वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन का मध्य प्रदेश के कैबिनेट मंत्री प्रह्लाद पटेल ने समर्थन किया है। उन्होंने कहा कि लगातार चुनाव के कारण धन और समय की बर्बादी होती है और विकास रुकता है। इससे निजात पाने के लिए बीजेपी और उसकी सरकारों का सदैव ही मत रहा है कि चुनाव एक बार ही होना चाहिए। रामनाथ कोविंद जी और उनकी कमेटी के सहयोगियों ने 191 दिनों में 47 राष्ट्रीय दलों के साथ चर्चा कर यह रिपोर्ट तैयार की है। 32 दलों की सहमति के साथ यह फैसला लिया गया। जो लोग इसका विरोध कर रहे हैं उनका निजी स्वार्थ होगा।
#prahladpatel #onenationoneelection #loksabhaelection #vidhansabhaelection #elections #pmmodi #modigovernment #bjp #nda #mp
#prahladpatel #onenationoneelection #loksabhaelection #vidhansabhaelection #elections #pmmodi #modigovernment #bjp #nda #mp
00:00I would like to thank all of you.
00:02First of all, I would like to congratulate the Prime Minister and the Government of India
00:10for agreeing to the One Nation, One Election.
00:19Due to the ongoing elections, the way money is wasted,
00:25time is wasted and development is halted.
00:30To get rid of this situation, the Indian People's Party and its Government
00:38have always had a belief that elections should be held only once.
00:44I would also like to thank the Honourable Ramanathji Kovind.
00:50For 199 days, his and all his associates
00:56tried to reach out to all the political parties,
01:00leaders of the parliament, and people from other social sectors
01:06and contacted more than 21,800 people.
01:13He contacted 47 political parties,
01:18of which 15 opposed him,
01:23and 32 supported him.
01:27I would like to thank him again for his honesty in his work.
01:34I know that in the political situation of the country,
01:39the elections of the political parties were held at different times.
01:45But the Indian Government has already found a way to get rid of this.
01:51The Indian Government has analyzed all the opposing situations
01:56which it wants to address.
02:00Mr. Kovind's report is the answer to all those questions.
02:05The report was adopted by the Prime Minister.
02:11That is why I believe that the country is moving in the right direction.
02:16I would like to extend my congratulations to the Cabinet.
02:21The Constitution is read by the Congress.
02:24If they read the Constitution of India,
02:27they will think that stopping discrimination in the interest of the country and society
02:31is both a national duty and a duty.
02:34I believe that this action can be carried out in two phases.
02:40The election process is clearly visible.
02:46It is important to include the panchayat and the municipal committees in the second phase.
02:53I think that you can reduce discrimination in two phases without depriving anyone of their right.
03:01When the time comes, it will be a situation of one nation, one election.