池上彰のニュースそうだったのか!! 2024年9月14日

  • 10 hours ago
池上彰のニュースそうだったのか!! 2024年9月14日
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00This summer, there's been a lot of news.
00:06The so-called Reiwa rice riots, where you can't buy rice at supermarkets all over Japan.
00:14Why is this happening in this era when there is almost no problem with food?
00:22The typhoon season is here.
00:25The typhoon No. 10 caused a lot of damage due to the strongest wind and rain in history.
00:31But why isn't there any progress in modern technology?
00:37The presidential election of the Liberal Democratic Party and the presidential election of the Liberal Democratic Party are in the news every day.
00:47Is there anything that the people should know about the election that everyone can't vote for?
00:54I'm sure there are some questions.
00:57Today, I will explain those things in a basic way.
01:02For the Japanese, staple food, rice, is important.
01:08We were able to recognize this lack of rice.
01:12Let's think about the relationship between Japan and rice, which can be seen from the lack of rice.
01:19It's a series of questions.
01:24It's been big news since summer, but I think there are still a lot of people who can't buy rice and the price is high.
01:32Matsumura-san is a rice sommelier and a white rice sommelier.
01:37I used to be a rice consumer ambassador for JA.
01:40I told everyone to eat rice.
01:43This year, there is a shortage of rice, so I sell small rice.
01:47I went to buy small rice secretly.
01:54What kind of ability does a rice sommelier have?
01:58Unlike a wine sommelier, I don't know the taste of rice.
02:05I studied a lot.
02:08I also took an exam.
02:10This year, there is a shortage of rice.
02:15There are various reasons for the shortage of rice.
02:18There are some things that I can't say.
02:21Last year, the harvest price of rice decreased in Mosho.
02:25Foreign travelers started eating a lot of rice in Inbound.
02:29In August, rice is scarce.
02:33In September, there will be a new rice.
02:36In that season, rice will be scarce.
02:39In the earthquake, the information of the Nankai trough was released.
02:44In the case of a typhoon, people buy rice in advance.
02:47In the case of a shortage of rice, people rush to the supermarket.
02:53There are various reasons for the shortage of rice.
02:59If you sow rice in March, it will grow well in May and June.
03:09If you wait two months for the rice to grow well,
03:15you can harvest rice in September and ship it in October.
03:20This is the basic flow of rice production.
03:24If you look at the number of rice in the private stock,
03:29in August, when the new rice was shipped early,
03:33there was a shortage of rice every year.
03:37There are various other factors.
03:41It is said that the shortage of rice this time.
03:45I hope you can feel the importance of rice again.
03:52How much rice do you think Japanese people eat in a day?
04:00How much rice do you think Japanese people eat in a day?
04:04In a day?
04:08About 800 grains of rice.
04:12That's a lot of rice.
04:16I think I eat about 1000 grains of rice.
04:19Mr. Ishii, how much rice do you think Japanese people eat in a day?
04:23In a day, I eat about 6 grains of rice.
04:30What's wrong with you guys?
04:33I'm sorry, I'm talking about my senses.
04:37How much rice do Japanese people eat in a year?
04:40In 2023, it was 51.1 kilograms.
04:44In a day, it's 140 grams.
04:47It's about two cups of rice in a bowl.
04:50It's about half a cup.
04:52That's the image.
04:54But you used to eat more, didn't you?
04:56In 1962, the peak was 118.3 kilograms.
05:01In 2023, it was half the peak.
05:06That's a lot of rice.
05:08That's a lot of rice.
05:11Why do you think Japanese people don't eat rice as much as they used to?
05:17It's the same for me.
05:20I eat a lot of bread in the morning.
05:24I put a lot of delicious bread in my breakfast.
05:27I think that's one of the reasons.
05:30One of the reasons is that you eat a lot.
05:34There's a graph like this.
05:36It used to be how much rice and bread were consumed in a year.
05:42In the past, rice was used for more than 60,000 yen.
05:47Bread was used for a little over 20,000 yen.
05:49Look at this.
05:50This is going to reverse in 2011.
05:53And now, bread is using a lot of money.
05:59There's a lot of food waste.
06:02Especially in Heisei, people didn't eat together at the table.
06:09In fact, two years ago, the annual expense of rice was deducted from the noodles.
06:18Not only bread, but noodles, pasta, and udon were also deducted.
06:27Even though there are fewer people eating, people are saying that they don't have enough rice this year.
06:34In the past, there was a time when people ate a lot of rice, but there was leftover rice.
06:43At that time, the government made a policy to reduce the amount of leftover rice.
06:49Do you remember what kind of policy it was?
06:54I don't know.
06:56I don't remember at all.
06:58I just ate. I'm sorry.
07:01The rice was left over.
07:03Oh, it was the source.
07:05I'm glad it was the source.
07:07I'm sorry. I'm eating rice in my head right now.
07:10That's cute.
07:12It's called the source policy.
07:15The important rice, which is the staple food of Japan, must be protected by the government.
07:22Therefore, in the past, rice was managed by the government.
07:25The government bought rice from farmers and sold it cheaply to consumers.
07:31There was a system to protect farmers.
07:35However, due to the changes in food habits and the increase in production,
07:40there came a time when rice was left over.
07:44The government began to ask farmers not to make rice anymore.
07:50This is the source policy.
07:54The source of rice.
07:56Mr. Niiyama, what is the source of rice?
07:59It's like the area of a rice field.
08:03That's right. It's the area of a rice field.
08:06Mr. Matsumura, a rice sommelier, what is the source of rice?
08:13I don't know.
08:15I don't know.
08:17It's about 1,000 square meters.
08:20It's a pretty large area.
08:22In other words, the source of rice was the government's policy to stop making rice there.
08:30However, if farmers say,
08:32don't make rice, the income will decrease.
08:34Farmers who reduce their production will be paid subsidies.
08:38In other words, the government pays money,
08:40so please stop making rice.
08:42Please take a break.
08:44That's what I've been doing.
08:46In this way, the government has adjusted the distribution rate
08:50so that the price of rice has not decreased.
08:56Six years ago, in 2018, the source policy was to abolish rice.
09:02The reason is that there are more farmers who are forced to leave their farms due to aging,
09:07and there are more farmers who make crops that can earn more than rice.
09:12One of the major reasons is to increase the competitiveness of the market.
09:20In other words, if the government says,
09:22don't make rice, the source of rice was the government's policy to stop making rice,
09:26everyone will lose the will to compete actively and make rice.
09:32If that happens, if cheap rice from overseas is imported in large quantities,
09:37Japanese producers will lose the competition.
09:40Therefore, the government decided to abolish the source policy
09:43in order to increase the power of the farmers.
09:47In order for Japanese rice farmers to survive,
09:50free thinking and competitiveness are important.
09:53Therefore, the government liberalized the rice that had been managed until then
09:58and offered a new business chance to rice farmers.
10:03Saika, what would you do if the producer told you to do as the script says?
10:09I would fight back.
10:13I want to do what I want to do as a comedian.
10:17If I were told to do as the script says, I wouldn't read it.
10:22Saika, you are still young.
10:26I would do as the script says.
10:33Although the source policy was abolished,
10:36farmers who are cooperating with the source policy
10:40are still paid women's salary from the government.
10:49Do you think that the number of rice that doesn't work has increased recently?
10:55In fact, this was also the result of the liberalization.
11:00The number of new varieties of rice has increased.
11:03There are many new varieties of rice.
11:06Here is the list of new varieties of rice that have been registered.
11:14How about you, Ita-san? Do you know anything?
11:16There was an old man from Yamagata prefecture.
11:19He told me that this rice was new and delicious.
11:22It was really delicious.
11:24There are many varieties.
11:26For example, Kuma-san's Kagayaki.
11:29Toyama Prefecture's Fufufu.
11:31Just by looking at the name, it doesn't look like rice.
11:33That's right.
11:35As a result of the birth of many new varieties of rice,
11:39the competition between the three prefectures has decreased.
11:42In other words, the competition between the three prefectures and other prefectures.
11:46For example, Niigata and Yamagata prefectures are trying to sell more and more rice.
11:51As a result of the movement of creating a completely new product and
11:55opening up the market with a new brand,
11:59new varieties of rice are coming out one after another.
12:05Japan is a country that promotes the liberalization of rice farming,
12:08but it is not doing nothing for the rice, which is the staple food of Japan.
12:15Recently, the rice that the country is buying in case of an emergency,
12:19which is often heard in the news.
12:21What is this called?
12:25Since you are a rice sommelier,
12:27what do you call the rice that the country is buying in case of an emergency?
12:33I've heard it a lot in the news recently.
12:39It's the government's bichikumai.
12:41For example, the amount of bichikumai that can be supplied once every 10 years
12:46is currently 1 million tons.
12:50Every year, the country buys about 200,000 tons of bichikumai,
12:54and after 5 years, the old bichikumai is sold as feed.
12:59It's for emergencies.
13:01For example, the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011
13:04and the earthquake in Kumamoto in 2016
13:07were all supplied by the government.
13:11The reason why the bichikumai system started
13:15was because of the rice,
13:17which caused a great chaos in Japan.
13:22Do you remember?
13:24A certain thing?
13:26That means it was when there was a shortage of rice, right?
13:31So it wasn't before the Reiwa era,
13:33but when there was a real rice crisis?
13:35No, no, no.
13:37You don't have to go back to the Taisho era.
13:41Before the Reiwa era?
13:42It was Heisei.
13:43There was a Heisei rice crisis.
13:45It was in Heisei 5.
13:47What Heisei rice crisis?
13:4931 years ago, in Heisei 5,
13:52a record-breaking Heisei rice crisis occurred.
13:59The whole of Japan was in a great chaos due to a shortage of rice.
14:05The more people lined up to buy rice,
14:09the more people started to steal rice.
14:17Anyway, there was a shortage of rice,
14:19so they had to import rice from other countries.
14:22It was a big chaos.
14:25And they had to buy this much rice to buy rice in Japan.
14:33So, to prevent the rice shortage from happening again,
14:39they started to stock up on rice.
14:41I see.
14:42That's recent.
14:44Governor Yoshimura of Osaka said,
14:46because there was a shortage of rice,
14:48everyone was having a hard time,
14:50so the government should stock up on rice.
14:53He said that in the news.
14:55At that time, the government said it wouldn't do it.
14:59What was that?
15:00In the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries,
15:02the government also thinks about the farmers.
15:05In other words, when there is a shortage of rice,
15:07when there is a shortage of rice,
15:09there will be a sudden shortage of rice.
15:11Because of demand and supply,
15:13if the price of rice suddenly drops,
15:15it will be a blow to the farmers.
15:17So, the government said,
15:18please wait a little longer.
15:19There will be a shortage of rice soon.
15:21That's what he said.
15:23In Japan,
15:24rice was not freely imported
15:26after it could be supplied on time.
15:29In the rice crisis in Japan,
15:31it was an emergency,
15:32so they imported three foreign rice.
15:35After that, the crisis was over,
15:38and the amount of rice was recovered.
15:42In fact,
15:43even after that,
15:45Japan continued to import rice
15:47even though it was not necessary.
15:49Did you know that?
15:51No, I've heard of it.
15:53For the time being,
15:54rice was released from time to time
15:56and imported.
15:58So, it's not necessary,
16:01but if you don't do it,
16:02it will be a little pressure.
16:04That's what I think.
16:06That's right.
16:07Even though there is a shortage of rice,
16:09Japan continues to be in a state
16:11where it must import rice from abroad.
16:14There used to be a word called GATT.
16:17I think you've heard of GATT and Uruguay Round.
16:20It was an international promise
16:22that you had to freely import rice.
16:25It was a world promise.
16:27It was a promise that you wouldn't import a grain of rice.
16:31when the world tried to freely import rice,
16:34Japan said,
16:35do you oppose it?
16:36So, Japan said,
16:37import rice as a penalty.
16:40But Japan said,
16:41we have to import it,
16:43but we'll pay a high penalty.
16:46you shouldn't pay such a high penalty,
16:48but if you can pay a high penalty,
16:50it's called minimum access rice
16:52in the sense of a penalty.
16:54You have to buy this amount of rice.
16:57It's a penalty.
17:00No matter how much domestic rice is left,
17:03Japan imports minimum access rice every year
17:06as a penalty.
17:09The imported minimum access rice
17:11is not only used in the food industry,
17:15but also for processing, feed, and support.
17:22And from 1999,
17:24foreign rice other than minimum access rice
17:27can be imported.
17:31Originally, imported rice is cheaper than Japanese rice,
17:34so if it is sold as it is,
17:36there is a possibility that the price competition will be broken.
17:39To prevent this from happening,
17:41foreign products are charged a high tax,
17:44so that they cannot be sold cheaply in Japan.
17:48To put it simply,
17:52if you import 38.5% of beef,
17:56which is 1,000 yen,
17:58the price in Japan will be 1,385 yen.
18:04So how much tax do you think Japan is charging
18:07for imported rice?
18:11That's a lot of tax.
18:13About 50% or half?
18:18How about you, Mr. Endo?
18:21Mr. Matsumura, who got a sommelier's license
18:23with his knowledge.
18:25I shouldn't have said that.
18:27He's a man.
18:29I'll say a little more.
18:32I see.
18:34That's not enough.
18:41That's a lot of tax.
18:44In other words,
18:45Japanese rice is expensive internationally.
18:47For cheap foreign rice,
18:49a tax of 280% is applied,
18:51and finally,
18:53the price will be the same as that of Japanese rice.
18:56That's how they try to protect Japanese rice.
18:59That's the only number.
19:02So far, we've seen Japanese agriculture
19:04from the rice riots in Reiwa,
19:06but what will happen to the lack of rice this time?
19:10The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Nori Sakamoto,
19:12said in a press conference
19:14about the rice riots in Reiwa.
19:16He said,
19:17from September,
19:19new rice will come out,
19:21and there's no need to rush,
19:23so please act as usual.
19:25That's what he said.
19:27It's true that it's like this now,
19:30but don't panic.
19:32If you panic,
19:33the price of rice will go up,
19:35and people will disappear from the store.
19:37If you wait calmly,
19:39you can overcome the lack of rice this year.
19:44When you think about it,
19:46rice is really important.
19:48For example,
19:49the price of wheat increased a lot during the coronavirus.
19:52Or when the price of wheat rose
19:55in the Russian-Lithuanian military invasion,
19:57Japan was relieved
20:00because there was rice.
20:03After all,
20:04the importance of rice
20:06is the guarantee of food safety.
20:09I think we need to pay attention to this again.
20:34We need to pay attention to this again.
20:37We need to pay attention to this again.
20:40We need to pay attention to this again.
20:43We need to pay attention to this again.
20:46We need to pay attention to this again.
20:49We need to pay attention to this again.
20:52We need to pay attention to this again.
20:55We need to pay attention to this again.
20:58We need to pay attention to this again.
21:01We need to pay attention to this again.
21:03We need to pay attention to this again.
21:05We need to pay attention to this again.
21:08We need to pay attention to this again.
21:11We need to pay attention to this again.
21:14We need to pay attention to this again.
21:17We need to pay attention to this again.
21:20We need to pay attention to this again.
21:23We need to pay attention to this again.
21:26We need to pay attention to this again.
21:29We need to pay attention to this again.
21:32We need to pay attention to this again.
21:35We need to pay attention to this again.
21:38We need to pay attention to this again.
21:41We need to pay attention to this again.
21:44We need to pay attention to this again.
21:47We need to pay attention to this again.
21:50We need to pay attention to this again.
21:53We need to pay attention to this again.
21:56We need to pay attention to this again.
21:59Asahi beer.
22:01It's a soft beer that has been loved by many people.
22:06Good job, everyone in Japan.
22:10Asahi beer.
22:14Typhoon No. 10 hit many places in Japan.
22:18Typhoon No. 10 hit many places in Japan.
22:23It's raining heavily.
22:26It's like a storm.
22:31Many roads are flooded.
22:35It's raining hard right next to the house.
22:40Typhoon season is coming soon.
22:46On this occasion, let's check the weather forecast.
22:54Today's weather is sunny and rainy.
22:57It's sunny, cloudy, and rainy.
23:00It's on the news, right?
23:02Meteorologists judge it by looking at it every day.
23:08It's not a satellite or a sensor.
23:11There's a standard.
23:13Weather forecast is decided by a weather officer.
23:20Weather forecast is decided by a weather officer.
23:26Weather forecast is decided by a weather officer.
23:31However, it is now very efficient to observe the weather.
23:36It will be held only in Tokyo and Osaka from March this year.
23:43Typhoon No. 10 was a big issue.
23:48Typhoon No. 10 was a big issue.
23:51The weather forecast is more accurate than before.
23:55The weather forecast is 80 to 90 percent accurate.
24:00It's raining in this area in the morning.
24:04It's very accurate.
24:06It's a time when you can predict the weather.
24:10I don't know where the typhoon is coming from.
24:13I don't know where the typhoon is coming from.
24:19I'm watching television.
24:21I feel sorry for weather forecasters.
24:26They can't predict the weather well.
24:28They can't predict the weather well.
24:32They can't predict the weather well.
24:34They should make it more accurate.
24:37That's right.
24:39The weather forecast is the only thing in the news that tells us about the future, so it's not necessarily true.
24:44That's a scary thing to say.
24:47Even with modern technology, why don't we know the course of a typhoon?
24:54Weather forecasts are now calculated on supercomputers.
24:58Supercomputers predict what will happen in the future.
25:02What's important is the accumulation of past data.
25:06For example, there is a chance of a flood.
25:09How do you know that there will be a 30% chance of a flood tomorrow?
25:17You know that the atmospheric pressure will be like this, right?
25:21You can see how much rain is falling when the atmospheric pressure is the same as in the past.
25:26For example, if it rains 30 out of 100 times in the past, there is a 30% chance of a flood.
25:34It's like statistics.
25:36That's right. It's based on past data.
25:40However, I think the past data has become useless.
25:46Recently, the temperature has dropped and climate change has increased.
25:50Past statistical data is no longer useful.
25:55That's why it's hard to predict.
26:00Typhoon No. 10 is the strongest typhoon in history.
26:06Typhoon No. 10 is the strongest typhoon in history.
26:10That's why it's hard to predict the course of a typhoon.
26:16There are many other things that have not been clarified.
26:19For example, a typhoon called Typhoon Kanrei made people go crazy.
26:23Typhoon Kanrei made people go crazy.
26:26Typhoon Kanrei made people go crazy.
26:28Typhoons change direction when they approach the east.
26:33Typhoons change direction when they approach the east.
26:38This time, the typhoon was very close to the north.
26:42Typhoon Kanrei made people go crazy.
26:46Typhoon Kanrei made people go crazy.
26:48It is said that this is the effect of climate change.
26:54By the way, Mr. Ijuin, it used to be said that a typhoon wouldn't come to Hokkaido, right?
26:59Yes, it was said.
27:00Typhoons usually come in at a certain angle,
27:03like in Kyushu and Wakayama.
27:07It was pretty patterned, wasn't it?
27:10That's right.
27:11If you ride the Henseifu and go all the way along the Nippon Red,
27:15you can read the typhoon quickly when you enter the land.
27:19The energy of a typhoon is seawater.
27:22When the seawater temperature is high, the water vapor evaporates rapidly.
27:25This water vapor becomes an energy source, and the typhoon develops.
27:29So, when you get close to the Nippon Red, the seawater temperature drops,
27:34so the energy decreases, and as soon as you land, it weakens completely,
27:38and before you go to Hokkaido, it disappears.
27:41Now, it's probably the effect of global warming.
27:44The seawater temperature around the Nippon Red is extremely high,
27:47so the typhoon is getting closer and closer to the Nippon Red.
27:52This has never happened before.
27:54According to the researchers, the typhoon may have increased the maximum wind speed
28:00by 7.5% compared to the original.
28:05At the end of the typhoon news, you hear this, right?
28:11The typhoon has changed to a tropical low pressure.
28:15What do you think when you hear this?
28:19I don't think it's a typhoon anymore.
28:21I don't think it's a typhoon anymore.
28:25I don't think it's a typhoon anymore.
28:29This doesn't mean that the typhoon is gone.
28:33Then, what is a tropical low pressure?
28:38The only difference is the wind speed.
28:41In other words, if the maximum wind speed around the center is 17.2 meters per second or more,
28:47it's a typhoon.
28:48So, if the wind speed is lower than that, it's just a typhoon.
28:53So, it doesn't mean that the danger of heavy rain or typhoon is gone.
28:59It rains quite a lot.
29:01It does.
29:02In the past, once it became a tropical low pressure, it developed again and returned to a typhoon.
29:08Zombie typhoons have happened in the past.
29:14The reason why it is a typhoon is because of the railway plans.
29:22This is also because of the current situation.
29:26In the past, there was no planned typhoon, so the bullet train stopped on the way.
29:31And we had to spend the night in the car of the bullet train.
29:36So, we had a lot of experiences.
29:38If we had planned the typhoon in advance,
29:40the bullet train wouldn't run tomorrow.
29:42So, we had to make other plans.
29:44It was also an announcement.
29:47We didn't have to force it.
29:49Then, we can say proudly that the bullet train stopped because of the planned typhoon.
29:57I think that's what happened.
30:01It's hard for everyone to get used to it.
30:04Some people get angry that it didn't rain so much even though they had planned the typhoon.
30:08I understand their feelings.
30:10But we can definitely take measures rather than being stopped suddenly.
30:15So, I personally think that we should continue to be brave.
30:19In the past, there was a time when we thought that it was common sense not to be hit by a typhoon.
30:24But the more people's expectations are raised, the more they complain.
30:27I think it's hard for people in Kisho-cho.
30:30It's really hard to predict when the weather changes and the past results are not helpful.
30:37So, we should not complain that the weather forecast was wrong.
30:43I think we need to accept that.
30:48Two cameras in front and two cameras behind.
30:50Drive recorder.
30:57In addition, Starvis II is equipped with improved night shooting performance.
31:03High-definition and bright images are realized.
31:08Reducing white-out with HDR.
31:11Japanese-made drive recorder ZDR-055.
31:19This is black, too.
31:20The competition value was high.
31:24Support to reduce the competition value after eating.
31:29Yamamoto Kanpo's KUWANOHA WAKABA
32:04CHI ability
32:10And the extra charge is zero yen!
32:13The price is also acceptable.
32:15Megane Ichiba
32:20I don't want to get drunk, but I do want to drink.
32:24The real thing with 0% alcohol.
32:28A weak weed and a full-fledged drink, Kanmone.
32:32The real thing with 0% alcohol.
32:38Yuki's blessing is alive.
32:41This is already...
32:44It's not Umeshi, it's The Cho-ya.
32:48The presidential election of the Liberal Democratic Party and the presidential election of the Liberal Democratic Party have become news every day.
32:56But the people don't have the right to vote, do they?
33:02What do we know about the election that decides the top of one party?
33:09The presidential election of the Liberal Democratic Party.
33:11This picture is the presidential office of the Liberal Democratic Party.
33:14I've been here before, but it's narrow.
33:17Why is it narrow?
33:19Because the president of the Liberal Democratic Party is usually not here.
33:22Where is he usually?
33:24He's in the prime minister's office.
33:26In other words, the presidential election determines the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party.
33:29It's just about the inside of the Liberal Democratic Party.
33:32But the presidential election is extremely likely to be the prime minister of Japan.
33:36That's why it's on the news.
33:39In fact, after the new presidential election of the Liberal Democratic Party is decided,
33:43the election to elect the prime minister will be held by all members of the National Assembly.
33:49Then, since the Liberal Democratic Party currently has a majority,
33:53the president of the Liberal Democratic Party will be elected by the prime minister.
33:58That's why it's on the big news.
34:02The president of the Liberal Democratic Party is not necessarily the prime minister,
34:07but in the current situation where the Liberal Democratic Party has the most members of the National Assembly,
34:12it is highly likely that the top will be the prime minister.
34:18That's why it's good to see who will be the prime minister.
34:29For example, if a new prime minister in her 40s is born,
34:35or if a female president is born in the United States,
34:40or if a woman becomes the prime minister in Japan,
34:43who will be the first female prime minister to be born?
34:49If that person becomes the prime minister of Japan,
34:52will we vote for this or that party in the next election?
34:57We need to think about it.
34:59We need to think about it now.
35:02In fact, this time, the number of candidates is the lowest in the past.
35:06That's right.
35:08In the past, there were five prime ministers,
35:13but this time, there are only five candidates.
35:17That's why there are so many candidates.
35:22Last year and this year,
35:24the result of the big news is that there are more candidates.
35:30What do you think, Mr. Matsumura?
35:32Well, I don't know.
35:34The problem of corruption.
35:36Because of that?
35:38Because of that...
35:40Well, it means that something is gone.
35:42That's right.
35:44Isn't it like a division of labor?
35:46That's right.
35:47It's a problem of political corruption,
35:49and the division of labor has been resolved.
35:52So there is almost no more division of labor in the Liberal Democratic Party.
35:57The division of labor is a group of members of the Liberal Democratic Party
36:01who are connected by political opinions and backgrounds.
36:06So, if there is no more division of labor,
36:08why are there more people who want to run for office?
36:12Until now, when there was division of labor,
36:14even if there was someone who wanted to run for office in the division of labor,
36:17the division of labor would support him,
36:20so they would say,
36:23There was a lot of binding.
36:26This time, there is no more binding of the division of labor,
36:29so from the same division of labor in the past,
36:31many people can run for office.
36:33That's what we can do now.
36:37Are many divisions of labor already disbanded?
36:40It is planned to be disbanded,
36:43but as long as Mr. Aso is the top division of labor,
36:46it will not be disbanded.
36:48However, Mr. Aso did not say to the people of the same division of labor,
36:52Vote for this candidate.
36:58There are many candidates, and there are other reasons.
37:03It is because the Prime Minister Kishida did not run for office.
37:07In other words, if Mr. Kishida runs for office as before,
37:12the ministers who support Mr. Kishida will not run for office.
37:18Mr. Kishida said,
37:20Please run for office.
37:23So many people said,
37:25Then I will run for office.
37:28But if so many people come out,
37:31some people say,
37:33You can't win.
37:35Why do you still run for office?
37:38There are some people who are well-known to the people,
37:41but there are some people who are not well-known to the people.
37:44If you increase your popularity,
37:47you will have an advantage in the next election.
37:50Or, for the people of the same division of labor,
37:52if you run for office one after another,
37:54the so-called division of labor will disappear,
37:56and only these people will run for office.
37:58I want to appeal that the division of labor has been eliminated
38:01and the system has become a clean system.
38:03The problem of politics and money has not been solved yet,
38:06but I think that some people have the idea that
38:09it is better to have such a fierce election
38:11so that the people of the same division of labor will be forgotten.
38:15Beer lovers drink 0.00% of alcohol.
38:21The umami of wheat is delicious.
38:23It's delicious.
38:25The common sense of non-alcoholic beer changes.
38:270.00% of non-alcoholic beer.
38:36I'll buy it.
38:370.00% of non-alcoholic beer for beer lovers.
38:40The impact of zero is spreading.
38:42Asahi Zero
38:44Vitamin, protein, calcium, milk, please.
38:49I use a lot of milk.
38:51Soup and rice, too.
38:53Nutrition all the time.
38:54Smile all the time.
38:55Doggyman's milk.
38:56Soup and rice, too.
38:59We are a non-additive product.
39:01When you take it out of the bag, it makes you smile.
39:03It's good for cats.
39:05If you take it out from the bag, it will rot.
39:07For your family, Doggyman's non-additive product.
39:10I'm addicted.
39:16I'm fine.
39:20I want to see you.
39:22After a long time.
39:26New Vezel Honda SUV
39:28ZR-V, the premium version of the SUV is running.
39:35ZR-V, Honda SUV.
39:44Until now, it was provided by Asahi Beer and the sponsor you see.
39:56From now on, it will be provided by the sponsor you see.
40:13ZR-V, the premium version of the SUV is running.
40:18Good night.
40:19From now on, it's my time.
40:21I want something delicious and good for my body.
40:24Asahi Style Balance.
40:26Asahi Style Balance.
40:28Asahi Style Balance.
40:30You can choose three supports.
40:32Who will vote in the general election?
40:36The people who vote are the three members of the Liberal Party, the members of the House of Representatives, and the local council members.
40:46You think so, right?
40:48Other than the members of the Liberal Party, they also participate in the general election.
40:53Other than the members of the Liberal Party, the members of the House of Representatives also have the right to vote.
40:58Mr. Niyama, what kind of person is the member of the House of Representatives?
41:01The member of the House of Representatives is a person who supports the party.
41:07Yes, that's right.
41:09That's all.
41:11For example, you can think of it as a member of the fan club of the Liberal Party.
41:18The member of the House of Representatives includes politicians.
41:22Many of them pay annual fees to support the party.
41:29What does the member of the House of Representatives usually do?
41:32For example, he distributes flyers of the members of the House of Representatives to each household.
41:36Or, when it comes to the election of the members of the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives,
41:40he runs to support them and distributes flyers.
41:43That's what he does.
41:47By the way, what are the conditions for becoming a member of the House of Representatives?
41:50A member of the House of Representatives is a person who has a Japanese nationality of 18 years or older,
41:56who does not have the nationality of other political parties,
41:58and who pays annual fees of 4,000 yen.
42:02This is a member of the House of Representatives.
42:04In addition, members of the fan club of the House of Representatives can vote in the general election.
42:13A member of the House of Representatives is a member of the House of Representatives.
42:17On the other hand, a member of the House of Representatives is not a member of the House of Representatives,
42:21but a member of an organization that supports the party.
42:26Therefore, there is a difference in the amount of money you pay,
42:30whether you have a duty to follow the rules of the party or not.
42:35So, some people become a member of the House of Representatives because they want to get the right to vote.
42:40It seems that some people are like that.
42:42The JCPOA often says,
42:43if you become a member of the House of Representatives, you can elect the Prime Minister of Japan.
42:48It seems that some people are involved in the membership of the House of Representatives in this way.
42:53Is it bad to be a member of the House of Representatives 27 days before the election?
42:56You become a member of the House of Representatives, pay money, and become a member of the House of Representatives.
42:58That's true.
42:59As a rule of the JCPOA,
43:01it was decided that it would take more than two years to become a member of the House of Representatives to get the right to vote.
43:06But this time, as a special case,
43:08if you become a member of the House of Representatives last year and pay the membership fee,
43:11you can get the right to vote.
43:15Is this the same system for other parties besides the JCPOA?
43:18The rules are different, but it is decided by each party.
43:23Not only the JCPOA, but there are also members of other political parties.
43:27Most parties can join the JCPOA if they pay several thousand yen a year.
43:33The money is spent on the party's activities,
43:36and in return, many parties are given the right to vote for the election to decide the top.
43:44So, if you become a member of the House of Representatives,
43:47you can't say that you like the party very much or that you are familiar with politics.
43:55For example, if a member of the House of Representatives' family becomes a member of the House of Representatives,
43:59they can also join the JCPOA.
44:02If one member becomes a member of the House of Representatives,
44:05the family member can join the JCPOA.
44:07If you join the JCPOA, you can also join the JCPOA.
44:12If you join the JCPOA, you can also join the JCPOA.
44:16So, if you pay 4000 yen, you can join the JCPOA.
44:23So when you go to the city center, there are a lot of people who say they are members of the Okinawan People's Party.
44:30They don't usually say they are members of the People's Party, but there are actually a lot of people who say they are members of the People's Party.
44:36That's why there are more than 1 million members of the People's Party in the country.
44:44Even though it's an election in the People's Party, they are giving a street speech.
44:49What is this for?
44:52It's a way to get people to listen to their opinions and opinions.
44:59And that person was also in the general election in the People's Party.
45:06That's right. As you can see now, the members of the People's Party are very ordinary people.
45:11For example, it is said that the results of the general public opinion poll and the results of the public opinion poll of the members of the People's Party are almost the same.
45:20That's why people who are popular with the people are also popular among the members of the People's Party.
45:27That's why they are widely appealing to the people, but they are also conscious of the members of the Party.
45:32For example, in a street speech in 2001, former Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro said that he would destroy the People's Party.
45:39As a result, everyone applauded and cheered.
45:41Then he got the membership of the Party.
45:44In the end, if the people support him, the members of the People's Party and the general members of the People's Party will also support him.
45:51There is such a calculation.
45:54This is what this is.
45:56Oh, why?
45:58I'm in charge of Yuru in the store.
46:01High school students' invention.
46:03Offer from a large corporation.
46:06Tomorrow night is a golden night.
46:09Yodobashi Camera
46:39I walk every morning.
46:41About 5 o'clock or 6 o'clock.
46:43Uso is not good.
46:45I slept to the last minute.
46:47It's butter butter.
46:48I can eat it right away.
46:50There is a delicious neo butter.
46:53In the campaign.
47:06Aroma Espresso
47:07In the campaign.
47:09Happy Life
47:11Happy Home
47:13Tama Home
47:15Happy Life
47:17Happy Home
47:1930,000 yen gift card
47:21Tama Home
47:27When you want confidence.
47:35Feelings of wanting to be.
47:39It's about time to get insurance.
47:41You said it last year.
47:43Don't talk here.
47:44Go to the insurance window.
47:46You can't take me anyway.
47:47I prepared it.
47:48Insurance window.
47:49Shaburibada Shaburibada
47:51Insurance window
48:00Who is that?
