World’s Tallest Man VS Shortest Woman!

  • 4 days ago
In "World’s Tallest Man VS Shortest Woman," witness a fascinating and heartwarming exploration of extremes as the tallest man and the shortest woman in the world come together for a unique encounter. This captivating event highlights their extraordinary physical differences while showcasing their shared humanity. Through engaging interactions, interviews, and activities, discover how they navigate their distinct worlds and celebrate their remarkable achievements. This story is a testament to the diversity of human experience and the strength of character that transcends physical stature.


00:00This is the world's tallest man.
00:03Sultan is 8 foot 3 inches tall,
00:06which is literally the size of two people stacked on top of each other.
00:10And while some might think being so tall is a blessing,
00:13it's not always as easy as you think.
00:15Do you have a girlfriend?
00:18We'll be spending the next 24 hours with him
00:20to see firsthand what life is like for the world's tallest man
00:24compared to the average human.
00:26And at the end of the day,
00:27we'll be introducing him to the world's shortest woman
00:30to see how different their lives are.
00:32But first, let's meet the world's tallest man.
00:37Hi, I'm Alex. Nice to meet you.
00:39Sultan, right?
00:41More like so tall.
00:44We also have a list of 10 activities planned
00:46to learn exactly what life is like for the world's tallest man
00:50compared to the average person.
00:52And right away, I noticed Sultan has trouble balancing on his own
00:55because his huge size gives him chronically bad knees.
00:58Oh, my gosh!
01:01I'm literally your biggest fan.
01:05Who the f*** is that guy?
01:07The first thing we wanted to learn about Sultan
01:09is how his morning routine compares to the average person.
01:12So we took him upstairs to our bathroom.
01:14Whoa, the shower is too small.
01:17There's a shower in the back right here.
01:19This is also too small.
01:21Sultan's massive size comes from a rare disorder
01:24that causes his body to produce excess growth hormone.
01:27So even though we have a pretty big shower,
01:29it was still far too small for him.
01:31This is a problem.
01:33That's literally 8 1⁄2 feet tall.
01:35He couldn't even wash his hands without having to nearly blow his back out.
01:38Everything is too small.
01:40So Sultan took us to see how he actually showers.
01:44Why are we outside?
01:45I shower in the pool.
01:48Let's all jump in together.
01:53Yeah, bro.
01:56What are you doing?
02:00I hate you!
02:02Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
02:04What is this?
02:05After seeing how big of a tub Sultan would need just to shower,
02:09we wanted to see how his size compared to some of our other things,
02:12like my king-size bed.
02:14This is one of the largest beds you can buy.
02:17And as you can see, this is a children's bed for him.
02:20For an average person who stops growing taller at around 16 years old,
02:24Sultan didn't stop growing until he was 30.
02:27Do you also have a PS5?
02:28No, too small.
02:30Can't even play video games.
02:31On top of being the tallest man in the world out of 7 billion people,
02:35Sultan also holds two other world records.
02:38I also have the world's biggest hands.
02:40What? They're twice as big as mine!
02:42And the world's biggest feet.
02:43You know what they say about people with big feet?
02:46Anyways, does that also mean you're strong?
02:48Yes, I'm very strong.
02:53So we challenged him to an arm wrestle.
02:56I'll do one finger.
02:57Two versus one?
02:58Oh my god!
03:00Dude, he's got some strength in that finger.
03:02One, two, three!
03:09After getting completely embarrassed by Sultan in an arm wrestle,
03:12I had to get my revenge by attempting the impossible,
03:15beating the world's tallest man at the sticky note challenge.
03:18Both height and athleticism are key in this game,
03:21so even though Sultan has a huge height advantage,
03:24I have way more mobility.
03:26All right, Sultan.
03:27Whoever slaps a sticky note the highest wins.
03:30Good luck beating this.
03:39Go, Ali!
03:40You're going down.
03:42Let him cook.
03:44Let him cook now.
03:53Sultan's height may have helped him win the sticky note challenge,
03:56but let's see if the world's tallest man can fit in a car.
03:59Do you like this car?
04:00Yeah, beautiful.
04:02Do you want to get in?
04:03He's stupid.
04:04Can he fit in here?
04:05Back in Turkey, Sultan has a special van he gets driven around in
04:09because he can't fit in most cars like the average person.
04:12Most cars are only four and a half feet tall,
04:14and Sultan is over six feet tall sitting down,
04:17so our Honda was way too small.
04:20He's literally bigger than the car.
04:22Luckily, we have a roofless Lamborghini,
04:24so theoretically there is no height limit if he can manage to get inside of it.
04:32Holy crap.
04:37That's insane.
04:45Sultan may have managed to squeeze into our Lamborghini,
04:48but he was definitely not comfortable,
04:50so we rushed over to our next activity, basketball.
04:54Alan already got a taste of Sultan's ball handling skills earlier,
04:57but we wanted to see how Sultan sizes up against real basketball players.
05:04The average basketball player in the NBA is six foot six,
05:07so at eight foot three, Sultan has a huge height advantage.
05:12So we suited up in basketball jerseys,
05:14but we couldn't find one in Sultan's size.
05:16Luckily, Tanner had an extra.
05:20Let's jump ball.
05:26Round one.
05:31Let's go.
05:40Sultan may not be super mobile, but he was literally impossible to defend against.
05:46And on defense, nobody could score against him.
05:49You're crazy.
05:51But then the opposing team managed to score a basket on him.
05:55Even though Sultan's height gives him a huge advantage,
05:58his knees make him practically immobile,
06:00but he wasn't going to give up that easy.
06:13Go, go, go.
06:19One to one.
06:22During the game, the opposing team only managed to score one basket against us.
06:28But Sultan still had one more ball game to play.
06:38What are you doing?
06:41Even though Sultan couldn't run around as much as the rest of us,
06:44he still burns an insane amount of calories compared to the average person.
06:47So we wanted to see how many calories does the world's tallest man need in a day to survive.
06:52So here's how much an average person eats in a day.
06:542,000 calories.
06:56And this is how much Jyoti eats in a day.
06:58And Sultan eats this much.
07:00That's right.
07:01Sultan eats four times as much as the average person
07:04and 27 times as much as Jyoti.
07:07Tanner eats five times as much as Sultan.
07:10And Bonk eats.
07:12Turn us on.
07:15Everybody come out and eat.
07:16Finally, some food.
07:18You're from Turkey, right?
07:19Yeah, Turkey.
07:20I have something for you.
07:21Here's a present.
07:24Turkey, because Turkey.
07:28I'm very, very hungry.
07:29Hey, that's him right there.
07:31He loves eating, too.
07:32He can eat all of this by himself.
07:33I can eat the whole thing.
07:35Whole thing.
07:37Because you eat a lot, how big is your poop?
07:42You crazy.
07:43Get out of here.
07:44I just want to know.
07:50So I know you have three world records.
07:52What world record do you want to see us break inside this video?
07:56I want this to be the most viewed YouTube video ever.
08:02Oops, wrong camera.
08:03Ten, three.
08:06Speaking of food, the world's tallest man is about to meet another world record holder,
08:11the world's fattest man, our dad.
08:14In our last video, we introduced him to the world's shortest woman.
08:17So now, we wanted to introduce the world's tallest man to the world's fattest man.
08:23Okay, here we go.
08:24Three, two, one.
08:30Look to your right.
08:31He's right here.
08:32Look to your right.
08:35Man, you must get all the ladies.
08:37And me in two.
08:39Just kidding.
08:40I've been there a time to myself.
08:41Just kidding, boys.
08:42Don't tell your mom.
08:43Whoa, dad.
08:44Watch out.
08:45Watch out.
08:46Next up, we wanted to see firsthand how the world looks through the eyes of the world's
08:49tallest man.
08:50So we gave him our Apple Vision Pro to see how things look from his point of view.
08:54But this is too small for me.
08:56Apple markets the Apple Vision Pro as one size fits all.
09:00But Sultan's head was so big, we had to remove a piece to fit it on him.
09:04Good afternoon, world's tallest man.
09:09So since everyone's always looking up at him, we wanted to see what his point of view looked
09:13like looking down on everyone.
09:16That's his POV.
09:18This is so cool.
09:19You guys are going to get to see his POV.
09:21Never done before.
09:23That's insane.
09:26What you doing up there, Sultan?
09:31Now, before we surprise Sultan with JLT, he needed a sexy outfit to impress her.
09:36So we're taking him to Target to see how he shops for clothes compared to the average
09:41And since he was so uncomfortable in our Lamborghini earlier, we got him a big van that would make
09:45our drive to the store easier for him.
09:48As soon as we arrived, the short walk up to the store was hurting Sultan's knees.
09:52Don't worry, Sultan.
09:53It's just right here.
09:54Oh, watch your head.
09:56And right as we got inside, we ran into another problem.
10:01Holy shit.
10:02Everyone in the store was so distracted by his height, he immediately started drawing
10:07a crowd.
10:08So by the time we got Sultan a wheelchair to rest his knees, we were already surrounded.
10:13All right, guys.
10:14No need to make this a big deal.
10:17We tried shopping, but we couldn't seem to ditch the huge crowd following us.
10:22Hello there.
10:23Oh my god.
10:24Now let's see what's on Sultan's grocery list.
10:26These fruits are way too small to fill him up.
10:29There you go.
10:30That's the perfect size for him.
10:32But even though Sultan finally found something he wanted, the crowd was still following him.
10:38Apparently, Sultan always has these encounters when he's out in public.
10:41No matter where he goes, he immediately draws everyone's attention due to his unusual size.
10:47Everybody's taking pictures.
10:49Next on our shopping list, we wanted to see how Sultan shops for clothes compared to the
10:54average person.
10:55And we planned on doing that here at Target.
10:57But Sultan kept drawing unwanted attention.
11:03We never imagined clothes shopping with Sultan would be this difficult.
11:07Nobody even noticed Jyoti when we took her to the baby section.
11:10So we decided to leave and do our clothes shopping elsewhere.
11:13But we knew that finding a store with clothes big enough for Sultan would be a challenge.
11:18Luckily, Tanner always shops at this big and tall store called Big Boys.
11:22So we took Sultan there to get a fresh new outfit.
11:26But before we surprise Sultan with Jyoti, I wanted to see how his giant clothes fit
11:30on a regular-sized human like myself.
11:32What the heck?
11:34This is a whole blanket.
11:38I feel like a little kid wearing his dad's clothes.
11:40Come to daddy.
11:44Now I know how Sean feels.
11:47Now that Sultan is looking big and sexy, it was time for his tiny surprise.
11:52All right, Sultan, close your eyes and I'll be right back.
11:56Are his eyes closed?
11:57Yeah, he's ready.
12:02Okay, open your eyes.
12:12So cute.
12:14But that's not the only surprise we have for Sultan and Jyoti.
12:17Because we have a bonus activity planned for them.
12:20But first, we need to see just how tall Sultan is compared to the world's shortest woman.
12:25So she's two feet tall.
12:27I'm 6'3".
12:28He's 8'3".
12:30So me and her combined are exactly this height.
12:32Oh my God.
12:33This is what Sultan looks like from Jyoti's perspective.
12:36And this is what she looks like from his.
12:40In our video with Jyoti, we learned that she's only 14 pounds.
12:44So we're going to weigh Sultan to see how he compares.
12:47Oh my God.
12:49350 pounds.
12:51Oh my God.
12:53That's half of your weight, Tanner.
12:55Yeah, that's half of you.
12:56Yeah, half of my weight.
12:57He weighs more.
12:58Sultan's hand is also so big that Jyoti's entire hand is smaller than his index finger.
13:03Can I see one of your rings?
13:05Oh, wow.
13:07And both Sultan's forearm and his shoe were the length of Jyoti's entire body.
13:12Oh my God, look at that shoe.
13:15Aw, damn.
13:16That's how big feet smell like?
13:17Come here, little man.
13:18What did you say about my feet?
13:20Oh no.
13:21Oh my God.
13:22Look at it.
13:23Look at it.
13:24That's a big shoe.
13:28No more CC, no no tonight.
13:30I love my little friend.
13:34Jyoti, your turn.
13:40And now for our bonus activity.
13:43We wanted to take Sultan and Jyoti to the Guinness World Records Museum
13:46to meet the world's tallest man of all time and the world's shortest woman of all time.
13:51So here's Sultan standing next to the world's tallest man of all time who died 100 years ago.
13:57And this is Jyoti standing next to the world's shortest woman of all time who died 200 years ago.
14:02But you know who's not dead?
14:04I'm the fattest man alive.
14:08Wait, Tanner, you look like you lost weight.
14:09Jokes aside, spending the day with Sultan was really eye-opening.
14:13Everyday tasks most of us find easy like fitting in a car, going out in public, or even just walking can be extremely uncomfortable for a man his size.
14:23But despite being complete opposites when it comes to height, there's one thing Sultan and Jyoti both have in common.
14:29They never let their size stop them from having a good time.
14:35So before we said goodbye to Sultan, we wanted to give him a parting gift to show him our appreciation.
14:41I know you like big phones, so I have a gift.
14:44Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
14:46World's smallest phone.
14:48I can't use this. Give me this big phone instead.
14:51Big phone? That's an iPad.
14:53Yeah, yeah, I like this one right here.
14:55Hello. Thank you. Bye.
14:59Though Sultan seemed to have enjoyed his little gift, he was completely unaware of the real surprise we had planned for him the next day.
