• el mes pasado


00:00Jalen who had 72 yards rushing last night and I think became the first quarterback ever
00:05With at least 200 yards passing and 50 yards rushing
00:09So Jalen continues to set a new mark on the field as well as off the field
00:15So congratulations to both of them and the team. I
00:20Think coach you're coming up first
00:30You want to pick it up or you want to leave it
00:37So yours now
01:15Talk about the
01:17With Vic Fangio did this team this year?
01:20You guys didn't blitz at all last night and you still got pressure with the front four. Just talk about that. Yeah
01:26Vic did an unbelievable job all year
01:30Getting everybody on the same page
01:33You know the fundamentals of the game like again this this game doesn't have to be complicated at the end of the day
01:41Did you tackle? Well, did you get off blocks? Well
01:44Did you hustle to the ball and our guys did that did you take the ball away and our guys did that?
01:50So Vic did an unbelievable job
01:54You know and
01:56The game dictates just like just like on offense the game dictates how the games played
02:03And so we didn't we didn't need the pressures at all yesterday
02:06you know, we were getting home with four and being able to keep seven in coverage and
02:10He kept dialing it up. He did an awesome job and the defense did an awesome job. That's right
02:17Hi coach congratulations
02:20So you said earlier this week that you're not superstitious
02:24However after starting the season two and two you shaved your head and there's been some speculation
02:32Right you buzzed your head
02:34So there's been some speculation on the internet that that's had something to do with it
02:38Do you anticipate shaving your head next season to start that has nothing to do with it? It's all about the
02:44It's all about the hat your habits and how you go about it
02:47like I literally had no time to get a haircut on the Friday and so I buzzed it and
02:52And that has nothing to do with it. Again. It's your habits every day. Our team had great habits
02:58That prepared us to win each and every week
03:02With the way they practice with the way they met with the way they walk through with the way they connected all those things
03:10You know, I I am the last person that's superstitious because I believe it's your habits that
03:16That make you who you are. Thank you
03:18Thanks, my wife didn't like the buzz that either so I'm probably not gonna do that again
03:26Coach Nick Bolton said after the game that
03:28Jalen was really ahead with his checks and it kind of threw the Chiefs off
03:32Could you explain better than I would understand what goes into that check process and why?
03:37Jalen is so consistently good at that and kind of ahead of defenses with it. Yeah, sometimes it's
03:42You have a check and it's play to play
03:45Sometimes, you know, it's this play versus look and this play versus that look sometimes it's hey Jalen if you get this look
03:53Check to this play
03:54Sometimes it's something that he's feeling in the moment that he's checked to in the past
03:59That he gets to sometimes it's just you know, there's a lot of different things for it
04:04But it all takes the preparation that Jalen, you know
04:07You know, we can prepare as coaches all we want and try to put him in position succeed
04:12But then it comes down to him
04:14Recognizing the look from his film study all week and all two weeks in this case and getting to the right play
04:20So he did an unbelievable job of that yesterday
04:23Multiple occasions on all the different things that I just said on every different type of check that we could have
04:30man, he was on top of it and that and that's because the way he prepares and his
04:35Football IQ and everything that goes involved in that he sees the game
04:40And can help us getting it out of plays on a consistent basis
04:48Coach what was your pregame speech to your team? Yeah, you know
04:54Tough detailed together. We talked about that all year
04:59You know what you see on any given Sunday the any given Sunday
05:04Talk by Al Pacino was really awesome, but it don't work that way, right? Yeah
05:09You know, my job is to
05:12Is not to inspire them. It's just to you know, it's it's more to just remind them of the things they already know
05:19And I keep really sure I you know, I talk a lot all during the week
05:23So before the game it pretty much is consistent week one to week
05:2937 whatever whatever we are on tough detailed together. That's our core values. That's what we talked about
05:36And you know the toughest team wins usually the most detailed team wins usually in the team that's most together wins usually
05:46Good morning coach Myra Gomez over
05:49First of all, congratulations to you your team and obviously Philadelphia on the win last night a dominating win by far
05:56Can you speak a little bit about the defense and just how that unit came together this year because speaking to them
06:02Over the week a couple of them mentioned that looking at your offense looking at Jalen looking at Saquon
06:08They didn't want to be the weak link and last night. I think they proved they were nothing close to that
06:13Yeah, you know all year they were they you know, it was it was every unit
06:17This this is why this is the greatest team sport there as it takes everybody
06:20You can't have a strong defense and we had a strong defense strong offense and we got great
06:26Execution by our special teams unit consistently throughout the entire year
06:31But our defense when you play good team defense, you know
06:35There are some consistent factors whether you look at high school football college football
06:41Professional football year in year out
06:42Are you consistently on the same page and our guys were consistently on the same page?
06:47Working as one out there for all the different looks that they got
06:52Do you defeat blocks do you tackle well?
06:56Do you take the football away and the fundamentals that require that and our guys did that consistently all year
07:03and and and the last portion of that that we talked about an awful lot is
07:08Do you have a relentless effort to the football good things happen when you get to the football and I think?
07:15You know
07:16Obviously, we were very talented on that side of the field Vic Fangio is one of the best coordinators of all time
07:21I think he cemented his legacy of being maybe the maybe the best coordinator defensive coordinator of all time last night
07:30But those things are consistent in defensive football and our guys and our guys did that
07:37Hey Nick
07:39Here. Hey Dave. I know you want all of your teams to be really connected and close
07:44But what do you think it was about this team in particular that that got them so close this year? Yeah, it's the journey
07:51You don't know how close the team's going to be until you go through the journey together
07:57think what this you know, it's hard to say this because you know, we won 16 out of our last 17 games, but
08:05Even in the midst of that our team and
08:10Adversity has a tendency to bring you together
08:12Right, and so I think I look back on last year and how last year ended and I'm grateful
08:18As crazy as this sounds I'm grateful how last year ended because it shaped us to who we are today and where we're standing today
08:26in the adversity at the beginning of the year and shoot the adversity through the season through the
08:31injuries through ups and downs through everything
08:35Think that when you embrace adversity
08:40It does something to you, right? It does something to you personally, right?
08:45Each and every individual on that football team, you know, the adversity does something to you
08:50And it does something to you as a football team as well
08:54So our guys I think that that could be the biggest attribute they work their butts off to connect
08:59They work their butts off to be able to put their you know in a world where?
09:03Shoot where it's all about your phone and being on your phone. They put their phones down and did stuff together
09:08I mean that was the first and foremost key is
09:12You can't substitute the time that it takes to connect right, you know
09:17The the time that they had with dinners together and in the in the game room and in between meetings and all that different stuff
09:26They were selfless. I mean just look at
09:30just look at you know, Jalen and and AJ and and Devante and
09:36Every bar group the group rush on defense
09:39The not caring who gets the credit and just wanting to win
09:42I mean there are so many things that this is the greatest team sport there is and but I think that the
09:48biggest thing Dave was the embrace of the adversity that we all went through together and
09:54Adversity does something to you special if you embrace it and
09:57And allow it to shape you to be the person that you are in the team that you are
10:01Hey, good morning, Nick after the Washington game, you said when you walked into the locker room your thought was about the next game
10:08In in that moment last night walking into the locker room seeing the party seeing the celebration. What thoughts did you have then?
10:13Yeah, it wasn't about the next one, right?
10:17Yeah, just gratitude just thankfulness, you know being thankful for the for the moment a special group of guys
10:24thankful for the the guys that we have on this football team and
10:27The special players the special people that we have on this football team
10:32And it's just awesome to be able to embrace guys in that moment. Like those are the things you'll remember
10:38You'll remember the hard practices. You'll remember the ups and downs
10:42You know, you remember the games and the confetti falling no doubt
10:45We'll have pictures of that but you know the celebration we've embraced that celebration so much like I
10:52Can't tell you how many times I've showed
10:55The guys celebrating together and how much that means to us because
10:59again that just amplifies team and then to be able to do that last night, you know, it's kind of all the
11:06Everything kind of coming together as one as the final celebration. Well, we'll have the parade
11:11We'll have the ring ceremony and everything like that. But that was pretty special last night. Thank
11:16Thank you
11:50Just one with Taylor
12:31Jalen good morning. Congratulations on the win
12:34So, of course winning a Super Bowl is an incredible achievement
12:37But leading a team to end the Chiefs historic bid for a three-peat
12:41Makes this even more monumental when you think about the legacy that you're building not only as a champion, but as a leader
12:47How do you hope this moment defines your career and the culture of the Eagles moving forward?
12:52Well, I think in the beginning it's never been about what anyone else is doing it's always been about
12:57you know you yourself the team and in the work and the effort that you guys put in as a collective group and just really
13:04trying to
13:07Dominate your role and dominate your boss and
13:11You know, I think when it's over I think that's the appropriate time to really reflect on everything obviously
13:18you know, I've been able to transform into
13:22I'm mentally transformed into this place of you know
13:26Just trying to do whatever it takes to win and play my role in that, you know
13:31And I know that every team is different
13:33every game is different and
13:36you know these different moments sometimes requires a different version of yourself and as a leader and that's something that I accepted and I
13:44submitted to
13:46You know when it's all said and done for me. I won't
13:51Measure my success off of any numbers of statistics or
13:57Passing yards or touchdowns or anything like that. I measure it off of rings and in championships and
14:06You know you um, so that's how I look at it, you know, I've talked all week about it
14:15This this idea of
14:18Winning being beating the opponent and improving
14:22Being beating yourself and I think my entire career
14:26I've been challenged with different things and
14:29It's put me in a place where I was just trying to improve improve improve so I can be the best that I can be
14:35Then there's the other side of it where you know you
14:40Experience a shortcoming and a failure and
14:45you not see the
14:47importance of winning and beating the opponent and so I think both of those things and both of those components are
14:55Essential to being great and achieving the ultimate success
15:01it's just evolution and it's the
15:05maturation of myself and a
15:08team a
15:10Culture being able to evolve and and grow knowing that things are always changing as time goes by
15:16But knowing that everything comes right on time
15:22Mike Brodsky, Florida National News Jalen as you look back at last night and you think of all the moments and the memories
15:28Is there one memory that stands out in your mind? Maybe something that the cameras didn't catch
15:43All of it all of it
15:47It's a it's a journey, you know, it's all a journey and
15:53I've still yet to arrive. We've still yet to arrive as a team
15:57You just enjoyed everything put forth the effort and it's taking us here. You know, it's there's no destination to it and
16:05just just tons of gratitude like coach spoke on just having a ton tons of gratitude and you know you
16:11I'm trying I've challenged myself
16:13we challenge ourselves really just to lock in on focusing and having that focus and being able to finish and
16:23You get so focused in you kind of like, you know, I
16:27can't it's not over to the fat lady scenes, you know until it to the clock hits zero and
16:35It took it required that that that level of focus and so when you're in that mode
16:40You know you process and everyone come and adapt you up and just my innate
16:45State and my personality and my competitive nature. I don't do do well when everybody's
16:52congratulating the game ain't over but um
16:54There was a joyful moment
16:57All of it. It was well-deserved, you know, one thing that I've talked to everyone about is
17:04You know the importance of team football together everyone achieves more and
17:11Even bigger
17:12the selflessness that every every every
17:15one has to have a level of selflessness to
17:18achieve great things as a group and as a unit and be
17:21Truly committed to what the mission is and that's winning and then not oakley say defense won championships, you know
17:29The way that they've been able to play all year
17:33New pieces
17:36Guys stepping into new roles young guys coming in and flying in and playing a huge impact
17:42It took a collective effort on that side and I couldn't be more proud of them
17:53Jalen I'm just curious, you know with you. I think you've said before you you look to prove yourself, right and
18:03Beginning all your mornings can't work until this moment what you get to hold both of those trophies. What did that unlock an
18:10affirmation for yourself just thinking about finally getting there in this moment and
18:16What did that bring for you?
18:19You know, it's it's
18:23Our process a little I've always processed it processed it in a very unique way
18:29You know because this whole entire journey of mine has been truly unprecedented, you know, just
18:34enduring some of the things and
18:37experiencing some of the bumps and and joys and and everything that I've
18:42endured it's
18:45It's been unprecedented
18:48You know along the journey. I think even as a child growing up. I didn't dream of
18:54Playing on a big stage. I didn't dream of I just love college football. I loved everything about college football
19:01I love the game in CAA and I just gravitated towards that but and I didn't dream of these moments
19:09it was more so
19:11the work and the determination just to be the best that I can be and
19:15there's a point where I
19:19Realize I couldn't put a limit on myself
19:22you know if I had the right mentality and the right approach and the right effort in and so when you host those choice those
19:28those trophies is
19:30It's more so about the journey and less about the results
19:34Obviously, we're gonna be judged for results, but and that's for everyone else to talk about but the journey is what?
19:40builds us and makes us who we are and
19:43when you play a
19:45Team sport like we play
19:48You know
19:51So many things are built
19:53So many lives have changed
19:55off off from the energy and efforts that are put into it and so
20:00to be able to bring a
20:04back to Philadelphia
20:08Means everything
20:13Jalen over here Dave Steve is a disability channel
20:15You talked about that journey and it's great to see you smile because you take such a business approach to this game
20:20And it's been nice to see the results of that
20:23But I'm wondering does this validate all of the battles all of the struggles that you've gone through through your life in college and through
20:29The pros does this validate it for the world or does it validate it for yourself?
20:37The quote
20:39Had a purpose before anybody had an opinion
20:42you know, I think it's still true and
20:46my purpose is
20:49Being who God called me to be and
20:51Like I said, it's never been about anyone else's. It's never been about anyone else
20:56It's just been about the journey of embracing everything and and trying to grow and be and be the best that I can be
21:02You know, I
21:05Think as a team we want to look back and say we made everything worth it
21:08And that's just a commitment the time the effort everything that we did
21:11But I wouldn't be here without that journey and it's something that I embraced along along the way and I think
21:20It's just something to continue to to build on but
21:28The work continues, you know, and the fire
21:31was ignited and then, you know, you know sure people add fuel to it, but
21:38Ultimately, that's something that burns
21:41internally and within and
21:44Just very thankful
21:49for the highs and the lows because I know
21:51God is greater and has his hands on me through the highs and the lows and
21:58Just take it, you know, take it a moment at a time and try and be there in the moment, you know
22:07And just roll with it
22:09Thank you
