• last year
05:33Cum comentati deciziile astea pe doamne?
05:37Un abuz, asa cum ne-a obisnuit justitia romana,
05:40care nu e numai oarba, ci si surda,
05:42in fata dovezilor de nevinovatie
05:45pe care le-am adus in favore a clientului meu.
05:47Veti face recurs?
05:49Existe vreo legatura intre clientul dumneavoastra si omul de aface, Razvan Dragomir, zis Ciupanezu?
05:54Categoric, nu.
05:55Domnul Razvan Dragomir n-are nicio legatura in aceasta afacere.
06:00Domnule procuror, domnule procuror,
06:02ati castigat o batalie importanta
06:04inpotriva crimii organizate si coruptiei case,
06:06este cheia sucesului dumneavoastra?
06:08Nu este vorba de sucesul meu,
06:10este o batalie castigata de mine,
06:14ci de societatea noastra.
06:16Nu fime politia,
06:18noi, procuratura, sistemul judiciar,
06:21Si cred ca lucrul asta se vede.
06:23Corina, ma scuzati, ma scuzati, multumesc.
06:26Corina, vino.
06:27Da, da, vino, vino.
06:28Te aduc eu.
06:34Ce faci daca nu urca masina?
06:47Lasa asta.
06:48Felicitari tie.
06:49Bravo, sefa de promotie, bravo.
06:51Sper ca te-ai inscris la institutul de magistratura.
06:54Abia stiu sa vin la mine la procuratura,
06:56sa lucram impreuna.
06:57Stii, tocmai despre asta vreau sa vorbesc cu tine,
07:00nun vreau sa te superi pe mine,
07:02dar am luat deja examenul de intrare in Baroua.
07:05Bine, dar...
07:06Stiu ce vrei sa-ti spui,
07:07am stat bine si m-am gandit,
07:09voi fi avocat, decizia e luata deja.
07:11Toni stie?
07:12Inca nu.
07:15Bine, daca asta e ce-ti place tie,
07:20abia astept sa te vad in sala de judeca,
07:22te sunt convins ca o sa fii un adversar credutabil.
07:25Te-ai suparat pe mine?
07:26Nu, nu, nu, Corina.
07:27Eu n-as putea sa ma suport pe tine orice ai face.
07:29Sa stii ca orice s-ar intampla,
07:31eu ramand prietenul tau.
07:35Prietene, sa stii ca de-acum v-a trebuit sa fii si mai bun.
07:40Sunt prea batran pentru asta.
07:42Hai, ba, tii-te-l o tura.
07:44Te reacti, nu-i fac nimic.
07:45Pai, babocel, tu esti nebun la cap?
07:47Pai, asta e un BMW.
07:50Bavaria, motor Winx 520i.
07:53Motor cu pompe duse.
07:55Full injectie?
07:572000 de centimetri cubi.
07:58Areavez, Demez, Cemez, EBC, e complet.
08:01Dar n-am cum sa-te dau.
08:02De ce?
08:03N-am cum.
08:04Si uite-te la ea, parca nici nu te vrea.
08:06Ia bai.
08:07Al dracu e vorbestele, sa mor eu.
08:10Da macar una din masinile astea ale tale pana-i gata mea,
08:12ca nu-mi mai da sorea mea pe ei.
08:14Pai n-am.
08:17Sau pot sa-te dau pe asta.
08:19Daca vrei.
08:25Gata, doamne.
08:26Avea o mica problema la partea de aici,
08:27ca s-a rezolvat.
08:28Puteti sa o ati multumesc frumos.
08:29Chiai in contact?
08:44Tare tip.
08:50Ce bafta unii e.
08:55Ce ati aflat?
09:00eu cred ca e vorba de o reglare de conturi intrebande.
09:05Si francezul a cazut la mijloc.
09:07Nu cred ca e mana ciupanezului.
09:13eu cred ca povestea colegului meu, Balani, cu stocuata alba,
09:17ma scuze,
09:19e mana ciupanezului.
09:20Lovitorea din teasta francezului e semnatura Loranga,
09:23pulmuna in foc.
09:24Si atentatul e un scenare.
09:26O data ciupanezul scapa de cine nu mai are nevoie
09:28si pe urma ne bate noua atentie de noi.
09:31Ba copii,
09:33chiar credeti ca eu nu vreau sa-l vad pe ciupanezul asta
09:37la puscarie mea?
09:39Chiar credeti ca eu nu stiu cine e ciupanezul?
09:43Chiar credeti ca eu nu stiu ce vrea ciupanezul asta?
09:46Chiar credeti ca eu nu stiu ce vrea ciupanezul asta?
09:49Stiu toate astea, ma baieti,
09:50dar voi nu ma ajutati cu nimic.
09:53Eu am nevoie de dovezi clare de arma, crime,
09:56de martur,
09:57de tot felul de lucruri, de...
10:00Ce facem noi aici?
10:01Fiind politist,
10:03tu vi cu poate,
10:04tu vi cu parca,
10:05tu vi cu saude.
10:07Ce e chestia asta?
10:09Tu te crezi Sherlock?
10:11Tu Holmes?
10:13Nu m-a inteles.
10:14Nu m-a inteles.
10:15Stati asa,
10:16intindeti canapeaua aia,
10:18faceti si teorii la greu,
10:20pipe va mai trebui.
10:23Bune ziua.
10:25Si as vrea sa lamarim si treaba cu Francesc,
10:27pentru ca
10:29eu nu cred ca el a omierlit la gunoi acolo.
10:33Si cu ocazia asta poate da si din martur,
10:35a vazut ceva, s-a auzit undeva, ceva, trebuie.
10:37V-am adus ceaiul.
10:38Ce ceaiul?
10:40V-am scuzit.
10:42V-am adus ceaiul, domnule comisar.
10:45Dar n-are zahar.
10:48Am pus cinci de zaharina.
10:50Ce, de ce strigati?
10:52Dar nu strig, draga, vreau sa-ti multumesc.
10:55Cu placere.
10:57Si nu l-a murit si chestia cu tatuajul, da?
11:01Am si eu un tatuaj.
11:05Unde, tata?
11:10Si cine l-a vedut acolo?
11:15Bravo, domnule!
11:17Ati vrea sa-mi scrieti in deplasare, nu?
11:19Uite-ti pe domnul comisar ce s-a arunsit asta micu.
11:22Hai, hai, hai, uschiala, ca mai am si treaba.
11:25Si daca tot da spalat si panezul ala,
11:28poate gasiti o dovada, o martur,
11:32o biscuita, un fursec, ceva.
11:42Filipache, bolec,
11:44ce putem aici?
11:48Ia faceti un dus, hai.
12:02Last look, domnilor.
12:05Va asteptam mai devreme, avand in vedere evenimentele.
12:15Pentru mine.
12:17Ce vorbesti, ma?
12:20In afara de scarba aia de atentat cu care
12:22pana la urma ti-ai pus ordine in afaceri?
12:26Noi nu ne-am ducem aminte de vreun eveniment
12:28sau de altceva.
12:30Goaie de mine.
12:32Goaie de mine.
12:34Ce faceti?
12:36Pai nu stiu, mi-as optimi o pasarica
12:37ca vreau sa aruncati in carca mea si moartea imbecilului asta.
12:41Ce greacu ma, baieti, cata lipsa de imaginatie, ha?
12:44Pai nu stiti?
12:46Ca in jungla nu exista un singur leu.
12:49E plin de fiare.
12:51Si tu esti plin de poezie.
12:53Tu ce?
12:54Tu ce?
12:56Dragul meu, baboc,
12:58cand vezi moartea cu ochii, incepi sa vezi lucrurile cu totul altfel.
13:01Dar ce tampit sunt?
13:03Sa-ti spun tu mai tie chestia asta.
13:05Am impresia ca era la altele, era ste-n neci.
13:09Nu merita, Caline. Caline nu merita.
13:11Pane, zura, lasa-te-n perine.
13:12Si ia spune-ne daca n-ai nici o regatura asa cum spui tu,
13:14nici cu atentatul, nici cu moartea francezului.
13:17Spune-ne tu cine e.
13:18Ba voi credeti ca daca stiam cine e,
13:21mai stia cineva de el?
13:23Cand n-ai succes in afaceri apar tot felul de
13:26dusmani, de inimici, de
13:29ba vorba aia, ba
13:30oamenii rai.
13:33Ce vrei, ma?
13:43Domnilor, randevul nostru
13:45din pacate s-a terminat.
13:46Sunteti foarte simpatici,
13:47dar am un business de condus si
13:49nu vreau sa amestecam placerea cu afacere.
13:52La revedere si
13:53multumesc pentru vizita.
13:55Cum esti tare simpatic?
13:57Abia astept sa-mi intors vizita.
13:59O sa fac tot posibilul sa te retin cat mai mult.
14:16Dinu, m-ai speriat.
14:18N-am vrutata.
14:19Ce faci?
14:21Nu are lucru, tu ce faci?
14:24Da, o sa fac si mai bine.
14:26Mi-a venit o idee.
14:29Uimeste, ma.
14:30Sa te apuci de lucru.
14:31Ha, ma, tot i-ar mai ecuda asta?
14:33Stii ca nu asa se fac banii.
14:34M-am gandit la o afacere.
14:47Am eu un fost coleg de liceu, Flaviu.
14:50Se poate.
14:51Tipul e stabilit in Germania.
14:53Si are acolo o afacere cu calculatoare.
14:55Care merge super bine, stii?
14:57Ei, si acuma vrea sa se extinde in Romania.
14:59Si daca eu pun 30.000 de dolari,
15:01mai e a partener de afaceri.
15:03Adica impartim totul jumit-jumat, stii?
15:05Am facut rost de...
15:07de spatiu, de oameni, de tot.
15:09Ce zici?
15:12Sa inteleg ca ai bine sa-ti dau 30.000 de dolari pentru o afacere.
15:17A cat a afacerei asta aud?
15:19A cat au rabit sa-mi cer bani?
15:21Bani pentru prostiile tale.
15:24Spune mai bine direct in ce rahat ai intrat.
15:26Nu intelegi nimic.
15:28Ai intrat de un an in viata mea si nu faci altceva decat sa-mi scoti ochii cu banii care mi-ai dat.
15:32Pentru ca ti-am dat bani.
15:34Daca nu-ti impunea legea, nici macar acuma nu vedeam pensia alimentara.
15:37Cum iti permiti sa vorbesti asa?
15:39Cum iti permiti?
15:41Tu crezi ca ai crescut din pensia alimentara si din banul lui Doina?
15:45Intreba-te mai bine cine te-a tinut la facultatea si ti-a platit vacantele.
15:48Trebuia sa-ti dau tine raporte ori de cate ore ii trimeteam bani de maica ta?
15:52Dar tu crezi ca exista suma de bani care sa compenseze faptul ca tu nu ai vrut sa stii de mine atatiani?
16:00Daca ma uresti atat de tare, de ce ai vrut sa ma cunosti?
16:04Ca sa te folosesti de banii mei sa te razbuni?
16:07Stii mai bine sincer si spune-mi pentru ce servesc banii astia.
16:09Pentru femei?
16:11Pentru bautura?
16:12Pentru droguri?
16:13Pentru cazinouri?
16:14Pentru ce?
16:15Spune-mi ca poate te salvesc si de data asta.
16:16Ia zi-mi acuma ce ai spus si lui mama.
16:18Zi-mi ca nul sunt fiul tau.
16:19Iesi afara.
16:20Ia zi-mi, nu, nu, zi-mi acum.
16:28Ai dreptate.
16:40Danasule, eu sunt.
16:43Stiu, stiu, stiu.
16:44A sarit in depozit in aia.
16:46Nu stiu, nu stiu cine e inca.
16:50Cum sa m-ascund?
16:51Cum sa m-ascund?
16:52Nu pot sa m-ascund daca vreau sa-l dau de el.
16:56Am inteles.
16:58Il lasam pe el sa vina la noi.
17:11Ce mai faci?
17:13Ia o tigara.
17:22Ce, e prea tare pentru tine?
17:26Cele mai bune tigari ce cene.
17:29Ai adus malaia?
17:31Inca nu.
17:32In cateva zile o sa-l aduc.
17:34In cateva zile.
17:36Domnul Igor e foarte suparat
17:38ca inca nu e de acei 30.000 de dolari.
17:40Foarte suparat.
17:41Ca inca nu e de acei 30.000 de dolari pe care ii datoresc.
17:45Cuventul are rabdare.
17:47Noi nu.
17:49Pentru ca ne-a spus ca
17:53nu e ala de din banii pe care ii datoresc.
17:55E ata problema.
17:57Spune-ti, domnul Igor, ca in cateva zile o sa-i aduc banii.
17:59Pusa, Iosha, ca chinia-s calca-dnei.
18:01Denge nu-s nu-s zi-vodne.
18:03Ise denge zi-vodne nu-s budut,
18:05Igar min-a preconcet.
18:06Igar nu-s preconcet.
18:16Sunt cu nervii la pamant.
18:1830.000 de dolari n-am vazut de tarte banii in viata mea.
18:21Ia nu loc sa se candeasca sa-si faca-o in viator,
18:23are incav nu mai face dubioase.
18:26E clar e vina mea.
18:27Sunt profund dezamacit.
18:31Eu nu stiu ce sa-ti spune.
18:33Zau, eu cred ca nu trebuie sa te vinovate asta.
18:37You don't have to feel guilty about this.
18:41I'm afraid I shouldn't have lied.
18:43I shouldn't have gotten involved in something worse.
18:45Worse? What do you mean?
18:49I shouldn't have given in to one of those bad guys.
18:52They're way too big.
18:54Even if he's a good guy, he doesn't hang out with all the bad guys.
19:00Please, talk to that guy in your section.
19:03Talk to the guy who might know something.
19:05Do it for me, I promise.
19:09Okay, but calm down, okay?
19:16Look who's here!
19:17How are you?
19:18I'm good. What do my men do for a living?
19:20Oh, yes.
19:22Hello, Corina.
19:24Hello, Cornel.
19:25Good morning, good morning.
19:27It's better for a lawyer to sleep with them than a prosecutor like you.
19:32You're being respected here, I'm not kidding.
19:34No, I'm not.
19:35You're not, are you?
19:37It was your fault, wasn't it?
19:38No, no, it was...
19:39You're in a good place, but...
19:42Cornel, I really wanted to ask you what Dinu is doing.
19:44I haven't seen him in a while.
19:45Is he okay?
19:47I'm sorry, I have to go.
19:51I'll see you later, okay?
19:56Did I say something?
19:57No, no.
19:58Your father...
20:00has some...
20:01problems with...
20:03That's how it is.
20:04I'll tell you...
20:06When you saw him...
20:09with Dinu,
20:10did you talk to him like that?
20:12Did you speak to him?
20:14Did you do anything?
20:16I'll try.
20:19I'll tell you later.
20:24What does your father look like?
20:26Open it.
20:29I'm very proud of you.
20:30Oh, thank you.
20:31Congratulations on your exam.
20:33I wish you good luck for...
20:35your career as a lawyer.
20:41Try it.
20:42It's very nice.
20:44Lawyer Corina...
20:57What are they doing?
20:59What do you mean?
21:01Taxis from clubs.
21:02This month.
21:04What are you waiting for?
21:05Go to Tuneric.
21:06Come on, come on.
21:10It was mine.
21:11Cut it out.
21:14Why are you so angry?
21:15What's wrong?
21:18Fuck me.
21:25Let me die.
21:30Fuck this shit.
21:37It's so good.
21:42It's so good.
21:49What are you doing, Dinu?
21:54Only when you don't have problems, I'll call you.
21:58How much do you want?
22:09I'm sorry.
22:10I was in a hurry.
22:11Why did you leave me again?
22:14What's this? Dogs?
22:15What do you mean, dogs?
22:18Are you crazy?
22:19You want dogs?
22:20It's not that small.
22:21It's not a dog.
22:28It's so good.
22:30It's a cat.
22:37It's big.
22:38Leave me alone.
22:39Leave me alone.
22:40Hey, man.
22:41You're doing so well lately.
22:43Japanese restaurants.
22:48I think I've seen enough of you.
22:49Excuse me.
22:50Sign it, Dad.
22:51Sign it.
22:52Sign it.
22:54Just sign it.
22:56I'll sign it in the future.
22:57You're so stupid.
22:59Do you think it's a good idea to make an official visit?
23:02I don't know.
23:04Whenever you want.
23:05With pleasure.
23:06I'm a tear-jerker.
23:08I only have honorable money on me.
23:10Honorable work.
23:12At Pokor.
23:13At Rusi.
23:15I'm not in the mood.
23:16Forget it.
23:17Tell me.
23:18What do you think of Cipanez?
23:20Who wouldn't?
23:22Are you kidding me?
23:23What did you say?
23:24Didn't you see?
23:26What do you think of him?
23:28He's a great actor.
23:30I think there's room for one more.
23:32With a cat?
23:34Wait a minute.
23:35What are you doing?
23:36Wait a minute.
23:37Who are you talking to?
23:38Come on.
23:39Who are you talking to?
23:41The Russian.
23:43The one who played cards?
23:45I swore on Cipanez the whole game.
23:46I didn't get it either.
23:48The idea was that
23:49everyone would grow up in peace in our territory.
23:52And there's no room for one more.
23:54Can I?
23:57Who else was there?
24:00There was one more guy.
24:02He was a banker.
24:04He was good.
24:05He was good and I don't know how.
24:07Do you know what he did in the pit?
24:09He took Igor's money.
24:11And he lost $30,000.
24:17That's a lot of money.
24:21Forget it.
24:22Come on, Călină.
24:24Come on, Călină.
24:26Did you like the food?
24:27The dogs are very good.
24:30Can I have some?
24:42You lied to me.
24:43Cipanez wasn't in the deposit.
24:45Tell me, what's the problem?
24:46A lot of money.
24:47You didn't get the money I gave you?
24:48Tell me!
24:49I'll give you the money back.
24:50If Cipanez finds it, he'll kill me.
24:54Don't play with me.
24:56Cipanez killed my best friend.
24:59And I'll tear him to pieces
25:00even if I have to throw this city in the air.
25:02Tell me.
25:03I don't want to end up like the French.
25:04Please, tell me everything.
25:05Tell me where to find him.
25:07I'll take you to them.
25:15And get rid of Cipanez.
25:28Come on, Igor.
25:38How can I help you?
25:39Bravo, Romanian police.
25:40Are you from Panov?
25:43Balani and Boboc, I know you very well.
25:46I'm a great admirer of you.
25:48But have a drink.
25:49And take a seat.
25:52Take a seat.
25:58Full, full.
26:00Too much piss.
26:03Mr. Stepanov.
26:04For friends, only Igor.
26:08Igor, my friend.
26:11Who are your biggest enemies?
26:14Drinking and...
26:15And women.
26:18I don't have problems with women.
26:22Then who?
26:24You don't seem to know.
26:29Do you know him?
26:31Just a second.
26:33He says I don't have glasses on.
26:36He's French.
26:37One of Cipanez's men.
26:41But to remain friends,
26:43he can look you in the eye without glasses.
26:45It's no use.
26:46He's a country boy.
26:48I heard Cipanez has problems, right?
26:52From what I see, you don't see very well,
26:54but from what I hear, you hear very well.
26:56Excuse me?
26:57From what I see, you don't see very well,
26:59but from what I hear, you hear very well.
27:01Excuse me?
27:03Pihai, what are you laughing at?
27:06Where were you this morning?
27:08In bed with the dolls.
27:11It was Sergei's day.
27:13A real one, like mine.
27:15At Molten's.
27:17But you talk, you serve, you eat.
27:19Alune, Fistic...
27:21No, no, no, thank you. We ate.
27:24We have a few friends.
27:26We're hungry.
27:29We're starving.
27:30You'll find something here.
27:33Some powder, some pills, right?
27:37But there's a problem.
27:39I didn't invite your colleagues.
27:42But it's nothing.
27:44I invited them.
27:46I have the official invitation here.
27:48Look here.
27:50Perquisition Order No. 43956,
27:53Igor Stepanov.
27:56The table, the dance, the congratulations,
27:58the disco starts here.
28:00Here, right?
28:04Friends, where are you going?
28:06Let's have a little fun.
28:08I almost forgot the contact lenses.
28:13I know this tattoo.
28:15It's a sign of a foreign legion.
28:21Sergei says the tattoo is from the foreign legion.
28:26The unit that activated in Algeria.
28:28The foreign legion. Are you sure?
28:30Absolutely sure.
28:32Sergei was in the legion.
28:34But he doesn't know who died.
28:41I understand.
28:43What about the invitation?
28:49I forgot.
28:51We'll leave it for another time.
28:53I'm sorry.
29:12Is it good?
29:14It's beautiful, my love.
29:17I saw it.
29:18It's beautiful, my love.
29:20Give me your hand.
29:21You're crazy about this beautiful thing.
29:24It's an order from the nation.
29:26I want it.
29:27An order from the nation.
29:29I want it more.
29:30You want it more?
29:41It hurts.
29:44Why are you laughing?
29:46Because of you. Look at your face.
29:48Don't break my face.
29:53Do you know what your mother says?
29:55What does your mother say?
29:56That she wants more.
29:57She wants more?
29:59She wants more?
30:01Damn it.
30:05Shut up.
30:08Shut up.
30:16Shut up!
30:18Sit down.
30:20What are you doing?
30:22Don't go.
30:24Where are you going?
30:25I'm not finished.
30:26Finish it yourself.
30:54That bastard laughed so hard.
31:03Finally me too.
31:08That's not how I end things.
31:15You know, Vlada?
31:17But I don't want to hear anything. I'm fed up, you understand?
31:25I'm fed up with your methods and your people's inefficiency.
31:29It's unacceptable if I don't sanction you right now, on the spot, with these two hands, on the scales and on the drum.
31:35But why are you sanctioning me? I didn't do anything.
31:38How, Marco? Did you lose weight?
31:41How did you do it?
31:44Without bread, beer, sugar.
31:48So, bread, beer, sugar.
31:52No, you gave him a nose. You gave him a nose and now you want him to come back.
31:58Look at him, look at how he comes.
32:01Come on, guys, calm down, don't rush.
32:03Slow down, slow down.
32:05I have to go, leave me alone.
32:08Balan, Baboc, come to me right now, come on.
32:12So, beer, bread, sugar, grater.
32:19Grater, no more fish and salad.
32:25No more salad, lots of it.
32:32I don't want to hear anything.
32:34I'm fed up, you understand?
32:36I'm fed up with your methods and your people's inefficiency.
32:41You didn't do anything.
32:44You spend all day saying hello to everyone in the city
32:48and you don't care about this institution at all.
32:52Shame on you!
32:55Matrix, look for Coco's number on the internet.
33:00You know, look there.
33:02He's breathing on his mouth like us.
33:04My God, the tears.
33:07What did Edym, Igor's brother, say?
33:09Very good.
33:11But why are you saying this?
33:14Igor admitted that Cipanez is his biggest enemy.
33:18Igor admitted it.
33:20It means he admitted the attack, he admitted the crime.
33:25He admitted everything.
33:27You did your job, you can go home and sleep.
33:30Come on, get some sleep.
33:32It's not really like that.
33:36What do we have?
33:38I asked you a question, what do we have?
33:42Proof, my ass.
33:54So, does it hurt?
33:58Son of a bitch.
34:01Son of a bitch.
34:06Son of a bitch.
34:09It's not Igor.
34:10It's not Igor?
34:11It's not Igor.
34:12It's not Igor.
34:13It wouldn't have happened, Igor.
34:15Explain it to me, tell me.
34:17The only information that Igor gave me, about the Frenchman,
34:21is that his tattoo was the emblem of an elite unit of the French legion, right?
34:28I don't know why.
34:29Because if he had been behind the business,
34:31this information would never have come to light.
34:34And what do you have to say about this?
34:36I don't know.
34:39I think he has something in his head, if I'm not mistaken.
34:47Come on, kid, we have work to do.
34:49Come on, Matrix, come on.
34:51Yes, boss.
34:52Come on, it's hard with the cart on the stairs.
34:54Come on.
34:55Tell me, what do you know about the Frenchman?
34:58He was part of the foreign legion between 1990 and 1996,
35:01after which he lost his track.
35:03Is that all?
35:06I found an article in a German newspaper,
35:08that he was given from a maximum security prison.
35:11Do you know German?
35:13Can I go back to the network?
35:14To me?
35:16Completely different.
35:17Through the cart.
35:19Hey, don't go there, it's a serious matter.
35:21Leave the kid alone.
35:23You've done your job and you're ready to have fun now, right?
35:27I found it.
35:29He was in the foreign legion with a Romanian,
35:31who is also under contract.
35:34A Dan Preda.
35:38Come on, man, come on, faster, please, come on.
35:41Yes, I found it.
35:43This is it.
35:44My name is Popa Alexandru.
35:45Yes, and my name is Demiru.
35:47My enrollment number.
35:52All right, let's go.
35:59To all units,
36:00find the BMW car,
36:03numbers of Germany,
36:06I repeat, M-U-L-4-6.
36:10It's lunch break.
36:22Stop, stop.
36:24I didn't put anything on you.
36:52What the fuck?
37:17What's up?
37:22What's up?
37:40I think it's a good idea.
37:47I'm disappointed, soldier.
37:49Drop your weapons, you're under arrest.
37:51The guys from the foreign legion
37:53are very negligent.
37:55Ciupanezule, drop your weapon.
37:57How the hell did you resist so long?
38:00Were you popular at school?
38:02Ciupanezule, drop your weapon.
38:04Drop your weapon!
38:05Behave yourself, Ciupanezule.
38:08This is between me and him.
38:10Why do you want to kill me, man?
38:13Because you killed someone you shouldn't have.
38:17I don't remember.
38:23The Frenchman.
38:26How curious.
38:28You don't know me.
38:30All I know is worms.
38:38What are you doing?
38:39Are you crazy?
38:41What are you waiting for?
38:42Call the rescue team.
38:54What proof do you have that Ciupanezule
38:56is hiding behind the French dead?
39:01Very good.
39:02You want to play a little?
39:04I don't think so.
39:05I don't think so.
39:06I don't think so.
39:07Very good.
39:08You want to play a little?
39:10I don't think so.
39:12You know, I'm scared to death, my friend.
39:15And I'm scared for what you got here.
39:17You should have gotten to the grave sooner.
39:21All I want is to bury Ciupanezule.
39:27If you help me, I'll talk to the prosecutor
39:29to ease your situation.
39:32If not,
39:33I'll send you to a place
39:35where you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
39:38You didn't think twice.
39:41Do you understand?
39:42The one you say will break you
39:44won't save your life.
39:47Ciupanezule will live.
39:51I have an alternative.
39:53Which one?
39:56Good day, Mr. Commissioner Marco.
39:58Corina, what are you looking for?
39:59Who let you in?
40:00I'm the lawyer of the victim's family.
40:03It's my first case.
40:04Don't be happy.
40:05Corina, you can't do this.
40:06This is a crime.
40:07I know.
40:08But this is how people should be protected.
40:11Corina, you can't do this.
40:13Let me make a phone call.
40:15Dad, we've talked about this so many times.
40:17You agreed to my decision to be a lawyer.
40:19Mr. Dancuri, let me introduce you to Corina Marco.
40:25Mr. Commissioner,
40:26please take off my client's shoes
40:28and leave the room.
40:34Mr. Commissioner,
40:35please take off my client's shoes
40:37and leave the room.
40:51Look, Marco.
40:53No bread, no beer, no sugar.
40:56It's all gone.
41:00She's grown up.
41:02Shut up.
41:08The third option, Taticu!
41:14Don't move!
41:16Put the gun down!
41:18Put the gun down!
41:23Corina smiles at Taticu.
41:26Don't move!
41:28Put the gun down!
41:31Put the gun down!
41:32Don't move!
41:33Go back!
41:34Put the gun down!
41:35Easy, easy, easy.
41:37That's right, Taticu.
41:38You see?
41:39Take out the gun.
41:44Come on, come on.
41:46Load it.
41:50How do you feel?
41:53How do you feel?
41:56Listen to him.
41:57Formula 1.
42:00Hey, man.
42:02What did you do to her?
42:04I fixed her up a little.
42:06What's up with these guys?
42:08I have a friend left.
42:09He's doing well.
42:11Oh, man.
42:12They'll laugh at me, too.
42:13I'll die.
42:15They'll laugh at me, too.
42:16I'll die.
42:22What did you do to her?
42:29Don't move!
42:30Put the gun down!
42:32Don't move!
42:33Put the gun down!
42:34Put the gun down!
42:35Put the gun down!
42:37Put the gun down!
42:38Put the gun down!
42:39Put the gun down!
42:41Put the gun down!
42:43Don't move!
42:49Don't move!
42:53Put the gun down!
42:54Come on, come on.
42:55Don't move!
42:58Don't move!
42:59Put the gun down!
43:00Put the gun down!
43:01Put the gun down!
43:02Put the gun down!
43:03Mr. Commissar Marku.
43:05Her life is at risk.
43:07Put the gun down.
43:08Put the gun down.
43:21Don't move!
43:23Don't move!
44:13Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go
44:43Get out
44:48Where did you get the money?
44:51I don't want to see you again
44:57Dad, I don't have a number
44:58Get out
45:10Wait, wait, wait, get out
45:12It's ok, it's ok, it's nothing, it's just some things
45:17Bravo, Carina, bravo, I'm sorry
45:19What happened to Preda, did you catch him?
45:21He escaped
45:22He escaped, but...
45:23Where the hell did he go?
45:24He shouldn't have escaped
45:25Hey, Corina, what happened?
45:27Calm down, dear
45:28Calm down, dear, how can I calm down?
45:30All my life I've been telling myself to calm down
45:33Let me do what I've been doing all my life for a year
45:35And now you want to destroy it too, right?
45:36Are you happy?
45:37Hey, are you happy?
45:39All my life I've been doing what you told me to
45:41Why does she have to be a doctor?
45:43Why does she have to be a doctor?
45:44Let her stay calm, right?
45:46Let her do what's right
45:48We all know she did the right thing, right?
45:49She's a lawyer now, she's in contact with all the thugs and criminals and idiots
45:53Come on, go away
46:06Cipanezule, you made a mistake
46:09Do you want some?
46:11Some more?
46:14Give him a little, but make sure
46:17In your mind
46:19I'm guilty of every idiot who creeps in
46:24Not for anyone
46:25But for Francescu, for sure
46:29No prosecutor
46:30Will believe him
46:31Not even
46:33This car
46:35Because you have nothing against me
46:39I'm clean as a daydream
46:41You, for example
46:43You've committed more crimes than me
46:45Do you understand?
46:47And now come here
46:49And instead of thanking me for saving your life
46:52Get your ass in my reserve
46:54Because I'm very badly injured, you hear me?
46:58And you scold me
47:01You don't have a chance
47:04Come on, get out, I want to rest
47:34I'm sorry
47:57Take and receive
47:58Yes, clown
47:59The real clown
48:00Take it, take it
48:01Give Dudu to see
48:02Galibu 38, ma'am
48:05Everyone was pointing guns at me
48:08I felt that something was wrong
48:10Then a wind began to blow me
48:13A dead clown
48:15This one
48:16The legionary is looking at me
48:18Look like this
48:21He took off his scarf
48:22And he shouted
48:24Hands up
48:25And higher
48:26And he shot
48:32And then?
48:34He shot
48:38What are you doing?
48:39Come here
48:40Come to work, everyone
48:56You don't know the anthem
48:58Please remember
48:59He shot
49:00He shot
49:01He shot
49:02He shot
49:03He shot
49:04You don't know the anthem
49:06Please remember
49:07He shot
49:08He shot
49:09He shot
49:10You don't know the anthem
49:11Please remember
49:13When the beating was happening
49:15People created laws
49:17Then they defined the parties
49:20So they threw the books
49:22It's, it's, it's a place where you don't have the courage, you don't have the way to want it
49:26It's possible to cut it, that's why you probably hear it
49:29That there's so much madness in Las Vegas, boys
49:31And how to change some curves, you can't even believe it
49:34I present radical solutions, like all the good boys
49:37Who raised the empire in illegal businesses
49:40Because in the street you can choose your path
49:42When the tears smile, when there's no way
49:45You can tell the right to meet the wrong
49:50But what is radical, run, run, don't give up
49:55You can tell the right to meet the wrong
50:00But what is radical, run, run, don't give up
