr. Stubborn, you never know till you try.
00:50:05Test market it. Put it on the menu. If no one orders it, you have your answer.
00:50:09Maybe. Or maybe we'll just save it for Tom's place.
00:50:15If that ever happens.
00:50:16See, uh, there you go again. Tom's place is a great idea and you can make it happen.
00:50:22You can do it.
00:50:24And in the meantime, you could be serving this dish right now. I think people will love it.
00:50:31You, you flirting? Even though the cameras are off?
00:50:36I wasn't flirting.
00:50:41Okay, maybe I was. Just a little bit.
00:50:47And if you do open Tom's place, well, then I'd have to come back to shoot another episode.
00:50:58We're home.
00:51:00I didn't quite expect them this early.
00:51:03Hey, Daddy-O.
00:51:06Jeez, Louise, that wind's really kicked up. I think we're in for one.
00:51:11Sorry. I know we're early, but I thought I should get her home before the heavens opened up.
00:51:17We had a jump on building that ark.
00:51:20Oh, we were just finishing up.
00:51:22What? Is this a date or something?
00:51:25No, not a date.
00:51:27Okay. It's just that other than Claire, I've never seen a girl here.
00:51:30Okay, okay.
00:51:32What? It's just shocking, that's all.
00:51:35Abby, can you help me with my dessert?
00:51:37Of course.
00:51:38Great, okay. Well, it's my take on the classic upside-down cake.
00:51:43Oh, fancy. Alright, let's get the oven started.
00:51:49You want to step out in the balcony for a moment?
00:51:52Yeah, it's such a beautiful night for something like that.
00:52:08So, what are we doing?
00:52:14You're quiet.
00:52:16So? Sometimes people are quiet.
00:52:20Yeah, people are quiet. You're not. What are we doing out here?
00:52:23Was it a date?
00:52:25No. Look, I knew you were bringing Claire home tonight. Why would I want her to sit in on a date?
00:52:30Look like one.
00:52:32I just wanted her to try some of my new chicken parm and give me some feedback. That's all.
00:52:35Ah, I see. So you had to, you know, light some candles, play some music for her.
00:52:42Look, just say what you want to say.
00:52:46I like her. That's all.
00:52:51Me too.
00:52:57But? No buts. You never need buts.
00:53:00Look, she's going to be going soon.
00:53:02Who knows?
00:53:03The way you two come off, they might give you a show together.
00:53:07Oh, I doubt that. Although we would make a great team. For the show.
00:53:12Isn't it worth a shot?
00:53:15Mara, I just met the girl. I'm not ready.
00:53:20Huh. I've been listening to that for years. According to you, you'll never be ready.
00:53:25That's not true.
00:53:26Oh, look how happy she looks.
00:53:30She could use a woman in her life.
00:53:34She's got you.
00:53:36Stop trying to sell me.
00:53:40Look, just-
00:53:42When it's right, it'll be right.
00:53:44Okay? I don't want to drag Claire into something unless I know that it's real.
00:53:47You know what I'm talking about.
00:53:50You know what I'm talking about.
00:53:51When it's right, it'll be right.
00:53:53I don't want to drag Claire into something unless I know that it's real.
00:53:56You know what I'm talking about.
00:53:59And how does anyone know when it's for real?
00:54:02You just gotta take that chance.
00:54:05Real love always finds a way.
00:54:11So you came up with this recipe all by yourself?
00:54:13Well, it's actually Aunt Marge's recipe, but I changed a lot of things around.
00:54:17That is what I've been trying to get your dad to do with your family recipes.
00:54:21But, he usually comes around eventually.
00:54:24Trust me.
00:54:26I do.
00:54:28So does your dad bake with you?
00:54:30Not really.
00:54:32He always says that baking was more of my mom's thing.
00:54:37Well, I'm glad to be baking with you now.
00:54:39Me too.
00:54:41Oh, what just happened?
00:54:45Power went out. Is everyone okay?
00:54:47Oh, yeah, just a little shocked.
00:54:49Welcome to Lawrence.
00:54:52Thankfully we have a gas oven.
00:54:54Yeah, I couldn't see. I hope the crust is golden enough.
00:54:57Young lady, it's going to be perfect because you made it.
00:55:00Alright, I'm digging in. You ready?
00:55:02Yeah, me too.
00:55:04Here we go.
00:55:08Wow. Claire, well done, honey.
00:55:14I love the blackberries.
00:55:16See, I told you they'd like it.
00:55:18I want to be like Abby when I grow up.
00:55:19Have my own TV show and share my cake recipes with people all over the world.
00:55:23Oh, okay, so you want to be an astronaut, TV show host, and a chef.
00:55:28Yeah, so?
00:55:30Do it.
00:55:32Like I said, I think you can do whatever you put your mind to.
00:55:38And you know what? On that note, I have had a wonderful time, but I should probably get going before the next downpour.
00:55:43I'll give you a lift. I'm heading that way.
00:55:46That'd be great. Thanks.
00:55:47I'll walk you both out.
00:55:49I'll go get the car.
00:55:53That was so delicious and so much fun.
00:55:56Thanks for all that help. Those are some great tips.
00:55:59Good night, Abby.
00:56:01Good night, sweetheart.
00:56:05I'll clean this up.
00:56:07Thanks, honey.
00:56:18Thanks for coming.
00:56:20Oh, I ate way too much. It was so good.
00:56:24I better see that dish on the menu.
00:56:26Yeah, we'll see.
00:56:29I had a great time.
00:56:31Yeah, me too.
00:56:41Oh, your aunt sure has great timing.
00:56:43She does, doesn't she?
00:56:45Well, we'll see you tomorrow?
00:56:48See you tomorrow.
00:56:51Good night.
00:56:53Good night.
00:57:11How'd it go?
00:57:12How'd what go?
00:57:14Your date.
00:57:16It wasn't a date.
00:57:18So what do you call it?
00:57:22Well, did she like your dinner?
00:57:25Yeah, she did actually. She actually really liked the chicken.
00:57:28She thinks I should put it on the menu.
00:57:30That's a good sign.
00:57:34But, do you like her?
00:57:36Yeah. Yeah, I like her.
00:57:39I like her too.
00:57:40That's good.
00:57:42You know, she's really nice.
00:57:49Look, Claire Bear.
00:57:53Look, you know how much I love you, right?
00:57:56You are the most important person in my life, okay?
00:58:00And I, I know how much you miss Mom.
00:58:04And I do too.
00:58:06Okay, and although I see it in you every single day, I miss her so much.
00:58:10I miss her smile.
00:58:12And I miss her laugh.
00:58:14I miss her silly sense of humor.
00:58:17I miss her cooking.
00:58:19You're a great cook.
00:58:23Look, honey, I know this has been a tough time for both of us, okay?
00:58:26But look, we've always had each other to lean on, right?
00:58:31And look, nothing would make me happier than to have someone else in our life right now that we could just share our lives with.
00:58:37And I promise you, I will make that happen.
00:58:42Just eventually.
00:58:46So what's wrong with Abby?
00:58:48Nothing's wrong with Abby.
00:58:50I think.
00:58:54Well, do you love her?
00:58:56Do I love her?
00:59:00It's a little early for that, sweetheart. I mean, we just met, plus she's leaving in a week or so.
00:59:05Hey, listen, how about we just keep her as a really good friend right now, okay?
00:59:11And, I don't know, we'll see where it goes.
00:59:21Come here.
00:59:23We'll always have each other, Claire Bear.
00:59:26I love you.
00:59:28I love you too.
00:59:35How was your date?
00:59:38Wasn't a date.
00:59:40You were at his house. You were eating food together, but it wasn't a date.
00:59:45You and I eat food together all the time. I wouldn't exactly call that a date.
00:59:49And his daughter and his aunt were there.
00:59:51Oh, so you're getting to know his family. Nice.
00:59:54Kenna, we've been shooting with them for, what, a week?
00:59:57And I went to a cookout at his house. Is any of this ringing a bell?
01:00:01You're no fun.
01:00:02What do you want to know?
01:00:04That I had a good time.
01:00:06That Claire is talented and inspiring and Tom is sweet and handsome and I love spending time with him and his family.
01:00:19But looks like both of us got our answer.
01:00:29What are you doing?
01:00:31What are you doing here?
01:00:33Overseeing the reno.
01:00:35Doesn't look like that's what you're doing. What's in the pan?
01:00:38A local chef gave me an incredible recipe and I wanted to see if your diners might like it.
01:00:43Just some local chef, huh? And who might that be?
01:00:46Doesn't matter. Do you think they're ready to elevate their palates?
01:00:49No, I don't.
01:00:54Feel confident about that?
01:00:56About as confident as you feel on your heels.
01:00:58Okay, let's make a bet. If half of them like your chicken parm, it goes on the menu. You in?
01:01:07Yeah, I'll take that bet.
01:01:13Alright, how many people would like to try a fancy, probably overrated, chicken parmesan?
01:01:18Yeah, give me some here.
01:01:22Wow. Okay, I had no idea we had so many telephiles on our hands.
01:01:25I don't know what that big word means, but I love me some good chicken parm.
01:01:29Well, why didn't you say anything?
01:01:31Well, we all know you can be a little stubborn there, Tommy.
01:01:35Huh. Okay. Me? Stubborn.
01:01:42Hey, what are you laughing at?
01:01:44Still feeling that confident?
01:01:46Mommy, this dish is off the chain.
01:01:52Alright, well, message received loud and clear. Chicken parm stays on the menu.
01:01:58Tom, bad news.
01:02:03All those steaks we ordered for the fundraiser?
01:02:06They've been held up. They won't be here by tomorrow.
01:02:10Sorry, Kenneth.
01:02:12It's alright, Marge. What's the problem?
01:02:14There's been some mix-up with our shipment. I don't know where our order is.
01:02:17I'll just have them send us a new overnight shipment.
01:02:19With the storm and stuff? We'll never make it by tomorrow.
01:02:22Okay, well, what's left in the freezer?
01:02:24Not enough. And besides, what else will we serve on Monday?
01:02:31Look, I know we have a lot of filming left to do today, but I've got to take care of this.
01:02:35I already sold three tickets.
01:02:36I know we have a lot of filming left to do today, but I've got to take care of this.
01:02:39I already sold 30 tickets, and I don't know what I'm going to do yet.
01:02:43Hey, Bill. What's ripe at your place?
01:02:46Uh, heirlooms are looking pretty good.
01:02:49What else?
01:02:51Why don't you come out and have a look?
01:02:53What are you thinking?
01:02:55I'm thinking five years of working in vegetarian joints might come in handy right about now.
01:02:58Okay. Well, I'm in.
01:03:02Wait, where are you going?
01:03:03We're already behind schedule and Becca wants us to travel on Sunday.
01:03:06Let me handle this. You load up the crew and follow us.
01:03:09Go get them, girl. We'll be right behind you.
01:03:18Take a look at these, uh, zucchinis.
01:03:25There you go.
01:03:27That's a beauty. Got any eggplant?
01:03:29It's your lucky day.
01:03:35Okay. Yeah, I could make a nice ratatouille out of this.
01:03:38You know, as long as I can convince the townsfolk that they're eating vegetable stew.
01:03:42That sounds great.
01:03:44What am I going to do for a maid?
01:03:46Hey, Bill. Where are those heirloom tomatoes you were bragging about?
01:03:49Yeah, right over here.
01:03:53Abby, these ones are special.
01:03:55Oh, it's gorgeous.
01:03:57That's my Bill.
01:03:59So, what are you thinking?
01:04:00I'm thinking we can do vegetable lasagnas.
01:04:02Layer zucchini, portobello mushrooms.
01:04:04These tomatoes are going to make a killer sauce.
01:04:07You add some ricotta, parmigiano, smother it in mozzarella.
01:04:11You're a hero.
01:04:13Okay, that sounds pretty good.
01:04:15You know what? We'll take some onions and some of your famous Russian garlic, Bill.
01:04:19You got it.
01:04:21Can I help make the pasta?
01:04:23Claire, you are now our new sous chef.
01:04:25And I started at vegetarian restaurants in the city for five years.
01:04:28We can do this.
01:04:30Yeah, we can do this.
01:04:32I think.
01:04:34I didn't know who you were or how talented you were when I met you.
01:04:38You got this.
01:04:40We got this?
01:04:42We got this.
01:04:45Okay, you keep going with the ratatouille. It already smells divine.
01:04:48Yes, chef.
01:04:50Oh, it's been so long since someone called me that. I really missed it.
01:04:54Well, you're killing it. You haven't skipped a beat.
01:04:56Oh, thanks, Tom.
01:04:58Anything else I can do for you?
01:05:00I have some zucchini in the oven with a little olive oil.
01:05:02They taste sweeter once they've been lightly roasted.
01:05:05How's this?
01:05:07Claire, you are a natural. But it's no surprise given your legacy.
01:05:11Keep going, just roll it a little thinner.
01:05:13Aye, aye, captain.
01:05:15Where'd you learn that?
01:05:17I'm reading Treasure Island.
01:05:19Oh, well, shiver me timbers.
01:05:21Hey, listen, I want you all to know that this lady isn't just a TV host, okay?
01:05:25She single-handedly saved my charity dinner, my restaurant, and me.
01:05:29Thanks, Tom. I'm touched.
01:05:31But what are you, auditioning for your own show?
01:05:34No chance.
01:05:40Hey, Kenna. How's it going over there?
01:05:42Really good. Like, how did this world go?
01:05:44So are you guys flying out tomorrow? The dailies are good, and I love the chemistry.
01:05:47But it feels a little played out, and I'm wondering if it's time to move on.
01:05:50And the advance people have Tulsa prepped.
01:05:52Look, there's something happening here that's much bigger that you can't get from the dailies.
01:05:55I'm going to need you to trust us on this. It's worth the delay.
01:05:58Really? What?
01:06:00It's more than a format change. I'm going to need a couple more days.
01:06:05Okay. I hope you're right. It's really tough for me to do this when I don't know why.
01:06:10Trust, Becca. Trust.
01:06:12Call me tomorrow.
01:06:25Linda, Harry.
01:06:29I hope they're not disappointed. This tends to be a bigger carnivorous affair.
01:06:33They're going to love it.
01:06:35Well, they're just not used to me serving this.
01:06:38Well, think about how receptive they were to your chicken parm.
01:06:41You're right. However, carnivorous.
01:06:44You've got to give them more credit. And more importantly, you've got to give yourself more credit.
01:06:49You are a great chef. Even if you're cooking vegetarian entrees for the first time.
01:06:55Remember, everyone here loves you.
01:07:01Yes, everyone. Now let's get inside so we can get ready to serve.
01:07:10Hello, everyone.
01:07:12Hey, John.
01:07:14Listen, before we dig in, I just want to thank you all for coming to this year's annual fundraising event.
01:07:18We deeply appreciate all of your participation.
01:07:21And, you know, just on behalf of all of our volunteer firefighters, we thank you.
01:07:30Okay, I've created something a little different and special for you this year.
01:07:33But before we get into that, I'd really like to introduce you all to Abby Brooks.
01:07:37From the Food & Wine Network's hit series, Abby's Restaurant Takeover.
01:07:41Now, she's been doing a makeover at my diner for the past week or so.
01:07:44So, yes, I hope you dressed in your best because her crew is here.
01:07:46And you won't be in the show.
01:07:48Unless you forgot to sign the waiver on the way.
01:07:51I just want to take a second to tell you all about Abby.
01:07:55She's one of the most stubborn people I've ever met.
01:07:58I mean that in a good way.
01:08:00You better mean that in a good way.
01:08:04I do.
01:08:06So, she's just cruising around my diner doing her thing.
01:08:09And it's inspiring.
01:08:11I mean, her love for cooking and for helping people,
01:08:14it's infectious.
01:08:17So, suffice it to say, this feast would not have happened if it were not for Abby.
01:08:22So, cheers to Abby.
01:08:28Now, what you'll find on your plates is my very own recipe of ratatouille.
01:08:33As well as the main dish, which is Abby's vegetable lasagna.
01:08:36And all the pasta's been made by my clerk here.
01:08:38Please, enjoy. Dig in.
01:08:41Bon appetit.
01:08:43Bon appetit.
01:08:54Wow. This is out of this world, Tom.
01:08:57Thank you, Bill.
01:09:01Isn't this great?
01:09:07Becca, hi.
01:09:09Hey Abby, I've got you on speaker.
01:09:10I'm here with the VPs and they're loving what they've seen so far.
01:09:14Sorry, I don't have very good reception. I can hardly hear you.
01:09:17I'm here with the network and they're loving the dailies that Kenna sent yesterday.
01:09:22They think the new concept's gonna work, big time.
01:09:24That's great. I'm so glad you like it.
01:09:26Yeah, it gave us an idea.
01:09:28What's that?
01:09:30Well, we really like the chemistry between you and Tom,
01:09:32so we're thinking we should pair you up with one of our male hosts.
01:09:36Yeah, we're thinking Marco Bonelli. You know, from Marco's Sweet Treats.
01:09:38We think the two of you together will be a home run.
01:09:41I have met Marco and I've seen his show and he's good,
01:09:44but I don't think we would have any chemistry.
01:09:48Um, Abby, if you can have chemistry with some local chef in a small town,
01:09:53imagine what you could do with a real pro.
01:09:56It's not about me being with a pro.
01:09:58It's about who I feel comfortable with and who I actually have chemistry with.
01:10:01I, I think he's a phony.
01:10:04I'm not suggesting it be forced.
01:10:05We would, of course, do a pilot to see if there's anything there.
01:10:08Becca, I've happily gone along with all the network changes,
01:10:10but I'm telling you, I can't work with this guy.
01:10:12He's arrogant and full of himself.
01:10:15And I can't just flirt with anyone.
01:10:18I'm not going to put on an act anymore.
01:10:21I'm sorry, Abby, but it's our decision.
01:10:27Sorry. Uh, I think I'm losing you.
01:10:31If you can hear me, I don't have reception.
01:10:33I'll call you when I get some.
01:10:48I told you our food was going to be a hit.
01:10:53And who's calling who stubborn?
01:10:58Well, we better get going on dessert.
01:11:00Give the people what they want.
01:11:02Or more of what they didn't know they wanted.
01:11:04That's fine. I think I can do it by myself.
01:11:08Is everything okay?
01:11:13Look, this is almost over.
01:11:15Okay, so you got the finale, the big reveal tomorrow,
01:11:18and then no more acting, right?
01:11:21What's going on?
01:11:23Look, I've had fun.
01:11:25Okay, I really hope that your show turns out well.
01:11:28What? Where's Tom? What is...
01:11:48What's going on?
01:11:50You didn't say anything all the way home. What's wrong?
01:11:55I don't know.
01:11:57Is it Tom?
01:11:59I don't know what happened.
01:12:01He suddenly got cold and then he wouldn't talk to me.
01:12:04Well, we're pretty much done with the remodel.
01:12:06You don't have to see him again after tomorrow.
01:12:08On top of that, Becca wants to partner me up with that jerk Marco Benelli for a new show.
01:12:12Where did that land?
01:12:14Somewhere up in the air, as usual. We'll figure that out.
01:12:17I'm just so confused about Tom.
01:12:20What did I say? What did I do?
01:12:24Oh, honey. You can't plan love.
01:12:27Maybe then it would have worked out.
01:12:36So, today is the big reveal episode.
01:12:45Should be nice to see what they do to the diner.
01:12:53Tommy, what happened?
01:12:56Show's over today and then we can go back to living our normal lives once again.
01:13:02What's wrong? What happened between the two of you?
01:13:05I was right about her. She's just a big city girl who cares about her TV show.
01:13:10What are you talking about?
01:13:12She was playing us to get her TV show done.
01:13:15She seemed sincere to me.
01:13:18She wasn't.
01:13:20I overheard her on the phone last night and it was very clear that she is done putting up the act of buddying up next to me.
01:13:27What did you hear?
01:13:29I heard all I needed to hear.
01:13:32I was foolish about clearing this, which is the last thing that I wanted to do.
01:13:40And you know what?
01:13:44We're starting to feel like a family.
01:13:48You talk to Abby.
01:13:51There are two sides to every story.
01:13:57Look, it's clear that we're both living two different lives.
01:14:00Going down two separate paths.
01:14:02Well, I hope those two paths find each other.
01:14:05Because you two make a great team.
01:14:10Made a great team.
01:14:30Tom, before we get started filming, I want you to know how much this has meant to me.
01:14:34It's okay. Let's just get this show on the road, huh?
01:14:38I'm excited to see what you've done with my place.
01:14:41I really hope you like it.
01:14:43I'm sure I will.
01:14:44Okay, pictures up.
01:14:50I'm here with Tom Billings.
01:14:52We're about to reveal the renovation of his Rocco's Diner.
01:14:55Now, when we first got here, we saw a diner full of potential.
01:14:58A diner that was already well established.
01:15:00A diner that was cherished by the town.
01:15:03I'm sorry, could we cut?
01:15:05Yeah, cut.
01:15:07Abby, are you okay?
01:15:09Yeah, sorry.
01:15:11Um, yeah, I'm good.
01:15:12Can we go again?
01:15:22I'm here with Tom Billings.
01:15:24We're about to unveil the remodel of Rocco's Diner.
01:15:32I'm gonna be honest with you.
01:15:34When we first got to this diner, I didn't know what I could do.
01:15:38The food was great.
01:15:40The people in town loved this place.
01:15:42And the owner was dead set on keeping tradition alive.
01:15:47So I thought, let's keep that tradition going.
01:15:49With a little love and care.
01:15:53You ready to see your new diner?
01:16:04I added this beautiful patio to accommodate dining al fresco.
01:16:07It's gonna increase your capacity, but it's also gonna give Rocco's a new sense of openness.
01:16:16It's just the beginning.
01:16:18You should see what I've done inside.
01:16:20Come on.
01:16:41Look at these photos. I haven't seen some of those in so long.
01:16:45Oh, and the potted herbs? Nice. I love it.
01:16:48I thought it would bring out the freshness of your new look.
01:16:51And here's your new menu.
01:16:55Okay, what do we got?
01:16:57Wow, look at this, huh? We got fresh beet salad.
01:17:01Chicken parmesan.
01:17:02Vegetable lasagna.
01:17:04With your community-driven diner updated with a more progressive menu,
01:17:08locally sourced produce, like from your friend Bill's organic farm,
01:17:13Rocco's can boast a renewed commitment to farm-to-table cuisine.
01:17:18I love it.
01:17:20And I think the town will, too.
01:17:23It was all part of your dream.
01:17:24This has been Abby on the Road. We'll see you next time.
01:17:27And remember, you can find a hidden gem just about anywhere.
01:17:31All you have to do is look.
01:17:33And cut!
01:17:35And that's a wrap, everyone.
01:17:37We want to thank you so much for all your hard work,
01:17:41and we want to thank Tom and his beautiful family.
01:17:44Aw, thanks.
01:17:58Bill, are you so happy?
01:18:00Yes, very exciting.
01:18:02My Claire Bear.
01:18:05And I just want to say this has been such a great experience for me.
01:18:10I've done a lot of restaurant makeovers in my time,
01:18:13and I have never met a nicer or more welcoming group.
01:18:18So thank you.
01:18:22Can I talk to you for a second?
01:18:27Are you excited?
01:18:29You're going to be on TV.
01:18:31Look, I don't know what happened between the two of us.
01:18:34I thought we were enjoying each other.
01:18:37We were.
01:18:40But something changed.
01:18:42I don't know what, but I'm really sorry it did.
01:18:47Yeah, me too.
01:18:49Look, I need you to know that whatever's going on here,
01:18:53I wasn't flirting with you for ratings.
01:18:57Everything I felt for you, Claire, Marge, the diner, the people of Lawrence,
01:19:04it was all 100% genuine.
01:19:12There's something that I need to tell you.
01:19:17Well, the other night I accidentally overheard you on the phone and-
01:19:19Wait, sorry.
01:19:21We've got to go.
01:19:23Our plane is like the only one that leaves here in two weeks.
01:19:27Tom, what-
01:19:31No, she's right.
01:19:33You better go.
01:19:38Can I thank you for everything you've done?
01:19:40No, thank you.
01:19:42What you're doing here is really great.
01:19:43They're lucky to have you.
01:19:45Keep it up.
01:19:51She's right, they're lucky to have you.
01:19:56See you when I see you.
01:19:59Have a good-
01:20:11Oh, um, look in the kitchen. I left something for you.
01:20:38To the stubborn chef.
01:20:42These smiles held the promise of a new beginning.
01:20:46You'll always be in my heart.
01:20:49With all my love, to you and Claire.
01:21:14You still think she's just flirting for the camera?
01:21:19It's just a TV show, Nancy.
01:21:22Honey, I've seen all her episodes. This was more than a TV show.
01:21:27That girl loves you.
01:21:38Tell us I'd better have a better night life.
01:21:41You know, if there's a two-step bar, you're obligated to be my partner.
01:21:49Earth to Abby.
01:21:53Kenna doesn't feel right to leave.
01:21:55Especially like this.
01:21:58Lawrence was the first place that felt like home in so long.
01:22:02I'm so sorry.
01:22:03Lawrence was the first place that felt like home in so long.
01:22:08I really grew to love it.
01:22:10And Tom.
01:22:13And Tom.
01:22:15And Claire and Marge and Bill.
01:22:21Abby, if we don't go to Tulsa, we lose this show.
01:22:28Why are you stopping?
01:22:30You're not having second thoughts, are you?
01:22:34Our welcoming committee came to say goodbye.
01:22:40This has got to be their interstate.
01:22:44Hey, where are you going?
01:22:46To shoo them away.
01:22:50The horn still doesn't work for you?
01:22:56Oh, God.
01:23:01I can't leave today.
01:23:03What are you doing here?
01:23:05Look, what I was trying to tell you was that I accidentally overheard you on the phone.
01:23:09Okay, and I don't care if you think I'm phony or if I'm a jerk.
01:23:12You can't leave today. Not like this.
01:23:14That's what this is about.
01:23:17I was talking about some jerk at the network they wanted to pair me up with.
01:23:20And that's not going to happen.
01:23:22I was actually fighting to have you as a co-host.
01:23:26You would do a show with me?
01:23:29If I'm not mistaken, I think we just did.
01:23:31Okay, so you don't think I'm a jerk?
01:23:35I think you are the most genuine guy I have ever met.
01:23:42Look, I don't care if you live in the city and I live in the country.
01:23:45And I have no idea how we make this work, okay?
01:23:47But we'll just make it work.
01:23:54Sorry, you were rambling.
01:23:56Yeah, you kind of make me do that sometimes.
01:24:00Are you two going to keep this up? Because I think the sheep are getting jealous.
01:24:06I actually hired them to stop you.
01:24:09I'm just kidding. Maybe.
01:24:11Hey, do you want to come and help me with the dinner rush tonight?
01:24:15I would love to.
01:24:17Besides, I have a feeling we're going to miss our flight anyway.
01:24:19Due to unforeseen traffic.
01:24:25Besides, I have a better idea I think I can sell to the network.
01:24:36And action.
01:24:38Hello, I'm Abby Brooks.
01:24:40And I'm Tom Billings.
01:24:42And welcome to Hidden Gems.
01:24:44It's a show where we seek out small town restaurant gems, like right here in our lovely home, Lawrence.
01:24:48And then we teach you how to recreate one of their most famous dishes right here at Rocco's Diner.
01:24:52Now this week we went to a small Indian restaurant just one hour north of Lawrence.
01:24:55And we're going to try to put our own spin on their Murgh Makhani.
01:24:58That's how you say that.
01:25:00And we think you'll love it.
01:25:02And cut.
01:25:04Okay, great work people, but we got to move on. Lots to do.
01:25:08Indian food. I could go for that.
01:25:10See, I told you your clientele had a sophisticated palate.
01:25:13It's just Bill.
01:25:15Hey, sweetie. How was that?
01:25:17You guys are great together. But I have a few notes for you, Dad.
01:25:19Oh, you created a monster.
01:25:21Well, I learned from the best.
01:25:23What about me?
01:25:25You were perfect.
01:25:27Perfect? Really?
01:25:28Come on.
01:25:30Well, I'll tell you. I would follow this woman anywhere.
