• 4 months ago


00:00Don't you think they have us spread out a little too much?
00:05We're more likely to find them if we're not all in the same area.
00:08But why'd I have to get paired up with you of all people?
00:11Spill it, Marlow. You schemed this up so we'd get some alone time.
00:16Look, Hitch. No offense, but you weren't my first choice either.
00:20Oh, is that right? Well, good for you, then.
00:23Anyway, doesn't this seem odd to you?
00:26Why would the Scouts murder a civilian and run for the hills?
00:30This is the same group of soldiers who consistently risk their lives for the sake of humanity.
00:36Give me a break. Did you forget?
00:40Think about what they did to Stoess, the way they turned it into a battlefield.
00:46How many dead bodies do you think we carried?
00:50Annie's been missing ever since.
00:54They still haven't taken her junk out of my room. It's annoying.
00:58But in doing so, the Scouts also uncovered a Titan in hiding and took a prisoner.
01:04I highly doubt that the military police could have done that.
01:08How is disbanding the Scouts what's best for humanity?
01:12Be quiet. Listen closely.
01:20Don't move!
01:23Turn around slowly.
01:28You must be a Scout.
01:32Not a sound. Don't say a word.
01:35Now listen and do exactly as I instruct you to.
01:40That's the way. Now hand your guns to the one in front.
01:51Don't say a word, right?
02:15You can't hide your fear.
02:18Can't lie, my dear.
02:21Keep dreaming like this.
02:29Spread your blood-soaked wings.
02:44That's the truth.
02:47Not to you.
03:14Keep dreaming like this.
03:39Sorry to have kept you waiting, Erwin.
03:44I know this is sudden, but it's time for your interrogation.
03:51So, the Survey Corps murdered a civilian in cold blood? You sure about this?
03:56I'm told that the evidence is strong.
03:59But with that said, I can't confirm anything I haven't seen.
04:03So then, the Interior Police are running this case without oversight?
04:07Hey, you cut that out.
04:09I'm sorry about him, Commander Doc.
04:11Fury here is still just a rookie. He doesn't quite understand how things work yet.
04:17Don't worry. The Interior Police aren't a subject we plan to write about.
04:21And the same goes for their new ODM gear.
04:24Thanks, Roy. See ya.
04:27That new ODM gear worries me.
04:30Those guns are useless against Titans, but they're perfect for human combat.
04:35It's as if that gear were specifically made for killing scouts.
04:39Also, judging from the fact that its existence was hidden from us MPs,
04:44I get the impression that we aren't off the list of people it could be used against.
04:49Anyway, we should get a report from them soon. Just be patient.
04:57What's the rush, fat ass?
05:07Way to go! That's a dead end, idiot!
05:21Shit! He disappeared!
05:23Say what? Check the next alley!
05:25He can't escape!
05:30You're the son of Demo Reeves, right? What's your name?
05:36I'm Flagle.
05:37Flagle. Nice to meet you. My name's Zoe Hanji.
05:40This is sudden, but if the MPs are trying to hunt you down,
05:44then I'm assuming that you must know the truth about your father's death.
05:48Could you tell me how it happened?
05:52I made a stop so that I could piss.
05:54That's when the Interior Police found my dad.
05:57There was a tall guy with a black coat and hat.
06:00He slit my dad's throat.
06:02Anyway, I'm glad to see that you survived.
06:05Now we can make the truth known publicly.
06:07You're crazy! Haven't you seen today's newspaper?
06:10If the MPs say you guys did it, well then that's the truth!
06:13My testimony means jack shit!
06:16They figured out I was there.
06:18The Interior Police know I saw everything.
06:21I'll be hunted for the rest of my life.
06:24And all I can do about it is run and hide until I'm caught.
06:27My life is over now.
06:32Yeah, maybe.
06:34Thing is, that doesn't exactly sound like living to me.
06:40Try looking at it this way.
06:42Instead of spending the rest of your life skulking around like a scared rat
06:45till you get murdered, you could stand up like a human
06:48and face your enemy even if they might kill you.
06:51Why the hell would I?
06:53Not everyone has the same disregard for their lives as you.
06:56You know what?
06:58I am scared and I have every right to be.
07:00Your family, the company.
07:02Don't you think they deserve to know the truth?
07:04Come on! That's just what would be best for you!
07:06Of course it is!
07:08You need to start thinking about what's best for you, too!
07:13Alright, you're coming with me, Flagle.
07:15What? Your gang's already lost.
07:17Just give me a break.
07:19What? Your gang's already lost. Just give up!
07:22Why don't you know when you're beat?
07:25That's real simple.
07:26Defeat is the only thing the Scout Regiment has ever known.
07:32Get past the checkpoint disguised as MPs.
07:35And snoop around until we find out where Eren is.
07:39It's a shit plan, but it's all we have.
07:42There's no time.
07:44If we don't act now, we're finished.
07:49Now then.
07:51You're Stohess District Military Police.
07:54Private Marlowe Freudenberg.
07:56Captain Levi. It's really him.
07:59Same assignment. Private Hitch Drace.
08:02We'll need to dispose of you.
08:06Because of what you did!
08:08Stohess was a graveyard!
08:10Over a hundred people were killed!
08:14Bastards! I bet you all think you're some kind of heroes of justice, but you're not!
08:18You dropped dozens of innocent families straight into hell on that mission of yours!
08:22Yeah, we did.
08:26Hey, you! You're from the Southern Cadet Corps, right?
08:30So you trained with Annie Leonhardt.
08:33Were you a friend of hers?
08:37She wouldn't have made friends there, either.
08:39Way too gloomy and unapproachable for that.
08:42She was just afraid of people, like a scared little kid.
08:46Now I'll never get the chance to learn anything about her.
08:50She's officially listed as missing. You know why?
08:53It's because one of your titans turned her into an ugly red stain on the street!
08:57Actually, no. It's because the titan we captured was Annie Leonhardt herself.
09:04God damn it. It makes me sick.
09:08She knows a thing about this world. Not us or anyone else.
09:12Except for the bastards at the center of it all.
09:16We're letting you go, but we need to give ourselves a head start on you.
09:25Hey, Captain Levi! Please let me join in your cause!
09:29I believe that the military police are in the wrong here.
09:32If there's any way that I can fight this world's injustice, then that's what I want to do!
09:38Easy. Calm down.
09:41I swear I won't let you down, sir!
09:44No. I have no way of telling if you have enough resolve to make an enemy of the state.
09:49Let's go.
09:51Take them deeper into the woods and tie them up, Sasha.
09:58Hey, Captain!
10:00Won't you let me do it instead?
10:03Knock yourself out.
10:13All right.
10:18We'll forget everything we saw here.
10:21I know you will. Because both of you are about to die!
10:24No! He said to let us go!
10:26The Captain might be a big softy, but I'm not. I'm ready to go.
10:30He might be a big softy, but I'm not. I'm ready to do what needs to be done.
10:34You have to believe us! We won't betray you! We know that you're fighting to protect humanity!
10:39Right? Tell him!
10:41As if I'd take your word for it. I can't trust you. Not with that hair.
10:46Who in their right mind would get a bowl cut on purpose?
10:49So how can I trust a single word you say?
10:56Run, Hitch! I'll cover you!
11:00What do you think will kill faster? That knife or the gun at your chin?
11:04Feel like trying your luck? Come on, let's race!
11:07Please! We're on the same side here!
11:10Why the hell would anyone believe you want to join the Scouts?
11:13My comrades are getting rounded up like criminals as we speak. What makes you think we can win?
11:19Because you haven't quit. Despite the odds, the Scouts are still fighting.
11:27I made a mistake when I chose my regiment.
11:30But you're a Scout. You chose to risk your lives for others.
11:35So I'll trust you.
11:42What the...
11:45Horse-face John!
11:46Stop! He was just trying to test us!
11:53Are you crazy?
11:55Even with my hands bound, I could have taken a swing at you with that knife and done some real damage.
12:01How did you know I wouldn't do it?
12:04Don't ask me how, but you remind me of this annoying guy. An idiot.
12:11Makes me wonder, is he one of the fools Annie told me about?
12:16Couldn't say. All of us are fools.
12:25Luckily for me, you're just as dumb.
12:27Marlow, I think you proved your dedication.
12:33This should be enough to convince Captain Levi. We'll be counting on you from here on out.
12:42Far as I know, this is the least manned checkpoint in the region.
12:46Good. We'll handle things from here. Get back to your squad before they're suspicious.
12:55Marlow, Hitch.
12:57We're grateful.
13:02Alright, this time we're picking the fight.
13:28Stand down.
13:33Captain, he's in here.
13:35He's with the Interior Police. I've got questions for him.
13:40Let's move.
13:58Thanks, dumbass. There won't be any witnesses in an abandoned dump like this.
14:06I owe you big time. Thanks a bunch, Flagle.
14:10I mean, when you gave us the slip before, back in the alley, I really thought I was screwed!
14:16Back in the alley, I really thought I was screwed!
14:27My boss would have killed me. I'm serious.
14:32Thanks for coming back, Flagle. Nice knowing you.
14:35No! Wait! Don't shoot yet, please!
14:37Why did my father have to die? Did the Interior Police kill him?
14:41What? I don't see how that matters to you.
14:43After all, you're about to be a corpse yourself in a moment.
14:47Please! Before I die, I want to know, what did my father do for you to justify killing him?
14:52Huh? I thought you'd know. He betrayed us and started helping out those bastards in the scout regiment.
14:59So his orders, they came from the Interior Police? You guys had him kidnap those scouts?
15:05Well, it was a different squad, but yeah.
15:08Guess old Demo didn't say too much about it. At least not to his dimwit excuse for a son.
15:14And what if he'd refused to do it?
15:17Oh, he knew way too much. We'd have killed him. I mean, we killed him anyway, but that's what he gets. The damn idiot.
15:24What made him think the Survey Corps could help this trash city?
15:29He would never understand.
15:34You think you're real smart shit, don't you?
15:37You want to know the last thing my dad taught me? He said a good merchant should trust his nose.
15:43And I'm glad I listened. Because it led me to the people who could avenge him. And I signed with them!
15:50You're gonna die here, piggy! No need to be brave! Go on a squeal!
15:54My business with you is over, asshole! Why don't you take a look above you?!
16:14Section Commander, that was way too reckless!
16:17We pulled it off! Did everyone hear him?
16:20No. The scouts aren't here. But why?
16:28This dump ain't abandoned!
16:31Bet it seems unlivable to you. Yet we're here. The place isn't half as nice as it used to be, but it's still our home.
16:39We heard everything. About Reeves and who had him killed. Every last one of us is a witness.
16:46Yeah? Well, it doesn't matter. Cause it's the government that decides what's true, idiots!
16:52Don't even think for a second you can get away with this! You're in for a world of-
16:57Listen. You'll all be fine. Cause the Reeves Company will protect you if you trust in my father, Deemo.
17:06Well, now I'm in charge. So, from now on, if you can count on me, that's a promise.
17:21Glad to hear it, Mr. Reeves!
17:23Speak up next time!
17:24Glad to see you stepped up. Hey, you give him hell, Flagle.
17:35Screw you.
17:41Where'd they take Eren and Krista?
17:44You bastards. You think you're so brave? That post was manned by recruits. They barely even knew how to wipe their own asses.
17:52No one's gonna think you're heroes for beating them down.
17:56Yeah, the guilt's tearing me apart.
18:01But what really gets at me is this mouth of yours. I'm gonna suggest that you start talking while you're still able to use it.
18:09Now, where are Eren and Krista?
18:11You can't win. All that's left to you now is to find some filthy corner to hide in. Covered in mud and shit!
18:20If you don't turn yourselves in, then every last scout we captured will get the noose.
18:25Starting with the guiltiest one of all, Erwin Smith!
18:32That's right. That's what you get for not answering my question.
18:36Some scouts' lives are more valuable than others. Only those dumb enough to agree to that join us.
18:42Again, where'd they take Eren and Krista?
18:45I don't know. Nobody told me, I swear. Kenny Ackerman doesn't like to make his business known.
18:52Ackerman? I know Kenny. That his last name?
18:57It is, but...
19:01He never told me.
19:02It is, but...
19:05He never was much of one for sharing information. Not important stuff, anyway.
19:11But I bet you have a rough idea. You'd best try to remember.
19:15No! Stop!
19:16You still have plenty of bones left for me to break.
19:20Damn it! Are you insane?!
19:25Somebody's coming towards us!
19:29And there's more than one!
19:32Intelligence! You're beat! Struggle all you want!
19:37One way or another, the Survey Corps will be destroyed!
19:50You've seen better days.
19:52Kind of funny. You were lecturing me just the other day.
19:56Soon you'll be sent before the King.
19:58Then his counsel will determine your sentence and what to do with the Survey Corps.
20:03So you came.
20:07Tell me, Niall, where do you live? Stoess, was it?
20:13How's Marie? How are your children? I trust they're all in good health?
20:18Marie and the kids are... they should be just fine.
20:22They haven't been home in a while, but... it's in Walrose, on the east side.
20:28I see.
20:31Why ask that? What's going on?
20:35I entrusted something to Commander Pixis.
20:39Whenever that comes up, I'll let you know.
20:41What's going on?
20:44I entrusted something to Commander Pixis.
20:48Whenever that crucial moment comes...
20:52what happens next is out of my hands.
20:55It'll be your choice to make. Yours and theirs.
21:05So, what did we learn from the interrogation?
21:08Not much. Erwin didn't even realize that Pastor Nick was with the Order of the Walls,
21:13so Historia can make all the claims about a name she wants, and it won't matter.
21:17They'll all amount to nothing.
21:19What a farce.
21:20They don't know it. But in truth, they're nothing more than cattle in a pen, simply waiting to die.
21:28My apologies, but Erwin Smith has arrived.
21:32Very well. We'll be along.
21:34Once Erwin has been executed, all will be according to plan.
21:39The secrets of the Walls will be kept as safe as ever,
21:43and the King's peace will be ensured... forever.
21:57Erwin Smith, do you have any last words?
22:04To be continued...
22:34There's a difference between throwing stones and being thrown,
22:39there's a difference that can't be easily overcome.
22:44If the situation changes, justice will show its fangs.
22:49Who's the one howling in the cage?
22:55I gave my heart to a twilight that can't be returned.
23:02At the end of the night that continues to go on,
23:06where is everyone?
23:11I hate you, I hate you,
23:14the flower that bloomed in the twilight.
23:18Please, I beg you,
23:21sleep in the moonlight.
23:32To be continued...
