• last year
00:04Some animals live in forests.
00:08These animals are called wild animals.
00:21and Fox are wild animals.
00:29We already know that domestic animals depend on human beings for food and shelter.
00:40But wild animals live on their own.
00:45Animals living on land are called land animals.
00:51Animals living in water are called water animals.
00:58Some animals live both on land as well as in water.
01:06There are some animals which live in and on trees too.
01:14Like you and me, all animals have their own homes where they go and stay.
01:24Like the lion lives in a den,
01:28the birds build nests,
01:31while the snakes live in holes in the ground.
01:36Some animals like the giraffes and zebras live in the open grasslands.
01:45They do not need a shelter over their head.
01:49The place where an animal lives is called its habitat.
01:56Like the camels live in the desert,
02:00zebras and giraffes in the grasslands,
02:04tigers, bears and owls in the jungle,
02:10and the dolphin and octopus in water.
02:19All wild animals have different eating habits.
02:24Some animals are vegetarians,
02:28that is, they eat only plants,
02:32whereas some are non-vegetarian,
02:36that is, they hunt for their food.
02:40Some animals like cows, buffalos and horses eat only plants and plant pots.
02:50Such animals are called herbivores.
02:57Some animals like tigers,
03:06eagles and snakes
03:08eat other animals.
03:12Such animals are called carnivores.
03:20Some animals like bears,
03:24rats and man
03:26eat both plants and animals.
03:31Such animals are called omnivores.
03:36Some animals like vultures and hyenas eat dead animals.
03:44They are called scavengers.
03:50Many animals are both predator or hunter and prey.
03:59Now let us learn how we can protect these animals.
04:06Huge animals like the dinosaurs and the mammoth
04:11have become extinct centuries back due to natural events.
04:18The term extinct is used for species which are no longer known to exist in the world.
04:27Before a species is declared extinct,
04:31scientists carry out repeated searches of their possible habitats
04:38and if they don't find any record for 50 years,
04:44the species is termed extinct.
04:50There are many species like the dodo and the Japanese sea lion
04:58which no longer exist because of us.
05:04It is true that no animal or plant species lives forever
05:10but the pace at which they are disappearing now is a matter of concern.
05:19Extinction is a natural process
05:23but in the past few years,
05:26species are becoming extinct faster than normal.
05:33The reasons are not natural calamities this time but human activities.
05:42We are destroying their habitats by building roads,
05:48apartments, offices, bridges, factories, electricity generating plants, etc.
06:04We are polluting their homes with fertilizers and garbage
06:10and we are also poaching them for wildlife trade which is of course illegal.
06:19Wild animals are poached for their meat,
06:30and skin.
06:32This beautiful quail has not been seen for the last 138 years.
06:41It was last seen in 1876.
06:48This pretty pink-headed duck has not been spotted since the 1950s.
06:56While the cheetah is alive and thriving in Africa,
07:02it has not been seen in India since 1949.
07:10Uncontrolled hunting of wildlife for pleasure,
07:29pose a serious threat to the survival of wildlife.
07:33Wildlife is nature's gift to us.
07:37We must cherish and protect it.