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MEDI1TV Afrique : #Chronique_culture du 18-09-24 - 18/09/2024


00:00Welcome to Median TV and books in this edition with the last book by the writer-philosopher
00:14Suleiman Bashir Dian, which has just been published and universalized in the Alba Michel editions.
00:20In his latest essay, entitled Universalizing Humanity through the Means of Humanity,
00:26which he gave at the ENES in 2023, the philosopher comes back to the questions of universality
00:32and singularity that are at the heart of his reflections and his commitments against tribalism,
00:40identitarism, nationalism and other words of this beginning of the 21st century.
00:47Suleiman Bashir Dian encourages a plural world, decentralized, which aspires to universal humanity,
00:53which is truly common to all humans and which is obviously not imposed by a culture or language.
01:00I invite you to listen to Suleiman Bashir Dian.
01:03This book begins like this, I speak of the trouble in the universal,
01:06it is enough to remember a number of works published recently and indicating that the universal has become a big issue.
01:15I would say in particular elsewhere in France, a country of universalism par excellence.
01:21I quote books that come to mind.
01:26There is a collective work called Universal in Debate,
01:30a magnificent work by the philosopher Francis Wolff entitled Universal,
01:35and others.
01:37So the universal has become a big issue.
01:41Speaking of Francis Wolff, he is a bit responsible for this book.
01:46Francis invited me a few years ago to come and give a lecture at the École Normale Supérieure.
01:53He had organized something he called Philosophy Mondays,
01:57where he asked people who work in philosophy, who write in philosophy,
02:01to come and present their work and be interviewed by the students.
02:06In the email he had sent me, he told me it might be the time for me to come and talk about the universal
02:13in its relation to the religious particularisms you wrote about.
02:17This did not happen.
02:19Suleymane Bachir Dianne Meil put the question of universality and singularity
02:25at the heart of his reflection and his commitment to calling for a universal rich of all the particulars.
02:31In this essay that brilliantly dialogues cultures,
02:35the philosopher shows that the universal takes into account the plural of the world,
02:41but that humanity is not a juxtaposition of tribes.
02:44No region of the world can alone decree what is universal.
02:50We must forge it together,
02:52even if thinking about humanity as a whole is an infinitely difficult task
02:57and requires a philosophy of decentralization.
03:01Let's listen again to the philosopher Suleymane Bachir Dianne.
03:06Everything has shown us,
03:08during the health crisis and the environmental crisis,
03:12how much we are one and the same species.
03:15As I always say, the virus of COVID-19 had gone around the world in one night.
03:20For it, we are three times nothing.
03:23We are a completely vulnerable species and a species-one.
03:27For example, we said it at one point,
03:30it did not prevent our selfishness from sprouting,
03:34that if we do not vaccinate everyone, it is as if we had not vaccinated anyone.
03:38In the same way, for the environmental crisis,
03:41we realize that the harm I can do to the forest at home
03:44is a harm I do to the lungs of humanity in general.
03:48So our answers must be collective answers.
03:52Since what attacks us treats us as one and the same species,
03:56it is time to respond as one and the same species.
03:59Unfortunately, we are not there.
04:04But in this it is necessary,
04:06this is where I place what I am trying to do in my work
04:09and in my teaching on the universe.
04:12Recognized as one of the great philosophers of our time,
04:16Suleymane Bachir Dianne was born in 1955 in Saint-Louis, Senegal.
04:21He is the first Senegalese to have integrated the École normale supérieure l'ENES in Paris,
04:26where he first specialized in science philosophy since 2008.
04:30He is a philosophy professor at Columbia University in New York
04:34where he heads the African Studies Institute.
04:37After teaching for a long time in Dakar and Paris,
04:40his research focuses on logic, Islamic philosophy and African philosophies.
04:46Let's listen to Suleymane Bachir Dianne again.
04:50The date of Bandung, 1955, is important.
04:53It is an event that we do not remember enough,
04:56but which was of considerable importance.
05:00Freshly independent countries from Asia
05:03and countries that were going to become so in Africa
05:06met in Bandung at the invitation of President Sokarno at the time.
05:10It is an invitation in which not much comes out,
05:15nothing other than the condemnation of colonialism.
05:19But the important thing was not in the final declarations or resolutions,
05:24the important thing was in the very configuration of this conference.
05:29This is the first international conference not convened by Europe.
05:33Europe was the center of the world,
05:36which convened the others and organized international conferences.
05:40The African nations, the Asian nations,
05:43who met at the Bandung conference,
05:46speak of Europe, a Europe that is not present.
05:49And which is present in the discourse,
05:52because it is for this conference to say
05:56that we have the right to colonize another for whatever reason.
06:00So this is a first moment of great decentralization.
06:05And music to finish, and the new clip of the singer
06:09Brussels-Morocco-Belgium Towson with Bibalik.
06:12Towson continues in the summer.
06:15On October 26, Towson will perform for a single concert in Europe
06:20on the stage of the Cigale de Paris.
06:24The audience was eagerly waiting for the return of the Moroccan-Belgian artist,
06:2826 years old.
06:30He left the stage for two years to better organize his career.
06:34A few million streams and views later,
06:37the artist returns stronger than ever,
06:40having opened his own label, developed his music
06:43and completed his studies.
06:46I suggest you listen to an excerpt from Bibalik.
06:54What you say is false, I know all your flaws
06:57I don't want to make efforts anymore,
07:00it makes you hesitate, you say the wrong guy.
07:14Thank you, dear viewers, for your loyalty and information.
07:17We continue on our different channels,
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07:23and of course on our digital media, medianews.com
