• 2 months ago
दिल्ली कांग्रेस कमेटी के अध्यक्ष देवेंद्र यादव ने करोल बाग के बापा नगर में 4 मंजिला इमारत गिरने से 5 लोगों की मौत और 14 से अधिक लोगों के घायल होने की घटना पर दिल्ली सरकार को घेरते हुए कहा कि सरकार केवल अपनी कुर्सी बचाने में लगी है, जबकि जनता की चिंता नहीं है। उन्होंने कहा कि सीएम बनने जा रहीं आतिशी घायलों को देखने अस्पताल पहुंचीं और मुआवजे का ऐलान किया, लेकिन घटनास्थल पर अभी भी मलबा पड़ा हुआ है, जिससे और लोगों के दबे होने की आशंका है। उन्होंने कहा कि दिल्ली में जब गर्मी आती है तो हालात खराब हो जाते हैं और बारिश में जानें जाती हैं। सरकार के पास कोई नियंत्रण नहीं है। 10 साल में केजरीवाल सरकार पूरी तरह से असफल साबित हुई है, और नेतृत्व बदलकर सरकार की खामियों पर पर्दा डालने की कोशिश हो रही है। जनता इसे भली-भांति समझ चुकी है।
#DelhiBuildingCollapse #DevendraYadav #DelhiGovernment #AAPVsCongress #DelhiPolitics


00:00There are a lot of successes, the truth is that in yesterday's incident, which happened 30 hours ago,
00:07about 13-14 people were injured and 4-5 people lost their lives.
00:13But the bigger problem that I have come to know after coming here is that the Malwa that had fallen,
00:20it is lying here in such and such a state.
00:23No arrangement has been made to remove it yet.
00:26Because the refugees used to come here, do their work and leave,
00:31it is not known how many people were inside it, how many were rescued,
00:36how many have been able to escape from it and how many are still suppressed below it.
00:41So my first request to the administration is that they should at least wake up now,
00:48they should pay attention that if people are suppressed below,
00:52then how can they be removed as soon as possible and given proper arrangements.
00:57Along with this, it has been seen here that as soon as the building fell,
01:00there were cracks in the surrounding buildings as well.
01:03Now there is also a threat on them.
01:05The administration should see that at least their assessment should be done
01:09that tomorrow this will not break and fall or their life is not in danger.
01:14I will request the administration to come and solve these problems as soon as possible.
01:20Remove the Malwa that is lying here, remove those who are suppressed below it.
01:25Along with this, the assessments of the surrounding buildings should also be done as soon as possible.
01:30It is sad that I came to know that the compensation of Rs. 1.1 lakh has been done for those who have lost their lives.
01:36But I agree that the people of this area who voted, they got time in the middle of the night.
01:43And even after coming, they gave statements in such a way that there was no violation here.
01:55There is no need to hide this.
01:58Today, it is sad that the people are worried.
02:03Their MPs, their Chief Ministers, their Ministers do not have time
02:07because they are busy saving their government.
02:10This government is very sensitive.
02:12It is very clear that they do not have any sensitivity towards the people.
02:18With great hope, these people voted and elected them.
02:22But today, wherever there is sadness, pain, trouble,
02:26they look completely aloof from it.
02:29They do not try to connect with them.
02:32So, I would like this government to pay attention to this as soon as possible.
02:38There is a problem here, it should be solved.
02:41There is not just one building, there are 50 more buildings like this.
02:44They have written that permission should be given because it can break, it can fall.
02:50But they are not getting permission.
02:52Then the MLA disappears.
02:54Then their ministers disappear.
02:56So, somewhere or the other, the failure of this government is the result of such incidents.
03:03Not just in Karol Bagh, but in various parts of Delhi, similar incidents are happening.
