Survival Series with Bear Grylls | Man vs Wild in Hindi

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Survival Series with Bear Grylls | Man vs Wild in Hindi


00:00I'm Bear Grylls, and I'm going to show you how you can survive in some of the most dangerous caves in the world.
00:07I'm going to spend a whole week in a place where you can't even survive a day without the right skills to save your life.
00:16Right now, I'm in the middle of the Caribbean, writing the Dominican Republic.
00:20I'll never want you to get into my pants.
00:23Here, I'll face dangerous waterfalls.
00:26I don't know if I'll be able to climb them or not.
00:28Here, I'll face a forest full of powerful storms and deadly spiders.
00:33This beautiful tapu is a very dangerous trap.
00:46Right now, I'm going to a tapu off the southern edge of Dominican Island.
00:50This is where the whirlwinds and storms that wreak havoc on the coastal areas of America are formed.
00:56The stormy weather here is already halfway through.
00:59But experts say that the weather here is still going to be very dangerous.
01:04The technique I'm using is called the special force rapid maritime insertion.
01:09It means flying fast at low altitude.
01:11I just saw a big shark.
01:14There are sharks in this area, so I'm going to have to stay on the edge of the ground.
01:17I'm going to jump from a height of 40 feet.
01:20I need to be very careful.
01:41I don't want to stay in the water for long.
01:44I don't want to stay in the water for long.
01:47I want to get as close to the ground as possible.
01:50That's why I'm going to have to go from here.
01:53In the Caribbean, there are great white, hammerhead and tiger sharks.
01:58In 1987, a ship sank here.
02:01There were 160 survivors on board of the Dominican Island.
02:04They were struggling from the wreckage of the ship.
02:07That's when 40 sharks attacked them.
02:10Later, the Coast Guard rescued them.
02:13But by then, 100 people had disappeared and they were considered dead.
02:18This is very fast.
02:20Very fast.
02:25First of all, I have to cross this 50-foot-high rock.
02:29Can you see this edge?
02:31It doesn't look easy to cross it.
02:33I'm going to have to find another way to cross it.
02:37About 200,000 years ago, these limestone rocks came out of the sea.
02:44But today, they have become a big obstacle for me.
02:47These rocks are very hard and fast.
02:53I can climb them, but this climb is very dangerous.
03:00My fingers are itching.
03:05This is really very steep.
03:13Finally, I've reached the top.
03:16I can see what's on the ground from here.
03:22We can live for three weeks without food, but only three days without water.
03:28Dehydration can be fatal.
03:30So I have to find water as soon as possible.
03:33It's so green here that anyone would think there's water everywhere.
03:40But no, it's completely dry.
03:42The water is just flowing through this rock.
03:45Last year, two biologists from the U.S. were lost here.
03:48After wandering here for three days, they reached a nearby shore.
03:52They were thirsty, but the fishers saved them.
03:56There are limestone rocks across these bushes.
03:59Can you see them? They're all around me.
04:02As long as the sun shines on my left hand, I can't wander here.
04:07I've crossed the top.
04:09Now I'm going to the northern shore.
04:11But I haven't found fresh water yet.
04:13Now there's no way.
04:14Oh, yes!
04:16That's a ship's hull.
04:18I'll go check it out.
04:22If I don't find water on this barren rock,
04:25I have only one way to save my life.
04:28I have to get out of here.
04:30And for that, I'll need this buoy.
04:35This buoy is a witness to how dangerous the water here is.
04:39So it's not safe to go to the sea here.
04:44If I can somehow get to that place,
04:47then I can guess where I should go.
04:53I can climb to a height of 30 feet and see double the distance.
05:00The view is amazing, but the news isn't good.
05:03That's the mainland.
05:07But it's not easy for me to get there
05:09because there's at least an 8-kilometer-wide sea between me and it.
05:13If I want to save my life and get out of here,
05:16I have to get to that place.
05:18And I know how to get there.
05:20First, I'll get down.
05:23With this buoy, we can only get out of the sea.
05:27Do you see this garbage?
05:29In the storm that brought this ship ashore,
05:31this garbage flowed here.
05:33I can make a buoy with it,
05:35but I need the right equipment for it.
05:37There's no better way to recycle than this.
05:40With this buoy, I can make a frame for my buoy
05:43and support it from the outside to give it strength.
05:46If I tie these three together and make a hull,
05:51and then another hull like this,
05:54then I can make a catamaran for myself.
05:58My buoy will float with the help of these plastic containers.
06:03This is a great idea,
06:05but the problem is that most of the containers don't have a lid.
06:09I'll have to find a lid for them.
06:11Here's one.
06:13Here's another one.
06:16I want my buoy to float easily.
06:18There are great white sharks in this sea,
06:20so I have to stay ahead of the water.
06:23Right now, where I am is a sign of a storm.
06:26As soon as the water rises here,
06:28I'll get out of here.
06:31The rising water level will take me to the mainland,
06:34but the wind on the shore will be against me.
06:40I hope that the rising water will take me to the shore
06:45and the wind will not be an obstacle for me.
06:48The mainland is about 6.5 kilometers away from here.
06:51It will take me at least seven hours to get there.
06:54Seven hours is a little more in this water filled with sharks.
06:57But there is no water on this barren dam,
06:59and staying here is like calling death.
07:02It is always very difficult to estimate the distance in the sea.
07:06Sometimes something or a place seems very close,
07:08but remember that if you double the distance in the sea,
07:13then your estimate can be quite right.
07:17The land is not very far now,
07:19but if the wind gets stronger, it will be difficult for me to get there.
07:22Looking at that dam, I can tell you that my speed is decreasing.
07:27There is a lot of sand near the shore and strong waves too.
07:38My boat is also breaking, so it is better to leave it now.
07:43Christopher Columbus came to the Dominican Republic 500 years ago
07:48and he built the first settlement of Europe in the new world.
07:51I have come to the mainland,
07:53but it is not what I was thinking.
07:57This is a mangrove.
07:59I have been to the mangrove before,
08:02but this is completely different from the rest.
08:06Come on, let's go ahead.
08:08When there is a dense mangrove in front of you,
08:11it is best to go to the shore and look for a fresh water source or a river.
08:16I am just looking for a way to get out of here.
08:21It will be very difficult to get out of these trees and plants,
08:24and I can get dehydrated from fatigue.
08:27I will go out of the water for a while and rest.
08:30Look at this.
08:31They are covered with this, but you can eat them.
08:34These are called chitons.
08:36Let me see if I can find them.
08:38These strangely looking molluscs were the staple food of the natives of North and South America at one time.
08:44We can eat them, but only raw.
08:48You can see the part inside it.
08:52It would be better if you cook it and eat it,
08:55but you can eat them raw while walking.
08:59The taste is very salty and it is like a very hard apple.
09:07But I will definitely get some strength from this.
09:09Now let's move on to the shore.
09:16I have found some space in the mangrove jungle and I am seeing a change in the water.
09:20This is amazing.
09:22Can you see?
09:23It seems that a stream of water is coming out from under this stone.
09:28Can you see it or not?
09:30But I will try to show it to you by throwing sand in it.
09:34Look at this.
09:35Did you see?
09:36The water has come out.
09:38Actually, this is fresh water.
09:40And I am very happy and surprised to see this fresh water on this shore of the sea.
09:46Fresh water floats on the heavier salty water of the sea.
09:50I have found a natural pond here.
09:53I will fill it with water and move ahead.
09:59This rocky slope near the pond will serve as a bridge for me in this jungle of mangroves.
10:04They are usually less wide and more thin.
10:06We can go further inside with their help, but they do not last long.
10:10Anyway, I will hold this.
10:15This is a very dangerous place.
10:24It is very important to stay away from the malaria and dengue mosquitoes in the mangroves.
10:30You can use this mud.
10:34Its smell is deadly.
10:37If you apply it on your body and dry it, you can save yourself from mosquitoes.
10:46I am stuck in this mangrove swamp.
10:49And I know that my difficulties in the Dominican Republic are going to increase.
10:53Can you see it?
10:55It is better to stay away from them.
10:58I am also trying to cross the mangrove jungle full of mosquitoes on the southern shore of the Dominican Republic.
11:05This place is really very dangerous.
11:10Mangroves are very important for the ecosystem.
11:12And their roots are on the upper side.
11:14That is why they can easily grow in salty water.
11:17I am trying to get out of this blood-sucking swamp with the help of these roots.
11:22Look at this.
11:24With the help of this, I can get out of the water.
11:27Look at this.
11:29First, I will go up to here.
11:30Then I will use this.
11:31With the help of these, we can get out of here faster.
11:36These roots do not look very strong.
11:38But they are so intertwined that they will take care of my weight.
11:45Mosquitoes are biting me from inside the mud.
11:49Now it looks a little open.
11:53So I'll go inside and see.
12:02Now the mangrove jungle is a little less.
12:05So we can move fast.
12:07Keep moving, friends.
12:09Keep moving.
12:20If you get stuck in the mud, don't be afraid.
12:22Don't move your body too much.
12:25I'll grab this root.
12:28The biggest problem in the mud is that the more you push, the more it pulls you inside.
12:40This root of the mangrove saved me.
12:50As soon as I crossed the mud of the mangrove, I came across the salt lake.
12:54But before I get there, I have to cross these dangerous cliffs.
12:58In the season of the storm, it is better to go to a high place far from the shore.
13:03And I'm going to do the same.
13:05This is the first time I have found such a high place here.
13:08First, I will climb on it.
13:11Then from there, I will take a look at the whole area.
13:15I will estimate the directions.
13:19This land has become like this due to the cutting of the sea water.
13:22If you want to go north in search of fresh water and settlement, you will have to cross it.
13:27Shall I take you here?
13:34This stone is called the devil's teeth.
13:39You must be understanding the reason for this.
13:41These are very pointed stones.
13:43And if you fall on them, your body will be crushed.
13:48If you get away from the stone, this cactus will not leave you.
14:06So this is the same view that Christopher Columbus must have seen for the first time on the shore of the Dominican Republic.
14:13It is really very beautiful.
14:22They have also caught me.
14:24Stay away from them.
14:28I bet that when Columbus would have reached here,
14:31his opinion about this place would have also changed.
14:39They are hiding everywhere.
14:42I have to think of a way to deal with them, otherwise they will pierce me.
14:46I know that everything is sharp and pointed.
14:49And if I cut them, there will be a risk of infection.
14:52There is a tree here that can help me.
14:54And this can be useful for me.
14:57If you cut a piece of agave and put it under your pant, it will act as a shin pad.
15:02I will definitely get some protection from this.
15:11But here only trees and plants are not sharp and dangerous.
15:15As you can see, the animals have learned to live in this environment.
15:18And they are also very dangerous.
15:21This is a big agave.
15:23Bruce, you stay back a little.
15:25They can be much more dangerous than they look.
15:29These agaves are very dangerous hunters.
15:31They release poison from their pointed tongues.
15:35Do not make the mistake of underestimating them.
15:37And do not let them roam freely on your body.
15:42Look, I will try to show you their tongues.
15:46They are very poisonous.
15:48Look at the front of their tongues.
15:53They are very dangerous.
15:55Do not make the mistake of getting entangled with them.
15:58The front of their tongues are very poisonous.
16:02And if they poke their tongues somewhere, the whole body starts burning.
16:06They also get entangled with living creatures.
16:12Now it is better that I leave him here and stay away from him.
16:17Brother, you can go now.
16:20They have so much poison in them that I cannot even eat them.
16:24So I must forget the agaves.
16:29The temperature in this barren desert goes up to 40 degrees.
16:32So this is one of the most dangerous places in the Caribbean.
16:36There is no drinking water here.
16:38And dehydration can be fatal in such places.
16:42It feels like I have become a human pin cushion here.
16:49Be careful.
16:51Cacti store a lot of water in themselves.
16:53And they can save my life.
16:55Look, first of all, cut its thorns.
16:59And then turn it upside down and press it with your hand.
17:02When the juice starts coming out, you can drink it.
17:05This will make your throat dry.
17:08And even in this barren desert, if you know the right place,
17:13you will be safe here and you will get things to drink.
17:21Anyway, let's move on.
17:24There are so few means of survival here that we cannot stay in one place for long.
17:29It is best to keep moving north, towards the mountains.
17:32Only then will you get water and a settlement.
17:34There are few cacti and pebbles here.
17:37But there is a lot of soil.
17:39There is a lot of greenery here.
17:41But there are also two things that I hate.
17:45They are mosquitos.
17:47And the other thing is mosquitoes.
17:50Looking at the changed environment here,
17:52I am starting to believe that there must be a water source nearby.
17:55Or some river.
17:57Finally, I found flowing water.
18:00This is a very good thing.
18:02This is a very good thing.
18:06I think this water is definitely coming from those mountains.
18:11All the rules of survival say that if you are determined to live,
18:14move towards the river and you will find a settlement.
18:17But I unknowingly ended up in the dry desert on the southern shore,
18:21and in the swamp of mangroves.
18:23But now I feel that if I go along this river,
18:25it will be easy for me to move forward.
18:27And I will be able to cross this forest easily.
18:31I am thinking that I should go to the mountains from this road
18:34and then find a way to get out of the jungle.
18:37When you are determined to live, make rules according to the situation.
18:40Take a look at the environment around you
18:42and then make a plan accordingly.
18:45I will go to the mountains along this river
18:47and maybe I will be safe.
18:49I can see a snail here.
18:52Look at this.
18:54It is here between my fingers.
18:58I will try to catch it.
19:09Caught it.
19:11We can eat it alive without hesitation.
19:15First catch it from the tail,
19:18then turn it once from this side,
19:21then turn it to the other side,
19:24and then pull its mouth out.
19:27I can't eat it.
19:32But the rest of it is definitely edible.
19:37So let's eat it.
19:42Leave the head.
19:43Eat the rest.
19:45It will be good if we cook it, but we can also eat it raw.
19:48It is good news for me to find it here
19:50because it means that this water is drinkable.
19:53These snails indicate clean water
19:56because they can't live in dirty water
19:59and I need fresh and clean water right now.
20:07But in the season of storm in Caribbean,
20:09it can be dangerous to go against the flow of the river.
20:12You can also see how dangerous the water can be.
20:15Look there.
20:16Do you see those fallen trees?
20:18This is the wonder of that flood
20:20in which the water had reached up to my head.
20:22The edges were cut off and the trees fell down.
20:25Look here in front.
20:27In the season of storm, such rivers fill up at the blink of an eye.
20:31The flow of this river has increased
20:33because of the water flowing on the mountains miles away from here.
20:36As the water increases,
20:38I will also have trouble moving forward.
20:41Now the flow has increased a lot.
20:44This is what happens here.
20:45When it rains on the mountains,
20:47then such rivers start flowing very fast.
20:50But this speed is not going to last long.
20:55This fast flow will only last a little while.
20:58I will have to be careful.
21:00I don't have many options.
21:02And I will have to think of some other solution.
21:04Right now, I feel like I can't move forward.
21:09Right now, I am trying to climb a river on a mountain in the Dominican Republic.
21:16But because of the rain on the mountains,
21:18this river has become very dangerous.
21:23Now the flow has increased a lot.
21:26This is what happens here.
21:28When it rains on the mountains,
21:30then such rivers start flowing very fast.
21:32Just like this river.
21:34In the year 2008,
21:36there was a cyclone called Hana in the Dominican Republic.
21:39There was a strong wind on Tabu,
21:41which caused 18 feet high waves to rise.
21:44Thousands of people were evacuated from here.
21:46But 600 people lost their lives in the nearby Haiti.
21:50The water is filling up in this narrow valley.
21:52And the flow is getting faster and faster.
21:55Now there is only one way.
21:57Either I keep going against the flow,
22:01or I go back to where I came from.
22:10This valley is getting very narrow.
22:16And now I am feeling suffocated.
22:24I am most afraid of the level of water.
22:27How high does the water rise here?
22:29You can see how high the water rises here.
22:31When there is a flood in the river,
22:33the water reaches there very fast.
22:36I am also getting scared here.
22:38So now I have to get out of here as soon as possible.
22:41Thousands of liters of water are coming here.
22:43And the waves have become so fast
22:45that I can't swim anymore.
22:47Let's try to go to that wall.
22:50Yes, that's fine.
22:51Go ahead.
22:52That's fine.
22:54Yes, I think this place is very safe.
22:56Very good.
22:57Now let's try to go ahead.
23:04Now let's go a little closer
23:06and try to cross that waterfall.
23:08Then we'll go ahead.
23:09Len, you stay close to me.
23:10Otherwise, you'll get swept away in the current.
23:15Go ahead.
23:24The flow of water is getting faster and faster.
23:32If I slip,
23:33I'll fall straight down into the whirlpool.
23:45This is really very fast.
23:48I'm stuck here.
23:53Right now,
23:54we're fighting a lost war.
23:57The flow is very fast.
23:59Let's try again.
24:08The water in this valley is increasing rapidly.
24:10And the whirlpools below are pulling me down.
24:14I don't think we'll ever get there.
24:17Now we'll have to go back
24:18and find another way.
24:25I've already drank half the river.
24:28But still,
24:30I can't think of a way to win this.
24:33We'll have to find a way
24:34to cross this valley.
24:37It's dangerous to stay in this river now
24:39because the water is increasing rapidly.
24:41I'll have to get out of this valley as soon as possible.
24:44I can get out of this valley by holding on to the ferns of the forest.
24:46But I need courage to get to them.
24:49We can use these ferns.
24:51They'll help us.
24:53Look at these ferns.
24:55They're going up to the top of the valley.
25:01But I don't know
25:03how strong they are.
25:05Let me try it first.
25:07I'm out of the water,
25:08but I don't know
25:09how strong these ferns are
25:11or what they're attached to.
25:14I'm afraid
25:16they might be able to carry me.
25:19As I'm going up,
25:21they're getting thinner.
25:25I can't see beyond that valley,
25:26so I don't know
25:28how far I have to go.
25:29I have to go as far as I can.
25:37My hands are getting heavy.
25:40Because I'm hanging like this,
25:42the upper part of my body is getting heavy.
25:45My hands are giving up now.
25:47They don't have any strength.
25:52I still have to go two feet.
25:54Only then will I be able
25:56to spread my legs.
25:57Only then will I be able
25:59to rest my hands.
26:01But it's really
26:03very difficult.
26:09Because I'm hanging like this,
26:11my hands are constantly on my head.
26:13The blood is also coming down
26:15from where it's most needed,
26:17in my hands.
26:19This is making me weaker.
26:21They're giving up now.
26:23I've covered half the way.
26:27I haven't even looked around yet.
26:31But it's like
26:33I'm not even taking
26:35the name of the end.
26:39From below,
26:41this climb seemed to be straight,
26:43but after covering half the way,
26:45I realized how wrong my guess was.
26:47Now there's only one way left,
26:49that I cross it in pieces
26:51and slowly climb up.
26:52Okay, I've climbed
26:54another six feet,
26:56but my hands
26:58aren't getting any better.
27:00I'm at a place where
27:02I can rest my hands for a while.
27:04I've come up quite a bit now,
27:06but I can see from here
27:08what's ahead.
27:10This place is very dangerous
27:12to rest,
27:14but with the help of these poles,
27:16I can hold on for a while
27:18and get my blood circulation back.
27:20Just 30 more feet
27:22and I'll be there.
27:38I'm standing right next to it
27:40and I'm getting tired.
27:42I'm really tired.
27:53I came out of the river
27:55just before it rained.
27:57When I thought my body
27:59was going to dry up,
28:01a storm came.
28:05But this is what happens
28:07in the jungle.
28:09It gets dark early here.
28:11Before it gets dark here,
28:13I'll have to make a camp for myself.
28:15I can go inside
28:17and escape the rain.
28:20this will work as a shelter for me.
28:22And this one too.
28:24Now, with the help of these poles,
28:26I'll try to make a swing
28:28of the jungle.
28:30The darkness is getting stronger,
28:32so I'll have to make a swing
28:34so that I can stay above the ground.
28:36This looks like a climatis pole to me.
28:38It's useful for me.
28:40Do you see its skin?
28:42After rubbing it,
28:44it will act as a fire.
28:46This one too is here.
28:48Get out of my way.
28:50This one too is here.
28:52So, while pulling it,
28:54make sure that no snake
28:56gets caught in your hands.
28:58This will do my job,
29:00so I'll take it to my camp too.
29:02I'll tie these poles
29:04with a reef knot on this stone.
29:06Like this.
29:09But I'll have to take care
29:11of my head.
29:13This is the outer frame of my swing.
29:15Now, I'll tie a net
29:17of poles inside it.
29:18Then, my swing will be ready.
29:29It has started raining
29:31and I'm lucky to be inside it.
29:33Look at it.
29:35It's working.
29:37So, I'm going to find
29:39something to eat.
29:41I hope I can find
29:43a lot of food here.
29:45Look at this.
29:46This is a cauliflower.
29:48By the way,
29:50I can eat it later too.
29:52It's very difficult to light a fire
29:54in such heavy rain.
29:56But there is dry wood
29:58which is safe from rain.
30:00And look at this.
30:02There is a lot of dry wood
30:04under this pole.
30:06I can light it.
30:09Look at this.
30:11I have lit the fire.
30:13Along with this,
30:14the sky has also opened
30:16all its nozzles.
30:18I'll put these cauliflower fruits
30:20on this fire
30:22which will roast them.
30:24The Taino people used to burn these fruits
30:26and drive the mosquitoes away.
30:28And let me tell you one more thing
30:30that I'm ready to do something else.
30:32My swing is ready.
30:34I have lit the fire.
30:36But I'm very nervous
30:38and I don't think
30:40this storm will pass
30:42so soon.
30:44It's going to rain heavily.
30:58It has stopped raining
31:00but it's still drizzling.
31:03I'm completely soaked.
31:05It's very cold here.
31:08I'm at a great height
31:10in a huge jungle
31:12and in the Caribbean
31:14which is the highest in the world.
31:16At this height,
31:18it's cold
31:20but it's even colder
31:22when it's wet.
31:24I'm just praying
31:26that it will be morning soon.
31:28Thank God, my swing is ready
31:30and I'm at least
31:32above the ground.
31:34Now, I'll try to sleep.
31:39I got some rest
31:41from the place I made
31:42and now I'm ready
31:44to face the jungle.
31:46My body is a little dry
31:48and the rain has stopped.
31:50I'm very happy
31:52that I was able to stay
31:54above the ground
31:56because when I woke up
31:58I saw a pile of wood.
32:00She looks very happy
32:02but I'll try to take it out
32:04and show it to you.
32:06This is the huge tarantula
32:08that eats the birds of the Caribbean.
32:10Its teeth are two centimeters long.
32:12When it feels threatened
32:14it goes into its body
32:16and starts melting the birds.
32:18You can see it here.
32:20It doesn't do anything
32:22if you hold it lovingly
32:24but when it feels threatened
32:26it stands on its hind legs
32:28and shows its dangerous teeth.
32:30It also shoots its hair
32:32to save its life.
32:34The biggest advantage
32:36of this tarantula
32:38is that when it feels threatened
32:39it lets go of the prey
32:41when it feels itchy.
32:43It feels jealous
32:45of its prey.
32:47I know you're a dangerous spider.
32:50Oh, I think it's angry.
32:52Let me find an excuse.
32:55When it bites
32:57its front teeth
32:59come forward
33:01and bite its front teeth.
33:03Be careful.
33:05Its teeth are dangerous.
33:07Oh, it bit me.
33:09But I won't let it go.
33:11Now it will be my breakfast.
33:16I'm in the Dominican Republic
33:18and I'm going to show you
33:20how to get out of here in a storm.
33:22I hunted a tarantula
33:24and now I'm cooking it for breakfast.
33:26It doesn't taste
33:28very good
33:30but for me
33:34is ready.
33:36Its itchy intestines
33:37will burn
33:39and the meat will cook.
33:41I've removed its hair
33:43and now I'm going to eat it.
33:45Look, you can see its meat.
33:47Roasted tarantula.
33:59Actually, it has a lot of meat.
34:01Despite being a spider
34:03it doesn't taste
34:07This camp has helped me a lot.
34:09But now it's time
34:11to go to the jungle.
34:13The land here is very dangerous
34:15but there is a big plateau in the north.
34:17The land is far away
34:19and there are small fields everywhere.
34:21If you get lost here
34:23it can be a good way to reach a settlement.
34:25This is a tarantula.
34:27If it touches your face
34:29you will get big scars
34:31and you can recognize it from a distance.
34:33You will see small thorns
34:35all over the leaf.
34:37But never try to touch them.
34:39It's better to stay away from them.
34:41And yes, keep an eye around
34:43because they are always in groups.
34:45There must be more here.
34:47Tarantulas are dangerous.
34:49These bushes are more dangerous
34:51where snakes and scorpions
34:53can hide.
34:59The rest of the path looks clear.
35:01This path is made of
35:03forest water
35:04and it is very dangerous.
35:06This path is made of forest water
35:08and it is very dangerous.
35:12when it rains
35:14the level of water
35:16goes up to the head
35:18and the flow of the river
35:20is very dangerous.
35:22But to reach the mountains
35:24this is the right way.
35:26You will find rivers
35:28flowing under the ground
35:30but it will take time
35:32and effort to dig them.
35:34There is a very easy way
35:36to find the water.
35:38I can find water in this well.
35:40Its skin is like a balloon
35:42but it can save your life
35:44in such places.
35:46To get the water
35:48cut it from the bottom
35:50like this.
35:52But the water will not come out
35:56you put your finger on it.
35:58Cut it from here
36:00and let some air flow
36:01like this.
36:05the water is coming out.
36:07If it is clean
36:09we can drink it.
36:15I am moving towards the north
36:17on the dry river bank.
36:19The devastation from the recent storm
36:21is clearly visible.
36:23There are heavy stones and broken trees
36:25everywhere in the jungle.
36:27Now this dry bank of the river
36:29is also going to end.
36:31When the water of the river
36:33comes down
36:35the soil is cut
36:37and the big stones
36:39fall down.
36:43this is the root of a big tree.
36:45Can you see that tree?
36:47It is sticking to the rock
36:49and coming out.
36:52It is very strong
36:57but it is slippery.
36:59The roots of the tree
37:01are very strong
37:03and it is very difficult
37:05to hold it.
37:09it is better
37:11to hold it
37:15and keep it
37:17in the right place.
37:19Be careful
37:21of these small quarters
37:25there may be black widow
37:27and tarantula spiders
37:29hiding in them.
37:31Can you see?
37:33This is a wild chicken.
37:35Have you seen it?
37:37You can find wild chickens
37:39easily here.
37:41People from Europe
37:43brought their pets here
37:45500 years ago.
37:47Then goats, wild chickens
37:49and chickens also stayed here.
37:51If you are hunting,
37:53make sure
37:55that you get as much strength
37:57as you need to catch them.
38:00It escaped.
38:02It is very fast.
38:04But where will it escape?
38:06I think we can catch it easily
38:08but it is very fast.
38:14It is better to move forward slowly.
38:17It is there.
38:19Keep quiet.
38:21I will go above it and see.
38:23Yes, it is there.
38:25Look, it is there.
38:29It is there.
38:37I got it.
38:40I caught a wild chicken.
38:42But I have to say
38:44that it took a lot of effort
38:46to catch it.
38:48I will just
38:50remove the breast part.
38:53Do you know
38:55when I was a kid
38:56I used to go
38:58to hunt pigeons
39:00and used to catch
39:02a lot of pigeons.
39:04There were 10-12 of them.
39:06I used to eat
39:08the breast part
39:10and throw away the rest.
39:12I liked it very much.
39:14Now let's see this one.
39:16I hope it will also be very tasty.
39:19Let me cut it.
39:21Meat has bacteria
39:23and parasites.
39:24So it should be cooked well.
39:26It is still pink inside
39:28but I will keep it on the flame.
39:33It is a good piece of meat.
39:35It is full of protein.
39:37I got the fruit of hard work.
39:41As soon as I reached the top
39:43I came to a new area.
39:45There are limestone pebbles here.
39:48It is important to keep every step
39:52These limestone pebbles
39:54are rotten.
39:56So we should keep our feet
39:58in a strong place.
40:00There are big holes
40:02with rotten leaves here.
40:04So we should be careful.
40:06Look at this.
40:09Oh God!
40:11What happened?
40:13Are you alright?
40:15What happened?
40:17Is it cut?
40:21It is very important
40:22to keep our feet in a strong place.
40:26I can see some light
40:28across the trees.
40:30It means that place
40:32will be open.
40:34But now it is very steep
40:36and slippery.
40:40It is bigger than I expected.
40:42Can you see it?
40:44It should be at least
40:4670-80 feet deep.
40:48There are long roots hanging
40:50from there.
40:52There must be a way
40:54to get out of here.
40:56It looks good.
40:58It is big and strong.
41:00It looks like a natural
41:02fireman's pole.
41:04I will definitely try it.
41:12You can see down there.
41:14Can you see?
41:16There is a layer on the root.
41:18So it is very difficult
41:20to get down.
41:24My feet
41:26are slipping.
41:30As I am getting down,
41:32the root is getting thinner.
41:34I can't stay on it for long.
41:37I have to rest for a while.
41:39Wrap your feet.
41:41One foot inside the other
41:43and press it.
41:45I will stay like this
41:47and my blood circulation
41:49will start again.
41:50My foot was
41:52badly scratched.
41:54I was in a bad condition.
41:59I have to press it
42:01one more time.
42:03I pray that this pole
42:05lifts my weight.
42:09Here I am.
42:11I have come down from this pole.
42:13The area here
42:15looks very clean
42:17which is good.
42:20Now the jungle is
42:22covered with soil
42:24and the trees are getting less.
42:26This place is very clean.
42:28In this light,
42:30I have come under the hill
42:32and this field shows
42:34that the settlement is not far.
42:36This is definitely a field
42:38and this path will definitely
42:40take me out of here.
42:42Okay, I will move ahead.
42:46Look at this.
42:48There are avocados too.
42:50I have reached the paradise of the Caribbean.
43:20To be continued...
