• last year
IDX Channel Golf Tournament 2024 sukses digelar. Event yang digelar di Sedayu Indo Golf, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta Utara, Sabtu (14/9/2024) ini menjadi daya tarik bagi ratusan pegolf dari ekosistem pasar modal untuk memperkuat relasi.

CEO IDX Channel Syafril Nasution mengatakan, agenda ini dapat mempererat sinergi dan kolaborasi antar-stakeholders pasar modal baik regulator, perusahaan efek, maupun emiten.


00:00IDX Channel Golf Tournament 2024 was a success.
00:04The event was held in Sedayu Indogolf,
00:06at Indah Kapuk Beach, North Jakarta,
00:09on the 14th of September, 2024.
00:11It became an attractive event for hundreds of golfers
00:13from the capital market ecosystem
00:15to strengthen their relationship.
00:21IDX Channel Golf Tournament 2024 was a success.
00:25The event was held in Sedayu Indogolf,
00:27at Indah Kapuk Beach, North Jakarta,
00:29on the 14th of September, 2024.
00:31It became an attractive event for hundreds of golfers
00:33from the capital market ecosystem
00:35to strengthen their relationship.
00:38CEO of IDX Channel, Syafril Nasution said,
00:41this agenda can strengthen the synergy and collaboration
00:44between stakeholders of the capital market,
00:46such as regulators, effects companies, and METs.
00:50Syafril hopes that IDX Channel will be able to continue
00:53to initiate this year's events
00:54with various new celebrations next year.
00:59Today, IDX Channel held its third golf tournament
01:05in Sedayu Indogolf, at Indah Kapuk Beach.
01:08It was amazing, and was followed by 140 golfers.
01:13This is a gathering of stakeholders
01:17in the capital market.
01:21Hopefully, we can still hold this tournament
01:25in the coming years,
01:27and it will be even more fun,
01:28and there will be even more participants.
01:31Meanwhile, the Director-General of PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia,
01:35Samsul Hidayat said,
01:36the golf tournament is a way to expand
01:38the network of the capital market industry.
01:41For business owners,
01:43a relaxed environment in golfing
01:44allows them to share ideas
01:46and build trust in the game
01:48that usually takes 4 to 5 hours.
01:52IDX Channel Golf Tournament 2024
01:54is an annual tournament
01:56hosted by the portal and television station,
01:58Berita Bisnis,
01:59which broadcasts news and business information
02:01from the Efek Indonesia Stock Exchange
02:03and listed companies.
02:05With the support of various listed companies,
02:07this tournament is held annually.
02:10Covered by IDX Channel.
02:24For more UN videos visit www.un.org
