Maharshi Movie part 1 in Hindi Hd

  • 4 days ago


00:00:00This video is not meant to offend anyone.
00:00:13Origin, an Australian company, has made it's mark in over 70 countries.
00:00:18Today, they are about to make a big announcement.
00:00:21Hello. Every journey ends somewhere.
00:00:24In the same way, my journey as a CEO will end today.
00:00:27I am going to retire from the position of CEO.
00:00:31We will announce a new CEO this weekend.
00:00:35John Bates, the CEO of Origin has announced his retirement
00:00:38and shocked the world.
00:00:40People are discussing who will be the next CEO.
00:00:44We have received news that some lucky people have been chosen for this post.
00:00:48Their names are Felix Yusuf, Joe Richards, Michael Engler and Rishi Kumar.
00:00:53Rishi Kumar, a name that the world was unaware of.
00:00:56It is possible that he will be appointed as the CEO
00:00:59of the world's largest corporate company, Origin Group.
00:01:02If this happens, it will be a proud moment for every Indian citizen in the world.
00:01:24Hello, everyone.
00:01:25Like all of you, I am also excited to announce the new CEO of Origin.
00:01:30He is a man of commitment, a man of confidence and a man of courage.
00:01:35He is one of us.
00:01:36Mr. Rishi Kumar.
00:01:38At the age of 29, Rishi Kumar has achieved so many heights
00:01:42that no one can even dream of achieving in their entire life.
00:01:46In the history of Fortune 100 companies, Rishi Kumar has become the youngest CEO.
00:01:51In the glorious history of Origin's 50 years,
00:01:53no one can sit on the CEO's chair in just five years.
00:01:57But Rishi Kumar did it.
00:01:59He is a visionary, a revolutionary and now he is the future.
00:02:03Please welcome him.
00:02:06Thank you. Please sit down.
00:02:10These days, news and social media are talking about
00:02:13reaching this position is like fulfilling a dream for everyone.
00:02:17But I would like to tell them one thing.
00:02:19I don't believe in dreams. I only believe in myself.
00:02:22And I am standing before you today because of this belief.
00:02:26Thank you, sir, for having your trust in me.
00:02:32All the best, Rishi.
00:02:33You too, sir.
00:02:34The world is yours.
00:03:04You are courage. You are determination.
00:03:12This is your time. This is your time.
00:03:19You are surrounded by darkness. You light up the world.
00:03:22You are such a new light.
00:03:26Every moment is yours. Every day is yours.
00:03:30You are the king of destiny.
00:03:35This world will win alone.
00:03:38You are courage. You are determination.
00:03:45This is your time. This is your time.
00:04:00This is your time. This is your time.
00:04:04You are the waves. You are the shore.
00:04:08This is your time. You are the destination.
00:04:12This is your time. You are the trouble for others.
00:04:16You will write your name on the rocks.
00:04:20One day, you will be seen by everyone.
00:04:23You will be seen by everyone.
00:04:27One day, you will be seen by everyone.
00:04:30You will be seen by everyone.
00:04:34You will be seen by everyone.
00:04:38You are courage. You are determination.
00:04:45This is your time. This is your time.
00:04:51Hello, sir.
00:04:53Whenever we talk about success, you are the one who comes to mind.
00:04:56When do we know if we are successful or not?
00:05:00Our past determines the future of our future.
00:05:04And we can make our past easier..
00:05:07..with our hard work and dedication.
00:05:10Did you ever think that you will reach here?
00:05:13I thought so. That's why I have reached here.
00:05:15Your salary per year is 125 million dollars.
00:05:17That is 950 crores according to Indian currency.
00:05:20Plus company shares.
00:05:21You are already a billionaire.
00:05:23You have earned a lot of money.
00:05:24How do you feel?
00:05:29I was in the sixth grade when my father took a loan of 10,000 rupees.
00:05:33And he could never repay it.
00:05:36The lender used to come to our house every week.
00:05:40When you didn't have the strength to repay the loan..
00:05:42..then why did you take it?
00:05:43You said one month and took a year.
00:05:45When will you repay it?
00:05:46I am shouting and you are laughing.
00:05:48Shameless fellow.
00:05:51Brother, tea.
00:05:52Keep quiet. Keep your tea with you.
00:05:55Whenever I come, he makes me drink tea.
00:05:57You are a burden on the earth.
00:05:59Go and drown yourself in water.
00:06:01If he stays with you, then nothing will happen to him.
00:06:11Since that day, my mother was scared.
00:06:14She used to lock the door so that the lender doesn't come back..
00:06:18..even when we were inside the house.
00:06:22I am not happy that I have millions of rupees today.
00:06:25As much as I am sad that I don't have 10,000 rupees at that time.
00:06:30Money is a very strange thing.
00:06:32If you don't have it, it's nothing.
00:06:33And if you have it, it's everything.
00:06:36When we run after money, it starts running away from us.
00:06:40And when we don't think about it, it starts chasing us.
00:06:47My focus is on work, not money.
00:06:49That's great, sir.
00:06:51What is the definition of success?
00:06:53There is no definition of success, madam.
00:06:55When we are successful, we become that definition.
00:06:59You are the courage, you are the decision.
00:07:06This is your era, this is your time.
00:07:22Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
00:07:52Hi Rishi, do you know you are the most searched person on Google?
00:08:02Tell me something that I don't know.
00:08:04It's my birthday today.
00:08:06Happy birthday.
00:08:07I have a party in the evening.
00:08:08No excuses.
00:08:09You got to be there.
00:08:11I'll be there.
00:08:44My lion.
00:08:45How are you here?
00:08:49Hi Rishi.
00:08:50Hey Pankaj.
00:08:51How are you my friend?
00:08:52I am fine.
00:08:55How are you?
00:08:56How are you Rishi?
00:08:57And Geeta?
00:08:58Do you want to have coffee?
00:09:13Let's go and have coffee.
00:09:14You haven't changed a bit.
00:09:16Hi Rishi.
00:09:25Sir, how are you here?
00:09:27It was a surprise for you Rishi.
00:09:29That's why I left everything behind.
00:09:31Thanks Nidhi.
00:09:32That's the mastermind behind this surprise.
00:09:33Yes Rishi.
00:09:34And I didn't have this party just for my birthday.
00:09:36It was a surprise for you Rishi.
00:09:38Thanks Nidhi.
00:09:42As a professor, I have seen many batches.
00:09:45But only a few of them were special.
00:09:48But you made your batch much more special for me, Rishi.
00:09:53Thank you, sir.
00:09:55And thank you all for making this day special.
00:09:59It feels great to see you all here after years.
00:10:04I miss the university, sir.
00:10:05Hey, you forgot your first ride?
00:10:32Hey, give this to Baba.
00:10:34Baba, a friend can't interfere in his friend's love, fights and benefits.
00:10:38Is that okay?
00:10:39But when it's about his friend's Hitler father,
00:10:41he shouldn't interfere.
00:10:42Baba, you go and give it to him.
00:10:43Okay, hold this.
00:10:45Idiot! Are you out of your mind?
00:10:46Why did you send him when there was no one?
00:10:48I talked to the registrar and set everything up.
00:10:49I made a mess.
00:10:51Sir, as per rules...
00:10:52Hey, just shut up! What rules?
00:10:53I don't know why these scoundrels are here.
00:10:55I told you to throw him out.
00:10:58Sir, your father had appointed him.
00:11:00Why are you staring at my face? Get out!
00:11:02Sorry, sir.
00:11:10Who's this Sanki?
00:11:11Why are you calling him Sanki?
00:11:12He's my younger boss, Rahul sir.
00:11:15Give this to Satyanarayan.
00:11:20Good shot. Let's go.
00:11:21Cover him!
00:11:22Cover him!
00:11:28No, stop!
00:11:30Watch the ball!
00:11:31So, have you finally made up your mind?
00:11:33I'll do what I've decided.
00:11:35And he won't have even thought about what I'm about to do.
00:11:38Here, take this.
00:11:46He's done for.
00:11:48Hey, who are you?
00:11:49Your father.
00:11:51And you should talk to your father with respect.
00:11:52Hey, you dare hit me?
00:12:01Who are you?
00:12:08When father and son are talking to each other,
00:12:11they don't interfere.
00:12:22You want to wear a cap?
00:12:31What a shot!
00:12:32The wicket must have been blown.
00:12:36You didn't wear a guard today?
00:12:39You should have worn it today.
00:12:44At least tell me, why are you hitting me?
00:12:46You insulted the principal in front of everyone in college.
00:12:49Didn't your parents teach you manners?
00:12:51Which college? Which principal?
00:12:53Whom are you talking about?
00:12:55Aren't you Amit?
00:12:57Who is Amit? I'm Rahul.
00:13:00Liar. You're Amit.
00:13:02I swear, I'm Rahul.
00:13:05Yes, dad.
00:13:05He looks like Amit, doesn't he?
00:13:07Yes, even I had the same doubt a while ago.
00:13:08Because Amit is a polar bear and he's a black bear.
00:13:10Why didn't you tell me earlier?
00:13:11You were bowling so well, so I thought I'd give you a no-ball.
00:13:14The poor guy got beaten up without a reason.
00:13:16You could have at least told me.
00:13:18I was enjoying watching it.
00:13:20You'll be fine.
00:13:22You can rub some ice on him.
00:13:23Okay, dad.
00:13:26Dad, I don't understand your logic.
00:13:28You and your dad don't get along.
00:13:30But if someone misbehaves with him, you beat him up.
00:13:33I admit we don't get along.
00:13:34But if someone misbehaves with him, I'll spare him.
00:13:39Your Hitler dad is here. I'll leave.
00:13:41Wait. It'll take him three hours to come.
00:13:43Dad, there are only three floors.
00:13:44It takes five minutes to climb up from the ground.
00:13:46Look down.
00:13:50And keep looking.
00:13:51I'll be right back.
00:13:52I'll be right back.
00:13:53I'll be right back.
00:13:54I'll be right back.
00:13:55Go down.
00:13:56There's a crowd.
00:13:58Yes. We're getting together.
00:14:00Now, everybody will sit like you're giving a sermon to God.
00:14:02That's great.
00:14:03You're giving the perfect commentary without watching the match.
00:14:06I do this every day.
00:14:07Look, look.
00:14:08A madman must have come down.
00:14:09A madman?
00:14:11He's here.
00:14:13Now, dad will put his hand in my pocket.
00:14:14He has put his hand.
00:14:15He took out the good.
00:14:17He took it out and gave it.
00:14:20The interest on loans you took is increasing day by day.
00:14:23But the charity isn't decreasing.
00:14:25Your father has a lot of admirers.
00:14:27Love is nothing.
00:14:29The day he doesn't have money, he won't care.
00:14:33You're right.
00:14:34Everyone's laughing like Gandhiji laughs at a 500 rupee note.
00:14:38They're laughing.
00:14:39Even after all this, they're hiding their sorrows and laughing for the people.
00:14:43That's why they're my role models.
00:14:46What did you say?
00:14:47I learn from them what not to do in life.
00:14:49Thank God.
00:14:50By the way, did you tell them about the M-Tech plan or not?
00:14:52The plan is for us.
00:14:53The shock is for them.
00:14:56Rishi gave this to me.
00:15:01What's this?
00:15:02What's written on it?
00:15:03There's an M-Tech admission letter in the Vizag IT, Ma.
00:15:07You wanted to do civils after B-Tech, right?
00:15:09I didn't want to do it.
00:15:10They wanted me to do it.
00:15:11They couldn't become a collector themselves.
00:15:13They want me to do civils.
00:15:14What will you do after M-Tech?
00:15:15I'll go to the US.
00:15:16And then?
00:15:17I'll do anything, but I won't be a slave like them.
00:15:20Some believe in destiny, some write it themselves.
00:15:22I'm one of them.
00:15:23Name, money and fame.
00:15:25I want to win all this, Ma.
00:15:27Is this the only way to win?
00:15:30You just have to earn money?
00:15:32If I think like them, I'll be left behind.
00:15:39They'll make you smile every day.
00:15:41Not me.
00:15:55Is this how you talk to your father?
00:15:56Did you see how he left the food?
00:15:58They've run away from the truth so badly
00:16:00that they can't even look at their son.
00:16:02When I look at them, I'm afraid I'll end up like them.
00:16:05Stop it.
00:16:06I can't take it anymore.
00:16:07I'm sick of you two.
00:16:09I'm leaving the house.
00:16:11How can I live without you?
00:16:16Just say it once.
00:16:17I won't go to Vizag.
00:16:19I'm your mother.
00:16:20Don't talk to me like that.
00:16:22I know you very well.
00:16:25When are you going to Vizag?
00:16:29In two days.
00:16:37Welcome to IIT.
00:16:39Science says that the world revolves around the sun.
00:16:43But the truth is that the world revolves around success.
00:16:47Take a look at the wall behind me.
00:16:49This institute has been established
00:16:51and 50,000 students have passed from here.
00:16:55But only seven people's photos are on this wall
00:16:58because they have succeeded.
00:17:01You will find competition wherever you look in this world.
00:17:04I used to be a student here once.
00:17:07And sitting here,
00:17:08I dreamed of becoming the dean of this institute.
00:17:11And I did.
00:17:12You will be trained for success in this institute.
00:17:16Many students are afraid of the word defeat.
00:17:21But the truth is that
00:17:23defeat is the first step to success.
00:17:27So students,
00:17:28if anyone wants to say something,
00:17:30this stage is yours.
00:17:38Hi, sir.
00:17:40I'm Rishi.
00:17:41Just now, sir said that defeat is the first step to success.
00:17:45But I don't believe him.
00:17:47All these speeches are found for free
00:17:49in forwarded messages and social media.
00:17:51According to you,
00:17:52the world revolves around successful people.
00:17:55But maybe you don't know that
00:17:57that world will completely deny you
00:17:59even if you make a small mistake.
00:18:01Sir said,
00:18:02don't think of anything other than victory.
00:18:04If you don't mind,
00:18:05can I say something, sir?
00:18:06I don't think you are successful.
00:18:09There should never be a full stop in success.
00:18:12There should be commas in your success.
00:18:15But you have put a full stop, sir.
00:18:19Then how did you become successful?
00:18:22You said that this institute teaches you to be successful.
00:18:25If that was the case,
00:18:26there would be fewer walls here to put up their pictures.
00:18:29Every person has their own way of being successful.
00:18:34You should work so silently
00:18:36that success makes noise.
00:18:49Wow, man.
00:18:50You rocked it today.
00:18:51After listening to your speech,
00:18:52I was speechless.
00:18:54Yes, I saw it too.
00:18:55He's looking here.
00:19:00Hi, I'm Jagruti.
00:19:02I'm Kirti.
00:19:04What a speech you gave about success.
00:19:05Superb speech.
00:19:07See you.
00:19:09Stay in touch.
00:19:11He's so handsome.
00:19:13What's this, boss?
00:19:14If you didn't want to drink, why did you take it?
00:19:15I was just checking
00:19:16if the speech had an effect or not.
00:19:19It had a very good effect.
00:19:20See for yourself.
00:19:22Hi, Rishi.
00:19:23This is Ajay.
00:19:24The only topper of this institute's entrance exam.
00:19:27By the way,
00:19:28if there is a language competition,
00:19:30you will top in that.
00:19:31But don't even think of topping in the exam.
00:19:33Because you will top, but from the bottom.
00:19:36Hello, top ranker.
00:19:44Go and study hard.
00:20:00It's such a big building.
00:20:01The entire village will fit in this.
00:20:03Forget about the village.
00:20:04Worry about yourself.
00:20:05You worry more about the village than the village head.
00:20:07Eat on time and take your medicines.
00:20:08I'll leave now.
00:20:13You eat on time too.
00:20:15Don't worry about me.
00:20:16Call me every other day.
00:20:17Okay, fine.
00:20:18You can go now.
00:20:25Where is the way to the Boys' Hostel?
00:20:29Go straight and turn left.
00:20:31There is a notice board there.
00:20:32It has everything written on it.
00:20:33Go and read it.
00:20:35The bag is very heavy.
00:20:36Can someone help me carry it?
00:20:41You came late first.
00:20:42You are asking for help now?
00:20:44Pick up your own bag.
00:20:46Do you think this is a toy gun?
00:20:47Get lost!
00:21:05Excuse me.
00:21:06Where is the Girls' Hostel?
00:21:08Go straight and turn right.
00:21:09There is a notice board there.
00:21:10You know how to read, right?
00:21:11Go and read it.
00:21:12The bag is very heavy.
00:21:13Can someone help me carry it?
00:21:15You came late first.
00:21:16And you are asking for help now?
00:21:18Shut up!
00:21:20If you respect a girl, she will respect you.
00:21:22Don't you feel like helping a beautiful girl?
00:21:26Give it to me.
00:21:27Here you go.
00:21:28Thank you very much.
00:21:30Did you see?
00:21:36Instead of pampering the girls,
00:21:39help this poor girl.
00:21:40You will pass with her blessings.
00:21:42Times have changed.
00:21:44Oxygen is running out from the air.
00:21:45And humanity is running out from the earth.
00:21:50Where are you from?
00:21:53I have never been there.
00:21:55This is a very bad college.
00:21:57You will have to be careful here.
00:21:58With whom?
00:22:00With these crazy girls.
00:22:01In the first month of the year,
00:22:02they reserve a girl for nine months.
00:22:04And the girl who refuses to listen to them,
00:22:06they burn her with kerosene or mustard oil.
00:22:10Do you like coffee?
00:22:13Because the fun here starts with coffee.
00:22:16After that, it's all over.
00:22:21Yes, I know.
00:22:23So, shall we go for coffee?
00:22:29No, no.
00:22:30I am not like that at all.
00:22:31I thought you were like that.
00:22:36Where did you disappear after asking me for coffee yesterday?
00:22:44Bad luck.
00:22:46You are absolutely right.
00:22:48There are a lot of such examples in college.
00:22:52I can carry my own luggage.
00:22:55Who will carry my uncle?
00:23:01She is not as decent as she looks.
00:23:03You come here. Let's have coffee.
00:23:04Come on.
00:23:10Hey, what is this?
00:23:12Hey, are you my roommate?
00:23:15Hey, why have you made the room a hookah bar?
00:23:18Hey, this is a hostel room.
00:23:19I don't know who was here and what they must have done.
00:23:21That's why I am mixing Lobaan in the pot and making the girl run away.
00:23:24Hey, you are the girl.
00:23:26Come on, get out.
00:23:34How are you?
00:23:37Hi, how are you?
00:23:39You joining?
00:23:42Okay, okay. I am too.
00:23:46Sit down, sit down.
00:23:47Please sit down.
00:23:50Whenever new students come here, it's fun to teach them.
00:23:52Something great.
00:23:53And that's why every professor is curious to know
00:23:56who is the most brilliant student in his class.
00:23:59So, this is your solution board.
00:24:01The most difficult questions are written on this board.
00:24:04It can take many months to solve them.
00:24:06Sometimes it happens that you don't get the right answer until the semester is over.
00:24:10And the one who solves it, his photo is published in the college magazine.
00:24:13They are felicitated on the annual day.
00:24:15So, the question I want to ask is
00:24:17if the expression x square minus 4cx
00:24:22divided by x square plus bx plus c square equals to what?
00:24:26This is the problem.
00:24:27Let's see who solves it.
00:24:29I am there.
00:24:32Yes, sir. I will do it.
00:24:42Hey, switch off the light.
00:24:43Can't you see? I am solving the problem.
00:24:47Is it necessary to solve it now?
00:24:49Yes, it's necessary. That's why I am doing it.
00:24:51You look like you are wasting your time.
00:24:53You haven't studied.
00:24:54But I am not like that.
00:24:55My poor father has solved the problem,
00:24:57collected money and sent me here to study with high hopes.
00:25:01So, you have come here to solve poverty.
00:25:04So, you won't switch off the light until this is solved.
00:25:06It's possible.
00:25:07Maybe it's not possible.
00:25:17It's possible.
00:25:39It's solved, right?
00:25:41Now, switch off the light.
00:25:44Did you know the solution to this problem in class?
00:25:46Why didn't you tell everyone?
00:25:48Because that day,
00:25:51I didn't have a problem with the light.
00:25:54Switch off the light.
00:25:57Are you deaf?
00:26:01How is this possible?
00:26:02Who did this?
00:26:03How did the problem get solved?
00:26:05In the history of this institute,
00:26:06no one has solved this problem in a day.
00:26:08Come on, who did this?
00:26:10Yes, who did this?
00:26:12Ajay, did you do it?
00:26:13No, sir. I didn't do it.
00:26:15Then, who did it?
00:26:20He did it, sir.
00:26:23You did it?
00:26:25Sir, I solved it.
00:26:26I solved it, sir.
00:26:27Yes, sir.
00:26:28I saw it myself.
00:26:29He solved it.
00:26:30He is a genius, sir.
00:26:33Come on.
00:26:34See, that's the beauty of the institute.
00:26:36Surprises can happen to anyone.
00:26:38I thought Ajay would solve it.
00:26:40But Ravi did it.
00:26:43Come on, everyone.
00:26:50I can't believe it.
00:26:51Now, I will have to give you a more difficult problem.
00:26:53You have made my job difficult.
00:26:55All the best, sir.
00:26:58Take your seat.
00:27:00Excuse me.
00:27:03Now, the next problem for you is
00:27:05the function fx plus pi by 2
00:27:09equals pi by 2
00:27:12modulus of x.
00:27:14Find the first derivative of pi by 2.
00:27:36You solved this too?
00:27:37I wrote it, sir.
00:27:38I wrote it.
00:27:41How is it even possible?
00:27:44Clap, sir.
00:27:45Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.
00:27:50Ajay, I thought you would solve the problem this time.
00:27:53But Ravi won this time too.
00:28:05This is Ravi's room, right?
00:28:09Move back.
00:28:11What can I do for you?
00:28:13I just came to meet you.
00:28:15You are such a genius, Ravi.
00:28:16I am.
00:28:17Tell me.
00:28:18How did you solve so many difficult problems in one day?
00:28:20It's a long story.
00:28:21I will tell you later.
00:28:24Shall we go for coffee?
00:28:25No. No. No.
00:28:26Don't do all this.
00:28:27I already have a girlfriend in my village.
00:28:29She blindly trusts me.
00:28:31How can I cheat her?
00:28:33I just asked you for coffee.
00:28:35As a friend only.
00:28:36It's important to have clarity in life.
00:28:38Otherwise, after coffee, there is lunch.
00:28:40After lunch, there is dinner.
00:28:41And after dinner, everyone knows.
00:28:42You are a liar.
00:28:45No. No. It's nothing like that.
00:28:46Just as a friend.
00:28:47That's it.
00:28:48Okay. See you tomorrow.
00:28:49But since you are my friend, you will pay the bill.
00:28:51Okay. See you.
00:28:52Yes. Bye. Bye.
00:28:54And you.
00:28:55Thank God
00:28:56that you got to share a room with a genius like Ravi.
00:28:59Learn from him and work hard.
00:29:01At least you will pass.
00:29:02That's true.
00:29:03Bye, Ravi. See you.
00:29:09Come here.
00:29:10Rishi, listen to me.
00:29:11Hey, idiot.
00:29:12Can't you spend on such a beautiful girl?
00:29:14Oh, man.
00:29:15Does a guy like you have a girlfriend?
00:29:17Why? Don't you believe me?
00:29:18Come. Come. I'll show you.
00:29:21This is Pallavi. My girlfriend.
00:29:22Her father is my father's friend.
00:29:24That's why dad won't agree.
00:29:25This marriage can't happen.
00:29:26It's nothing like that.
00:29:30Who is she?
00:29:31I have never met her.
00:29:34But why is she stuck here?
00:29:35An old lady lives in my village.
00:29:36She says that he is her grandson.
00:29:37He sells photos from America.
00:29:38The old lady shows him around the village.
00:29:40My grandson went to America.
00:29:41My grandson went to America.
00:29:42She says that and shows him around the village.
00:29:44Seeing her, the American inside me woke up.
00:29:46If he can go, why can't I?
00:29:47I will also go there and click photos and come back.
00:29:50You saw the ghost of going to America and climbed up?
00:29:52A ghost can see anyone and climb up, right?
00:29:54You can't go to America by seeing him.
00:29:55You won't be able to go to America.
00:29:56He is ominous.
00:29:57Tear him up.
00:30:00Hi, Ravi.
00:30:02Actually, Ravi.
00:30:03I am not able to solve these algorithms.
00:30:06Solve this one.
00:30:08This one.
00:30:10So, you wanted to ask this on the pretext of coffee?
00:30:12Actually, my brain doesn't function well during the day.
00:30:15You keep writing on the paper.
00:30:16I will eat almonds and solve it by morning.
00:30:17Actually, just one sum.
00:30:18Look at this.
00:30:19Hello, Baba.
00:30:20What? You fell in the field?
00:30:21Now that Baba has fallen, my brain won't function.
00:30:23I will solve it by morning.
00:30:28Come very hard.
00:30:30Brother, you must know the code of the satellite.
00:30:33First, do what you have come to do.
00:30:35Talk about the satellite later.
00:30:37This lizard is not leaving me alone.
00:30:40One minute.
00:30:41What has happened to you?
00:30:42Ravi, stop.
00:30:50After solving the problem, you think you are a hero?
00:30:52I am not a hero.
00:30:53I am a side hero.
00:30:54I will tell you the truth today.
00:30:56Come here.
00:30:57Everyone, come here.
00:30:58I am going to reveal the truth today.
00:31:00Blue dress.
00:31:01Come here.
00:31:02I have not solved that problem at all.
00:31:04Then who did it?
00:31:06K. Rishi Kumar.
00:31:07My roommate.
00:31:08He has solved all the problems.
00:31:09If you still have any doubt, go and ask him.
00:31:17Hi, Rishi.
00:31:18Hi, sir.
00:31:20I had a doubt when I saw Ravi for the first time.
00:31:23But now everything is clear.
00:31:25If you had solved this problem, then why did you let Ravi go ahead?
00:31:28What could I have done by telling him, sir?
00:31:29I would have got my photo as a scholar on the college's notice board.
00:31:32I have not come here to do this nonsense.
00:31:34Then why have you come here?
00:31:35There is no choice, sir.
00:31:36Even if I don't want to do what I am going to do, I will need your college degree.
00:31:40After all, what do you want to achieve?
00:31:43I want to rule, sir.
00:31:45What did you say?
00:31:48I want to rule the whole world, sir.
00:31:54Earlier, warriors used to come to the battlefield to rule the world.
00:31:58But now there is no need for bloodshed and war to rule the world.
00:32:02Google, YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter have made the world a slave.
00:32:08If you make even one software of their clash, then the world will be fine.
00:32:18Life is a long race, Rishi.
00:32:19And you are running fast like a rabbit leaving the tortoise behind.
00:32:22Careful, careful.
00:32:23If you sleep in overconfidence like a rabbit, then you will lose.
00:32:27Hey, sir.
00:32:29Do you know Mo Farah?
00:32:31Mo Farah.
00:32:32Mo Farah?
00:32:33Who is he?
00:32:34And Usain Bolt?
00:32:35Who doesn't know Usain Bolt?
00:32:37He has won Olympic gold medals continuously in 100 meters and 200 meters.
00:32:40He is a world champion.
00:32:41Mo Farah is also a world champion like Usain Bolt, sir.
00:32:45Mo Farah has continuously won two gold medals in the same Olympics in which Usain Bolt has won gold medals.
00:32:51But those medals were not for 100 meters and 200 meters.
00:32:53They were for 5,000 and 10,000 meters.
00:32:57No one will remember 5,000 and 10,000 meters.
00:32:59If people remember, then only those who run 100 meters will remember Usain Bolt.
00:33:03The world only remembers those who run the fastest, sir.
00:33:07Now tell me, is it wrong for me to run fast?
00:33:11I respect you, sir.
00:33:13You worried about me.
00:33:14Thank you for that.
00:33:16But I am not one of those who stop.
00:33:19I am getting late for class, sir.
00:33:38Shall we go for coffee?
00:33:40I am not interested.
00:33:41What did you say?
00:33:42I quit coffee.
00:33:45The thing is, there is a lot of caffeine in coffee.
00:33:48It affects heart, kidney, liver, stomach.
00:33:50And I have heard that drinking too much can cause problems in the lungs.
00:33:54I can't ruin my life by drinking coffee for you.
00:33:57Okay? Find some other goat.
00:34:05Hi, Rishi.
00:34:07You were right.
00:34:09Coffee has a lot of side effects.
00:34:11But green tea is very good.
00:34:14Have you tried green tea?
00:34:16What happened?
00:34:17A boy invented an app in Japan.
00:34:19And an American company bought that app for 500 million dollars.
00:34:22The world is moving so fast.
00:34:23And you are still stuck on tea and coffee.
00:34:27Hey, Geeta.
00:34:28Hi, Rishi.
00:34:29Come to the room tomorrow to have coffee.
00:34:31Yeah, sure.
00:34:35What happened?
00:34:36As if you understand the side effects of coffee.
00:34:38I will make her understand too.
00:34:40Okay, I understood.
00:34:41I spoke too much that day.
00:34:47I am sorry.
00:34:49If you had told me yesterday, I would have had four litres of coffee by now.
00:34:53Two coffees with cream.
00:34:55I am Pooja.
00:34:56And you must have heard my name.
00:35:00And I am Ravi.
00:35:03One tea for him.
00:35:18Small, small, small, small, small, small things.
00:35:23Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet memories.
00:35:28Small, small, small, small, small, small, small things.
00:35:33Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet memories.
00:35:38This is the season of friendship.
00:35:43This is the season of friendship.
00:35:48This is the season of friendship.
00:35:52This is the season of friendship.
00:35:56This is the season of friendship.
00:36:00This is the season of friendship.
00:36:04This is the season of friendship.
00:36:08This is the season of friendship.
00:36:11This is the season of friendship.
00:36:15Small, small, small, small, small, small, small things.
00:36:20Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet memories.
00:36:24Oh, yeah.
00:36:34In the college library,
00:36:37I couldn't find a copy of friendship.
00:36:40If you want to read it, read it from your heart.
00:36:42Life is written in the notes of life.
00:36:44If you don't get what you ask for,
00:36:47If you don't get what you leave,
00:36:49My friends, know this.
00:36:51Friendship was never a scoring subject.
00:36:54This question is tricky.
00:36:56Which has no option.
00:36:58This problem is the solution.
00:37:01Oh, father.
00:37:03Different from others.
00:37:07Friends, our story is different.
00:37:12Small, small, small, small, small, small, small things.
00:37:16Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet memories.
00:37:20Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet memories.
00:37:22Hey, attention guys.
00:37:24It's the college fest after two days.
00:37:26The theme is retro.
00:38:05What is gain?
00:38:06You have to learn to lose from your friends
00:38:09Find as much as you want
00:38:11There is no teacher like a friend in the world
00:38:14Happiness in a moment, tears in a moment
00:38:16Our life is full of sunshine
00:38:18Dude is with you, mood is set
00:38:21Whether you are happy or sad, don't worry
00:38:23No matter how much fiction
00:38:25Latin is full of action
00:38:28This friendship is an addiction
00:38:30Try to understand
00:38:33You are different from others
00:38:37Friends, our story is different
00:38:42Small, small, small, small, small, small things
00:38:47Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet memories
00:39:04What's my name?
00:39:17Rishi, congratulations, top ranker, superb
00:39:21And what happened to you?
00:39:23I passed, but Ravi failed in two subjects
00:39:34Yes dad
00:39:35Hey, today was your result, did you pass?
00:39:38Yes, yes, I passed dad, marks are also very good
00:39:41Hey, my son has passed
00:39:44Are you okay dad?
00:39:45I am absolutely fine, this year the crop is very good
00:39:48Mother earth trusted me, kept me proud
00:39:53Okay listen, don't forget to eat for studies, eat on time, understood?
00:39:57Okay dad
00:39:59Hey Ravi
00:40:06Hey Ravi
00:40:08Hey, why are you crying? What happened?
00:40:11I feel like giving up my life
00:40:13But why?
00:40:14Dad had sent me here with so many hopes
00:40:16He thought I would study and become something
00:40:18But all this is not easy, this is not in my hands
00:40:21I have failed in two subjects
00:40:23But all this is not easy, this is not in my hands
00:40:26I have failed in two subjects
00:40:28I lied to dad, I don't feel good
00:40:32Only because you will give up your life
00:40:34So what else should I do?
00:40:35All this will be easy for you, but not for me
00:40:38And I have never seen you study
00:40:40I sit and study all night
00:40:42Still you came first and I failed
00:40:44Why does this happen to me?
00:40:49Do you know Ravi, your problem is not your father
00:40:52It's you
00:40:54Do you know why a lot of people leave the field of studies in the middle?
00:40:57Because they didn't see any shortcomings in themselves
00:40:59They just kept looking at others' success
00:41:01They just wasted their time
00:41:03Just by thinking that their success is outside their reach
00:41:06They don't work hard
00:41:08Every person can progress, Ravi
00:41:10He just needs to give the spark inside him
00:41:13He just needs to give the spark inside him
00:41:16And you have that spark
00:41:19Every failure in this world has that spark
00:41:21Every child, old man, young man, man, woman, everyone has that spark
00:41:29Rishi, your words give me a lot of courage
00:41:34I am not your courage, your father is
00:41:37Come here, listen
00:41:41Will you do something?
00:41:42What is it, Rishi?
00:41:43Take out that sweet photo in your cupboard and tear it
00:41:47Start concentrating on yourself
00:41:49Did you understand what I said?
00:41:51Do you want me to go to America, click a photo and put it up there?
00:41:56Come on, let's go
00:42:07Someone has come to meet you
00:42:08Who is it?
00:42:09I don't know, we are waiting in the campus
00:42:16Hi Rishi, I am Bhanu Prasad, MP
00:42:20I am Ajay's father
00:42:21Hello, sir
00:42:23The thing is
00:42:25Ever since the results have come, my son has been sad
00:42:28And you are the reason for his sadness
00:42:30Ajay never had any interest in studies since childhood
00:42:33But I kept encouraging him
00:42:36I always gave him some greed and forced him to top
00:42:40And now he is addicted to top
00:42:43If anyone goes ahead of him, the child becomes sad
00:42:46This time, you are the reason for his sadness
00:42:49You must have understood my sign
00:42:51Your son is so lucky
00:42:53He was born with a golden spoon
00:42:55You must have left no stone unturned in spoiling him
00:42:57I have heard that
00:42:59A good upbringing affects the child a lot
00:43:01Which you didn't do
00:43:04I am a little crooked, sir
00:43:06When someone tells me to lose
00:43:09To win, I will give up everything
00:43:11Your son will learn to lose
00:43:14And you will get used to it
00:43:19Tell me your price
00:43:24Everything is sold in this world
00:43:26And anyway, your father is a tyrant
00:43:28Your father and son's life will be set
00:43:30Come on, tell me your price
00:43:38You will buy me?
00:43:41Let's change the deal
00:43:43Whatever price you have thought of
00:43:46Double the price
00:43:48Exactly five years from today
00:43:51I will hit you on the face with interest
00:43:57Hey, listen to your brother
00:44:01I will kill you
00:44:03I will kill you
00:44:05I will kill you
00:44:07I will kill you
00:44:10Who is it?
00:44:12Who said it?
00:44:13I did
00:44:19I won't listen
00:44:21If I don't listen, what will you do?
00:44:37I will kill you
00:45:46What will you do?
00:45:47Nothing, brother
00:45:50If you had told me this earlier
00:45:51These poor guys wouldn't have been beaten
00:45:56Quietly, without making any noise
00:45:57Take your men away from here
00:45:59If I beat you up
00:46:00Your son's confidence will be ruined
00:46:03If he sees all this
00:46:04Then he will address you as Pappu
00:46:07So don't play with your pride
00:46:10Fix your rate
00:46:12Let's meet exactly five years from today
00:46:23Sister, I have noticed
00:46:24Since you have come
00:46:25You look tensed
00:46:26Actually, I have called Rishi home today
00:46:29But I don't know if he will come or not
00:46:31He has come
00:46:35Hi Rishi
00:46:37I was very tensed
00:46:38Thinking whether you will come or not
00:46:40We have to talk
00:46:41Why are you getting tensed?
00:46:44Come inside
00:46:46Your house is very big
00:46:47We can even play Kabaddi here
00:46:50Where is the washroom?
00:46:53Looking at him, I don't think
00:46:54He has come to talk to our family about marriage
00:46:56I love Rishi
00:46:57I have only told my family
00:46:59I haven't told Rishi
00:47:01What did you say?
00:47:02You haven't told him about this yet?
00:47:05Poor brother-in-law
00:47:06He has gone today
00:47:07Go and call the whole family
00:47:14He has come
00:47:16Son, why are you standing?
00:47:18Pooja has chosen a good boy
00:47:21Take this
00:47:22What is this?
00:47:23This is coffee for you
00:47:24Pooja told me
00:47:25You will like it
00:47:27I am Pooja's grandfather
00:47:28I am her grandmother
00:47:29I am her grandmother
00:47:30And I am Pooja's grandfather
00:47:31He is Pooja's father
00:47:32He is Pooja's father
00:47:33Hello son
00:47:35She is my daughter
00:47:36She is Pooja's mother
00:47:37She is Pooja's aunt
00:47:38And she is Pooja's...
00:47:39It seems like a TV serial is going on
00:47:41Look, if I have come to Pooja's house
00:47:43Then all of you must be Pooja's family, right?
00:47:45We have already told you
00:47:46Now you tell us, son
00:47:47Is the sister elder or younger?
00:47:48Is the brother elder or younger?
00:47:49There is no one younger or elder
00:47:50I am alone
00:47:51Did you hear that, brother-in-law?
00:47:52He is the only son
00:47:53That's great
00:47:56I am the only son
00:47:57So why are you getting happy?
00:47:58Okay, forget all that, son
00:47:59After the end of studies
00:48:00You will earn at least one lakh rupees a month, right?
00:48:03We will see after the studies
00:48:04You leave it
00:48:05Why are you worried about money?
00:48:06Is there a shortage of money in our house?
00:48:09Son, do you drink anything?
00:48:11Yes, I drink
00:48:12Just one peg or the whole pot?
00:48:15When I am in the mood
00:48:16Then I drink the whole pot
00:48:18That's great
00:48:21We have found a company
00:48:24I liked one thing about you all
00:48:26Which one, son?
00:48:27You ask questions
00:48:28And you answer them
00:48:31Does anyone in your family have diabetes or BP?
00:48:34They don't have it
00:48:35But I think I will definitely have it
00:48:37Oh, brother
00:48:38You are a strong young man
00:48:39Why would you have BP?
00:48:41Why are you asking?
00:48:42Do I have an exam?
00:48:43You have to ask, son
00:48:44It will be good if you know about us
00:48:46And we know about you, right?
00:48:54Listen, Pooja
00:48:55Can we go out and talk for a while?
00:48:58He is calling you alone
00:48:59Go, dear
00:49:00He is calling you
00:49:05So many questions
00:49:06Am I doing a passport inquiry here?
00:49:08He would like to know
00:49:09Who his daughter loves
00:49:11You and Rishi
00:49:12That's fine
00:49:13But after asking so many questions
00:49:20I love you, Rishi
00:49:27When did this happen?
00:49:28When I saw you for the first time
00:49:58I love you
00:49:59I love you
00:50:00I love you
00:50:01I love you
00:50:02I love you
00:50:03I love you
00:50:04I love you
00:50:05I love you
00:50:06I love you
00:50:07I love you
00:50:08I love you
00:50:09I love you
00:50:10I love you
00:50:11I love you
00:50:12I love you
00:50:13I love you
00:50:14I love you
00:50:15I love you
00:50:16I love you
00:50:17I love you
00:50:18I love you
00:50:19I love you
00:50:20I love you
00:50:21I love you
00:50:22I love you
00:50:23I love you
00:50:24I love you
00:50:25I love you
00:50:26I love you
00:50:27I love you
00:50:28I love you
00:50:29I love you
00:50:30I love you
00:50:31I love you
00:50:32I love you
00:50:33I love you
00:50:34I love you
00:50:35I love you
00:50:36I love you
00:50:37I love you
00:50:38I love you
00:50:39I love you
00:50:40I love you
00:50:41I love you
00:50:42I love you
00:50:43I love you
00:50:44I love you
00:50:45I love you
00:50:46I love you
00:50:47I love you
00:50:48I love you
00:50:49I love you
00:50:50I love you
00:50:51I love you
00:50:52I love you
00:50:53I love you
00:50:54I love you
00:50:55I love you
00:50:56I love you
00:50:57I love you
00:50:58I love you
00:50:59I love you
00:51:00I love you
00:51:01I love you
00:51:02I love you
00:51:03I love you
00:51:04I love you
00:51:05I love you
00:51:06I love you
00:51:07I love you
00:51:08I love you
00:51:09I love you
00:51:10I love you
00:51:11I love you
00:51:12I love you
00:51:13I love you
00:51:14I love you
00:51:15I love you
00:51:16I love you
00:51:17I love you
00:51:18I love you
00:51:19I love you
00:51:20I love you
00:51:21I love you
00:51:22I love you
00:51:23I love you
00:51:24I love you
00:51:25I love you
00:51:26I love you
00:51:27I love you
00:51:28I love you
00:51:29I love you
00:51:30I love you
00:51:31I love you
00:51:32I love you
00:51:33I love you
00:51:34I love you
00:51:35I love you
00:51:36I love you
00:51:37I love you
00:51:38I love you
00:51:39I love you
00:51:40I love you
00:51:41I love you
00:51:42I love you
00:51:43I love you
00:51:44I love you
00:51:45I love you
00:51:46I love you
00:51:47I love you
00:51:48I love you
00:51:49I love you
00:51:50I love you
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00:51:52I love you
00:51:53I love you
00:51:54I love you
00:51:55I love you
00:51:56I love you
00:51:57I love you
00:51:58I love you
00:51:59I love you
00:52:00I love you
00:52:01I love you
00:52:02I love you
00:52:03I love you
00:52:04I love you
00:52:05I love you
00:52:06I love you
00:52:07I love you
00:52:08I love you
00:52:09I love you
00:52:10I love you
00:52:11I love you
00:52:12I love you
00:52:13I love you
00:52:14I love you
00:52:15I love you
00:52:16I love you
00:52:17I love you
00:52:18I love you
00:52:19I love you
00:52:20I love you
00:52:21I love you
00:52:22I love you
00:52:23I love you
00:52:24I love you
00:52:25I love you
00:52:26I love you
00:52:27I love you
00:52:28I love you
00:52:29I love you
00:52:30I love you
00:52:31I love you
00:52:32I love you
00:52:33I love you
00:52:34I love you
00:52:35I love you
00:52:36I love you
00:52:37I love you
00:52:38I love you
00:52:39I love you
00:52:40I love you
00:52:41I love you
00:52:42I love you
00:52:43I love you
00:52:44I love you
00:52:45I love you
00:52:46I love you
00:52:47I love you
00:52:48I love you
00:52:49I love you
00:52:50I love you
00:52:51I love you
00:52:52These 6 months' training in Mumbai
00:52:53and then a job in America
00:52:55it's all because of you
00:52:59what have I done
00:53:01it's all because of your hard work
00:53:03dad goes to Heaven
00:53:09are you ok son?
00:53:11I've found a job
00:53:13monthly salary is 200,000
00:53:16take care
00:53:17hey Sai Babu
00:53:18your son in law has become a big man
00:53:20print his wedding photos
00:53:21Let's go. We'll treat the entire village.
00:53:23Ravi, I knew it.
00:53:26But your father has been worried for a long time.
00:53:28Shut up.
00:53:28Uncle, tell Pallavi about this.
00:53:30If you tell her, she'll be happy.
00:53:33Okay, I'll tell her.
00:53:37What's this?
00:53:38My offer letter.
00:53:40A package worth one crore.
00:53:41The highest package in the history of the institute.
00:53:43If you have the guts, take more than this.
00:53:46Okay, Rishi Kumar.
00:53:47Let's see what happens.
00:53:52Good morning, sir.
00:53:53K. Rishi Kumar.
00:53:54You've scored very good marks in all three semesters.
00:53:56Very good.
00:53:56Tell us which field you want to work in.
00:53:58After that, we'll decide if you want to take the offer or not.
00:54:01I'm not here to take an offer, sir.
00:54:04I'm here to give you an offer.
00:54:13Your company has been trying to compete with Google and Facebook for years.
00:54:17By making a social interface.
00:54:19And I have something more than that.
00:54:23An operating system based on artificial intelligence.
00:54:28The user manual is in this book and the hard drive has codes.
00:54:31My phone number is on the last page of that book.
00:54:33I'll be waiting for your call.
00:54:37Being overconfident is very risky.
00:54:40Don't get bored because of six.
00:54:45Those who are afraid of losing before they play.
00:54:47Those who are afraid of losing before they play.
00:54:50They can't win in life.
00:54:53And my overconfidence.
00:54:54When you'll read this book.
00:54:57It'll make you confident.
00:55:07Why is there a party?
00:55:08Don't you know? He defeated Rishi.
00:55:10What do you mean?
00:55:11The campus interview that took place today.
00:55:12He scored the highest marks.
00:55:13He's living in confusion.
00:55:15What do you mean?
00:55:17The thing is that the company from which you got the offer letter.
00:55:20Our Rishi has offered the same company.
00:55:23Tomorrow morning the people of the company are going to come.
00:55:26To get the contract signed.
00:55:32Rishi. Rishi. Rishi.
00:55:34The entire college is talking about you.
00:55:36You're everyone's hero.
00:55:38I'm so happy for you.
00:55:39So proud of you, Rishi.
00:55:40Forget all this.
00:55:42What about the interview?
00:55:43They were offering me a job.
00:55:44But I rejected it.
00:55:48When you'll go to the US.
00:55:49I'll also come with you.
00:55:52And then?
00:55:53We'll get married.
00:55:54Then we'll build a nice house.
00:55:56Both of us.
00:55:57And our kids.
00:56:00It's my dream, Rishi.
00:56:08You still haven't understood me.
00:56:10I have a lot to do.
00:56:12I have to fulfill my unfulfilled dreams.
00:56:13Yes, Rishi.
00:56:15We'll fulfill them together.
00:56:16I'm with you.
00:56:22This is just a saying, Pooja.
00:56:24You won't be able to support me.
00:56:27My real hard work is about to begin.
00:56:29And I don't want to take your responsibility in between.
00:56:31Do you think you'll have problems because of me?
00:56:35Not a problem.
00:56:36A burden.
00:56:38If there's a burden here.
00:56:40Then this job doesn't work.
00:56:42I never thought you'd think of me as a burden.
00:56:46How long do I have to wait?
00:56:48One year? Two years? Three years?
00:56:50I don't have an answer to every question you ask.
00:56:53What are you trying to say, Rishi?
00:56:54Leave me, Pooja.
00:56:57Let's stop this here.
00:57:02My life's purpose is something else.
00:57:04Not what you want.
00:57:06The paths of our lives are completely different.
00:57:09It would be better if we go our separate ways.
00:57:14You said it so easily.
00:57:17Maybe I made a mistake in recognizing you.
00:57:39That's why I broke up with you.
00:57:42Ravi, he's ruined my entire life.
00:57:49What's this?
00:57:50I heard you broke up with Pooja. Is this true?
00:57:52Yes, it's true.
00:57:54You'll forget Pooja so easily?
00:57:56I don't want to talk about this anymore.
00:57:59Go away.
00:58:00So you'll forget Pooja?
00:58:01Yes, I'll forget her.
00:58:03I thought you'd be different from everyone else.
00:58:05But I was wrong.
00:58:06You turned out to be like everyone else.
00:58:07You only use girls.
00:58:09You only think about yourself.
00:58:13That's enough.
00:58:15Don't come between me again.
00:58:18Do you understand!
00:58:32I hope you got the last semesters' timetables.
00:58:34From tomorrow, there are exams.
00:58:35All the best to everyone!
00:58:39Hey, Rishi. I'm sorry, man.
00:58:41Say something.
00:59:09Good morning, sir.
00:59:27Good morning.
00:59:28Today is our college's last exam.
00:59:30And the final semester exam paper has been stolen.
00:59:44K. Rishi Kumar.
00:59:49What is this, Rishi?
00:59:50You have topped every exam so far.
00:59:52I thought you were a genius.
00:59:54So this was the secret.
00:59:56You know very well that I didn't do this.
00:59:59What difference does it make?
01:00:00The police have evidence.
01:00:01No one can save you now, Rishi.
01:00:03If I were to put it in your language,
01:00:05your career has come to a full stop.
01:00:08Wait outside.
01:00:09Come when they call you.
01:00:23What is this, sir?
01:00:24Is this a joke?
01:00:25Do you really think Rishi will steal the exam paper?
01:00:28What will you do with him now?
01:00:30I'll rusticate him.
01:00:34Rusticate him?
01:00:36You'll rusticate Rishi from this institute?
01:00:39If Rishi passes from this institute,
01:00:41Rishi won't have a problem getting a degree from here.
01:00:44But the name of this institute will definitely be known.
01:00:46Sir, you're getting emotional for no reason.
01:00:48Evidence is worth more than emotion here.
01:00:50And besides, all the evidence is against him.
01:00:57What is this, Topper?
01:00:58You dropped the locker keys there.
01:01:00I'm the snake of your life.
01:01:04Go as high as you can.
01:01:05I'll bite you and bring you down.
01:01:15There should be no less than fear in the heart.
01:01:25Now get out.
01:01:39I think you're right, sir.
01:01:40This can't be Rishi's doing.
01:01:42What's the matter?
01:01:43We've got a strong lead.
01:01:44According to that, Rishi is innocent.
01:01:47He can go, sir.
01:01:48Thank you, sir.
01:01:49I knew it, sir.
01:01:50I knew it.
01:01:55You're free to go now.
01:01:57Go to your destination.
01:02:14Rishi, I've seen Usain Bolt running.
01:02:17Now I want to see you running.
01:02:22Just go.
01:02:40You're back, son.
01:02:41How was your journey?
01:02:42It was good.
01:02:43Thanks to your blessings.
01:02:44If Rishi hadn't been here, you wouldn't have been seen.
01:02:49I'm going to America in two days.
01:02:56At least talk to your father.
01:03:02I'm going, Dad.
01:03:06Take care.
01:03:18Hi, guys.
01:03:19Yeah, Rishi Kumar.
01:03:20He's going to head your team.
01:03:21He's Richard.
01:03:23She's Nidhi.
01:03:35My family is a fun family.
01:03:49Mr. Mohan.
01:03:50Your project is ready.
01:03:51You can start working.
01:03:52Every big company in the world...
01:03:53Artificial intelligence... in the race to design artificial intelligence.
01:03:56But an Indian named Rishi Kumar has left everyone behind.
01:04:00He's going to launch it in the next two days.
01:04:05Hello, Rishi.
01:04:06Yes, sir.
01:04:07We've been waiting for this day.
01:04:09Good luck for your big day, Rishi.
01:04:10Thank you, sir.
01:04:12Rishi, here's the list of key points.
01:04:14You'll be calling in around five minutes.
01:04:21Hey, Khanna.
01:04:22I'll talk to you later.
01:04:25Why are you crying?
01:04:27Come to India right now.
01:04:29What's the matter?
01:04:31Your father... no more.
01:04:40He passed away last night.
01:04:45How's your mother?
01:04:46She keeps asking about you.
01:04:55Hey, come on, Rishi.
01:04:57It's time.
01:05:25People have only heard about it.
01:05:27You can use it now.
01:05:29It will change your life.
01:05:30As you can see.
01:05:31Your personal computers and mobiles...
01:05:33...will communicate like you never imagined.
01:05:35From your family's holiday planning... military planning.
01:05:38This AI software...
01:05:40...will become a part of your daily life.
01:05:42It's time, friends.
01:05:43This is the future.
01:06:58No one thought this would happen.
01:07:02Rishi, I miss you a lot, son.
01:07:08I don't know why, but the distance between us kept growing.
01:07:12Maybe I was the reason for that.
01:07:14I know you've always considered me a failure.
01:07:19But I never considered myself a failure.
01:07:22Only because of you.
01:07:24Because the reason you're determined to win today
01:07:29is because I'm not a failure.
01:07:34I'm a successful failure.
01:07:39I knew you'd achieve whatever you wanted.
01:07:42That's why, like every father,
01:07:46I forced you to do what I couldn't.
01:07:49Forgive me if you can, son.
01:07:52I miss you a lot, Rishi.
01:07:55I've become very lonely without you.
01:07:57Do you remember?
01:07:59When you were a kid, I used to take you out to the park.
01:08:10When you come back, we'll go to the same park again.
01:08:14I have a lot to talk to you about, son.
01:08:25I love you, Rishi.
01:08:32Your father loved you a lot.
01:08:35Maybe he didn't know how to express his love.
01:08:54He would've been the proudest father ever.
01:08:57You're right.
01:08:59I wish he was here today.
01:09:01I miss him a lot.
01:09:04Forget it. You're more successful than he expected.
01:09:07Don't worry. It's time for the celebration.
01:09:09Shall I take a selfie on that note?
01:09:11I don't care if you're a failure or a successful father.
01:09:13I just want you to be happy.
01:09:15I'm not a failure.
01:09:16I'm a successful father.
01:09:18I'm not a failure.
01:09:19I'm a successful father.
01:09:20I'm a successful father.
01:09:22Shall I take a selfie on that note?
01:09:23No one believes that you're my childhood friend.
01:09:25Don't be shy.
01:09:26My fans will be excited to see this selfie.
01:09:29What's this? Give me a smile.
01:09:34So, you're all from the same batch?
01:09:35Yes, sir. I got everything.
01:09:37Nice. That's nice.
01:09:38How's Pooja, sir?
01:09:39Pooja? She's doing good.
01:09:41She's the team leader in Hyderabad's top gaming company.
01:09:44I asked her to come.
01:09:45What do I say, Rishi? You know the answer.
01:09:48Rishi, do you talk to Ravi?
01:09:51I had a fight with him.
01:09:53He's upset with me.
01:09:55That's why he hasn't talked to me since then.
01:09:57I never tried to talk to him.
01:09:58I didn't know anything about Ravi, Rishi.
01:10:01Sir gave me all your contacts.
01:10:03But he didn't tell me anything about Ravi.
01:10:08Sir, Ravi was Rishi's best friend.
01:10:11Why didn't you tell us about Ravi?
01:10:13Because I'm not in contact with Ravi anymore.
01:10:16That's why he's out of my mind.
01:10:18By the way, where do you live?
01:10:20Virginia, sir.
01:10:21I'm leaving. I'll meet you.
01:10:27Rishi, do you know this wine is from the 18th century?
01:10:30My friend says only lucky people get to taste this wine.
01:10:33Today, I'll taste it because of you.
01:10:36What happened to Ravi, sir?
01:10:40What happened to Ravi? It's nothing.
01:10:42What could it be?
01:10:44Sir, what happened to Ravi?
01:10:45Why are you asking so much about him?
01:10:47Sir, what happened to Ravi?
01:10:48Ravi got rusticated, Rishi.
01:10:59What did you say?
01:11:00Your last day at the institute was also Ravi's last day at his career, Rishi.
01:11:04He was expelled from the institute on that day.
01:11:07But why?
01:11:08When you were accused of stealing the exam papers.
01:11:12I thought you were innocent and that's why you were released.
01:11:14But later I found out that Ravi was the only reason for your release.
01:11:19Ravi took the blame for stealing the exam papers.
01:11:21And he surrendered himself to the police.
01:11:25But why did he do that?
01:11:26That's what I asked him, Rishi.
01:11:29Sir, he's Rishi.
01:11:30He wants to destroy him.
01:11:32That shouldn't happen, sir.
01:11:33If that happens, my life will be in vain, sir.
01:11:35Who am I, sir? I'm nothing.
01:11:38There must be many like me.
01:11:39But Rishi is the only one, sir.
01:11:41He's a different man, sir.
01:11:42He should be somewhere else.
01:11:43He'll do something and prove it.
01:11:49I realized how much you inspired Ravi, Rishi.
01:11:53He saw you as a superman.
01:11:56When you were in trouble, he didn't even care about his career.
01:12:01But his father, who had high hopes for him, couldn't think like him.
01:12:05As soon as he got the news of Ravi's arrest, he committed suicide.
01:12:19The more he understood you, the more someone else will understand you, Rishi.
01:12:24He knew you wouldn't like to take anyone's help.
01:12:28That's why he swore to me that he would never tell you this.
01:12:32He did all this for your success, Rishi.
01:12:35You're successful today.
01:12:37You didn't let him down.
01:12:39You've become a great example of success.
01:12:41You did it. You did it, Rishi.
01:12:49I don't think this is success, sir.
01:13:15Rishi, shall I serve the food?
01:13:32Why did my partner get lost in the journey?
01:13:37It's enough. Don't come between me again.
01:13:40This lack wasn't there before. I'm a loner.
01:13:43Why, oh, God?
01:13:45I am in a hurry and I haven't reached anywhere yet.
01:13:48Give me some time.
01:13:50Give me a moment again.
01:13:53The moment I miss it, it's all mine.
01:13:56The paths of our lives are completely different.
01:13:58The river that comes again, meets the ocean.
01:14:01I never understood my thirst.
01:14:06I am going in circles.
01:14:07Why should I live like this?
01:14:11Being successful means earning a lot of money?
01:14:16Why did my companion get lost in the journey?
01:14:20Where did the life of yesterday go?
01:14:24I didn't have this shortcoming till now.
01:14:27Why did I miss it?
01:14:29I am in a hurry and I haven't reached anywhere yet.
01:14:34What's the matter, Rishi?
01:14:35I've been noticing that you've been lost for a few days.
01:14:39What happened, son?
01:14:46Did I win, mother?
01:14:47What kind of question is this?
01:14:49This was your dream for which you worked so hard.
01:14:53You got everything that you wanted.
01:14:55Even I used to feel the same till now, mother.
01:14:58Ravi is my friend who made a huge sacrifice for me, mother.
01:15:03But I couldn't do anything for him.
01:15:07Whatever I am today, I am because of him.
01:15:10I am his son.
01:15:12Whatever I am today, I am because of him.
01:15:16Pooja used to think of me as her world.
01:15:19I rejected her too, mother.
01:15:22I couldn't even respect my father while I was alive.
01:15:27I don't think I've won, mother.
01:15:29Do you know what I've won?
01:15:33Rishi, you've only listened to your brain till now.
01:15:39Listen to your heart once.
01:15:43Only then you'll win.
01:16:10Rishi, I've arranged a board meeting on your request.
01:16:17By the way, I'm going on leave from tomorrow.
01:16:21What? A CEO taking a leave?
01:16:23This is shocking news.
01:16:24How can you take such a big decision suddenly?
01:16:27Your schedule is fixed for the next six months, Rishi.
01:16:30Sir, this is impossible.
01:16:31How can you do this?
01:16:32Why are you doing this?
01:16:33I am the CEO of this company.
01:16:39I am the CEO.
01:16:40I will take the decision here.
01:16:41No one will ask me anything.
01:16:43I am going on leave.
01:16:45And I am going to India.
01:16:46Oh, listen to your heart.
01:16:48Your heart is alive.
01:16:51Why, my friend?
01:16:52You were without your friend.
01:16:55This road has been silent for many days.
01:16:59Your destination is not a worry of the road.
01:17:04But no, my friend.
01:17:05We are not together anymore.
01:17:08Not anymore.
01:17:10We are not together anymore.
01:17:12Not anymore.
01:17:13I have lost you.
01:17:16I went on a journey again, my friend.
01:17:19I went to your house.
01:17:21I made a mistake by saying no.
01:17:23Change my life.
01:17:25I am speechless.
01:17:27I will do everything.
01:17:29The river flowed from the ocean.
01:17:31I didn't understand my thirst.
01:17:34The time has come back.
01:17:36I got a moment in it.
01:17:38I found the moment in every moment.
01:17:42I got attached to the memories.
01:17:45I turned back and saw.
01:17:47I am waiting to meet her again.
01:17:51I don't know how I have lived without you.
01:17:55I want to hug you once.
01:18:08I want to hug you once.
01:18:14I want to hug you once.
01:18:20I want to hug you once.
01:18:26We have got to know from sources that after the appointment of the CEO of Origin,
01:18:31Rishi Kumar is coming to India for the first time.
01:18:33No one knows the reason for his sudden visit.
01:18:35Only I know and no one else knows.
01:18:37He is coming here to invest 6,000 crores.
01:18:39Throw as much as you can.
01:18:40If you are telling the truth, it's news.
01:18:41If you are lying, it's breaking news.
01:18:43I just said that he is coming to invest 6,000 crores.
01:18:46If he really does it, he will say that we broke the news.
01:18:48If he doesn't do it, he will make another news that why he didn't invest.
01:18:51We are from the media. Who is a bigger liar than us?
01:18:54Pooja! Pooja! Where are you, dear?
01:18:57Rishi is coming back to India.
01:19:00I am not interested in such rubbish news.
01:19:02It would be better if you don't watch it.
01:19:06I am not interested in such rubbish news.
01:19:08It would be better if you don't watch it.
01:19:10It would be better if you don't watch it.
01:19:12It would be better if you don't watch it.
01:19:14It would be better if you don't watch it.
01:19:16It would be better if you don't watch it.
01:19:18It would be better if you don't watch it.
01:19:20It would be better if you don't watch it.
01:19:22It would be better if you don't watch it.
01:19:24It would be better if you don't watch it.
01:19:26It would be better if you don't watch it.
01:19:28It would be better if you don't watch it.
01:19:30It would be better if you don't watch it.
01:19:32It would be better if you don't watch it.