• last year
00:01:30Very good
00:01:33I can't in this sandwich
00:01:56Cinco cinco cinco
00:04:47Necesito un taxi disponible Beverly Hills esquina de el micarmelita
00:04:54Yo cinco seis seis cinco estoy a dos cuadras de ahí cinco seis seis cinco
00:05:06El hombre dijo que estaría parado en la esquina
00:05:32Eres mi taxi si señor
00:05:38Weatherly will shark las bodegas las de beverly hills
00:05:44Si entonces
00:05:46ciudad de méxico y lo haremos desde ahí
00:05:49Que lo tengan todo listo y en espera de voy a llegar en una hora
00:06:31Espera aquí de acuerdo
00:06:56Para este adelante
00:07:08Bien vámonos de aquí sólo conduce mantente en el lado oeste
00:07:18En la mañana esquive dos llamadas de las fc frank esto es serio
00:07:23Que significa significa que se acabó y cuántos saben todo se acabó
00:07:32Quien sabía de esto frank
00:07:35Pensé que esto era un maldito círculo cerrado lo era
00:07:42Tal vez Laura
00:07:44Tú crees
00:07:46No la conozco muy bien amigo pero yo nunca lo hubiera adivinado es decir ella es lo que es
00:07:52Pero mierda bueno pero no nos saquemos conclusiones de acuerdo
00:07:57mira mantén la calma pensar en algo si
00:08:00una pena de cárcel por algo como esto no es lindo frank
00:08:05especialmente para alguien como tú oye yo no te jodí con esto
00:08:10sabías exactamente lo que te estabas metiendo de acuerdo
00:08:18Sabes que es lo más jodido de esto frank
00:08:22Que ya no estamos en wall street amigo esto es el maldito polo lounge en los ángeles
00:08:29Aquí no hay edificios altos como para saltar de ellos
00:08:41Todo está roto
00:08:52Señora donde vamos esta noche
00:08:56Necesito algún tipo de destino señor
00:08:59Lo siento yo si está bien. Así es como funciona esto debe cubrir todo
00:09:05Solo conduce
00:09:11Apaga el medidor y la radio por favor señor
00:09:15Apaga el medidor y la radio por favor señor
00:09:21Tengo que comunicarme con mi jefe al menos
00:09:26De vez en cuando pensarán que algo malo pasó reporte se cuando quiera
00:09:31Nada malo le va a pasar
00:09:51No hablas mucho verdad
00:09:55Solo hablo cuando me hablan es parte del trabajo sabe y como funciona el taxi disculpe
00:10:04Como funciona es dueño del auto o lo alquila o que siempre tenido curiosidad
00:10:10Puedo oírlo bien señor
00:10:13Soy dueño del taxi
00:10:16Pago mantenimiento
00:10:19Gasolina cuota mensual cooperativa de taxi pero soy como un contratista independiente gana buen dinero
00:10:27El dinero que me dio es más de lo que ganaría en una semana
00:10:32Y vives con eso
00:10:35Se podría decir supongo que nunca es suficiente más razón no puedes tener
00:10:46Eres el primer blanco que veo conduciendo un taxi en mucho tiempo
00:10:52Supongo que soy una minoría
00:10:55Ellos y es 5 6 6 5 descansar un momento me registraré más tarde
00:11:03Gracias estoy esperando esta maldita llamada
00:11:07Está bien
00:11:09Sabes que
00:11:10Si pudieras de tener de en algún lugar podría comprar una botella si hay una licorería en algún lugar
00:11:17No puedo permitir que bebas en el auto amigo sabes
00:11:20perdería mi licencia puedo dejarte en un bar y esperarte afuera si quieres
00:11:26Que tal el salario de otra semana como forma de incentivo
00:11:31Necesito un maldito trago solo tomalo detente en la próxima licorería
00:11:38Hay uno justo aquí
00:11:43Cualquier whisky escocés que tengan y cigarrillos también
00:11:49De acuerdo voy a dejarlo encendido he tenido problemas con él
00:12:16Por el abrisa no lo sé es mi última noche en el trabajo supongo que estoy ansioso tal vez solo por terminar
00:12:32Aquí hay un vaso
00:12:35Si mañana voy a las maletas y vuelo a hawaii
00:12:42Que hay en hawaii
00:12:46Mis dos hijas es casado
00:12:56Lindas niñas
00:13:05Oye que mierda está pasando solo serían 15 minutos porque te estás tardando tanto llámame ahora por favor
00:13:18Detente en algún lugar necesito aire
00:14:06Oye amigo, ayudaría a un veterano necesito comer amigo ejército tercera infantería
00:14:21Toma lo y vete no digas nada
00:14:29La jove soy yo
00:14:32Si todo sale bien y vuelo
00:14:36aterrizar a mañana
00:14:37tengo algo para ti y las chicas realmente me gustaría verte
00:14:42necesito hablar contigo sobre algo como sea te amo adiós
00:15:19Notas que los corredores de santa monica
00:15:22Tienen faros en la cara
00:15:25Se ven como idiotas
00:15:31De dónde dijiste que eres
00:15:34De los ángeles
00:15:37aquí en el valle
00:15:40El valle no es los ángeles
00:15:46Sobre las montañas
00:15:52El otro lado de la montaña
00:15:58Es otro mundo allí no sé si considerarlo a los ángeles
00:16:03No sé si creo que esto es los ángeles no sé qué carajo es esto
00:16:09Comunidades en la playa
00:16:14A dónde vas ahora iba a tomar por culver no no hagas eso
00:16:21esposa laura
00:16:23es una estilista en culver city
00:16:26la noche antes de que culver city fuera culver city ella llegó en un barco de omaha
00:16:32Jugó conmigo
00:16:34Me engañó
00:16:38Es divertida hermosa
00:16:46Pero después de cinco lindos años
00:16:49Y de conseguirle una casa un coche y diamantes
00:16:56Zapatos hasta que dejé de caber en mi propia casa
00:17:08Jala nunca lo hubiera conocido
00:17:11Cuando fue la última vez que viste a tu ex
00:17:14Hace unos siete meses
00:17:16Fui a hawaii a pasar un fin de semana para intentar arreglar las cosas
00:17:21No lo sé supongo que todavía la amo creo
00:17:24Si bueno espera que ella te traicione
00:17:27Te mienta
00:17:29Intente arruinarte a ti y a tus amigos
00:17:33Ya no la amaras tanto
00:17:36Bueno ella me engañó yo estaba en irak
00:17:40Terminó mudándose a hawaii con el chico
00:17:43¿Y la volviste a aceptar?
00:17:45Bueno ellos ya no están juntos
00:17:48Hablo de tampoco es que yo fuera el mejor marido
00:17:51Yo mismo lo arruine mucho así que
00:17:56Es lo que es
00:17:59Es lo que es
00:18:02Las mujeres son lo que son
00:18:05¿Y qué son?
00:18:07¿Y qué son?
00:18:09La maldad
00:18:29Te ves pálido
00:18:32Estoy cansado
00:18:37Pronto irás al paraíso
00:18:40Esa es la idea
00:18:43¿Me mandarás una postal?
00:18:50Si te mandaré una postal
00:18:58Te extrañaré mucho
00:19:00Porque eres el único tipo agradable que conozco
00:19:04Necesitas trabajar en ello
00:19:11Pensé que no los necesitabas
00:19:17Esta vez es diferente
00:19:20Solo eran 50 dólares
00:19:24Si bueno entre el acuerdo de BA y la vente de la casa
00:19:28Y algunas actividades extracurriculares
00:19:31Tengo algo de cambio
00:19:34Dios Sam
00:19:38Eres un maldito santo
00:19:46No te vayas
00:19:49Tengo que hacer esto
00:19:55Cariño tengo que hacer esto
00:19:58Cariño tengo que hacer esto
00:20:02No permitas que nadie te trate mal
00:20:11Ten toma esto
00:20:16Para recordar
00:20:20No hables
00:20:24A menos que mejore el silencio
00:20:27No hables
00:20:30A menos que mejore el silencio
00:21:13Tomalo anda quédatelo
00:21:15Me has dado suficiente
00:21:22Al fin mierda
00:21:25Si que pasa?
00:21:31Todavía dos pasajeros
00:21:34No, no necesitamos asistente
00:21:36Solo bebida y comida
00:21:38No sigas llamándome está bien?
00:21:40Estaremos ahí cuando lleguemos
00:21:42Tenlo listo
00:21:55Si Faye cambia ese maldito mensaje
00:21:57No quiero seguir escuchándolo
00:21:59Donde mierda estas?
00:22:01Que estamos haciendo aquí eh?
00:22:03Conduciendo en circulos
00:22:06Estoy inquieto desde el aeropuerto
00:22:09Llámame o contesta el maldito teléfono
00:22:11De acuerdo?
00:22:14Oh Dios
00:22:17Salgamos de esta maldita calle
00:22:19Busquemos un callejón oscuro para orinar
00:22:22Un callejón oscuro para orinar
00:23:14Apuesto a que te preguntas
00:23:16Que carajo estaba pasando
00:23:18Justo aquí y ahora
00:23:20No Sam?
00:23:22No señor no es mi asunto no gracias
00:23:27Me quedaba una oportunidad
00:23:30Sin mas remedio que aprovecharla
00:23:39Hasta hace mas o menos una semana
00:23:42Pasaban por mis cuentas de la empresa
00:23:44Trescientos mil millones de dolares
00:23:47Eso en promedio
00:23:51Estaba ganando cincuenta millones de dolares al año
00:23:57Pero es tal como dijiste
00:24:03Nunca sera suficiente
00:24:12Me volví codicioso
00:24:15Lo admito
00:24:18En los últimos dos años
00:24:22Logre ganar
00:24:27Es loco que te cuente todo esto
00:24:29Seiscientos millones de dolares
00:24:33Lo escondí en estas cuentas bancarias suizas
00:24:36Esa mierda extranjera
00:24:38Pero sabes que?
00:24:39Estas personas
00:24:41No es que no fueran codiciosas también
00:24:44Me dan su dinero y yo lo duplico
00:24:47Incluso lo triplico
00:24:49Como si esta mierda pasara en la vida real
00:24:52Sean realistas
00:24:59Todo termino
00:25:01Se acabo
00:25:04Esta bien
00:25:06Se ha perdido todo excepto
00:25:08Unos siete millones en efectivo
00:25:11Tal vez otros cuatro en diamantes
00:25:15Los cuales por cierto
00:25:17Ofrecen un gran estilo de vida en Sudamérica
00:25:20Son buenos cirujanos plásticos por lo que he oído
00:25:24Así que
00:25:25Una cara nueva, una nueva vida
00:25:28Nueva esposa
00:25:32Si, pero es mejor que la maldita carcel
00:25:39Y si alguien puede sacar esto adelante
00:25:41Es este hijo de perra
00:25:47Ya veremos
00:25:48Veremos que nos depara el destino
00:25:51Oye, ¿Alguna vez oiste esa parábola zen sobre el pajaro en la mano?
00:25:56¿Parábola zen?
00:26:00¿No? ¿Eres budista?
00:26:03No, no soy religioso
00:26:05Pero tengo un amigo que
00:26:08Me ha estado enseñando
00:26:10Estas parábolas
00:26:12Dime, sabio hombre
00:26:16Hay un viejo maestro zen que vive en una aldea
00:26:20Y es el hombre más sabio de todo el país
00:26:24Y un día este extraño llega caminando por la calle
00:26:27Ha oído del maestro y ha venido a gastarle una broma
00:26:30El extraño captura un pajaro
00:26:33Y se acerca al maestro
00:26:35Con el pajaro detrás de su espalda
00:26:38Y le dice
00:26:40Me gusta
00:26:41Si eres tan sabio, dime
00:26:43¿El pajaro que tengo está vivo o muerto?
00:26:46Y el extraño sonríe
00:26:48Porque él sabe que si el maestro dice muerto
00:26:51Dejará que el pajaro vuele libre
00:26:54Y si dice vivo
00:26:57Aplastará al pajaro
00:26:58El maestro espera un momento
00:27:02Y dice
00:27:04Es lo que tú deseas que sea
00:27:06Su destino está en tus manos
00:27:10¿Entonces mi destino está en mis manos?
00:27:13Así es como la mayoría de la gente entiende la parábola, ¿sí?
00:27:18¿Y tú cómo la entiendes?
00:27:25Que mi destino no está en mis manos
00:27:29Y nunca podré controlarlo
00:27:31Está en manos de alguien más
00:27:33Del maldito extraño que te encuentras en el camino
00:27:42¿Me agradas?
00:27:52¿Y qué pasó en Irak?
00:27:53¿Qué le pasó a tu oreja?
00:27:58¿Qué le pasó a tu oreja?
00:28:00¿Qué le pasó a tu oreja?
00:28:05Hice dos años
00:28:07Onceaba Infantería Bravo
00:28:09Antes de ser voluntario para el EAS 744
00:28:14Eliminación de artefactos explosivos
00:28:18Una tarde
00:28:20Este convoy patrullaba fuera de la ciudad
00:28:23Y se detiene
00:28:24El CO sale
00:28:25Y al caminar se da cuenta de que uno de los hombies
00:28:28Está encima de un C4 chapado a presión en conexión cadena
00:28:33El C4 es brutal
00:28:39Oh mierda
00:28:41De acuerdo, es ella
00:28:44Vayamos al chateau
00:28:50Ya era hora
00:28:53No, no es posible
00:28:55Yo la vi
00:28:58¡Santo Dios, Faye!
00:29:01¿Qué problema?
00:29:03Bueno, no, no me digas
00:29:05Solo espera
00:29:06Nos veremos pronto
00:29:07Estamos en camino
00:29:08Yo también te amo
00:29:15Creo que será mejor que te detengas
00:29:28¡Dios Santo!
00:29:29Tienes toallas de papel aquí
00:29:37Lo siento mucho
00:29:38Creo que no vomité dentro
00:29:43¿Estás bien?
00:29:44Sí, el whisky hizo efecto
00:29:58¿Tienes una menta?
00:30:00Ah no, lo siento
00:30:28Oh, yo lo subiré
00:30:37Tranquila, todo va a estar bien
00:30:45Nos iremos
00:30:46Ya nos vamos
00:30:49No hay vuelta atrás
00:30:51Es un problema
00:30:52¿Qué problema?
00:30:54¿Qué problema?
00:30:55No hay vuelta atrás
00:30:57Es un problema
00:31:03Sam, ¿podrías detenerte en algún lugar?
00:31:06Sí, seguro, encontraré un lugar
00:31:26¿Puedes darnos un minuto aquí, en privado?
00:31:31No hay problema
00:31:55Sam, ¿sabes que no son baratos, verdad?
00:31:57Sí, es solo un plan de respaldo, Barry
00:32:00¿Estás seguro de esto, Sam?
00:32:02Ten, te dejaré mil
00:32:06Te daré el resto mañana
00:32:09Dame lo que necesito
00:32:11Eres un buen hombre, Sam
00:32:13Tu padre estaría orgulloso
00:32:16¿Has visto a tu madre últimamente?
00:32:20¿Por qué?
00:32:21¿Por qué?
00:32:23¿Has visto a tu madre últimamente?
00:32:26Pasaré a verla mañana
00:32:28Luego iré a ver a Hope y a las niñas
00:32:36Todo listo
00:32:42No hablaste demasiado, ¿verdad?
00:32:45No, no lo hice
00:32:55Sí, seguro
00:33:01¿Qué mierda tiene en la oreja?
00:33:04¿Está grabando esto?
00:33:05Es para que pueda oír, Faye
00:33:08¿Para poder oír? De acuerdo
00:33:13No, no, no, no, tú...
00:33:15No, no, no, ¿qué?
00:33:16Pareces demasiado amigable
00:33:18Tú sabes su nombre
00:33:19Obviamente has estado hablando con él
00:33:21¿Qué es lo que sabe?
00:33:23No sabe nada
00:33:26Sé su nombre porque ahí lo dice, ¿ves?
00:33:28Sam Taylor, su licencia
00:33:31Sam Taylor
00:33:35¿Qué es lo que sabes?
00:33:37Los llevaré al aeropuerto de Van Nuys, es todo
00:33:40No puedes mantener la boca cerrada ni por un segundo
00:33:42¿Verdad, Frank?
00:33:44No puedes mantener la boca cerrada ni por un segundo
00:33:46¿Verdad, Frank?
00:33:51¿Qué carajo sabes?
00:33:52¡Faye, no!
00:33:54¿Qué carajo sabes?
00:33:57Es un taxista
00:33:58Sabe que nos llevará al aeropuerto
00:34:00Baja la maldita arma, Faye
00:34:03Tú misma lo dijiste
00:34:06Tarde o temprano, todos sabrán que lo hicimos
00:34:08Pues ahora lo sabe
00:34:09Y podría ir a la policía
00:34:10Ese es el problema
00:34:11No iré a la policía
00:34:12Necesitamos unos días
00:34:19¿Sabes qué?
00:34:20¡A la mierda!
00:34:21Es un niño grande, ¿no?
00:34:22Puede ser de ayuda
00:34:24¿Qué mierda estás haciendo?
00:34:26Frank, la maldita nota dice que María volverá mañana temprano
00:34:30No el lunes
00:34:32Ella encontrará el cuerpo
00:34:33Sam Taylor
00:34:35¡Cierra la boca!
00:34:36Para que lo sepas
00:34:37Frank y yo estrangulamos a su esposa en la cena
00:34:40Pero cuando Frank se fue, ella todavía respiraba
00:34:43Le disparé con esta pistola
00:34:50Así que volveremos a la casa
00:34:54Por el cuerpo de Laura
00:34:56Y nos llevarás hasta el desierto para enterrarlo
00:35:01Esto es una locura
00:35:11Ambos deben salir
00:35:12No puedo ser parte de esto
00:35:13Te devuelvo tu dinero
00:35:14Llama a otro taxi
00:35:15Yo no diré nada
00:35:16No le diré a...
00:35:19La siguiente será tu cabeza
00:35:21Así que relájate, Sam Taylor
00:35:24Haz lo que te digo
00:35:26Y todo va a salir bien
00:36:35Not now, Frank
00:36:39Yes, Faye. Change that damn message. I don't want to keep listening to it.
00:36:55All good.
00:36:57Everything is perfect.
00:36:59Take the alley ahead.
00:37:24Right here. Good.
00:37:30Turn off the car to save gas.
00:37:34I can't. I've had problems with the engine. If I turn it off, maybe it won't start again.
00:37:44Faye, don't do it.
00:37:46Get in the garage.
00:38:01Good. Let's go.
00:38:03Wait, wait. We need a shovel. A shovel to bury her.
00:38:07I only took a shovel from here.
00:38:09I don't have a shovel. Why do I need one? I have gardeners.
00:38:13And you?
00:38:15The property in Malibu. There are shovels there.
00:38:18Yes. All right. We'll go to Malibu. Let's go. Let's go.
00:38:38Excuse me, sir. I think I'll have that whiskey now.
00:39:06This is huge.
00:39:08Everything you need.
00:39:13Frank Tabor is finished.
00:39:15You can't let them track you.
00:39:22Who's that?
00:39:26It's Bonnie, my assistant. She'll meet me.
00:39:31Follow me. Don't worry about her.
00:39:37Everything is broken.
00:39:43Cheers, Sam.
00:39:46I served you a big one.
00:40:02No, no.
00:40:12You won't use the phone.
00:40:36I'm glad you didn't answer.
00:40:40I received your message, and...
00:40:44I've decided I don't want you to come.
00:40:48I just don't think we should make the girls go through anything else.
00:40:54I think they've been through enough.
00:40:58And there's something you and I need to talk about first.
00:41:03Sam, you know I'll always love you.
00:41:08I just can't do it now.
00:41:18I bet you've never had a rate like this.
00:41:23What if you come with us?
00:41:26It would be great to have a man like you.
00:41:30In fact, you could be our assistant.
00:41:35Damn it, for God's sake. What was that?
00:41:39Didn't you hear that from the trunk?
00:41:41No, Frank. Relax. Relax. It's nothing.
00:41:46That's not how I imagined things, okay?
00:41:49I know.
00:41:50Traveling all over the East, God.
00:41:52Laura jumping over there.
00:41:54In the damn trunk.
00:41:55I know, I know. It'll all be over soon, okay?
00:41:59Thanks for the shoes, Frank.
00:42:02I'm glad you came.
00:42:04I didn't have a choice, did I?
00:42:07It's always been your fault.
00:42:09Your lawyer will write the terms.
00:42:12Once the $300,000,000 have been transferred, I'll sign.
00:42:17I'll be on your side during the trial.
00:42:22Oh my God.
00:42:36Okay. Tell me you didn't hear that.
00:42:39God. Stop.
00:42:41Right there.
00:42:43It's okay.
00:42:46This place is closed. It'll be good.
00:42:59Everybody out.
00:43:28Open the trunk.
00:43:31Open the damn trunk.
00:43:46Go to hell.
00:43:50Go to hell, Frank.
00:44:01Go to hell.
00:44:19Let's go.
00:44:21For God's sake.
00:44:40Here. A shot.
00:44:47Why did I think this would be easy?
00:44:50No. Killing is never easy.
00:44:53Sam was in Iraq, in the army. Bomb squadron.
00:44:57Really? You killed people?
00:44:59Yes, I guess so.
00:45:01Although I never killed anyone.
00:45:04You made it look easy. That was something brutal.
00:45:09Shut up. Or are you still?
00:45:13A real lady, Frank. A lady.
00:45:17Shut your damn mouth.
00:45:19If you want to shoot me, do it.
00:45:21But do it right now.
00:45:23Dig your own hole in the desert.
00:45:25He's going to shoot me, Frank. And you know it.
00:45:27No, Lola.
00:45:29Go to hell.
00:45:30Both of you, go to hell.
00:45:43Go to hell.
00:45:46Go to hell.
00:46:10I don't know, Mom.
00:46:13I don't know what happened.
00:46:15What kind of luck is this?
00:46:23I love you.
00:46:26I know we didn't say much, you know?
00:46:29It's hard to say.
00:46:43I wish you could help me, Mom.
00:46:46I wish you could do it.
00:46:49I wish you could talk to me.
00:46:54I'm so sorry. I'm sorry you're like this, Mom.
00:46:57I'm so sorry.
00:47:06I wish you could see your granddaughters.
00:47:10They're so beautiful, Mom.
00:47:16She reminds me of you, the oldest.
00:47:19She looks like you.
00:47:21She really does.
00:47:24I wish you could be there and see them grow up.
00:47:30Thank you, Mom.
00:47:32I had a good life.
00:47:38You had a good life, too, Mom.
00:48:00I'm leaving.
00:48:02I'm not sure when I'll be back.
00:48:05I'd like you to take this, please.
00:48:07And make sure you take care of her.
00:48:10Her mother's care was paid for.
00:48:12No, I can't accept this.
00:48:15Yes, you can.
00:48:20I'm sorry.
00:48:23I'm sorry.
00:48:26Yes, you can.
00:48:45Right after those lights.
00:48:50How do you want to do this?
00:48:52Take the shovels. I'll watch.
00:49:14I'm sorry, honey.
00:49:15I should have thought about the shovel.
00:49:17You left this last night.
00:49:18Put that aside.
00:49:25I'm sorry.
00:49:42You look tired, Sam.
00:49:45I feel good.
00:49:52All my life,
00:49:54all I've wanted is an opportunity.
00:49:59An opportunity to live the life I had dreamed of.
00:50:09And this is it.
00:50:14This is it.
00:50:16I went there two nights ago.
00:50:21And there was a hole.
00:50:23And now I'm dead.
00:50:25And in my grave,
00:50:27there's no precious stone.
00:50:30I'll yearn,
00:50:32or I'll just dig
00:50:34my vast grave.
00:50:37Put a jar of punch in my head and feet,
00:50:41or dig my grave too.
00:50:44I want you to know that I'm in this 100% until the end.
00:50:48I need to tell you one more time.
00:50:51I know you're not going to kill anyone.
00:50:54You made it very clear.
00:50:58I'm glad I met you.
00:51:22Where am I taking you?
00:51:25It looks like they left me stranded.
00:51:28I'm sorry to hear that.
00:51:3140 years in the symphony.
00:51:35Do you know any place to have a drink?
00:51:40I'm already dressed.
00:51:42And I have nowhere to go.
00:51:44And what do you like?
00:51:47What's your name?
00:51:50It's on the license.
00:51:53Sam Taylor.
00:51:57Hello, Sam Taylor.
00:52:00My name is Faye.
00:52:02Nice to meet you.
00:52:04Faye Gardner.
00:52:06Hello, Faye.
00:52:12I know a couple of people.
00:52:16I know a couple of places in Little Tokyo.
00:52:19We could stop by and see if you like anything.
00:52:33Is this yours or did someone leave it?
00:52:37Oh, yeah, probably.
00:52:40I'm sorry.
00:52:48You never know what people are up to, do you?
00:52:56They already paid me.
00:53:01And I'm free.
00:53:04Where do you live, Sam Taylor?
00:53:08I rent a room in a hotel downtown.
00:53:11Not far from here.
00:53:13Nothing fancy.
00:53:14Do you have a bottle?
00:53:30Sam Taylor.
00:53:32Can you help me?
00:53:34I know a man.
00:53:37His name is Frank DeBoer.
00:53:45He's coming.
00:53:46Good. Open the trunk.
00:53:58It's okay, it's okay. Help him.
00:54:02Okay, let's get out of here.
00:54:05Close the trunk.
00:54:09Close it.
00:54:14I don't know why we want to go to the Antelope Valley.
00:54:18There are a lot of desert roads here in Malibu Canyon.
00:54:22We go straight to Ventura.
00:54:25The airport is over there.
00:54:28No, Frank. We stick to the plan.
00:54:31What plan?
00:54:34According to the damn plan.
00:54:37We would be on our way to Mexico, right?
00:54:40Frank, the plan...
00:54:43is that they don't find it.
00:54:46At least not soon.
00:54:49So they don't catch us.
00:54:52Okay, I know a place.
00:54:55It's about an hour away.
00:54:58It's a dry lake.
00:55:00It's in the middle of nowhere.
00:56:25The Antelope Valley
00:57:15Holy God.
00:57:21Holy God.
00:57:25Holy God.
00:57:41It's always your fault.
00:57:56Holy shit.
00:58:01Oh, shit.
00:58:25Holy shit.
00:58:55Holy shit.
00:59:01Okay, here's the deal.
00:59:04You're just a taxi driver.
00:59:06I never meant to get you involved in this shit.
00:59:10Go. Get out of here.
00:59:20You hit me for a job.
00:59:23I know we'll do it.
00:59:25I'll take you to the airport.
00:59:27Don't worry.
00:59:30I won't leave you.
00:59:34You're a good man, Sam.
00:59:54Just so you know, Frank,
00:59:57I know you think otherwise,
00:59:59but I didn't leak the newspaper information.
01:00:02Why would I?
01:00:04Do you think I need this in my life?
01:00:06You're crazy.
01:00:08And why did you agree to testify?
01:00:10Why did you involve the others?
01:00:12Because with an agreement, you'd pay me.
01:00:15It also has to do with that little prostitute
01:00:18you have in the penthouse at the chateau.
01:00:21Cheating your clients is one thing, Frank.
01:00:24I get it.
01:00:26Cheating me is different.
01:00:33What the hell?
01:00:36I wanted to smoke a cigarette.
01:00:38You were supposed to watch him.
01:00:41He's not going anywhere.
01:00:45Fine. Give me the gun.
01:00:48I think I'll keep it.
01:00:50Give me the gun, Frank.
01:00:52You wanted me to be the man?
01:00:55The man has the gun.
01:01:00Fine. Then I'll go ahead.
01:01:02Do whatever you want.
01:01:21Sam, speed up a little. We're almost there.
01:01:30The radiation could help.
01:01:33Given how aggressive it is, it's not a guarantee,
01:01:36but it is an option.
01:01:45Six to ten months.
01:01:47He's become more aggressive since the last visit.
01:01:50He's metastasized from the pancreas and reached your liver.
01:01:56I feel fine, normally.
01:01:59It hurts a little when I eat,
01:02:02just above the stomach, but that's all.
01:02:05Have you told anyone, Sam?
01:02:10No, no.
01:02:13I don't plan to.
01:02:16I'm not going to.
01:02:39Sam, what's wrong?
01:02:42I'm going to do everything I can.
01:02:45Sam, don't scare me. What's wrong?
01:03:34Oh, honey.
01:03:37It was you.
01:03:41Laura didn't leak the documents.
01:03:44It was you.
01:03:46Are you crazy?
01:03:47No, I was just stupid.
01:03:56Yes, sir?
01:03:58How did you know which exit we should take?
01:04:02Faye didn't tell you?
01:04:06You already knew where we were going.
01:04:09Sons of bitches.
01:04:12They're in this together.
01:04:14You're wrong.
01:04:17Calm down, Frank.
01:04:19Calm down.
01:04:20Calm down?
01:04:22You're telling me you want me to calm down?
01:04:26While I'm being taken to the middle of the desert
01:04:29to bury my damn lifeless body in a hole.
01:04:33And you want me to calm down?
01:04:36It looks like you have those
01:04:40Damn imbeciles.
01:04:43God, I want to shoot you in the face.
01:04:48Calm down, Frank.
01:04:51You're a good man, Sam.
01:05:07Oh, dear God.
01:05:09I wasn't going to do it.
01:05:11Can you leave them behind?
01:05:13Not in this, no way.
01:05:14Give me the gun.
01:05:15You've lost your mind.
01:05:16We have a corpse in the trunk.
01:05:17We'll take the fine.
01:05:19It's not the worst thing in the world,
01:05:20a fine for speeding.
01:05:22Hide the bottles, hide them.
01:05:28We're going to Las Vegas, another way.
01:05:30That's all.
01:05:39Let's go.
01:05:47License and registration, please.
01:05:51Yes, sir.
01:06:10Mr. Taylor.
01:06:13I'm going to ask you to turn off the engine, please.
01:06:16I'm sorry, sir.
01:06:17I've had problems with the engine,
01:06:19and I'm sure that if I turn it off, it won't turn on again.
01:06:25And where are you from?
01:06:27Los Angeles, sir.
01:06:29And what are you doing driving around here in the middle of the night?
01:06:32We're going to Las Vegas, sir.
01:06:37Do I have to go in front of you?
01:06:39Ah, yes.
01:06:40I usually get very dizzy.
01:06:42And there's more room here for the legs.
01:06:51It's a long way to Las Vegas, isn't it?
01:06:54My client, sir, asked me to take alternate routes.
01:07:01Is that true, sir?
01:07:03Yes, I like to take alternate routes.
01:07:05What can I say?
01:07:09Do you bet, miss?
01:07:12No, sir.
01:07:13I just like shows.
01:07:26Make sure you see Donny and Mary's show.
01:07:30My wife and I saw it a few days ago.
01:07:34Yes, that's it.
01:07:35Thank you very much.
01:07:36Who would have thought?
01:07:37Yes, we will.
01:07:39I'll tell you what, Mr. Taylor.
01:07:41It's your lucky day.
01:07:43You'll see, I don't have my speed gun on,
01:07:45and my shift will be over in ten minutes.
01:07:47Just a warning.
01:07:51Don't go so fast.
01:07:54Respect the limit, okay?
01:07:56Yes, sir.
01:07:58And you, sir.
01:07:59Good luck.
01:08:01Well, if that's how the night starts,
01:08:03I feel like I'll be fine.
01:08:07And you, miss.
01:08:09Enjoy the show.
01:08:11I always do.
01:08:14Very well.
01:08:17Watch your speed.
01:08:19Good night.
01:08:21Good night.
01:08:31Just let him go.
01:08:33Is this a joke?
01:08:59Well, that worked.
01:09:17They didn't even give him a fine.
01:09:22You're the idiot, Frank.
01:09:35Come on, drive.
01:10:02One more.
01:10:28One more.
01:10:46That's what you asked for.
01:10:54Do me a favor, Barry.
01:10:56If you want me tomorrow at noon,
01:10:58send it to me. It's already paid.
01:11:00Yes, I have a delivery at three.
01:11:05You're the best.
01:11:08I'm going to miss you.
01:11:16I'll send you a shirt from Waikiki.
01:11:18Don't do anything stupid, Sammy.
01:11:21Too late.
01:11:26I'm going to miss you.
01:11:56I'm going to miss you.
01:12:27This could have been fun.
01:12:30It was fun, honey.
01:12:38Why did you do it?
01:12:41You don't need the money.
01:12:44What are you talking about?
01:12:51My mom died of cancer, Sammy.
01:12:54My mom died of cancer, Sammy.
01:13:02It's very difficult.
01:13:04This is better.
01:13:07I was going to give you half.
01:13:10You deserved it if you worked hard.
01:13:14Yes, of course.
01:13:16Do it.
01:13:18Come on.
01:13:20Do it now.
01:13:28Yes, do it. Right there.
01:13:30Do it now. Do it.
01:13:32Do it now.
01:13:35Let's see if you have the courage to do it.
01:13:38Come on, Faye.
01:13:40Do it.
01:13:42Come on, Faye.
01:13:44Do it.
01:13:47No. Not yet.
01:13:49You're dead, damn bitch.
01:13:52Not yet.
01:13:55I still need you.
01:13:59Get out of the car.
01:14:03Drag him.
01:14:12Come on.
01:14:30What are those lights?
01:14:37You have to shoot him.
01:14:40In the hole.
01:14:42Come on.
01:14:57Now her.
01:15:10Fuck you.
01:15:16Do it yourself.
01:15:32Do you remember the parable I told you about?
01:15:34Yes, I remember.
01:15:37What is the point?
01:15:41I'm just a boy you met on the way.
01:16:04You need these.
01:16:14Very well.
01:16:44I love you.
01:17:14I love you.
01:17:44Why are you smiling?
01:18:14I love you.
01:18:44I love you.
01:19:14I love you.
01:19:32Come on, Faye.
01:19:34Control yourself.
01:19:41It's done.
01:19:43Yes, of course it's Faye.
01:19:45Who else would it be?
01:19:48I'm on my way back.
01:19:49It will only be a couple of hours.
01:19:52Are you coming back then?
01:19:57Do you have the money?
01:19:59Yes, I have it.
01:20:05Faye, are you there?
01:20:08I'm sorry, Cameron. I can't.
01:20:13What happened?
01:20:15Okay, I'm on my way.
01:20:18Son of a bitch!
01:20:21Damn idiot!
01:20:24Wait, wait.
01:20:32He turned off the car.
01:20:33It's okay, it's okay.
01:20:36It's okay.
01:20:38It's okay.
01:20:39Come on, please.
01:22:31Dear Hope, I'm sorry.
01:22:33I wanted to send more.
01:22:35I did everything I could.
01:22:37Oh my God.
01:22:41Go play, honey.
01:22:43That's a lot of money.
01:22:47Please, never stop telling
01:22:49Olivia and Carly how much I love them.
01:22:51And please, honey.
01:22:55You know how much I love you.
01:22:57And I always will.
01:23:09I love you.
01:23:16The last lonely place.
01:23:40Death don't have no mercy
01:23:43In this land
01:23:48Death don't take no prisoners
01:23:51In this land
01:23:56Death don't take no prisoners
01:23:59In this land
01:24:04It could be a house
01:24:06That won't stay long
01:24:09You look in the bed
01:24:10You find your father's gone
01:24:13Death don't take no prisoners
01:24:16In this land
01:24:21Death don't have no mercy
01:24:24In this land
01:24:29Death don't have no mercy
01:24:32In this land
01:24:35He'll come to your house
01:24:38Your night home
01:24:40You look in the bed
01:24:41You find your sister's gone
01:24:44Death don't have no mercy
01:24:47In this land
01:25:04guitar solo
01:25:26Death don't leave you standing
01:25:29And crying in this land
01:25:32Death don't leave you standing
01:25:35And crying in this land
01:25:41He'll come to your house
01:25:43Your night home
01:25:45You look in the bed
01:25:47Where they're gone
01:25:49Death don't leave you standing
01:25:52And crying in this land
01:25:54Death don't have no mercy
01:25:57In this land
01:26:03Death don't have no mercy
01:26:06In this land
01:26:11He'll come to your house
01:26:14Your night home
01:26:16You look in the bed
01:26:17You find your family's gone
01:26:20Death don't have no mercy
01:26:23Death don't have no mercy
01:26:26In this land
01:26:29Glory to God
01:26:31Death don't have no mercy
01:26:34In this land
01:26:37You know that's true
01:26:39Death don't have no mercy
01:26:42In this land
01:26:45He don't, he don't
01:26:47Death don't have no mercy
01:26:50In this land
01:26:53I said death don't
01:27:23piano solo
01:27:53piano solo
01:28:23piano solo
01:28:53piano solo
01:29:23piano solo
01:29:25piano solo
01:29:27piano solo
01:29:29piano solo
01:29:31piano solo
01:29:33piano solo
01:29:35piano solo
01:29:37piano solo
01:29:39piano solo
01:29:41piano solo
01:29:43piano solo
01:29:45piano solo
01:29:47piano solo
01:29:49piano solo
