Bad Land: Road to Fury (2014) - CEO FILM SA PREVODOM

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U budućnosti u kojoj je malo vode, farmer brani svoju zemlju i nada se da će podmladiti svoje isušeno tlo. Međutim, dečko njegove kćeri planira da ukrade zemlju za sebe.
00:00Hello, the movie is short here. Today we are doing a summary of a sci-fi action movie from 2014 called Badland Road to Fury.
00:09Pay attention to spoilers. Before we start, we would like to inform you that you can join us on our Discord server, for which you will have a link in the description of this video.
00:18At the beginning of the movie, we see a large fertile land. A young man named Jerome Holm tells us that he did not see this land when it was green, but his father did.
00:27A few years ago, several farmers who grew wheat and wheatgrass lived on it. However, after the drought hit the land, not a single plant managed to grow.
00:37Most of the farmers left the place, but Jerome's father, Ernest, hoped that the land would be green again. He still believes that he only needs a little water.
00:46But in this world, people kill each other for water. In the first scene, we see two robbers trying to break into a small house. Ernest catches them and kills the first one.
00:56The second robber tries to convince him to spare his life, but he is killed when he tries to take out a gun. His son, Jerome, insists that he could help him.
01:05The house in which the robbers failed has an old water pump that stops working when Ernest tries to start it.
01:11Without water, the father and son go to the people who draw water from deep wells through a government agreement. Ernest makes a trade with these people for water.
01:20He tries to convince them to give him water for growing on a small part of his land. These people do it only for the right amount of money that Ernest cannot afford.
01:29On their return, their robber falls and breaks his leg. Ernest unwillingly kills the animal. The two of them return to Jerome's sister Mary's house, who gives them food from a bag.
01:39Because of the lack of water, we see Mary cleaning the well with dirt. The next day, Jerome and Ernest go to visit Sam Lever's auction house to get something that will replace the robbers who died.
01:50There, they come across a robot machine for transportation called Simulac Shadow, or simply Sim.
01:56Ernest wins at the auction against a man named Flem Lever, who is also Sam's son. Flem has an affair with Mary, which Ernest and Jerome do not know about.
02:04The two of them then go to Jerome's sick mother, Catherine Hall. She lives in a nearby hospital, where she can only walk while tied to a special frame. Since the frame is too expensive, they cannot take her home.
02:15Jerome spends that day with his mother, and in the end, Ernest and Catherine kiss without saying goodbye, and they leave. On their return, Ernest and Jerome stop at a gas station.
02:24We see how Ernest refuses gasoline after they carry him in their car. The two of them meet a couple with a little baby who begs them for water.
02:32Roby's father wants to sell the baby because they can't afford to worry about her, but Ernest advises him not to do that and tells him that he will help them with water.
02:40Roby knows about Flem and Mary's affair and tells Ernest about it. At home, Ernest faces Mary because she often steals, but she claims that it is her freedom and tells her father that she hates him.
02:50He tries to escape, but Ernest locks her in her room and blocks the windows. One morning, Ernest and Jerome wake up and see that Sim is not in the forest.
02:59Someone stole him.
03:02Ernest assumes that Flem was there, but from Sim he finds out that he left with a truck that morning in the mountains.
03:08Ernest then starts looking for him with people who draw water, but he is unaware of him. When he comes to his senses, it's already night.
03:15People accuse him of stealing water. Ernest insists that he did not steal them, but their leader Caleb attacks him.
03:21They fight for a while, but Ernest manages to grab a gun and escape from there.
03:26On the way home, he sees Flem sleeping on the road with Sim next to him, and now it is clear that he stole electricity and water from people.
03:34Ernest puts the gun in him, holds him like a father, and then ties him to the machine. He wants to take Flem back to people to prove his innocence.
03:42On their way, Flem comments on Mary, who is angry with Ernest. After walking for a while, both are thirsty. Flem persuades Ernest to use the water from the spills of people who stole it.
03:52The two of them sit and drink water and talk. Flem then tries to convince Ernest to let him go and they can share the money, but Ernest does not want to take it.
04:01Ernest is weak and obviously cannot walk another kilometer to people. Flem knows this, so he hits Ernest with a stone, forcing him to hit his head with a prayer.
04:09His head begins to bleed uncontrollably and he falls unconscious. Ernest wakes up, and now he is tied instead of Flem. Flem pours water into Ernest's mouth while he screams.
04:18Later we see Flem coming to Ernest's house on his motorcycle to take Mary. She happily runs to him.
04:25Ernest has not yet returned home, so Jerome goes to look for him. On the way, Jerome finds the machine, but alone. When he comes to the people who are drinking water, they inform him of Ernest's death.
04:35Everyone assumes that it was caused by the machine. In the next scene, we see how everyone mourns Ernest's death at his funeral. Later, Catherine and the children cry in her hospital bed.
04:45When they leave, Flem picks them up with his truck. After Ernest's death, Flem has now become a mentor to the family. Flem tries to calm Jerome down while he hits his son because he killed his father.
04:55Later he tells him that Mary is difficult with his child and that he loves her a lot. Jerome accepts their relationship. Later that day, Flem goes to the people who are drinking water and talks to them about sending water to Ernest's land.
05:07Caleb laughs at this idea, but stands in defense when Flem blames him for Ernest's death. Flem is also shown a knife with Caleb's name, which was found with Ernest's body. Scared to be accused, Caleb stops pouring water on their field.
05:21Everyone is happy when the land is sprayed with water for the first time. Flem works day and night to grow wheat on the ground. A few months later, they have fully grown. Flem marries Mary, and the three of them currently live in Ernest's house.
05:35One day, his father Sam, with some people from the bank, comes to his house, threatening to take their land because of Ernest's debt. The debt is too big for Flem to pay, so he takes the machine with him and comes to his friend Robbie that night.
05:49He knows about Robbie's intention to sell his child, so he persuades Robbie to come with him, just to see how much the child can be worth. However, when they arrive there, Robbie realizes that Flem secretly made a deal with people to sell them the child.
06:02People try to take the child, and Robbie resists, and Flem kills him. This causes a shootout between the dealers, and Flem runs away with the money. However, the machine, Sam, is hit and damaged. This activates the automatic mode of operation, which causes it to return to its manufacturer, Kelvin Hojman.
06:21The next day, Flem pays the debt to the bank for the money he received from the sale of the child. Jerome assumes that the money came from the sale of Sam, so no one doubts anything. In the next scene, we see Sam driving back to Kelvin, who lives across the border. Kelvin names the number written on Sam, and arrives at Holm's residence. He talks to Jerome about the machine returning to him, which shocks Jerome because Flem told him that Robbie sold it to him.
06:46Jerome asks Flem if Robbie sold Sam's shares, but Flem gets mad at him for asking, and rejects him. Then he tells him that he will meet his mother that evening, but instead he plans to cross the border and meet Kelvin, Sam's producer. Later, he arrives at the border, but the guard stops him because he is too young to cross.
07:04Jerome goes ahead. He calls a girl named Anna and tells her that he knows a way to get to the other side. In exchange for the money, she puts him in a vehicle with chickens. They meet again on the other side and separate. Jerome then goes to meet Kelvin. There, Kelvin shows him all the functions of the machine. He also shows that the eyes of the machine are cameras that are made for recording noise. The camera recorded everything the machine saw.
07:28Jerome plays the recordings and sees the time with Ernest. As he passes through the table, he is horrified when he sees that Flem is the one who killed Ernest. That day, after Ernest came to his senses, Flem tied him to the machine and determined his destination to people who doubted that he had stolen the money. The machine is in the death of a wounded, but still alive, Ernest. Until the end of the video, Jerome's eyes are in tears. In the evening, he returns home, but does not quarrel with Flem about anything.
07:54One day, Flem and Jerome hunt deer, after which Jerome holds a rifle with him, hiding it under the bed. For breakfast, Jerome tells Flem that Robby called him. Flem is surprised and accuses Jerome of lying because he knows that Robby is already dead. Later, Flem receives a letter that he wrote to Jerome instead of Robby. In the letter from Flem, he asks to meet Robby at the same place where he killed Ernest. This confuses him, but he decides to find out if Robby is still alive.
08:19Later in the evening, Flem tells Mary that he has to go out to sell something. Mary wishes him luck and asks him to return as soon as possible. When Flem arrives at the place, he calls Robby, while he walks, falls into a pit and breaks his legs. He lies down and calls for help when Jerome appears in front of him. Looking at him there, Flem sighs and asks for help. However, Jerome stands there with a stone in his hand. Flem realizes that Jerome knows everything that happened and tells him, claiming that it was just misfortune.
08:48He begs him to spare his life for Mary and their child, but Jerome does not listen to what he says. He shoots Flem and kills him. Two days have passed since this event. Mary is worried about her husband, but Jerome begs her to wait a little longer. He decides not to tell Mary anything about Ernest and Flem's death.
09:06Mary offers to bring her mother home, because now they can use the system with which she is moving. The film ends with a scene where Jerome erases all video memory from the sim. Subscribe if you want more videos like this, turn on notifications and leave a like. Thanks for watching.
