00:00Sometimes when you look at Harlan when he plays it's all about keeping him in
00:05front. Once you allow him to peel off or in the space and those balls get
00:13threaded through onto him, once he gets going and you're side
00:17by side, you're a little behind him, it's hard. You've got to do a little bit more work
00:22and get in front of it in the beginning of the action and if it
00:26changes well you've got to keep on being in front of him. You can't allow him to
00:30once you go side by side or a little bit ahead of you and they thread those balls
00:33in or he pulls off the back of you waiting for the chip at the back post,
00:36it's hard work. Then you've got to really be in sync with the right back
00:40and the left back and really be kind of communicative.
00:44You've got to have a lot of communication going on there but for me
00:46they've got to keep in as much as possible in front of him. Once he goes
00:51start on your shoulder or side by side, it's hard work.