• 2 months ago


00:00:50¿Vas a una boda?
00:00:51Sí, Lee se va a casar.
00:00:53Tus llaves.
00:00:57Ah, no iré en mi auto.
00:00:58Será difícil encontrar lugar.
00:01:05Nos vemos, medal.
00:01:42¿Ayer llegaste bien a casa?
00:01:50Espera, tú me llevaste a casa ayer.
00:02:03Esto es raro.
00:02:06Lo he visto todos los días.
00:02:09Pero hoy me siento muy nerviosa.
00:02:12Cerrando puertas.
00:02:18Mi vida ordinaria, que era igual todos los días,
00:02:21comenzó a sentirse más vivaz y especial.
00:02:29¿Estás bien?
00:02:31Hazlo. Bien.
00:02:35¡Es trampa!
00:03:34¿Qué pasa?
00:03:40Mamá, déjame entrar.
00:03:42¡Mamá, déjame entrar!
00:03:54Mamá, ¿dónde estás?
00:03:55La cerradura no sirve.
00:03:57Voy a enviarte la dirección.
00:03:58Ven a verme.
00:04:35¿Y esto?
00:04:37¿Por qué parece mi cuarto?
00:04:39¿Qué piensas?
00:04:42¿De qué?
00:04:44Desde ahora, esta será tu casa.
00:04:50¿Qué quieres decir?
00:04:54¿Por qué?
00:04:55Ya pagué el primer mes de la renta.
00:04:57El resto lo pagas tú.
00:05:02¿Aún sigues enojada?
00:05:04No estoy enojada.
00:05:05¿Y por qué haces esto?
00:05:07Diol Miré, desde hoy, estás por tu cuenta.
00:05:35¿Por qué me echaste de casa?
00:05:36Yo no te eché.
00:05:37Creo que es hora de que vivas sola.
00:05:39¿De qué hablas?
00:05:40Me echaste en medio de la noche.
00:05:41No pude avisarte, porque entonces no habría podido hacerlo.
00:05:45Mamá, ¿por qué me haces esto?
00:05:49¿Por qué razón?
00:05:50Por ti.
00:05:52No malgastes tu vida como mi hija.
00:05:55Quiero que vivas tu vida.
00:06:02Debes estar desconcertada.
00:06:05Sin embargo, si no te mudas, seguirás perdiendo todo tu tiempo
00:06:09preocupándote por la familia.
00:06:11Y no quiero que vivas así por siempre.
00:06:14Creo que necesitas vivir tu vida, Miré.
00:06:21Dice esto por tu bien.
00:06:23¿Cómo que lo haces por mi bien?
00:06:25No quiero.
00:06:26Cancela el contrato.
00:06:27Nos vamos.
00:06:28También quiero vivir sola.
00:06:32Hyunjae ya se mudó.
00:06:35Y tú ya puedes cuidar de ti misma.
00:06:39Así que quiero vivir sola.
00:06:45dejar la rutina...
00:06:47de madre e hija y vivir nuestras vidas.
00:06:53Ya me voy.
00:06:55¡Mamá! ¡Mamá!
00:07:48Ya sabes lo lista y fuerte que es.
00:07:51Va a estar bien.
00:07:52No te preocupes.
00:07:59Hey, Hyun.
00:08:00¿Segura que estarás bien?
00:08:07Estoy bien.
00:08:10Debo ser la villana...
00:08:12para que Miré no se arrepienta.
00:08:18Está bien.
00:08:21Es lo correcto.
00:08:24¿Tú crees?
00:08:26Hice lo correcto, ¿no?
00:08:38Sácalo todo.
00:09:13¿Por qué ni siquiera tienes una mesa de comedor aquí?
00:09:16¿Acaso estás arruinado?
00:09:18No vi tu auto afuera.
00:09:20¿Viniste en taxi?
00:09:24Tu contrato termina muy pronto.
00:09:28¿Qué harás cuando acabe?
00:09:29Volver a mi lugar.
00:09:30¿Y dónde es eso?
00:09:33Ya detente, ¿sí?
00:09:35Si no lo haces, me iré.
00:09:37Me mudaré y cambiaré mi número también.
00:09:49Bueno, había un sitio vacío.
00:09:52Dijimos que recorreríamos el país en bicicleta cuando te retiraras.
00:10:02Estoy demasiado ocupado.
00:10:05Lo haremos una vez que yo me retire.
00:10:14¿Crees que yo hago esto por pura codicia?
00:10:19¿Por qué lo haces?
00:10:21¿Por qué no has dejado de correr en círculos?
00:10:25¿No puedes decidirte desde que dejaste el tecondo?
00:10:28Dime si me equivoco.
00:10:37Sé muy bien que forzarte a trabajar en la compañía no servirá para resolver nada de este asunto.
00:10:44Pero, ¿qué más se supone que puedo hacer?
00:10:49Mi hijo está perdido.
00:10:52Solo sentarme y ver...
00:10:55No es correcto.
00:11:20¡Hermana! ¡Felicidades por mudarte!
00:11:23¿Cuándo harás la fiesta?
00:11:33¿Dormiste bien?
00:11:35Debes tener muchas cosas pendientes.
00:11:37Solo dime, ¿qué necesitas?
00:11:41¿Dormiste bien?
00:11:51Prometo que es la última vez.
00:11:53Trabaja como pasante por solo tres meses.
00:11:56No puedes irte.
00:11:58No puedes irte.
00:12:00No puedes irte.
00:12:02No puedes irte.
00:12:04No puedes irte.
00:12:06No puedes irte.
00:12:08Es la última vez.
00:12:09Trabaja como pasante por solo tres meses.
00:12:14Y si crees que no es para ti, te prometo no volver a entrometerme en tu vida.
00:12:18Tú no eres de esos chicos que se rinden si siquiera haberlo intentado.
00:12:21¿O me equivoco?
00:12:22¿Es así?
00:12:25Además, si dices que no,
00:12:28haré que la señorita vio un trabaje directamente bajo mis órdenes.
00:12:39¿Estás bien, Mire?
00:12:45Una más.
00:12:46Hay tres.
00:12:48¡Una más!
00:13:13Deja de romperlas por mí.
00:13:17Solo las sujetaba.
00:13:21Está bien.
00:13:23Esta vez romperé diez.
00:13:27Ya no quedan más.
00:13:29Las rompiste todas.
00:13:37Siéntate, ven aquí.
00:13:56Entiendo cómo te sientes.
00:13:58Suelen ser los hijos los que de repente se mudan
00:14:01y dejan a sus padres sorprendidos por eso.
00:14:06Aunque debo decir
00:14:08que creo que tu mamá lo hizo por tu propio bien.
00:14:13¿Por mi bien?
00:14:16Sí, claro, por mi bien.
00:14:20Yo no quería mudarme.
00:14:25Creo que nunca te habrías mudado
00:14:27si esto no hubiera pasado.
00:14:30Por supuesto.
00:14:32Yo no tenía planes de mudarme.
00:14:36Bueno, ¿qué quieres hacer?
00:14:39¿Quieres volver a casa?
00:14:42Claro que no.
00:14:45Puedo hacerlo sola.
00:14:47Como ella quiere.
00:14:50Lo demostraré.
00:15:01¿A dónde?
00:15:02A que vivas bien.
00:15:07¿A dónde?
00:15:08A que vivas bien.
00:15:39Se ve fresco.
00:15:41Es lo más orgánico.
00:15:46¿Quieres un halago?
00:15:49Te cocinaré.
00:16:22De verdad está muy fresco.
00:16:24¿Está bueno?
00:16:32Bien, come esto.
00:16:33Debes terminarlo.
00:16:45Me llené.
00:16:55¿Ya lo pensaste bien?
00:16:56¿Qué harás?
00:17:03Primero, no quiero hacer nada.
00:17:12Comeré algo rápido y fácil sin preocuparme demasiado.
00:17:17No haré demasiados quehaceres.
00:17:20Dejaré que los platos sucios se amontonen.
00:17:23No quiero hacer nada y pasarme el día holgazaneando.
00:17:30No recuerdo la última vez que pude hacer eso.
00:17:42Bien, seremos vagos.
00:17:48Estar sentada así no cuenta como holgazanear.
00:17:51Aquí, acuéstate. Ven.
00:18:12Por cierto, ¿qué hay de ti?
00:18:15¿Quieres hacer algo?
00:18:19¿Qué puedo hacer?
00:18:24Quiero cocinar para ti, lavar los platos,
00:18:27llevarte a dormir, además,
00:18:29llevarte a los lugares que quieras ir también,
00:18:32y seguirte a donde sea que vayas y la lista sigue.
00:18:46¿sabes de verdad?
00:18:50Quiero ser un buen padre.
00:18:56Sí, mire.
00:19:20Señor Lee, ya tenemos todo listo.
00:19:22¿Cómo que debe tomar una pausa?
00:19:25Lamento. De verdad, no puedo escribir en este momento.
00:19:30¿Por qué? Dijo que todo iba muy bien.
00:19:32¿No dijo que había encontrado inspiración en el villano y todo?
00:19:35La llamaré cuando tenga todo un poco más claro.
00:19:46Señor Lee.
00:19:49¿Qué tal?
00:20:00¡Cielos! ¡Eres muy bueno!
00:20:03¡Anímalo conmigo!
00:20:04Si soy solo yo, se aburrirá.
00:20:06¡Eres bueno!
00:20:08¡Tú eres muy bueno!
00:20:15Señor Jang, ¿conoce al señor Byun desde hace mucho?
00:20:18Sí, desde hace más de 20 años.
00:20:20¿Sabe algo sobre cómo de repente se hizo rico?
00:20:24Bien, despertamos las cripto, la lotería y las acciones.
00:20:28Y todo el mundo dice que no tiene lo que se necesita para convertirse en un hombre independiente.
00:20:35¿Qué más queda?
00:20:37¡Vaya! ¡Eres bueno!
00:20:39¡Uh, uh! ¡Eres muy bueno!
00:20:44Bueno, si supiera, ya lo habría hecho también.
00:20:50¿Y si es... un fraude?
00:20:58¿Y si el señor Kim, el antiguo casero, fue la víctima?
00:21:03¿De qué hablas?
00:21:05¿Dices que él... se sorprendió tanto que sufrió un fraude?
00:21:12¡Vaya! ¡Muy bien sucedido!
00:21:16¿Quieres seguir? ¡Muy bien! ¡Sigue jugando!
00:21:18¡Eres genial!
00:21:20Suficiente, señor Lee.
00:21:23Basta de hablar de los caseros, todos somos vecinos, no seamos así de verdad.
00:21:27Por favor, deja de escribir esa novela tan loca sobre el señor Viona.
00:21:31Bueno, la verdad, lo hago porque tengo un bloqueo de escritor.
00:21:35Oye, sinvergüenza, usa otro dedo para subirte las gafas, ¿no?
00:21:38¿Lo hiciste a propósito?
00:21:40¿Qué? Yo...
00:21:42¿Qué hice?
00:21:44Aquí está. Ah, el señor King se veía muy feliz cuando él nos dio esto.
00:21:49Estuvimos tentados, porque todo se veía muy bien.
00:21:53Pero no teníamos dinero para hacerlo.
00:21:56Y los hombres que convencieron a mi padre de hacer esto fueron Oya Gol y Vion Mujin.
00:22:03La verdad, no recuerdo sus nombres, pero sí recuerdo que Vion era el apellido de uno, ¿cierto?
00:22:11Es cierto.
00:22:12¿Verdad? Se llamaba Vion. Eso lo recuerdo muy bien.
00:22:31No he terminado los cálculos con Vion.
00:22:33¿Por qué no hablan en persona?
00:22:37Sé que también estás involucrado en esto.
00:22:40Parece que hay un malentendido.
00:22:42¿Puedes hacerle llegar mi mensaje?
00:22:44Si sigue ignorando mis llamadas, tendré que visitarlo.
00:23:06¿Te encuentras bien?
00:23:07Mis rodillas.
00:23:11Perdón, seguro me vi horrible hace un rato.
00:23:16Qué pena.
00:23:17De hecho, ahora iba en camino a tu salón.
00:23:23Es por los fideos que pagaste.
00:23:29Te compraré más comida con esto.
00:23:34Estoy bien.
00:23:38Fui yo.
00:23:40He estado haciendo ayuno y me siento muy débil ahora, hasta tengo mareos.
00:23:45Debería comer.
00:23:46También tienes hambre, ¿verdad?
00:23:50Rápido, vamos.
00:23:57¿Puedo saber por qué motivo siempre quieres comer conmigo?
00:24:02Porque estoy interesada en ti.
00:24:03Pero... yo... yo... tengo dos hijas.
00:24:07Está bien, considerando tu edad.
00:24:09Pero estás soltero.
00:24:12¿Vi un muyín te habló sobre mí?
00:24:17Lo noto a simple vista.
00:24:21¿Por qué lo dices?
00:24:25Por tu cara.
00:24:27Tienes la cara de alguien que es solitario.
00:24:31Creo que nos parecemos en eso.
00:24:35¿Y si nos reunimos a comer de vez en cuando como amigos?
00:24:41¿Te invitaré?
00:24:51Yo no necesito que alguien pague por mi comida.
00:24:54Yo no necesito que alguien pague por mi comida.
00:25:00Será mejor que me vaya.
00:25:18¿Qué es esto?
00:25:20No necesito tantas cosas.
00:25:22Lo necesitas.
00:25:23Ya lo verás.
00:25:24¿Pero solo voy a casa a dormir?
00:25:29Estas producen moho.
00:25:31Compra las que tienen agujeros de drenaje.
00:25:35Estas no hacen buena espuma.
00:25:38Compra esponjas de malla.
00:25:41¿Y esto?
00:25:45No es una toalla.
00:25:47Es de cocina.
00:25:50¿En serio?
00:25:52En el trabajo eres como un capitán.
00:25:55Y en casa una princesa.
00:26:22Estos ya están limpios.
00:26:24Ponlos donde sean visibles.
00:26:27¿Por qué?
00:26:30Por seguridad.
00:26:34Cuando pidas algo, que la entrega sea sin contacto.
00:26:37Por si acaso.
00:26:43Ten esto.
00:26:48¿Por qué dos pares?
00:26:51Tu mamá quizás quiera visitarte.
00:26:57Puede ser...
00:26:58Que después...
00:27:00Tu novio quiera venir a visitarte también.
00:27:15Te llamaré.
00:27:51¿Qué pasa?
00:27:58Ni siquiera le importa cómo estoy.
00:28:16¡Saquemos la basura!
00:28:19¿Qué es eso? ¿Qué haces? ¡Oye!
00:28:22¿Qué crees? ¡Boto la basura!
00:28:24Oye, deja que yo me ocupe de estas cosas.
00:28:27No seas exagerado.
00:28:30No muevas ni un dedo.
00:28:32Deja tu trabajo.
00:28:36¿Qué haré si dejo mi trabajo?
00:28:41Has pasado por mucho.
00:28:43Mereces que te trate como princesa.
00:28:47Ya está decidido.
00:28:50Sujeta esto.
00:28:54Me encargaré de pasear a Meda.
00:28:56Tú, entra y acuéstate.
00:28:58Mira, le agrado.
00:29:00¿Qué le pasa hoy?
00:29:02Qué dulce eres.
00:29:03Buena niña.
00:29:16¿Qué? ¿Qué pasa?
00:29:18¿Qué miras?
00:29:19¿Qué fue lo que viste?
00:29:32Dame una.
00:29:35¿Estás seguro?
00:29:37¿De que harás feliz a mamá?
00:29:43Nunca cumplí lo que prometí.
00:29:46¿Cómo puedes decir eso?
00:29:48Nunca cumplí lo que prometí.
00:29:51¿Cómo puedes decir eso?
00:29:53Nunca cumplí lo que prometí.
00:29:56¿Cómo puedes decir eso?
00:29:59Nunca cumplí lo que prometí.
00:30:02How can you say that?
00:30:04I never kept my promise.
00:30:06You should know that.
00:30:08I ruined everything.
00:30:09I had problems.
00:30:14But I think...
00:30:16it's time for her to be happy.
00:30:24I'll only be there by her side.
00:30:26But of course...
00:30:28maybe I'll get into her life.
00:30:34trust her.
00:30:36And not me.
00:30:37If you only...
00:30:39live your life...
00:30:42the family won't...
00:30:44fall apart.
00:30:55I understand why you had to do all this.
00:30:58But I'm not grateful.
00:31:03Why does everyone...
00:31:05think my life has been nothing but misery?
00:31:22By the way...
00:31:23will you marry her again?
00:31:26Don't answer me!
00:31:52Are you okay?
00:31:55I have to accept it.
00:32:00at first...
00:32:01I thought you had bought the building...
00:32:04so you could reunite...
00:32:06and live...
00:32:07with your ex-family...
00:32:09so you could be together again.
00:32:13one day I noticed...
00:32:14that Hyunjae...
00:32:15had left.
00:32:17And Miree moved in.
00:32:18And John stayed in his house on the first floor...
00:32:21while you two are dating.
00:32:23I wonder...
00:32:24what do you want to do?
00:32:26What do you want to do with your family?
00:32:37I just came...
00:32:39to be here.
00:32:43they need me...
00:32:45I want to be there for them...
00:32:48and help them.
00:32:50I want them to lean on me.
00:32:54That's all.
00:33:00Be careful.
00:33:02Get in carefully.
00:33:04That's it.
00:33:05Come here.
00:33:06Get in.
00:33:07That's it.
00:33:08Put your seatbelts on.
00:33:09Let's go!
00:33:19I'll leave her first...
00:33:20and take her home.
00:33:24did you put your seatbelt on?
00:33:28But teacher...
00:33:31can't go to school tomorrow.
00:33:36Your mom didn't say anything about that.
00:33:38Because she did.
00:33:43is not fun anymore.
00:33:47But you cried yesterday...
00:33:49when you passed the seatbelt test...
00:33:51because you were...
00:33:52very happy.
00:33:53That's not true.
00:33:55It was sweat.
00:34:00you can pay for your classes later...
00:34:02so don't worry.
00:34:04I won't quit because I can't pay for it.
00:34:08I didn't mean...
00:34:10I didn't mean that.
00:34:12I just...
00:34:14You meant that you won the scholarship, right teacher?
00:34:20That's right.
00:34:21It was that.
00:34:23What is a scholarship?
00:34:24It's like a prize...
00:34:25given to the best student.
00:34:27They give you a certificate...
00:34:29for winning the scholarship...
00:34:30and you don't have to pay.
00:34:32Do you still want to quit?
00:34:36Actually, I didn't want to quit.
00:34:42I'll keep taking classes?
00:34:57Don't worry about the payment.
00:34:59She works hard...
00:35:00and always gives her best.
00:35:02I really appreciate it.
00:35:03Thank you so much!
00:35:05You're welcome.
00:35:06I really appreciate it.
00:35:07Thank you for helping me.
00:35:09I remember when Mire was a little girl...
00:35:13I never heard her say...
00:35:15that she wanted to do something she liked.
00:35:18She always talked about what she had to do.
00:35:24When you grow up like this...
00:35:27you grow up even faster than your mother.
00:35:34Don't give the scholarship to too many students.
00:35:37I'm worried you'll break it.
00:35:50I couldn't stand her anymore.
00:35:54She grew up and became an adult on her own.
00:36:01So don't you dare...
00:36:03belittle my daughter.
00:36:14is very strong.
00:36:16And I'm...
00:36:18learning a lot from her.
00:36:22That's why I like her.
00:36:26I'm not that good to her...
00:36:28but I promise I'll never...
00:36:31do anything to worry her.
00:36:35You must...
00:36:36keep that promise.
00:36:52You're welcome.
00:37:05Ready or not, paper, scissors.
00:37:10you won.
00:37:12I'll grant you a wish.
00:37:14A wish?
00:37:16Tell me what you want to do.
00:37:19I don't know.
00:37:22There's nothing you want...
00:37:24to do with me?
00:37:27Hey, no.
00:37:28It wasn't that.
00:37:29Just tell me.
00:37:30Whatever it is.
00:37:32Something you wanted to do as a kid but never could.
00:37:35For example.
00:38:06How about we do a race?
00:38:08The prize is a pass.
00:38:09Forget it.
00:38:10Can't you beat me?
00:38:12Hey, of course I can.
00:38:36Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:38:38We're shining bright like a starlight.
00:38:41Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:38:43Now I get into the neverland.
00:38:47Oh, no.
00:38:48I forgot to buy bread.
00:38:59Now I just have to worry about my food.
00:39:07The forecast for the weather is that it's going to be a very sunny day tomorrow.
00:39:11So, wear warm clothes.
00:39:14I never imagined we'd be number one and two on the list of trends.
00:39:19Luck is on our side.
00:39:21There's a lot of people outside.
00:39:22Heavens, do you have a reservation?
00:39:25I'm Philip.
00:39:26Oh, yes, Philip.
00:39:27Philip, yes.
00:39:28Yes, yes.
00:39:31I'm sorry, but where did the...
00:39:35Wait a second.
00:39:36Hey, do you want to see both of them?
00:39:38Get ready.
00:39:41Hey, Philip, go see.
00:39:42Of course.
00:39:44Hey, look at that.
00:39:54Dad, you woke up early.
00:39:56Give me a moment and I'll make you breakfast.
00:39:59Before that, sit here.
00:40:06You can rest now.
00:40:08But you have to go back to school.
00:40:10I'll take care of everything.
00:40:12I told you I don't want to study.
00:40:14I just wasted my time.
00:40:16I never did anything, and it's a waste of time and money.
00:40:24It's not that you need a degree today, so...
00:40:27If you think the university isn't for you, you can leave it.
00:40:30But what will you do if you stop going?
00:40:32My business...
00:40:33At least that.
00:40:34But it's the only thing I want to do.
00:40:39Okay, so...
00:40:41Do you have any ideas?
00:40:44In fact, I have more than 50 ideas written down on my tablet.
00:40:48You're not ready yet.
00:40:49But why not?
00:40:53If you don't want to go to college, at least take a course.
00:40:56I'll pay for it.
00:40:59Dad, I understand that you don't trust me,
00:41:02but very soon I will present an impressive business plan.
00:41:05I promise.
00:41:06If you invest in my business, I can...
00:41:10The men of this family...
00:41:12Are bad in business?
00:41:15I don't know, Mirei Mama, but you more than anyone should support my decision.
00:41:19Dad, trust me this time.
00:41:22I used to tell your mother exactly the same thing a few years ago.
00:41:25Hey, I could do better than you, Dad.
00:41:30Why do you want to start a business?
00:41:34You don't want to do the things you should be doing.
00:41:37Out of fear.
00:41:38You just want to do something that seems great.
00:41:41Am I wrong?
00:41:45I'm going to have breakfast alone.
00:41:53You know what?
00:41:56Obviously you hate the idea that I start my own business,
00:41:59and that's why I wonder...
00:42:03How did you manage to become so rich?
00:42:25Do you know where Björn Mugin's house is?
00:42:29Is it 302?
00:42:32Who are you?
00:42:39How shameless.
00:42:47You must be very famous.
00:42:51Do we know each other?
00:42:54Don't worry.
00:42:55It's far from J-Plus, so we won't run into anyone there.
00:43:02Can't we eat first and then line up?
00:43:05Miss, I didn't know you were coming early.
00:43:07Yes, Mr. Pak.
00:43:09Table for two?
00:43:10No, for five.
00:43:11Of course. This way, please.
00:43:17Let's go in, Mr. Pak.
00:43:18I'm counting on you.
00:43:24Did you come alone?
00:43:25You can eat with us.
00:43:28Nora, that's enough.
00:43:31Thank you. I prefer to eat alone.
00:43:33Wait, are you the guard?
00:43:35Yes, eat with us. I'll treat you today.
00:43:38I'll use the company card anyway.
00:43:41I want to kill him. I want it.
00:43:48Don't the three of you usually eat?
00:43:50Why did you come here alone?
00:43:51I really don't understand.
00:43:55I had to go to a meeting, so I came here.
00:43:57I heard it was famous, so I wanted to come.
00:44:04Do you usually eat alone?
00:44:06Yes, sometimes.
00:44:08I understand.
00:44:09You should eat with us from time to time, so we can get to know each other.
00:44:13How are things going living alone?
00:44:15Don't you miss your mom's food?
00:44:18I'm jealous.
00:44:19I also want to live alone.
00:44:21The house is in my name, but it's not mine.
00:44:23I don't have personal space.
00:44:25Your mom must be very sad.
00:44:27You didn't get married and you moved.
00:44:29You just decided to move for no reason.
00:44:33She's not sad.
00:44:35Good for her.
00:44:37How old are you?
00:44:39I'm 28.
00:44:4028 is a great age.
00:44:43How long will you work as a guard?
00:44:46I'll leave it soon. I'll look for another job.
00:44:49It's good to try a lot of things when you're young.
00:44:52In that sense, I respect how free young people are.
00:44:56But they should be more perseverant.
00:44:58They are very carefree, even very frivolous.
00:45:01I'll kill him. I want to kill him.
00:45:03Mr. Pack.
00:45:08Did I exaggerate again?
00:45:10Times have changed.
00:45:12But I think a real man must pursue his goals with determination.
00:45:16And finally sit down when the right time comes to be able to form his own family.
00:45:21That's the kind of life you should aspire to if you're a...
00:45:26I'm sorry, but you crossed the line.
00:45:31What? I crossed the line?
00:45:34Your elbow.
00:45:37I don't want you to spill it and burn your arm.
00:45:41I really crossed the line.
00:45:43My elbow crossed the line.
00:45:44They should punish me.
00:45:48Let's eat, guys.
00:45:51I won't cross the line anymore.
00:45:55What's your personality like?
00:45:58Don't tell me. I'll guess.
00:46:00I'm sorry.
00:46:03It's okay. Your boss is adorable.
00:46:08Adorable is an adjective I would use to describe Medal.
00:46:15Do you still ride motorcycles like that?
00:46:23Isn't that your mom?
00:46:29Oh, my God.
00:46:30I'm late.
00:46:31You said it was late. Why don't you let me take you?
00:46:35Oh, my God. All of Mire's friends know I'm his mother.
00:46:38If they see me like this, they'll think I'm part of a gang.
00:46:45Oh, my God!
00:46:47Oh, my God!
00:46:49Did you know this transportation service existed?
00:46:53Oh, my God!
00:46:56Thank you very much.
00:46:57Yes. See you soon.
00:46:59Yes. Have a good day.
00:47:12Your mom is too busy to be sad.
00:47:15Actress? You wanted to be an actress?
00:47:23Bjorn Mire?
00:47:31Yes, I'm Bjorn Mire. Where are you from?
00:47:37From my father's crematorium.
00:47:39I always visit him.
00:47:42Oh, yes. How can I help you?
00:47:46You must like your father to be rich.
00:47:52I just wanted to meet you.
00:47:54To see the daughter of the man who made another daughter cry bitter tears.
00:48:00Who are you?
00:48:01You'll find out soon.
00:48:07Hey, wait!
00:48:11Oh, my God!
00:48:27I think she was crazy.
00:48:34I'm so happy for you.
00:48:36Yes, I'm so happy.
00:48:37Hey, we're going to launch a new product, but I need a model.
00:48:42A model?
00:48:43I had some, but I didn't like them.
00:48:46The target audience is middle-aged women, and we want a natural face that adapts to us.
00:48:52But all the models have a lot of surgeries.
00:48:55Would it be possible to have more hours?
00:48:57Listen, do you know any woman who could be the right one?
00:49:03Hey, what are you looking at?
00:49:06It can be day or night shifts.
00:49:08If you can't give me more hours, I could work as a cashier.
00:49:12Why now?
00:49:15My children have already moved.
00:49:17So I have nothing to do at home, and I need to make more money.
00:49:21That's the reason.
00:49:24Okay, I'll check and let you know.
00:49:26Excuse me, but I have a proposal for you.
00:49:31They're looking for a model for a product, and we think you're perfect for the job.
00:49:39Oh my God, how could I do that?
00:49:42You're perfect for the job.
00:49:46You have the face we're looking for.
00:49:53Thank you very much for the offer, but I can't accept it.
00:49:57Actually, when I saw you get off the bike,
00:50:01right after you took off your helmet...
00:50:12I thought you were very beautiful.
00:50:15I think I'm in love.
00:50:18With what?
00:50:19I think I should tell you.
00:50:22I think I'm in love.
00:50:24With what?
00:50:25I think I should tell you.
00:50:28Great on camera, too.
00:50:38They flatter me a lot, but I can't.
00:50:40The pay is too high.
00:50:46How much would it be?
00:50:52Listen, think about it, and then call us.
00:51:14Did you sell a lot today?
00:51:18It's still selling just as well.
00:51:21The gift event starts tomorrow.
00:51:23Keep up the good work.
00:51:26Yes, ma'am.
00:51:31Are you closing the door properly?
00:51:33I hope you don't skip meals.
00:51:35Why do you care if you kicked me out?
00:51:44Keep up the good work.
00:51:46As much as you want.
00:51:49How's everything going?
00:51:52Is it nice to live alone?
00:51:56You seemed very happy.
00:52:03I don't know about other things,
00:52:07but there's something I want you to know.
00:52:12It was a very difficult decision,
00:52:15and I did it for your own good.
00:52:18For my own good?
00:52:20Shouldn't I be very happy right now?
00:52:27Hi, can I try it?
00:52:29Yes, of course.
00:52:30One moment.
00:52:39Oh, it looks delicious.
00:53:06There are a lot of security cameras here.
00:53:12You're finally done.
00:53:14Thanks for everything.
00:53:17It was fun waiting for you,
00:53:19wondering when you'd come down.
00:53:21What a shame.
00:53:23I know.
00:53:25I came down to the market more often,
00:53:27on purpose, so I could see you.
00:53:42There are no cameras here.
00:53:47Let's have dinner together.
00:53:51I'm supposed to have dinner with Haksun and Hyunki today.
00:53:56I just wanted to walk you to your car.
00:54:03You'll see my gift at home.
00:54:07See you.
00:54:32I debated between this and a pair of skates,
00:54:34and I chose this.
00:54:36Now you live closer to work because you don't go by bike.
00:54:39It's not a real car,
00:54:41so don't crash like the other time.
00:55:05Is this a home?
00:55:09Hyunjae, are you still doing the ice law?
00:55:12That's right.
00:55:14I bought his favorite cut of meat,
00:55:16but he hasn't told me yet.
00:55:18But don't give up,
00:55:20and let him do whatever he wants.
00:55:23Hyunjae acts like a child because of me.
00:55:26Don't worry.
00:55:28By the way, aren't you alone?
00:55:30I should go down.
00:55:32Don't go down.
00:55:36Don't go down.
00:55:38I haven't had this freedom in a long time.
00:55:40Don't bother me.
00:55:42Just take care of our son.
00:55:45I'll be your babysitter.
00:56:02I didn't know a person could get so dirty in such a short time.
00:56:08I didn't know a person could get so dirty in such a short time.
00:56:13That's how all these tasks are.
00:56:17Only those who know how to do them can do it.
00:56:21Now I know that Mom has been living all her life
00:56:25with the hope that she will be able to do it.
00:56:29I'm sorry.
00:56:31It's okay.
00:56:34Now I know that Mom has been living all her life
00:56:39doing it right.
00:56:48It will take a long time to wash.
00:56:51I'll do it another day.
00:56:54I should eat.
00:57:03I should eat.
00:57:33I should eat.
00:58:03I should eat.
00:58:21Bjorn, look.
00:58:23You must be having a crisis now.
00:58:28Maybe you don't know when to wash your clothes.
00:58:32You can't do it after work.
00:58:35And if you decide to do it before going to work,
00:58:39the clothes will smell like moisture.
00:58:42You'll be fine because you live alone
00:58:45and you won't have much clothes.
00:58:48The rice tends to dry quickly in a few days,
00:58:52so divide it into containers and put them in the freezer.
00:58:56If you heat it up later in the microwave,
00:59:00it will taste like freshly cooked rice.
00:59:03Take out the trash often, even if it seems like a nuisance.
00:59:07If you can't go out,
00:59:09mop the floor well
00:59:12and the bathroom once a week,
00:59:14no matter how busy you are.
00:59:17And the most important thing I want to tell you
00:59:21is that you never forget that your real home
00:59:26is here,
00:59:28in Unit 102 of Villa Familia.
00:59:39Stop thinking of our home
00:59:42as a battlefield that you must protect
00:59:45and start seeing it as a sanctuary
00:59:48where you can always take refuge.
00:59:51When you are very stressed about anything,
00:59:56or you want to cry,
00:59:58you can come to me whenever you want.
01:00:03thank you for protecting me all my life.
01:00:06I love you.
01:00:24I love you.
01:00:54I love you.
01:01:24I love you.
01:01:44How did you know the password?
01:01:49It's that day.
01:01:52When you are stressed, exhausted,
01:01:55or you want to cry.
01:02:12now I know
01:02:16how hard it must have been for you.
01:02:21I thought I was taking care of all of you,
01:02:25but I was very wrong.
01:02:28It was you who was
01:02:31taking care of everyone.
01:02:37Actually, I knew,
01:02:40but I forgot for a moment.
01:02:51I wasn't as miserable
01:02:54as everyone thought.
01:02:57I felt happy
01:03:00every time I saw you smile.
01:03:05And when you cried,
01:03:09I was scared.
01:03:15Because you were my home,
01:03:19my umbrella,
01:03:21and my whole world.
01:03:31The truth is that I didn't protect you.
01:03:37You protected me.
01:03:40I wanted to be
01:03:42a wonderful woman like you.
01:03:48Now that we are the Wonder Girls.
01:03:57I will try.
01:03:59I don't feel very confident.
01:04:06I will fulfill your wishes.
01:04:10And I will make an effort
01:04:13to live as I want.
01:04:18I promise.
01:04:50That woman called me.
01:04:52She knows everything.
01:04:54And what about that?
01:04:56And what...
01:04:58will I do now?
01:05:00Why do you ask me?
01:05:02You will solve it.
01:05:04Don't get me involved in this.
01:05:07I don't know.
01:05:09I don't know.
01:05:11I don't know.
01:05:13I don't know.
01:05:15I don't know.
01:05:17I don't know.
01:05:47I don't know.
01:05:49I don't know.
01:05:53the weekly meeting will be in 600 seconds.
01:05:56Yes, sir.
01:06:18Sir, what brings you here?
01:06:21What are you doing here?
01:06:26I brought a friend.
01:06:28Of course.
01:06:29We will always welcome whoever you bring, sir.
01:06:33But who is...
01:06:35Who is the new employee?
01:06:39My son.
01:06:43Your son?
01:06:45Your son?
01:06:50He is the new employee.
01:06:52And he needs a mentor.
01:06:58And it will be Bjorn Mire.
01:07:15Bjorn Mire
01:07:17Bjorn Mire
01:07:19Bjorn Mire
01:07:21Bjorn Mire
01:07:23Bjorn Mire
01:07:25Bjorn Mire
01:07:27Bjorn Mire
01:07:29Bjorn Mire
01:07:31Bjorn Mire
01:07:33Bjorn Mire
01:07:35Bjorn Mire
01:07:37Bjorn Mire
01:07:39Bjorn Mire
01:07:41Bjorn Mire
01:07:43Bjorn Mire
01:07:45Bjorn Mire
01:07:47Bjorn Mire
01:07:49Bjorn Mire
01:07:51Bjorn Mire
01:07:53Bjorn Mire
01:07:55Bjorn Mire
01:07:57Bjorn Mire
01:07:59Bjorn Mire
01:08:01Bjorn Mire
01:08:03Bjorn Mire
01:08:05Bjorn Mire
01:08:07Bjorn Mire
01:08:09Bjorn Mire
01:08:11I ruined it again.
