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Love of Nirvana (2024) EP 3 ENGSUB
00:23花一落,堆积凡尘的凉薄, Hua yi luo, dui ji fan chen de liang bo,
00:43随着风,仿若不留痕而过, Sui zhe feng, fang ruo bu liu hen er guo,
00:54借时间一滴笔墨,重写下你我, Gan gu yu gong, he tian di tong you,
01:09血染土,宿命纠缠无解的因果, Xue ran tu, su min jiu chan wu jie de yin guo,
01:16乱世中,会相逢的缘由, Luan shi zhong, hui xiang feng de yuan you,
01:23并肩踏过了坎坷, Chong shi le li he, Chong shi le li he,
01:30干戈了落,明月照晨光, Gan ge liao luo, min yue zhao cheng guang,
01:37我愿只一枪杆弹, Die ma zhan gao xiang yun duan,
01:44只为那一句无憾, Zhi wei na yi qi wu han,
01:47生死举步破不换, Shen si ju bu po bu huan,
01:51人年随心意兜转, Ren nian sui xing yi dou zhuan,
01:54山河尽处人不散, Shan he jing chu ran bu san,
01:58穿越狼烟在日历相伴, Chuan yue lang yan zai yu li xiang ban,
02:07你能不能告诉我,谁是美脸猫啊? Nǐ nán bù nán gào su wǒ, shéi shì méi lián māo a?
02:14丹霞,你认错人了。 Dànxia, nǐ rèn cuǒ rén le.
02:17是吗? Shì ma?
02:19你长得和几日前一个偷走我腰带的小贼一模一样。 Nǐ zhǎng de he jǐ rì qián yí ge tōu zǒu wǒ yāo dài de xiǎo zuí yì mǔ yí yāng.
02:26你认错人了。 Nǐ rèn cuǒ rén le.
02:27是吗? Shì ma?
02:29你长得和几日前一个偷走我腰带的小贼一模一样。 Nǐ zhǎng de he jǐ rì qián yí ge tōu zǒu wǒ yāo dài de xiǎo zuí yì mǔ yí yāng.
02:34那小贼看着丹霞,却一肚子鬼主意。 Nǎ xiǎo zuì kàn zhe dànxiǎo, què yí dùzi guǐ chúyì.
02:39不过,我也算是对他小诚大忌,在他身上留了点痕迹。 Búguò, wǒ yě suàn shì duì tā xiǎo chéng dàjì, zài tā shēn shàng liú le diǎn hěnjì.
02:56怎么,你也疼吗? Zěnme, nǐ yě tēng ma?
03:00是我自己弄的,疼也是我活该。 Shì wǒ zìjǐ nōng de, těng yě shì wǒ huó gāi.
03:04大侠,我不认识您,更没见过您。 Dàxiǎ, wǒ bù rènshì nín, gè méi jiàn guò nín.
03:08您武功该是英勇不凡,您放了我,我肯定帮您抓住那小贼。 Nín wǔgōng gāi shì yīngyǒu bùfǎn, nín fàngle wǒ, wǒ kěnjìng bàng nín zhuā zhù nǐ xiǎo zéi.
03:13抓住之后,你打算如何? Zhuā zhù zhīhòu, nǐ dà suàn rúhé?
03:16我让他把您腰带还给您,您就再给他个重新做人的机会吧。 Wǒ ràng tā bǎ nín yāodài huǎng gěi nín, nín jiù zài gěi tā gè chóngxīn zuò rén de jīhuì bǎ. I asked him to return your belt to you, please give him another chance to be a human.
03:26嘴倒是英勇,脸皮也厚,真是要让世人看不败瞎子。 Zǔ dào shì yīngyǒu, liánpí yǒu, zhēn shì yāo ràng shì rén kàn bù bài xiā zhǒu. Your mouth is tough, your face is thick, you really want the world to look down on you.
03:36大侠,您行走江湖多年,见多识广,我要是能在大家眼里排上个名号,那也算是我的荣幸。 Dàxiā, nín xíng zǒu jiānghú duō nián, jiàn duò shì guǒ, wǒ yào shi nán zài dàjiā yǎn lǐ pǎizhēng gè mínghào, nà yǐ zuàn shì wǒ de róngxìng. Master, you have traveled the world for many years, and you have seen many things. It would be an honor for me if I could be a name in your eyes.
03:46但我与您本就是山阴阴水迢迢两个世界的人,我保证,我一定不让您再找到我,我求大侠放小妮子一条生路吧。 Dàn wǒ yǔ nín běn jiù shì shān yīn yīn shuǐ tiāo tiāo liǎng gè shì jiè de rén, wǒ bǎo zhāng, wǒ yī dìng bù ràng nín zài zhǎo dào wǒ, wǒ qiū dàxiā fàng xiǎo nízi yì tiāo shēng lù ba. But you and I are people from two different worlds. I promise, I won't let you find me again. I beg you to let my daughter go.
03:58生路?哪有爬树好玩? Shēng lù? Nǎn yǒu bǎ shù hǎo wǎn? How is it fun to climb a tree?
04:09你不就是怕我说出你的秘密,可我要真说啊,我又怎会在金叶城外被你抓住? Nǐ bù jiù shì pā wǒ shì chù nǐ de mìmǐ, kě wǒ yào zhēn shuō, wǒ yǒu zěn huì zài jīn yěchéng wài bèi nǐ zhuā zhǔ? You're just afraid that I'll tell you a secret, but if I tell you the truth, how can I be caught by you outside of Jinye City?
04:16何? Hǎo?
04:18侯爷已经布下天罗地网,你铁定跑不了。 Hǎo yě yǔ jīng bù xiǎ tiān lǒ dì wǒ, nǐ tiě dìng pǎo bù liǎo. The Marquis has already set up a trap, you definitely can't escape.
04:21这么会编故事,我怎知这不是诱敌深入之计。 Zhème huì biān gūshì, wǒ zěn zhī zhè bù shì yòu dì shēn rù zhī jì. You're so good at making up stories, how do I know that this is not a trick to lure the enemy into the trap?
04:26我根本就不认识你,我也不知道你们之间有什么恩怨,我说出来对我有什么好处。 Wǒ gènběn jiù bù rènshì nǐ, wǒ yǒu bù zhīn dào nǐme zhījiàn yǒu shénme ānyuǎn, wǒ shū shū lái duì wǒ yǒu shénme hǎo zhù. I don't know you at all, and I don't know what grudges you have with each other. What good will it do me if I tell you?
04:33既然你无关紧要,那就杀了你再走。 Since you have nothing to do with it, I'll kill you before I leave.
04:37就算你杀了我。 Even if you kill me.
04:41侯爷高明啊,用菊蝎焰作引,果然一试就试出来了。 You're so smart, you used the菊蝎焰 as a bait.
04:53侯爷,要去寻姜姑娘吗? My lord, are you going to look for Miss Jiang?
04:55当然,夜里水流湍急,她喝了酒,只怕会出事。务必要护她周全。 Of course, she drank too much, and she might get hurt. You must protect her.
05:02是。 Yes.
05:14人马调动,还要多久? How long will it take to mobilize the troops?
05:16一从使臣馆调人,马上就到。 We'll be there as soon as we mobilize the troops.
05:19这刺客在做什么?隔这么远也听不到他们在说什么。 What is the assassin doing? I can't hear what they're saying from so far away.
05:26你凭什么认为黑眼会为你报仇? Why do you think Black Eye will avenge you?
05:31我和侯爷素不相识,但是他却肯拿上好的药材救我性命,处处对我照顾有加。 I don't know the Marquis, but he's willing to use the best medicine to save my life, and take good care of me.
05:37而你呢,就是个彻头彻尾的卑鄙小人。 And you, you're a despicable villain.
05:41既然你没有公主,那就没有活着的必要了。 Since you don't have a princess, there's no need to live.
05:45你还真是求生欲旺手,怎么都死不了。 You really want to live, but you can't die.
05:58罢了,我要你留封遗书,可以托个人替你报仇。 Forget it, I want you to leave a will, so I can get someone to avenge you.
06:04这是我和你的恩怨,我不会牵扯进无辜的人。 This is a grudge between you and me, I won't get anyone involved.
06:09你倒是有几分骨气。 You do have some backbone.
06:12我知我力不如你,也知你杀我易如反掌。 I know I'm no match for you, and I know you'll kill me easily.
06:18但我告诉你,就算我死,我也绝不会放过你。 But I'm telling you, even if I die, I won't let you go.
06:24如何不放过我? How can you not let me go?
06:26我咒你,生前死后都遭千夫所指,万人唾弃。 I curse you, after you're dead, you'll be condemned by thousands of men.
06:32优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
06:40后爷,安大哥到了。 My Lord, Brother An is here.
06:42行动。 Action.
06:44我这一生最不怕的,便是诅咒。 The thing I fear the least in my life, is curse.
06:47诅咒。 Curse.
07:01江姑娘。 Miss Jiang.
07:17走。 Go.
07:45侯爷。 My Lord.
07:46已吩咐枫原使力搜捕。 I've been ordered to search the area.
07:48可恶,又让那家伙给跑了。 Damn it, that guy ran away again.
07:57是裴某来迟,让姑娘受惊了。 I'm sorry I'm late. You must have been frightened.
08:01姑娘怎么会在这儿? Why are you here?
08:05是我喝多了乱跑,就又被那贼人给抓住了。 I got drunk and ran away, and I was caught by that thief again.
08:10侯爷,这是你第二次救我。 My Lord, this is the second time you've saved me.
08:13救命之恩,无以为报。 I owe you my life.
08:16是裴某的错。今夜不该带姑娘出来,没有保护好姑娘。 It's my fault. I shouldn't have brought you out tonight. I didn't protect you.
08:22抱歉。 I'm sorry.
08:47姜姑娘,那刺客几次三番要取你性命,必然是你掌握了他什么线索,他才要将你灭口。 Ms. Jiang, that assassin tried to kill you several times, and you must have found something. That's why he wanted to kill you.
08:58姑娘都来到这么偏僻的地方,却还能被他找到。足见那刺客对姑娘势在必得。 You came to such a remote place, but you were still found by him. That assassin must have done something to you.
09:06姑娘若是想走,裴某也不能强行挽留。只是姑娘千万要当心。 If you want to leave, I can't force you to stay. But you must be careful.
09:13那刺客一击不中,定还后手。下一步…… That assassin missed the target, and he must be waiting for you. Next step...
09:19侯爷,其实我方才失血过多,惊吓过多。恐怕还要在您府上再多叨扰几日。 My Lord, I think I lost too much blood and scared too much. I'm afraid I'll have to stay here for a few more days.
09:29既然如此,姜姑娘从今以后,莫要再喝多了乱走。 Ms. Jiang, from now on, don't drink too much and leave.
09:37侯爷您真是个大好人。 My Lord, you are a good person.
09:44少主,裴隐为了杀而抓你,已将长风卫悉数调去蓝银楼。同瑞河关沿途的巡夜军军已被手下引开,少主也一炷香的时间精逝。 My Lord, Pei Ying captured you for the sake of the city, and transferred the long-winded guard to the Blue Moon Pavilion. The patrol army along the Tongrui River has been distracted by his subordinates. My Lord has also spent an hour watching.
10:09姜姑娘,过来吧。 Ms. Jiang, come here.
10:14姜姑娘,姜姑娘怎么了? Ms. Jiang, what's wrong with Ms. Jiang?
10:22他要杀我不费吹灰之力,为何还要对我百般折磨? If he wants to kill me without any effort, why does he have to torture me?
10:29此话怎讲? What do you mean?
10:31他对我要杀不杀的,一会儿和我编排你,又说要让我写遗书。 If he wants to kill me, he will arrange it with me later, and say that he wants me to write a will.
10:37嗯。 Yes.
10:41藤某向来倾慕庆康之风流蕙萃,诗书鼎盛。尤其是城东的余公子,据说还有余大师的手迹。藤某也是向往已久。 I have always admired the elegance of Qingkang, especially Mr. Yu in the east of the city. It is said that there is also the handwriting of Master Yu. I have long been yearning for it.
10:53都是三弟惹的事,他为苏妍姑娘写了词曲,信巴巴邀姑来听。 It was all caused by my third brother. He wrote this song for Miss Su Yan, and invited me to listen.
10:59也不知是谁告诉他,余公子发现了余大师的手迹,他便急匆匆跑到余公子去了。 I don't know who told him that Mr. Yu had found Master Yu's handwriting, so he hurried to the palace.
11:06这是他的调虎离山之计。 This is his plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.
11:08安成。 Yes.
11:09属下就去调兵。 I will go with you.
11:14走。 Let's go.
11:16走。 Let's go.
11:26少主。 Young Master.
11:30大胆狂徒。 How dare you!
11:45老爷,我非得去吗? Master, do I have to go?
11:48事关腾宫安危。腾宫若是死了,连我性命皆不保。 It's about the safety of the Teng Palace. If the Teng Palace dies, none of us can live.
12:01大胆狂徒,你是何人? How dare you! Who are you?
12:16走。 Let's go.
12:41千姑娘! Miss Qian!
12:46走。 Let's go.
12:52这刺客为何几次三番要杀腾瑞? Why does this assassin want to kill Teng Rui again and again?
12:54追! Chase him!
13:04慢点。 Slow down.
13:07慢点慢点。 Slow down.
13:08扶他躺好。 Hold him up.
13:12去拿药。 Go get the medicine.
13:14是。 Yes.
13:16去拿水。 Go get some water.
13:22药来了。 The medicine is here.
13:24擦一口。 Wipe your mouth.
13:25药拿过来。 Give me the medicine.
13:43走。 Let's go.
13:59小海天,你假借和谈之名求杀齐王,你犯了弥天大罪。 Xiao Haitian, you used the name of peace talks to kill the King of Qi. You have committed a heinous crime.
14:07欲加之罪,何患无辞? Why should I be punished?
14:11冥顽不灵。 You are not a wise man.
14:23谁人小海天背信弃义,通敌叛盟。谁人小海天背信弃义,通敌叛盟。 Whoever Xiao Haitian betrays the King of Qi and colludes with the enemy, I will kill him on the spot.
14:31天罗人,你们只要缴械投降,本宫就只当你们是受了罪人蒙蔽,不再追究,否则格杀勿论。 Tianluo people, as long as you surrender, I will treat you as criminals and will not pursue you anymore. Otherwise, I will kill you all.
14:42进来,跟我来。 Come in. Come with me.
14:58快走,快走,快走。 Get out, go, go.
15:00母亲!母亲!母亲! Don't go! Don't go!
15:02千万别回头。千万别回头。 Don't look back. Don't look back.
15:03我叫你,你走! I'm telling you, go!
15:04快走,走。 Go.
15:42Young master, why don't you wait for me to apply the medicine for you?
15:58How's the sixth?
16:02The hand is broken, but life can be saved
16:06how's your job
16:10how could you
16:13some time we will sure
16:17Gigi need you to and don't want to change on the tour
16:25so that's it yes you may go away
16:27come from here that way you know
16:30what's wrong
16:33lao cheng zhu
16:36go to wait until she was
16:43when did you know
16:45lao cheng zhu
16:49lao cheng zhu
17:01don't know
17:58Look, I added sugar, so it tastes like non-bitter congee.
18:22Sister Hua.
18:25I'm not hungry, you drink it.
18:29Sister Hua.
18:31I want to change my name.
18:33What name do you want to change?
18:35I want to protect you.
18:36I also want to help my father clean the garden and recruit students.
18:39From today on, my name is Wei Zhao.
18:44Okay, I'll accompany you.
18:47Drink the congee quickly, be good.
18:51Catch all of them!
18:59Take the man back to the camp.
19:02Send the woman to Qingtang.
19:03Sister Hua.
19:28Back then, you and the young lady hid yourself and escaped to Bingzhou.
19:39You met a disaster.
19:43You met the Zhenyuan Army who searched for slaves in Gezhou and arrested you.
19:51At least, I'm still alive.
19:58Sister saved me from the prison, but I couldn't protect her.
20:08But Young Master, you are carrying the blame in the court to protect the young lady.
20:16Young Master, the young lady's miscarriage was an accident.
20:22Don't blame yourself anymore.
20:28It's Jiang Ci's fault.
20:32I'll kill him.
20:35Young Master.
20:42Be careful.
20:43Miss Jiang, I'll prepare water and clothes for you.
20:49Miss Jiang, thank you for saving me.
20:53Please accept my bow.
20:59It's okay.
21:00I saved him, which means I saved myself.
21:05Miss Jiang, does it hurt a lot?
21:10Marquis, I might have eaten crab and caught a cold.
21:17You go back first. I can do it myself.
21:22If you need anything, just tell me.
21:25Don't force yourself, okay?
21:29Marquis, I've taken the bow back to the watchtower to strengthen the vigilance.
21:58I underestimated him.
22:00He knew that Jiang Ci took the initiative to buy the medicine pot.
22:04He pretended to fall into my trap.
22:07But in fact, I was also in his plan.
22:13Who is the assassin?
22:17He came for Teng Rui.
22:19I'm afraid he has other plans.
22:22I have to keep Teng Rui by my side,
22:24so that I can capture him.
22:30By the way,
22:31don't tell anyone that the right-hand assassin used the watchtower tonight.
22:36If someone investigates,
22:38just say that I went out with Chong Bi and met a thief.
22:44Chong Bi?
22:46He is not a romantic teenager,
22:47so that His Majesty won't worry about me.
22:50But I think Miss Jiang is a thoughtful person.
22:54Can she really work for His Majesty?
22:59She died a long life tonight.
23:02Let her recover first.
23:08Why does it hurt so much?
23:12Miss Jiang,
23:13the assassin tried to kill you several times.
23:16It must be that you have some clues about him,
23:20so that he wants to kill you.
23:43Miss Jiang.
23:45Sister Shixia.
23:47What's wrong with Miss Jiang?
23:48Go and get His Lordship here.
23:50The assassin...
23:51What's wrong with the assassin?
24:03The young master had a plan.
24:06As long as the girl is dead,
24:07Pei Yan won't find the young master again.
24:12But if Pei Yan saves her again,
24:14this person may become the biggest variable between Pei Yan and me.
24:20Have you found anything by the lake outside Fangling Garden?
24:24As you expected,
24:25I found this in the bushes by the river.
24:30Look, young master.
24:42She has a bad temper.
24:44Tell people to keep an eye on Pei Yan.
25:11Who is it?
25:20Long time no see.
25:21Sister Qiao.
25:28How are you?
25:31I'm fine.
25:32If I hadn't come to save you,
25:34Yan'er would have been dead by now.
25:36I'm fine.
25:37I'm fine.
25:38If I hadn't come to save you,
25:40Yan'er would have been dead by now.
25:42I thought I would never see you again.
25:47Don't cry.
26:03Your Majesty.
26:04A letter from the Imperial Secret Service.
26:06Pei Yan's sister has escaped.
26:08I've sent people to search the whole of Liang'an.
26:22Look at me.
26:24I haven't seen you for a long time.
26:26I'm so happy.
26:28By the way,
26:30why don't you call me sister Wan?
26:35She has been gone for 20 years.
26:47In life,
26:49we are always pushed forward
26:51by an invisible hand.
26:54We don't know where to go.
26:58When you see clearly one day,
27:00this day will come to an end.
27:08I went back to Qingkang this time.
27:11But there is one thing
27:13I want to ask Yan'er for help.
27:15Sister, please say it.
27:17The Imperial Secret Service found me.
27:39You don't know the danger of the underworld.
27:45What's wrong?
27:50Maybe the heat of the fire has affected my appetite.
27:53When I went back to the village just now,
27:55I saw the water eagle at the end of the village.
27:57Why don't you go and pick one?
27:58Okay, I'll go now.
28:40That day,
28:42the people in the imperial court...
28:48The village of the Jiang family is no longer safe.
28:50If Xiaoci follows me,
28:52I'm afraid she will be found out.
29:02I'll go down the mountain for a few days.
29:04What do you think?
29:06Master, I won't let you go.
29:08I'll take it as a yes.
29:31Master, don't be angry.
29:33I'll be back soon.
29:47I can only wait for you to escape
29:49when the water is completely mixed.
29:51What do you want me to do?
29:53Send a message to the palace.
29:55What is it?
30:01Nanling Pei's house.
30:03Who is this Zhao Wu?
30:06But the emperor is so anxious about Pei Shi.
30:09I'll lure the fire over
30:11and let them bite each other.
30:31How is it?
30:32It's the stone heart powder of Miao River.
30:34Is there a way to detoxify it?
30:35There is a way,
30:36but it still needs a main drug.
30:38It's also from the Xianhe grass of Miao River.
30:41Miao tribe did attack Xianhe grass.
30:44The Imperial Medical Bureau has also been using it to make the Heart Protecting Pill.
30:47But a year ago,
30:48someone in the palace used Xianhe grass to do witchcraft.
30:51The emperor was angry
30:52and destroyed all the Xianhe grass.
30:55Miao tribe is not allowed to enter the palace again.
30:58And Miao tribe is not allowed to enter the palace again.
31:01Now the whole Qingkang City
31:03I'm afraid I can't find a clue.
31:06I didn't expect the assassin to put poison on the dagger.
31:09No wonder he was so angry at that time
31:11and didn't rush to take the life of Miss Jiang.
31:13It turned out to have been calculated a long time ago.
31:16I thought it was a sudden attack.
31:18I didn't expect it to be a double-edged sword.
31:20The scholar said
31:21Miss Jiang was talking about the assassin
31:23before she passed out.
31:24But if she died like this,
31:27our only clue would be lost.
32:42Although there is no herb,
32:43if we can find a heart-guarding pill
32:45The heart-guarding pill is created with the herb.
32:48There should be a definite effect.
32:49I don't think so.
32:51Deputy General Tong didn't come here for nothing.
32:53According to the book, there is the last one.
32:57But in this case,
32:59you have to go to the palace with the Marquis
33:01and ask for the medicine from His Majesty.
33:05May I ask,
33:07who is not good in the mansion
33:09and needs the heart pill urgently?
33:11I think the illness is very serious.
33:15I don't want to hide the medical evidence.
33:17My wife is a key witness.
33:19She is going to report the truth to the Marquis.
33:21Who would have thought that the poison would be released suddenly?
33:23It's a secret.
33:25The Marquis has his own arrangements.
33:27I won't disturb the medical evidence.
33:29I'll go back and report it.
33:31Your Excellency,
33:45there is news from the palace.
33:47Pei Yan sent someone to the Imperial Medical Bureau to ask for the medicine
33:49to save that girl.
33:51It's such a big deal.
33:53The news also said that
33:55that girl seemed to remember the secret of the assassin.
33:57But before she had time to say it, the poison was released.
34:01Who said that?
34:03Pei Yan's bodyguard, Tong Min,
34:05said it to the doctor.
34:09No one knows about the assassination of Teng Rui.
34:11It can be seen that
34:13Pei Yan is very careful and cautious.
34:15But the one who leaked the news
34:17is Tong Min.
34:19Do you think
34:21she has the intention
34:23or not?
34:25Could it be that
34:27Pei Yan set a trap again?
34:29She just wanted me to receive the news on purpose
34:31to force me to retreat.
34:35But what if you retreat?
34:37What if you retreat?
34:39If I fall into the trap,
34:41I will be in a hurry to stop her from asking for the medicine.
34:43It's inevitable that she will leak the news.
34:45If I suspect that this is a trap,
34:47I won't care and won't ask.
34:49Pei Yan will be able to get the medicine more smoothly
34:51and save Jiang Ci.
34:53Both of them are trapped.
34:55How should we deal with it now?
34:57Pei Yan wants to find us
34:59like a needle in a haystack.
35:03Why don't we play a game?
35:05As long as
35:07no one can get the medicine.
35:11I remember that Lord Zhuang has a favorite concubine,
35:13Mrs. Zhou.
35:15She is always greedy.
35:17Please let Mrs. Zhou
35:19have a taste of Miaojiang.
35:27Ask Lord Zhuang for the medicine.
35:29Don't let Pei Yan get the medicine.
35:47It hurts.
35:49I hit your arm.
35:51Why did you hit my head?
35:53This is bad.
35:55No one will make tea or wine for you.
35:57It's okay.
35:59It's not a big deal.
36:01You think it's not a big deal?
36:03Calm down.
36:05I will go and get you some snacks.
36:07Thank you, Mrs. Wang.
36:09San Guan.
36:11When will you be able to earn some money?
36:13If Teng Rui wants to see Mr. Yu,
36:15take him with you.
36:17Think about it.
36:19Now is the critical moment of the peace talks between the two countries.
36:21What if something happens to you?
36:23I'm fine.
36:25If Pei Yan didn't help you,
36:27you would be in trouble.
36:29Come on.
36:31I know I was wrong.
36:33I won't do it again.
36:35My father doesn't know about this, does he?
36:37I told Pei Yan.
36:39He made a mistake last night.
36:41He is behind this.
36:43I believe Teng Rui won't tell anyone.
36:47We are all wrong.
36:49Don't worry, brother.
36:51It's okay if my father beats me.
36:53But if Yu Shi Tai finds out about this,
36:55you will be in trouble.
36:57You still have the face to say that.
36:59You are the reason why Lanyue House is in trouble.
37:03Your Royal Highness.
37:05Your Royal Highness, bad news.
37:07What is it?
37:09There is a report that Mrs. Zhou is poisoned.
37:19Marquis Pei.
37:21His Majesty is resting.
37:23If there is nothing else,
37:25please go back.
37:27I will wait here.
37:29If His Majesty wakes up,
37:31please inform him.
37:35Please make yourself at home.
37:37I will leave now.
37:49What is it?
37:51Your Majesty.
37:53Marquis Jian Ding is waiting outside the palace.
37:55Is it about that maid again?
37:59Your Majesty said last time
38:01that you would make her the prime minister.
38:03But this time, you left her outside.
38:05Your Majesty's mind is really hard to predict.
38:07Your Majesty said last time
38:09that you would make her the prime minister.
38:11But this time, you left her outside.
38:13Your Majesty's mind is really hard to predict.
38:37Your Majesty.
39:03Your Majesty.
39:05Your Majesty.
39:07What tricks are you playing?
39:09Your Majesty's tricks are good.
39:11That's why I took a big advantage.
39:13Your Majesty
39:15lost to yourself.
39:23Is Pei Yan still waiting outside?
39:25Yes, Your Majesty.
39:27He is still waiting outside the palace.
39:29Let him in.
39:35Are you sure
39:37you want to see me
39:39because of this Heart Protecting Pill?
39:41Your Majesty.
39:43Someone in my manor was poisoned by Miaojiang.
39:45Only this pill can cure it.
39:47I hope Your Majesty can forgive me
39:49for disturbing you
39:51when I was trying to save someone.
39:55Father, save me!
39:57Why are you panicking?
40:01Father, you know why I am here.
40:03What do you mean?
40:05I have a concubine.
40:07Father, you know that.
40:09I don't know what she ate yesterday.
40:11She has been in a coma.
40:13The imperial physician said
40:15she was poisoned by Miaojiang.
40:17Only Heart Protecting Pill can cure it.
40:19That's why I am asking for medicine from you.
40:21It's important to save her.
40:23I'll take it away.
40:25Wait, Your Highness.
40:27What's the matter?
40:29Someone in my manor was poisoned by Miaojiang.
40:31Someone in your manor was also poisoned.
40:33Who was it?
40:37I was free last night.
40:39I went to Lanyue Restaurant with my concubine.
40:43Who knew that
40:45she was greedy
40:47in Lanyue Restaurant.
40:49She ate the food of the beggars.
40:51She was in a coma when she came back.
40:55Young Master, I know
40:57you are a kind and considerate master.
40:59But how can a concubine
41:01compare to my concubine?
41:03I'll find her
41:05eighty concubines to send to your manor.
41:07Don't fight with me.
41:09Do you really want to fight with me?
41:13What are you doing?
41:15He started it first.
41:17I was impulsive.
41:19Please punish me, Your Majesty.
41:21But please give me
41:23the Heart Protecting Pill.
41:25Is a concubine worth
41:27a concubine like you?
41:29Your Majesty, a concubine's life is a life.
41:31A concubine's life is also a life.
41:33Your Majesty has always loved the people.
41:35We are of the same mind.
41:37Of course I won't sit by and do nothing.
41:39I believe that if the people know
41:41Your Majesty's goodwill,
41:43they will definitely spread Your Majesty's goodwill.
41:45Pei Yan, you are in a hurry.
41:47I am afraid. Please help me, Your Majesty.
41:49You are right.
41:51Life and death are not important.
41:53I am the emperor.
41:55We are of the same mind.
41:57But I won't
41:59side with either of you.
42:01Your Majesty, there is only one Heart Protecting Pill.
42:03It can't be divided into two.
42:05Your Majesty,
42:07since the three officials and the young monarch
42:09love each other,
42:11of course they have to compete fairly.
42:13Why don't we let them compete?
42:15The winner will get the Heart Protecting Pill.
42:17Compete what?
42:19Why don't we play a game of chess?
42:21The chess pieces will be placed on the board.
42:23I don't agree.
42:27I am just a chess player.
42:29How can I beat him?
42:31It's not fair.
42:33What do you think we should do?
42:35I think...
42:39The third son will help me.
42:41Since it's a fair game,
42:43the chess pieces should be placed on the board.
42:45The third son will play for me.
42:47If the third son loses,
42:49I won't sit by and do nothing.
42:51What do you think, Wei Zhao?
43:01Are you serious?
43:03If I lose,
43:05it's not my fault.
43:07It's a deal.
43:11Young monarch,
43:13I've heard about your chess skills.
43:15It's my honor
43:17to play with you today.
43:23No matter who wins or loses,
43:25it's a life-saving game.
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