One Punch Man-01. The Strongest Man

  • 3 days ago


00:30It's closing in!
00:42Damn, so who's available?
00:56We have confirmation that Lightning Max and Smile Man are on their way!
01:10Give me a threat level assessment!
01:11As you can see, explosions are going off behind me!
01:12The wake of destruction left by this monster is at an unprecedented scale!
01:13The Hero Association is analyzing the threat level in order to...
01:14Guess I'll go.
01:58You're a fast one.
02:05Who are you?
02:09Just a guy who's a hero for fun.
02:12You're kidding. What kind of half-assed backstory is that?
02:16Mine's far superior. I was formed from the pollution man wrought upon the Earth.
02:21I am Vaccine Man!
02:23The Earth is a single living organism.
02:26You filthy humans are nothing but a disease-causing bacteria eating away at a precious life force.
02:32In order to wipe out humanity and the evil civilization built on her surface,
02:36the Earth and her infinite wisdom has given birth to me!
02:40You say you do this for fun? For fun?!
02:44How dare you confront Mother Earth's apostle for such a mindless reason!
02:48Yet what can be expected from a human?!
03:02Not again. All it took was one punch.
03:06Damn it!
03:20One Punch!
03:27Three, two, one, here we go!
03:29感情 悲愴 心臓 最強
03:33何で全部 クラスレーション 俺は止まらない
03:36One Punch! 完了 烈戦烈勝
03:40俺は勝つ 素敵に勝つ
03:44Power! Get the Power!
03:58さあ HERO!
03:59だから 忘れず悪と戦う
04:04We're gonna do it, yeah, yeah!
04:05空 想い押し寄せる敵
04:14ならば 揺るぎなき覚悟
04:17従え 戦う
04:26孤独な HERO!
04:29Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
04:32I wanna be a Saikyō HERO!
04:45A monster! Let's go!
04:50What's this? Are you sure you don't wanna run away?
05:00Bet you're a new business man already hating the daily grind!
05:03I ate too much crab and turned into this! Crabalante!
05:07You should be crapping in your pants right now!
05:09Why aren't you running?
05:12Got a death wish or something?
05:14Is that it?
05:16Well... not quite.
05:19I'm no business man, I'm unemployed.
05:22Right now I'm looking for a job.
05:25I had another interview today and got turned down big time.
05:28Crab guy!
05:29I couldn't care less about anything.
05:32And I'm in no mood to turn tail and run.
05:35Just because you're here.
05:40So, what happens now Crabalante?
05:45Your eyes are cold and lifeless, just the same as mine.
05:48Since we have that in common,
05:50I think I'll let you off the hook this time.
05:55Right now I'm out hunting different prey.
05:59A brat with a big chin.
06:01And when I find him, I'm gonna rip his arms off!
06:18What are you looking at?
06:20A big chinned brat.
06:22If he's caught, he's dead.
06:24Hey kid, were you messing with a big crab monster?
06:30While he was sleeping out in the park,
06:32I drew some nipples on his chest.
06:35It's definitely him!
06:37He has no idea what he's done.
06:39What do I do?
06:40I could still help, but...
06:43This kid's kinda weird looking.
06:46It's none of my business, really.
06:49I should just walk away.
06:52I mean, who really cares anyway?
06:57Found you!
07:01What the hell am I doing?
07:05Listen kid, he's after you!
07:08Now get out of here!
07:11Don't worry about me, just go!
07:14But... I can't.
07:17I gotta get my soccer ball.
07:19Are you serious?
07:22Cold eyes!
07:23What's the big idea?
07:25Don't tell me you're gonna protect that stinking big chinned brat!
07:28Oh come on!
07:29You're really gonna kill this kid over some harmless little prank?
07:33Doesn't that seem kinda harsh?
07:36Whatever, I've killed people for a lot less!
07:38Whoever makes fun of the way I look pays the price!
07:41No exceptions!
07:44By the way, that little punk...
07:47Those ridiculous nipples on my manly shell chest!
07:50An impermanent marker!
07:52I've got claws! I can't even use a towel to wipe it off!
07:56Get in my way!
07:57And I'll make sure that job interview you blew today will be your last!
08:12Man, it just came to me!
08:14You look just like a villain from this kid's cartoon I used to watch!
08:32Stop right there.
08:34If I watch you kill a kid right in front of me, I'll have nightmares.
08:40You know what?
08:42When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a hero.
08:45Not some damn businessman,
08:47but a superhero who could send rotten villains like you flying with one punch!
08:52Screw looking for a job!
08:55Bring it on, crab!
08:57Oh, a hero, huh?
09:02You're pathetic!
09:04You don't stand a chance against me!
09:08Your life ends...
09:36Has it really been three years since then?
09:41The End
09:44After that day, I trained so hard I went bald.
09:48I became so powerful no one can beat me.
09:51I'm the hero I'd always dreamed of becoming.
09:54So what is this?
09:56What's wrong with me?
09:58Why does my heart feel so lifeless and empty?
10:03482 yen, please.
10:07Oh, hang on a sec.
10:15Here, I have the 82 yen.
10:41Yes! This is incredible, little brother!
10:46I never thought it would work so well.
10:52This power is more than I could have ever imagined.
10:57My goal was to become the strongest man in the world.
11:01The strongest man.
11:03That was my dream.
11:06At last!
11:08The ultimate steroid, Biceps King, is complete!
11:14Hey, Marugori.
11:15Drink this and you will obtain the power you've been seeking.
11:20You sure about this?
11:23I added strawberry flavoring to make it go down easier.
11:35Yes! Wonderful!
11:39My brains and your brawn.
11:41By combining the greatest of minds and the strongest of bodies this world has to offer,
11:45the two of us will conquer the earth and rule together as kings!
11:49We're unstoppable!
12:00Good. Well done.
12:02Thousands have perished!
12:04Then, on to cleanse the next town as well!
12:08This is it.
12:09This is what I was looking for.
12:12To be the strongest man.
12:16This is an emergency evacuation warning.
12:19A giant creature of unknown origin has appeared in City D.
12:23The creature is currently on a direct path towards City B.
12:27All residents, please evacuate immediately.
12:30I repeat, the giant creature of unknown origin has appeared!
12:36Yes! Run! Scatter like rats! Destroy them all!
12:40The strongest man. The strongest man. The strongest man.
12:46So, what do you think, dear brother?
12:48Yeah. How's it feel being the strongest?
12:50What? There's someone on your shoulder!
12:53Put some pants on.
12:56That guy there on your shoulder! Kill him!
13:01Brother, no!
13:12How did this happen?
13:14All I wanted was to be the strongest man in the world!
13:18And now that I finally am, I kill my own brother!
13:25I don't know who you are, but this is your fault!
13:29You're gonna pay!
13:41The strongest! Behold the brotherly power!
14:00I am the strongest!
14:10But what does that matter? I feel empty.
14:15You get it, right?
14:17The strongest! Behold the brotherly power!
14:27Having overwhelming strength is pretty boring, actually.
14:47To Be Continued
14:55There's no sign that the evils of this world are disappearing.
14:59That hasn't changed since before I became a hero.
15:03So, I guess that means I haven't really made any difference.
15:07I'm not necessarily sad about that.
15:11But there has been something bothering me lately.
15:15As the days pass, my emotions grow more distant.
15:19Fear, tension, joy, anger... I feel none of them anymore.
15:24In exchange for power, maybe I've lost something that's essential for being human.
15:38No sense hiding if you saw me!
15:40I'm Super Custom Y0649Z Mark II!
15:45Before, I'd have all kinds of emotions whirling inside me when I fought.
15:50Dread, panic, rage...
16:04But now, all I need is one punch to end it.
16:09Eggs over rice sounds good for dinner tonight.
16:18Every day I come home uninjured and wash my gloves.
16:23When I'm out fighting monsters, I never feel as if my heart's really in it anymore.
16:30I mean, I just do the hero thing as a hobby.
16:35But as long as I get a kick out of it, in the end, that's all I really care about.
16:40My House
17:02My house!
17:11My house!
17:17He's tough.
17:19Just what in the hell are you?
17:22What are we? That's rude. We are the true Earthlings.
17:26Did you say we?
17:28I believe your kind call us subterraneans.
17:33We suffer from overpopulation. Therefore, we must claim the world above ground.
17:40We've learned the surface world is overpopulated too.
17:43This is a problem for us.
17:46Which is why we have decided to eradicate all of you.
17:52Since we began our invasion operation, 70% of the surface dwellers have died.
17:58This is a battle for survival. I hope you can understand that.
18:04However, this is unexpected.
18:06We have encountered no surface dwellers that our punches could not kill.
18:10Oh yeah? Same here.
18:12It's been too long since I've come across such worthy opponents.
18:16Mole men!
18:19We are Earthlings!
18:29What? But how?
18:32Human bastard!
19:31It's over.
19:33What was that surface dweller?
19:35He was so strong.
19:37Who? Me?
19:39I'm just a guy who's a hero for fun.
19:43I never lose.
19:45And the surface is guarded by me!
19:51Big talk for a race of vermin.
20:08What is this feeling coming over me?
20:12This wild throbbing in my heart.
20:17This rush.
20:19This sensation.
20:27It's been so long.
20:30I've forgotten the exhilaration of a real fight!
20:49It's all coming back to me now.
20:52This is it!
20:53Well, well.
20:55It looks like you've been taking good care of my children, surface dweller.
21:01This is it.
21:02Let's see how you fare against the subterranean king.
21:07This is the feeling...
21:10I've been looking for!
21:24The surface is ours, humans!
21:26You surface dwellers must die!
21:29I am the subterranean king!
21:31Now prepare yourselves for the...
21:40All right! Now bring it on!
22:01I've become too strong.
22:53I've always known.
22:57There are so many things I'm trying to do.
23:04I'm worried that the person I love is too strong.
23:10Show me your weakness.
23:16I'll find you before the stars do.
23:22Come back soon.
23:28Hey, come back soon.
23:45To be continued...
24:15Coming up next is episode 2 of The Lone Cyborg.
24:18I hope you all...