Battle for Dream Island Again Episode 14 ''PointyPointyPointy''

  • last week
00:00Good news! We dodged the basketball showers!
00:19I hate flying!
00:20Easy for you to say, lazy crazy daisy fanny! You aren't even cranking!
00:24I don't have any arms, so I can't help you guys!
00:27You know how you could help!
00:32AHHHH! So painful!
00:36Don't hurt her! You know what? I'll crank it!
00:38Uh, guys? What's that spire in front of us? It's huge!
00:42Just like your massive inflated noggin.
00:45And is that a bunk bed on top?
00:46Well, steer away from it. I don't want to crash.
00:49Sure thing!
00:50What do you think that cloud looks like?
00:52I think the cloud looks like a snowball.
00:55Because I'm not blind!
00:58Well, I think it looks like how big my enormous brain is.
01:08Silly Queenie! The bugs are our host! And they're just telling us it's time for cake at stake!
01:13Cake at stake!
01:26I can't understand them.
01:27Not a problem, Nickel. My yo-yo straw can also translate bug-ese into English. Watch!
01:34Seven of you are up for elimination!
01:36That was impressive!
01:37So rude!
01:38What do you mean, so rude?
01:40You bought tickets to watch this cake at stake!
01:42Oh, right.
01:44Nickel, Pin, Bomby, Fries, Tennis Ball, Golf Ball, and Queenie.
01:47Whoever gets the most likes gets a prize.
01:49Whoever gets the most dislikes is eliminated!
01:52Isn't this thrilling?
01:53Well, let's see who won the prize!
01:55Prize! Prize! Prize!
02:02Pin wins the prize!
02:04Congratulations, buddy!
02:08Spin the wheel already, Pin! We don't got all day!
02:12Well, since you won't spin it, it looks like you'll win. Excruciating pain for 2763 years.
02:18Sounds fun.
02:19Stop! Stop! Stop! I have had enough of Pin being the butt of your jokes! I will spin it!
02:27Regain your face, your size, and a state-of-the-art mech suit?
02:30Oh, my tater!
02:33Pin shall rise! Pin shall rise! Pin shall rise!
02:38Um, guys? I'm feeling uneasy.
02:41Return of the wolf! Return of the wolf! Return of the wolf!
02:46Yay! I'm back to regular size! And I got my face! And I got my limbs! Oh!
02:52Wait, they got my face on the wrong side!
02:54Maybe Pin can get her brain back, too?
03:01Wow, you fixed it!
03:02Welcome back, Pin!
03:03Pin, it's so nice you're complete again! What's the first thing you want to do now?
03:07Oh, that's an easy one.
03:09Tear down the free-smartest who did this to me.
03:16You need to stop violating cake-and-steak etiquette, Pencil! Maybe now you'll learn your lesson!
03:21Oh, my word! The bug's poisoned Pencil! How could we let her suffer such a fate?
03:25Oh, yeah, um, we'd never let that happen!
03:29Uh-oh! If the bugs are gonna kill us, then we gotta kill the bugs with Spongy!
03:39On to the elimination!
03:41We got 57,725 dislikes! You'll get a poisoned instrument if you're safe!
03:47Coiny and Pin are the first ones safe!
03:51Yes! Body back, and now I'm in the final ten? This day just keeps getting better and better!
03:56Tennis ball is also safe with 5K!
03:59Yay! Cello there, golfie!
04:01That joke is adequately funny! C-plus!
04:05Now we're down to Nickel, Bomby, Frize, and Golf Ball!
04:08The leads switched hands between you guys at least three times, and all of you got over 10,000 dislikes!
04:14You repulsive, dislike magnets!
04:17Ironic you're calling us repulsive!
04:19Um, I wouldn't call our hosts repulsive, Frize.
04:22Nickel is nice, so he's safe!
04:24Woo! Kindness wins again!
04:26Frize is mean, but he's safe!
04:28And it's dead.
04:29Wait, what that means?
04:31It's down to Bomby and Golf Ball!
04:33But I'm so used to getting prizes! This can't be happening!
04:36TB, calculate my chances of winning!
04:38Hmm, it's 1 out of 11, so 9.090909 repeating percent.
04:42But don't you normally like doing the math yourself?
04:45Are you nervous?
04:46Not nervous, just verifying.
04:51For Spongy to kill the bugs, we need them all in one place!
04:54I hear they like sugar!
04:56I got you covered!
04:57Perfect! A place where Spongy's gonna land!
05:03It's working! Keep going!
05:05Here we go, here we go!
05:07Save some for me!
05:10Okay, now back up!
05:17So, who's eliminated?
05:18Golf Ball, don't you see? Our host has been killed!
05:22No matter, we've been through this before!
05:25Come host now!
05:27But Golfy, who the heck is my next meal?
05:31Who's calling me?
05:32Wait, Birdbag, you can't forget to-
05:38Um, what's that noise?
05:47Stop cranking, stop cranking!
05:48What? I can't hear you!
05:49Stop cranking!
05:51Oh right, how could I forget?
05:55Phew, that was too close.
05:57I'm gossiping about this!
05:59Hey BFF, you would not believe what I just saw!
06:02No way, Bestie, spill the beans!
06:04Was that Barf Bag's voice? But isn't she-
06:09Spongy just died.
06:10For real? Hold on, my friends broke their bones. I'll call you back.
06:13Sure, see you later.
06:14Enough dying! Who's eliminated?
06:16Well, all the bugs are dead, and Barf Bag picked up the phone, so I guess she's the host?
06:22Wait, excuse me, out of my way, hold on.
06:23I'd love to host! Let's reveal the votes!
06:33Golf Ball, I don't really know you, but you are eliminated!
06:37What? But I'm the world lead- I- I- team leader!
06:41No, not golfy!
06:43Wow, this is like gonna be so satisfying!
06:46Tennis friends, keep inventing devices, that's how you can win this for the both of us!
06:50Now my chances of winning were from 9.09% to 0.000%.
06:56Wait, is that a golf club?
07:04Awesome! Another team no-namer!
07:06Oh, great!
07:07Like, now that that stupid bozo-brained bossy-butt is gone, spin the, like, wheel to choose the contest!
07:12Yay! Match is back!
07:14Get out of here, Match, I'm the host now!
07:16But I gotta do this for FreeSmart, and I wanna, like, see Penn Spence!
07:19Rules are rules!
07:20Why don't we have everybody in the locker of losers host?
07:25But seriously, spin that contest wheel already.
07:30Um, guys?
07:31Oh my gosh, bad flute!
07:33I'm not dead.
07:34Oh my gosh, you're alive!
07:36But, we paid a lot for that poster, so...
07:48Enough killing!
07:49I would never advocate for that!
08:00What bunk bed?
08:01The one atop the spire, silly!
08:05Since the bed only fits two, you'll have to split into five pairs to compete.
08:09Sounds good! Penn, wanna form a team?
08:11Of course!
08:13Oh my gumdrop, FreeSmart, we gotta form a team!
08:16You can't have all four members on one team, you have to split up.
08:19Darn! Well, Pencil's dead, and Needle's the rookie, so we can do a team of me and Book.
08:24Gee, thanks!
08:27Aw man, without my golfie by my side, who could I possibly team with?
08:31Why not me? I have the same shape and limbs as her.
08:34Uh, I guess you'll do.
08:37Woo! I feel so appreciated right now!
08:40Wait, but that means I have to team with...
08:44The King Emperor!
08:46I'm so proud of you, King Emperor!
08:49Hey, but that means I have to team with...
08:52The King Emperor!
08:54You literally tried to murder me.
08:57Yo, weaklings, have you all formed teams yet?
09:01Then let's crash that bunk bed!
09:09We're here!
09:11So, let's go over the rules. Get to the bunk bed on the top of the spire.
09:15There will be five floating islands along the way.
09:17Don't slow down, because a certain someone sure doesn't like trespassers!
09:23Who's that?
09:24Silly question!
09:26Anyway, the last team to get to the end will be sleep-deprived and up for elimination!
09:31Only two people in danger? That's so few!
09:34But how will we get to Island 1?
09:37Wade, who asked that question?
09:39Me, the only ball with lines.
09:41Well, only ball with lines...
09:43Figure it out yourself!
09:45Three, two, one, go!
09:53Can you believe it, pointy? Now that I have wheels, we're in first!
09:58No pin, we're in last.
09:59Aw, man!
10:00Climb that spire, Bommy! The bunk beds are probably in the air!
10:04Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm not your servant! You do it!
10:07Well, I sure as dirt ain't listening to you!
10:10No way!
10:11We gotta go for the find, Ruby!
10:13Needed here first! Those who are green are speedy machines!
10:16Really? That rule doesn't apply to everyone, huh?
10:22Oh, my words! We left our dear rookie behind!
10:25Well, Pencil always promised me that if she ever died, we could bury her in the FreeSmart Super Coffin!
10:30Pencil wanted to be buried in a coffin with a rocket engine?
10:34Of course! Watch this!
10:38Put Pencil inside!
10:47Hello, contestants! I'm Donut, first boot of BFDIA, and welcome to my island!
10:51As a prize for getting here, you may take a blanket!
10:54Oh, my blacksmith, Donut! I haven't seen you since the days you said,
10:59Yeah, that's me, all right.
11:00On this island, your goal is to fill these jetpacks with fuel and try to use them to fly to Island 2!
11:05Ooh, sounds delightful! Now, where could I find this fuel you speak of?
11:11Hey, Pen! Can your mech suit climb vines?
11:14It can!
11:15Oh, my felt, we're falling behind!
11:17Stop shaking me! Stop shaking me! I mean, we're the only team with no arms, anyway. What did you expect?
11:22Wait, I know what to do! I invented metal-to-fuzz glue!
11:27Whoa! What are you doing?
11:29Now, between the two of us, we have four limbs!
11:32Oh, yeah!
11:34You have arms, so you should climb!
11:36I'm not gonna!
11:38What are you doing for one of my fries?
11:40Oh, I hate fries!
11:42Oh, sweet!
11:43Want more? Come and get it!
11:45Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!
11:49We've reached Island 1!
11:51So have we!
11:53Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!
11:54Sugar crash!
11:55Welcome to Donut Island, Teams 2 and 3. Ruby, Book, Fry, Spawny, long time no see!
12:00Indeed! And I think your island is...
12:05Look, Donut said we had to fill these jetpacks with fuel, but I can't find any!
12:10Needle, there's no fuel on Donut Island!
12:13It's cherry filling!
12:14Oh, I get it!
12:23Climb! Climb! Climb! Climb!
12:32I'm excited we get to compete again!
12:34And I'm excited for revenge!
12:36But wait! Your power cables!
12:42Go figure!
12:43I'd like to order 2,763 extended cables!
12:46Thank you for your order!
12:56I built an ecosystem-destroying oil rig to extract jelly filling as fast as possible!
13:01And I built!
13:03Um, well, I'm not really sure how to contribute.
13:06Uh, you could suck the pollution out of the air with this straw.
13:13It's done! Nickel, let's go!
13:15Sure thing!
13:18Ooh, I want to use the oil rig too!
13:21What do you look at that? Our only armistice team soars to first place!
13:25Congratulations, Tennis Ball and Nickel!
13:27Why thank you, Donut. You know, I haven't heard much from you since you said-
13:32But you don't make a bad host after all!
13:35The coin and ball already finished?
13:37Bobby, wake up! I need your help!
13:41Get digging, Bobby! The ingredients are probably underground!
13:51Hey, Book! How does this jetpack work?
13:53Wow! You got it so full, Ruby! Let's fly to Island 2 now!
13:57Oh man, you guys are so fast! If only I had a living team member!
14:01Yeah, um, well, be sure to give Pencil a stern talking to at the next alliance meeting.
14:16Ooh! These must be the extension cables!
14:18Ah! Not evil, leafy!
14:21You're all plugged in now!
14:22It's working!
14:26Ooh! What a picturesque island! And it's got a vat of anti-poison on it!
14:30But who's hosting this island?
14:37Oh, it's you. Fine, I'll take a pillow.
14:40Wow! There's more of me out there? Fascinating!
14:43But wait, how could Dora host an island? Doesn't she eat?
14:47Don't say it!
14:57Looks like someone's got the munchies!
15:03What an unhinged host we have here!
15:05And I'm referring to her jaw, not her mind.
15:07Uh, Dora, you know you won't be able to taste any of the islands through the metal walls, right?
15:14We have to eat an island to ascend? I don't like the sound of that!
15:20Oh, great. You're here too now. What's with your friend?
15:23Sugar crash!
15:29Oh, no!
15:30Oh, no!
15:31Oh, no!
15:32Oh, no!
15:33Oh, no!
15:34Oh, no!
15:35Oh, no!
15:36Oh, no!
15:37Oh, no!
15:38Oh, no!
15:39Oh, no!
15:40Oh, no!
15:41Oh, no!
15:43We're flying! We're flying! Whee!
15:45Yes, you are, Ruby!
15:47From here we can see the pink frosted mountains, the glazed hills, the churro pillars, and the donut sinkholes! It's needy!
15:55Whoa! What's happening? Are you sure the fuel you collected was pure jelly filling?
16:00Um, I think so? It was from TB's oil rig.
16:03Oil rig? That garbage is polluted!
16:06Polluted? No!
16:13Finally done!
16:19Oh, no! They're doomed!
16:20Hmm, to become a FreeSmart member, one must show an act of sacrifice!
16:29Ow! Watch where you're going!
16:31Oh, I know where I'm going!
16:33Ow! Wait, Needle threw her jet pack at us!
16:36Catch it!
17:08Wake up! Wake up!
17:09W-Where am I?
17:11Eat an island!
17:12No! That sounds disgusting! You do it!
17:15Eat another sugary fry!
17:17Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
17:32Want to eat an island?
17:41I would, but my doctor says I'm allergic to minerals.
17:44Ooh, how about this?
17:45I'll cook and season an island, which will make it super appetizing for you to eat!
17:50Oh, um, okay.
17:53It has an awful chemically aftertaste.
17:59Well, try to stomach it.
18:01It's like they always say, vegetables are good for you, and grass is basically vegetables,
18:07Wait, what's that sound?
18:08FreeSmart's back!
18:09And back to life!
18:10Uh, where am I?
18:11You're on Dora's Island, and I'm your team member!
18:12Gotta eat, gotta eat, gotta eat!
18:13Ah, I feel better.
18:14Side effects of anti-poison.
18:15You know, I would know.
18:18No way!
18:19Dora, you're still alive?!
18:20Ooh, nice!
18:21Take some of this!
18:22Oh, thank you, Dora!
18:23It's all good!
18:24You're welcome, we'll all eat together!
18:26Oh, I don't think this last one's going to end well.
18:27Uh, please!
18:28Please, no, no, no, no, no, no!
18:29Please, no!
18:30Please, please, please, please, please!
18:31Please, please, please, please, please!
18:34Wait, Dora!
18:37Please, Dora!
18:39No, Dora, Dora!
18:41No, Dora, Dora!
18:42Dora, Dora!
18:46Oh, nice, teddy bears!
18:48Hey, Teardrop, what do you want us to do on this island?
18:53Uh, what?
18:59Teardrop is saying there's a lot of Chatterboxes
19:01on this island who's blabbering is annoying
19:03the other droplets!
19:04So you want us to?
19:06He wants us to make the Chatterboxes shut up
19:08and then her cousin, Droplets,
19:09will give you a gift to say thanks!
19:11I can't believe we were so far ahead
19:14and now we're in dead last!
19:16It's over. It's...
19:18Oh, it's really over.
19:24What's that?
19:31They remembered us.
19:32Swim up the stream, you guys.
19:36It's the free Spark comeback of the century!
19:46What? We have to eat islands?
19:50Yeah, like them.
19:52Tastes bad! Tastes bad!
19:56It does? Probably because of all that gunk in your mouth.
19:59Let's brush it out!
20:00Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster!
20:03Oh hey, did you know that bees can recognize faces? I read somewhere that I was so close
20:07to a bee that I tried hunting for a local barber and it was amazing.
20:08Yo, Wizzle! Speaking of bees, I tried hunting for a local barber and it was amazing.
20:09Nonsense! Honey Drop doesn't like that!
20:10It's time to be quiet!
20:11Oh yeah, what if I don't want to be quiet?
20:19YAY! Freakzmart is back together again!
20:23Well, we're not all back. Aren't you forgetting someone?
20:26Wait, you don't mean... ah, I get it.
20:35What's up guys? I'm back!
20:38Yay! Bubble's back!
20:40I promised not to pop her.
20:42Glad to hear it, needy!
20:44All right, no, I don't we stick together now
20:50What do you want from us
20:54Wait eat an island I already did that see
21:00You were saying
21:08Are you done brushing only like 2% the way there
21:12Do you like it doesn't look like it it's 90% dirt. Well, if you don't like it garbage disposal
21:33We're here
21:43My bubble blower is this teardrops Island
21:48I'm s TD. Well, oh look. There's a teacher a family reunion happening over there. Let's check it out
21:55Boy, hello there you one distinguished guest but two distinguished guests. Oh, hey there
22:01Did you know I've been scrubbing doil toilets for years? It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it speaking of scrubbing
22:05Have you ever noticed I'm a different?
22:08Huh, well you think coffee drop is thankful you got rid of that obnoxious brush
22:23No, here's how you use it
22:34Evil ladies here are my teeth clean enough yet. Just a little more. Oh, this brush isn't fast enough
22:48Now your teeth are clean and shiny, thanks TV
23:09The free spotters are getting away
23:11This is unacceptable. It's actually unacceptable
23:14You're not listening to my dream or 30 drafts and peeing to my bedroom store my socks
23:17So I have to go to the store and buy more but they ran outside
23:28My mint, is that the shipwreck from that urban legend? You mean how here job was a pirate?
23:33Yeah, yeah here here get a photo of me with the ship for sure. But first I need to back up
23:41You know, I've been really thinking about my own mortality lately I keep getting this feeling that I'm about to die soon
23:45Did you know that statistically people are more likely to die from being run over by us?
23:49Say cheese. Oh
23:52Man this photos ruined it. Can I see the picture? But first this milk shop gave me rockets. Whoa. What is this button do?
24:04What is this place it's like my mastic factory you coin stir it's where they build more of like me really yeah
24:12Hey, yeah
24:23Anyway, what do we do here? Oh, well first off welcome to like my beautiful island
24:28Feel free to pick up like a nightcap for catching Z
24:31The challenge is to like build a raft to ride the volcano to like the next island got that
24:36Yeah, but also I'm like, oh and jeep and fence. I haven't seen you in like forever
24:42We have like I like so much to look like talk about
24:46Hey, I guess we could but I'm kind of busy. Oh
24:50Well, then let's make that right
25:07Do we have to do that too, well you guys are like my BFF so I'll let you in on a little secret
25:13There's an extra raft near the shipwreck on teardrops Island
25:19The sweetness of mattress Island this island smells rancid. Hey, yeah. Hey be more careful
25:27We made it
25:39Now don't kill me again if you say so girl squared
25:50How about this
25:59Nice bounce jiggle boy. Yeah. Um, don't tell me that
26:05That's you're just an object with stupid ugly red hair
26:08Oh, at least I can say I'm not like a pinhead max. Your friends are jumping off a cliff. Oh, I'm well aware
26:15Hello there teardrop my former squashy grape
26:21Need anything from us
26:27You want us to tell them to be quiet got it
26:32We're here to save you nickel do your thing
26:49Wow, this must be mattress Island now our raft is done
26:57Hey, it would be sharing if you like ripped it in half and give us the other half because sharing is when both people get
27:01Something this is just stealing whatever
27:11Thanks, mommy
27:14Right free smarters. Where do you think the extra raft would be?
27:18Hmm, Matt said it was around the ship. So I'll check the back. I'll check the format
27:23Boy, I'll check the inside. I'll check the after peak
27:33TB are you sad GB's gone? Yeah, it is sad. Although the extra space lets me hone in my own building skills like this
27:42Nice let's ride it up the volcano
27:51Welcome to the most colorful island pick up a bedtime story
28:03Hope not
28:06That's better so puff all the backstabber we meet again
28:10So we do you're now within earshot of the bunk bed
28:13Your task is to sing a lullaby if I like it the puppy platform will rise and you'll be able to step into bed
28:21That's the finish line
28:32Let me try puffball you betrayed us you're a filthy brat you deserve to burn I will crush you flat
28:43That was so off-topic price give me the mic
28:49Booty pointy pointy my point is sharpened pointy pointy pointy pointy my point is sharpened pointy
28:56Oh, I don't want to go in
29:11That must be the raft is under the ship nice, let's just get out of here
29:27Got it
29:53She made a noble sacrifice we gotta move on
29:59But I made it
30:11Pointy pointy pointy my point is sharpened pointy pointy pointy
30:18We are
30:21Close your eyes go to sleep. Let your prefrontal cortex a bit melatonin in those consciousness
30:28That wasn't very lullaby like
30:31So you pass
30:34It's the bunk bed you can get in first TV you earned yay
30:39This is for you golfy tennis ball and nickel are the first team to get in the bunk bed. They are safe
30:45Close your eyes
30:47Go to sleep
30:55We're buck yay free smart stays on top
31:00You're on the bottom the last two ranks. Nobody's behind you. Yeah
31:09Well, no time for crying we got the raft you told us about yeah, okay, wait let bubble say it yo yo cake, let's go
31:20Puffball you betrayed us. You're a filthy rat you deserve to I will like you
31:28Wow your song improved
31:33You know, maybe we don't need to kidnap and murder each other go to bed
31:41Mommy and fries are safe at second place
31:45Which means it's down to coiny and pin and the free smart teams who will survive find out after the break break
31:54We're back
31:56Maybe I should try singing this time. Take it away
32:03Pointy pointy pointy my point is sharpened pointy pointy pointy pointy my point is sharpened pointy pointy pointy pointy
32:10It's a sharpened pointy
32:13You have learned nothing well, then it's my turn to sing right Oh one sheep to see red sheep blue sheep
32:22Team cannot sing twice in a row if there are other teams ready to go, but there aren't oh, but there are
32:31Now and now it's time for us to get in the bunk bed we deserve
32:37Hit it pencil
32:42Go yeah, I have no idea what to sing. Do you I've got something up my sleeve
33:15Was beautiful you pass
33:19Yay, I owe you a big one needle
33:26Pencil and needle safe at third place now only two teams have not finished
33:35All right now it's our turn no by the rules you can't sing twice until we get a chance to sing
33:42Rules please sing when you are ready
33:47It's us versus them book this is our shot to remove our biggest rival from the game
33:52But do we even know what to sing? I'm not a lyrics booklet. What about spongy cake?
33:59No, I've got a we don't have all day I've got a backup plan
34:05pointy pointy pointy
34:37Liked the sound of that remix you pass
34:42Yo-yo cake
35:21Free smart you fool you have crossed far too many lines you ripped off my face you crushed my body
35:28You didn't let ice cube come swing with me and now you have the gall to steal my song
35:33No wonder your team name abbreviates to fart. It's time. You feel my pain
35:38It's time you feel the gravity of all the atrocities you have inflicted upon me Ruby and book
35:43I have no remorse in saying that you are
35:48up for
35:56What just happened do you know Mary had a little lamb good yeah, I won't question it
36:08Well, that settles it pin and corny snatched fourth and last spot in the bunk bed
36:13So they are safe only Ruby and book failed to reach the bunk bed
36:16so they are up for elimination go to the voting videos in the description and like the
36:21Contestant you want to give a prize and dislike the one you want eliminated. See you in BFDI a 15
36:31We go is hi
36:33I'm Michael and if you liked the episode and want to help us out then please press subscribe and make sure you're subscribed
36:40Or else I'll turn into a raging pin
36:42Also right now as you're watching this episode the tennis ball golf ball and evil leafy plushies are finally available for you to order today
36:50Thank you to everyone who came and saw the episode early at the BFDI and I I
36:532024 tour it was amazing getting to be you guys. Goodbye
