• last year
What is the purpose of reincarnation? Is it to experience the fact that there is temporary happiness in worldly things?
00:00When we reincarnate and reincarnate, the final goal is only to get experiences in this plane?
00:08We'll get experience of worldly things. These are all temporary and doesn't give any permanent happiness.
00:15That experience we are getting after each and every life.
00:20Worldly things will not give any permanent happiness and that we are experiencing.
00:25And when we take decision this is not giving permanent happiness.
00:29I want to realize something permanent that will give me permanent happiness.
00:35So this process is going on in every life.
00:39Every post we have to get experience, there is no permanent happiness.
00:43Only soul, when we realize our soul, who am I, self-realization, that will give permanent happiness.
00:52So this is developing stage.
00:55If in this life we acknowledge permanent happiness, it would be more easy for us in the next life?
01:06It will be easy and it will continue in next life.
01:10We'll get evidence of jnani, we'll get knowledge of self, about self in this connection.
01:18It will continue in next life.
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