• last year


00:30Now, Gail, one of your neighbors said the best description of your marriage is good and plenty.
00:36How much do you know about your neighbors and how much do your neighbors know about you?
00:42We'll find out today because it's time to meet the neighbors.
00:45And now, here's the neighbor's best friend, Regis Philbin.
00:50Oh, hi. How are you?
00:52Oh, welcome.
00:55Thank you very much.
00:56Today, we're going to find out all about our five good neighbors who live on Osita Avenue in Granada Hills, California.
01:03And right now, I'd like you to meet two ladies who have been chosen by their neighbors to play today's game,
01:07and they are Gail Kessler and Sharon Walter.
01:10It's nice to have you here.
01:12And here are the neighbors who chose them, Sarah Blatt, Linda Edding, and Susan Hart.
01:21Nice to have all of you here. Welcome to our show.
01:23Now, Sharon and Gail, we've asked your neighbors some very interesting questions about you,
01:27and they've told us some very interesting things.
01:29Now, all you've got to do is figure out who most of them are talking about,
01:33and if you agree with the majority of their answers, well, you'll win $25, and so will they.
01:38And the player with the most money at the end of the game will win some very exciting prizes.
01:42So, Sharon, let's see how well you know your neighbors.
01:45All ready?
01:47Neighbors, here's the first question.
01:48Which one of these good ladies do you say has the most beer cans and bottles in her trash?
01:55Oh, God.
01:57Most beer cans and bottles in her trash, and who would you say it is?
02:00Let's see your cards.
02:02Ah, very interesting.
02:04All right, Sharon, who do you think it is?
02:06Who do you think they said it was?
02:08Well, let's see.
02:09My husband doesn't really drink much, and I don't drink much.
02:14But I can tell Gail uses it for her hair, so I would say it definitely has to be Gail.
02:20You would say Gail, and your neighbors agree with you, and you win $25.
02:29Number two, which of these two neighbors of yours do you say is the most likely to join a nudist colony?
02:37Oh, God.
02:38Would it be Sharon or Gail?
02:40Let's see who you think it is.
02:44Well, all right.
02:46There's a majority there.
02:47Gail, who do you think they say it is?
02:49Oh, dear.
02:51Yes, I agree with you.
02:53I think it would have to be me.
02:54Why do you think it would have to be you?
02:55Because I don't like clothes.
02:58Can you tell by the way you dress?
03:01That's it.
03:03You don't like clothes.
03:04And it is my husband, so I really think it's me.
03:06Ah, and you're absolutely right.
03:08They agree with you.
03:09The majority agrees with you.
03:12You're very good.
03:13You're very good.
03:14Okay, next question.
03:15Which of these two ladies would you say might like to give her husband pep pills at night?
03:23Pep pills late at night.
03:25Oh, my God.
03:26Oh, yes, indeed.
03:27Now, Sharon, we want you to tell us who they think it is.
03:30Well, the way I talk, I have a funny feeling it must be me.
03:36No, Mark is too tired at night.
03:38You're wrong.
03:39No, you don't.
03:41No, but I live with Mark.
03:44It's you, Sharon.
03:45You would do such a thing.
03:46You would give your husband pep pills.
03:47Sure, I would.
03:49And they agree with you.
03:50You're absolutely right.
03:51$25 more for Sharon.
03:56Hey, everybody's a winner today.
03:58Last question in this round.
04:00Which of these two ladies, Sharon and Gail, would you say is most likely to get completely out of control at a party?
04:10Let's see it, neighbors.
04:12Okay, we have Gail.
04:14Who would you say they think it is?
04:16I think it's Sharon.
04:17You think it's Sharon?
04:18Yes, because...
04:19I don't know what it is, Sharon.
04:21Oh, but I know what it is.
04:23You know what it is?
04:24She's the talk of the neighborhood.
04:25She's the talk of the neighborhood.
04:26You're absolutely right.
04:27It is Sharon.
04:28$25 more for you.
04:31Our score at this point, Sharon has 50, Gail has 50.
04:34It's all tied up.
04:35And we'll be right back to find out more about pep pills and wild parties.
04:38And all those things in this neighborhood right after this message.
04:52Welcome back to the neighbors and another peek at what really goes on in Granada Hills.
04:56And apparently there's a lot going on.
04:58Our recap of the score.
04:59Each of our ladies has won $50, so you're all tied up.
05:02And now let me tell you that we're going to repeat something that one of your neighbors told us about you.
05:07And if you can guess which one said it, you'll win $50.
05:11And neighbors, remember, it's up to you to convince them that you're the one who gave us this piece of information.
05:15Because if they pick you, you'll get $25 whether you said it or not.
05:19So this is the real test to see how well you know your neighbors.
05:22But be careful, because if they fool you, you won't win any money at all.
05:26Now, Gail, here's your first question.
05:28One of your three neighbors has told us that the movie title that best describes your husband, Mark, is Jaws.
05:39Jaws, Gail. Okay?
05:41Let's find out why they would say that.
05:43Sarah, why did you say that?
05:45Well, Gail, I said that because Mark is so outgoing.
05:49And once when Jim and I went into a store, he talked and talked and talked until we finally bought something.
05:54And he wouldn't quit.
05:56And he just goes on and on.
05:57And he's always the life of the party.
05:59And I definitely said that.
06:01Because he's got a big mouth.
06:03You say he talks an awful lot.
06:05An awful lot.
06:06Sometimes he gets on your nerves, even.
06:08Ah, well.
06:10All right.
06:11Too much, man.
06:12Linda, what do you say?
06:13Well, Gail, I think he's really...
06:15That's a perfect description in Jaws.
06:17Because at night, especially when he's ready to make love to you, you just go, Gail, ah!
06:22And he just sounds like Jaws.
06:24She's a singer.
06:25I watched the movie.
06:27I've got ears, and I've got eyes, too.
06:30So I would say that he's definitely Jaws.
06:33You better pull down your shades.
06:34Just like a whale would attack a shark, he would attack you, like Jaws.
06:39Gee, you're getting Sharon all excited.
06:45Susan, why would you call Mark Jaws?
06:48Gail, you know how much Linda knows about sex.
06:50I know.
06:53Now, you...
06:54Listen to me.
06:56What happened...
06:57You didn't see the movie, right?
06:59You didn't see it.
07:00You missed the appetite of this animal, right?
07:04Was that what she should know?
07:06She knows Jaws.
07:08Now, I don't talk about things like that.
07:10I mean appetite, like in food.
07:14You have got to see her husband to appreciate Jaws.
07:19He eats a lot.
07:20He's a happy man.
07:21Believe him, Gail.
07:22I said it.
07:23He's a happy man.
07:24All right, okay.
07:25Now, wait a minute, ladies.
07:26Give Susan a chance to finish.
07:27She said he has a voracious appetite.
07:29And you heard the rest of the answers.
07:30Now, who do you think it is?
07:32It's a hard decision.
07:34Dorian Gray, it sounds like.
07:36It's a little bit of each one of them.
07:38He likes Jaws for all those reasons.
07:41I want to hear.
07:43I think it's Susan because he does love food.
07:45You think it's Susan because he does love food.
07:47And, Susan, $25 to you for being so convincing.
07:50And, Gail, you're wrong.
07:52It was Sarah.
07:53It was Sarah.
07:55It was between Linda and Susan.
07:58I love you so much.
08:01Our score is still 50.
08:03It's all tied up.
08:04Now, Sharon, here's your question.
08:05It's in the opinion of one of your good neighbors
08:07that if you were to have a night out all by yourself,
08:09you would probably spend it at one of their homes
08:12while she was away.
08:14And let's see why she would have said that, okay?
08:16I want to hear this.
08:18Why do you think she'd want to spend the night at your house?
08:20Well, let me tell you.
08:22We've been to a lot of parties.
08:24And I've noticed she always had an eye on my husband.
08:26She even likes to play with his chest hair.
08:30She thinks he's gorgeous.
08:31I know him.
08:32Go ahead.
08:33Go ahead.
08:34I mean, she just loves him.
08:35And I know that.
08:37Well, her husband is being so little.
08:39My husband is being...
08:40He's a big guy.
08:41He's tall.
08:42There's just a lot to grab.
08:44And she grabs him.
08:46She was really...
08:47I think she would try...
08:48It's an idea.
08:49I'll have to try it.
08:50All right.
08:51Hey, Linda.
08:52Linda's saying she's got the greatest husband in the world
08:54and you can't keep your hands off him.
08:55I'll try it.
08:56I'll try it.
08:57She's convinced me.
08:58Go ahead.
08:59Hairy chest you've got at home.
09:00That's right.
09:02Go ahead.
09:03Four kids I've got.
09:04But at 8 o'clock at night, they are sleeping.
09:05I have the quietest house after 8.
09:09Now, four children...
09:10I've never heard of a house quiet after 8.
09:12What interests you most in life, Sharon?
09:14What do you think?
09:15Four children.
09:16They're so quiet.
09:17What happens...
09:18She doesn't want any more children.
09:21It's the ability that counts.
09:23Susan says...
09:24Susan lies.
09:25You go ahead.
09:27Okay, now, Sharon.
09:28You know that you've told me on a lot of occasions...
09:30A lot.
09:31...that you really like Jim.
09:32You love talking to him.
09:33You love being with him.
09:35Not as much as Glory.
09:37I'll take both on.
09:38Go ahead.
09:39She's always said she's like my husband,
09:40the best of all the other neighbors' husbands.
09:42And you know you told me that a few weeks ago.
09:45Yes, I did.
09:46And I said that about Jim.
09:47As a matter of fact.
09:48All right.
09:50So, you have their three answers.
09:51She wants more mature men.
09:52She's her husband, so it sounds like.
09:54Which house...
09:55No, wait a minute, ladies.
09:56Now, wait a minute.
09:57Now, wait a minute.
09:58Sharon, which house would it be?
09:59I would think this time would probably be Linda's house
10:02because Gary's hair in his chest.
10:05Linda, $25 to you and to the hairy one.
10:08And you, Sharon.
10:10Sharon, you're absolutely right.
10:11It was Linda.
10:12You win $50.
10:17You can't top him.
10:19Do you like him?
10:20And Sharon takes our lead.
10:22Now, Gail, one of your neighbors said the best description of your marriage
10:26is good and plenty.
10:29Let's find out why Susan would say that.
10:31That was me.
10:32What are you talking about?
10:33But you're sitting here.
10:34Oh, I got the best impression from the two of you.
10:36I mean, you're just well-matched.
10:38You get along good.
10:39Yeah, but you lied to me the last time, Susan.
10:42Lying is not my thing.
10:44That's what you told me the last time.
10:45I spend more time in church than anybody's trying to get out of it.
10:50I came home on Sundays morning for the rest of the week.
10:54Susan, you're saying it's a good and plenty type of relationship.
10:58And her husband is plenty.
11:02It's not that personal.
11:03Let's find out why Sarah would say that, okay?
11:06Okay, Gail.
11:07She was telling the truth the last time.
11:08Okay, you know my sense of humor.
11:10That came to me right away.
11:13When I pictured you and your husband, good and plenty.
11:16You're a good friend, a good neighbor.
11:18Your husband is plenty.
11:22He's big.
11:23He's great.
11:24And both of you go so good together, I picked good and plenty.
11:27Oh, that's not true.
11:31Let's give Linda a chance.
11:33Let's give Linda a chance.
11:34What's your story?
11:35But I always tell the truth.
11:38And you know me from a few years ago.
11:41She would if she knew it.
11:43I said good and plenty because he is big and he is a lot of him.
11:50And especially during the night.
11:53I mean, there's just so much to cover.
11:55She must be all over.
11:57Well, you said yourself.
11:59She runs up and down the block.
12:00I mean, that story.
12:01Remember on the honeymoon?
12:02You know, I mean, there was a lot to see.
12:04And you were shocked yourself.
12:06And there's just so much to cover.
12:13Is that true?
12:14There's a lot to cover.
12:15And even after great years, there's still a lot to cover.
12:18We follow you, Linda.
12:19Yeah, we get the idea.
12:21It must have been some honeymoon, huh?
12:23It sure was.
12:25Okay, who called you?
12:26He hasn't been able to forget it.
12:27They all remember different incidents.
12:29God, should I go with Sue again?
12:31Last time she was wrong.
12:33She goes to church.
12:34But she goes to church.
12:35But Linda remembered the honeymoon.
12:38I'll never forget that.
12:40I think Linda was there.
12:42I think Linda was all over.
12:44So, who are you picking?
12:45I'm going to take Linda.
12:46You're going to take Linda.
12:47So, Linda, you earned $25 for being so convincing.
12:50And, Gail?
12:51It was Susan.
12:52You're wrong.
12:53It was Sarah.
12:57I didn't think Sarah was quite right.
12:59I don't trust you anymore.
13:00Our score remains Sharon 150 and Gail has 50.
13:04And, Sharon, here's a chance to pick up another $50.
13:07Sharon, when comparing your husband, Gerald, to an animal,
13:11one of your neighbors said he was like an X-rated tiger.
13:16Oh, my God.
13:17Gerald, like an X-rated tiger.
13:19Who would say a thing like that?
13:20Let's find out why Sarah would.
13:22You know, I had to say that about Jerry.
13:24First of all, every time I call you up on the phone and he answers,
13:26I can't get him off the phone.
13:28He's always saying all these obscene things to me.
13:30And second...
13:31Oh, goody, goody, goody.
13:32Go ahead.
13:34And also, when we were at your party and I was wearing that,
13:37well, you know what I was wearing.
13:38Yeah, I know what you were wearing.
13:39And he could not keep his eyes off me.
13:41And that is why I called him an X-rated tiger.
13:43You think Gerald may have a little crush on you?
13:46Of course.
13:49All right.
13:50Linda, why would you call him an X-rated tiger?
13:51Well, he just thinks I'm sexy.
13:53And he's told Sharon about it.
13:55And Sharon told me that.
13:57And when we were at a party and he poured some drink
14:02and I said, well, I'm not a drinker.
14:03But he said, well, have some more.
14:05I said, you know, if I drink, I'm going to start taking my clothes off.
14:07You don't want that?
14:08He says, yes, I do.
14:09Go ahead.
14:10I mean, he's always staring.
14:11You know it.
14:12You know that.
14:13That's my husband.
14:14Go ahead.
14:15That's Gerald.
14:16He's always staring at the wrong places.
14:17And one time, I'm going to tell him that.
14:18No, it's the right places.
14:19Good, Linda.
14:20You just told him.
14:21You just told him.
14:22You know what I mean?
14:23This has been going on long enough.
14:24I feel it.
14:25How long can he stare at you like that?
14:26Susan, why would you call Gerald an X-rated tiger?
14:30Now, you know what X-rated is like.
14:32And you know what Jerry's mind is like.
14:35Like a sim.
14:37Go ahead.
14:38I try not to think about things like that.
14:41I know.
14:42But on Sunday, there's six other days of the week.
14:44Not to mention the sex.
14:46The violence.
14:47Mention it.
14:48The violence.
14:49The other part is.
14:50The violence, Susan?
14:51I love it.
14:53Go ahead.
14:54I want to hear.
14:56The other part is.
14:57I mean, we're next door.
14:59I know.
15:00Too close.
15:01Have you ever heard Jerry kind of.
15:02What did you say the lessons were?
15:03You've heard a tiger.
15:04I want to hear what Jerry says.
15:05Wait, wait.
15:06It's not what he says.
15:07It's what he does.
15:08You know, it's kind of a low growl.
15:10How do you know?
15:11Tiger like.
15:12He's there.
15:13Well, we're next door.
15:14No, but you can't.
15:15Vacuum cleaner bags.
15:16She sends him over to my house to get vacuum cleaner bags.
15:18It's a growl.
15:20If you want to borrow something, you better come over by yourself.
15:21Better come yourself.
15:22He's too much man for these women.
15:23No, I think.
15:24All right, Sharon.
15:25Who do you think would refer to Jerry as a X-rated tiger?
15:29Let's see.
15:30It's Sue's word, but I think it's Linda,
15:33because I remember the bit with the drinks.
15:35So, I just have a feeling it's Linda.
15:37If it isn't, they can both have a good time.
15:39Go ahead.
15:40Linda, $25 to you for being so convincing.
15:43And, Sharon, you're right.
15:44It was Linda.
15:45$50 to you.
15:47Okay, our new score.
15:49Sharon is $200.
15:50Gail has $50.
15:52And, in a moment, we'll be back with the neighbors
15:54and find out how well these two players know each other.
16:08Welcome back to the neighbors.
16:09And now, ladies, we're going to find out
16:11how well you two know each other.
16:13These last five questions
16:14will determine the outcome of the game.
16:16So, to recap our score,
16:17Sharon, you are ahead $150 to $50 for Gail.
16:21This is your chance to catch up, Gail, all right?
16:23I'm going to repeat something about one of you
16:25that all of your neighbors agree on.
16:27And as soon as you think you know who I'm talking about,
16:30buzz in.
16:31But be careful, because if you buzz in and you're wrong,
16:34your opponent will win the money.
16:36So, for $50, here we go.
16:38Your neighbors were in unanimous agreement
16:40that if you wanted to remind your husband
16:42you were still around,
16:44you would be the most likely to go on a shopping spree.
16:47All right?
16:48That is me, for sure.
16:50Oh, yeah.
16:51May I just finish this?
16:52At Frederick's of Hollywood.
16:57Well, you...
16:58Could still be me.
16:59Could still be Sharon.
17:00Let's see how the neighbors feel about it.
17:01For $50, they say it's Sharon.
17:03You're absolutely right.
17:04$200 for you, Sharon.
17:08Question number two was worth $100.
17:11So, Gail, still a chance.
17:13Which of your diaries do you think your neighbors felt
17:16would be the most likely to receive an X rating?
17:21Your light is on first.
17:22You say it's Sharon.
17:23Boy, that was quick.
17:24No doubt in your mind.
17:25No doubt.
17:26No doubt.
17:27Let's see how the neighbors feel about it.
17:28And they agree, it's Sharon.
17:32So, our score is now Sharon, $200,
17:35and Gail, $150.
17:37And we move on to question number three,
17:39and this is worth $150.
17:42Which of the two of you do your neighbors say
17:45would be the most liable to browse
17:47through her husband's wallet?
17:49Gail, you go.
17:50I think it's Sharon.
17:51You think it's Sharon?
17:52Think she'd do a thing like that?
17:54All right.
17:55Gail says it's Sharon,
17:56and the neighbors say,
17:57it's Gail.
17:59Sharon wins.
18:01I don't do that.
18:02I don't do it.
18:04One thing she doesn't do, she said.
18:05All right.
18:06Sharon has won $350,
18:07and Gail, $150.
18:09Our next question is worth $200,
18:11so this could tie it up for you, Gail,
18:12if you get it right.
18:14Your neighbors are in complete agreement
18:15that one of you has a secret
18:17she wouldn't want her husband to find out about.
18:20Who do you think they're talking about?
18:25Yeah, unfortunately.
18:28You're saying you do have a secret, then?
18:29I don't tell.
18:31The secret.
18:32You sure don't.
18:33Okay, Sharon thinks it's Sharon.
18:34The neighbors say it's Gail.
18:38Thank you very much, Sharon.
18:41Oh, my God.
18:43Well, so we're all tied up at $350 apiece.
18:47Everybody's got a secret going here.
18:48Oh, of course.
18:49I've got one myself.
18:51Okay, this is the tie-breaking round,
18:53the fifth and final round,
18:54worth $300.
18:56Whoever wins it wins the ball game.
18:58All of your neighbors seem to think
19:00that if a handsome bachelor
19:02moved into your neighborhood,
19:03you would be the first to make yourself known to him.
19:08That would be Sharon.
19:09Sharon would be the first.
19:10She'd go right down there and say,
19:11Hi, bachelor.
19:12He should go,
19:13Oh, my darling.
19:14Where have you been all my life?
19:16That's Sharon.
19:17Gail says it's Sharon.
19:18The neighbors say it's Sharon.
19:24Round total of $650.
19:29Oh, very good.
19:31Sharon, congratulations to you.
19:32You have won $350,
19:34and we thank you so much for coming here
19:35and playing with us today.
19:37All right, then.
19:39You have certainly proven to us
19:41that you do know your neighbors,
19:42and now I want you to take a look
19:43at what you have won.
19:47There it is.
19:51Gail, being today's winner,
19:52here's the beautiful Tiffany King Size Brass Bed
19:54made of brass and finished in durable baked enamel.
19:56Comes with headboard, footboard, and bed frame
19:58from the Brass Bed Company of America.
20:03But wait, Gail, there's more.
20:05Here's lovely Jane Nelson
20:06wearing your full-length brown shadow mink coat.
20:09It's suitable for evening,
20:10and you zip off the detachable border.
20:12It's a lovely coat, perfect for street wear.
20:14This beautiful mink is yours
20:15from Dicker and Dicker of Beverly Hills.
20:17Oh, congratulations, Gail.
20:18Come on down here.
20:19And here's Jane with your mink.
20:25Hey, we had a lot of fun
20:26with our neighbors from Granada Hills today.
20:28You better find out about your neighborhood,
20:30because tomorrow we may be finding out about you.
20:32Till then, this is Regis Goldman saying goodbye
20:35from the neighbors.