• last year
00:35Begged bienvenida. Gracias. Umut. Muchas gracias. No hay por qué verlas
00:52Sabes que a veces creo que he sido injusta contigo
00:56Me tengo que tomar eso como un cumplido
01:02Todos deberíamos sentirnos bien diciendo lo que pensamos
01:05dije tú estás bien estoy bien
01:09tiene que haber pasado algo malo para que diga algo así no es sólo que no estoy acostumbrado a
01:15escuchar esos piropos viniendo de ti
01:26Por cierto, a lo mejor tú eras mejor opción
01:34Mejor opción quizá no habría sido para los niños
01:39era eso
01:40estoy segura de que tú no
01:42intentarías vivir una vida que no te pertenece y no mandarías a los niños al extranjero en dos días cuando fracasas
01:49Va a hacer eso
01:54Claro es atish con él todo es posible
02:05Fusún fusún querida estás empapada en sudor que pasa estaba el autobús muy lleno es muy temprano
02:15Ansade querida sino
02:18Te conocí era desde hace tanto tiempo diría que estás estupenda pero se te ve apagada muy apagada
02:25y sin pararte decir con tenías todo el tiempo
02:29Para para para el botox está yendo al final va a salir tu cara de verdad ya te es no te dará
02:37esa boutique que tanto anhelas
02:41mírate es una pena lo es
02:51Pero porque no me crees me duele mucho la barriga
02:56que porque no te creo
02:57te lo diré yo hacía lo mismo cuando tenía tu edad no querías parecerte a mí pues bueno parece que nos parecemos en esto
03:05tú de verdad
03:07atéis ángel y el gran don juan
03:09deja de decir eso hermano cuando eras pequeño hacías estas cosas
03:15Sí y sabes qué pasó que me dejé de tonterías y monté una empresa online vaya entendido
03:25dime qué pasa
03:26por qué no quieres ir al partido
03:29verás porque tengo miedo de fallar la canasta cuando todo el mundo me mire
03:36Hay dos no hay nada más natural y normal que eso como que es natural y normal
03:42Hace ser humillado es lo peor que te puede pasar y algo peor que eso es ser deshonrado en público
03:47por no hablar de cuando haces el ridículo delante de todo el colegio
03:52si lo entiendo mira yo estaba en un internado a tu edad sabes y pasé por muchas cosas en el colegio
04:01pero no tienes que preocuparte
04:04no tiene importancia siéntete bien tú mismo y luego mira alrededor
04:10Mira tienes que entender que siempre habrá gente aplaudiéndote pero también habrá gente abucheándote por tus fracasos
04:18así que habrá
04:20algunas personas
04:22esperando que ganes y otras
04:24que estarán esperando que pierdas
04:28pero no puedes pensar en eso
04:30yo estoy así ahora por ejemplo
04:32si el miedo hubiera ganado no estaría aquí
04:34Es inevitable la sensación de querer agradar a todo el mundo
04:36pero cuando te centres en ti mismo y en la canasta les ganarás
04:38¿De acuerdo?
04:40Claro, he entendido
04:42Ahora creo que tú y yo deberíamos jugar un rato
04:44y luego te llevo al partido
04:46¿Te parece?
04:48Muy bien
04:54Si me ganas te lo devuelvo
04:58Te espero en la pista
05:00Está bien
05:02Me dijo que Atesh
05:04mandaría a los niños al extranjero
05:06antes del juicio
05:08¿Qué hacemos?
05:10Tía, tenemos que llamar al abogado inmediatamente
05:12Veo que estás muy contento, Umut
05:16Me parece todo bien
05:18Son buenas noticias
05:20pero ahora mismo no haremos nada
05:22¿Por qué no?
05:24Porque ahora puede echarse
05:26a la piscina
05:28¿Por qué no?
05:30Porque ahora puede echarse atrás
05:32Puede negarlo
05:34Decir que no es verdad
05:36Necesitamos más pruebas
05:38para demostrar sus intenciones
05:40Esperemos un poco
05:42Y si ese es el caso
05:44nos darán la custodia
05:48La empresa será nuestra
05:50Será toda nuestra
05:52¿Qué te había dicho?
05:56No puede más
05:58Los niños
06:00Ojalá sea así, tía
06:08¡Hay dos!
06:10¡Hay dos!
06:12¡Hay dos!
06:14¡Vamos, hay dos, vamos!
06:16¡Venga, hay dos, tú puedes!
06:18¡Claro que sí, estamos aquí por ti!
06:20¡Eres el mejor, hay dos, venga!
06:22¡Eres el mejor, venga, hay dos!
06:24¡Hay dos!
06:26¡Vamos, hay dos, vamos!
06:30¡Hay dos!
06:32¡Hay dos!
06:34¡Vamos, vamos, vamos! ¡Bien!
06:38¡Ah, increíble!
06:40¡Hay dos!
06:42¡Vamos, vamos, vamos! ¡Venga!
06:46¡Vamos, hay dos!
06:50¡Estás embobada!
06:52¡Vamos, hay dos!
06:54¡Hay dos!
06:56¡Sin piedad!
06:58¡Escuchad, Atesh!
07:02¡Es un niño, pero se juega bien!
07:04¿Qué pasa?
07:06¡Venga, tú puedes!
07:08¡Sí, vamos, hay dos!
07:10¡Hay dos!
07:20Señor Jacob, cada día me sorprende más que bárbaro
07:22Desde luego, estás el primero en la lista de personas extrañas
07:28Eh, venga, ven a jugar, si eres tan buena
07:30Nos llama
07:32¡Venga, venga, venid!
07:34¡Venid, vamos!
07:36¿Pero no hay nadie ahí atrás?
07:38¡Venid, ya!
07:40¡Vamos, chicos, venid! ¡Vamos a jugar!
07:42¡Cuatro contra cuatro!
08:18¡Genial! ¡En el sextado!
08:20¡Bien hecho!
08:22¡Choca! ¡Choca! ¡Choca! ¡Choca! ¡Choca!
08:38¿Qué haces? ¡Estabas sola!
08:40¿Cómo se te ha escapado?
08:42¡No sé qué ha pasado!
08:44¿Qué? ¿Qué pasa ahora?
08:46¡Eso ha sido falta, señor!
08:52¡Venga, antes y después!
08:56¡Tira! ¡Tira!
09:04¡Vaya estafadores que han jugado en nuestra casa!
09:14¡Ni siquiera yo podría haberme imaginado esto!
09:18I've got you, Ates.
09:27How's it going? Are you ready for the game?
09:30Yes, but you know you have to go to the game.
09:33Oh, right. Dad's stupid rules.
09:36Don't worry, we won't say anything and we won't break them.
09:41Come on, let's play.
09:42Let's practice.
09:44It's hard for me not to kiss you right now.
09:47Are you serious?
09:50Of course.
09:51Kiss me.
09:54Have you finished the game?
09:56What are you doing? Don't you play anymore?
09:58Well, I'll leave you with the last move and I'm going to take a shower.
10:01That's better.
10:02Okay, okay.
10:03Very well.
10:06Yes, yes, yes. Cha, cha, cha.
10:08I just say we're going to win.
10:10Come on, you two. Cha, cha, cha.
10:12I just say we're going to win.
10:14Yes, yes, yes. Cha, cha, cha.
10:16Cha, cha, cha.
10:17I just say we're going to win.
10:21It's okay, it's okay.
10:23Don't worry.
10:24You don't have to let him come down.
10:26There he comes.
10:34Don't let him get disheartened.
10:36Let's go see him.
10:42You've done a great job.
10:44You too.
10:47Well, we lost the game, but it's okay.
10:50I'm glad you're here.
10:54It's okay.
10:55I'm glad too.
10:57I'm glad I came.
11:01Very well, be careful.
11:03Leila, do you want a hug too?
11:09No, I'm fine.
11:14Come on, let's go change.
11:19You don't have to think too much, dear.
11:22So don't think too much.
11:24I'll take care of everything.
11:28Are you okay?
11:31Are you okay?
11:32Yes, yes, don't worry.
11:36He's upset.
11:37Hey, Jakob, have you gone mad?
11:40Fusun is coming for us.
11:41He's going to betray us.
11:42You said we should stick to the plan.
11:44What are we going to do?
11:45What are we going to do, Mercio?
11:46What are we going to do?
11:47What are we going to do?
11:48Haven't we always swindled bankers and mansion owners?
11:51They weren't that rich.
11:52So what?
11:54Are we going to be the servants of the rich?
11:56I don't know about you, but I'm not going to talk.
11:58Hey, have you seen yourself?
12:00You are.
12:01I'll stick to the plan.
12:03Listen to me.
12:05Imagine if we swindled Ate.
12:07If we were Fusun, would he shut up?
12:09Think about it.
12:10Right now she's quiet because she has her own plan.
12:12But she'll talk sooner or later.
12:14We'll finish her before she can do it.
12:16Do you hear me?
12:17Why can't you understand?
12:18All I'm asking is that you trust me.
12:21Look, Leila will finish Ate and Fusun both.
12:25Don't worry.
12:26Okay, that's enough.
12:27That's enough.
12:28Don't you see what you've done to this girl?
12:30What have we done?
12:31She's going to get in bed with Ate
12:33just because she wants to do things right.
12:35She wants to find her parents
12:36and she wants to pay the hospital bills.
12:38What do you want me to do?
12:39That's enough.
12:40Are you in love or are you a feminist, Onur?
12:43What are you saying?
12:44She's going to get in bed with Ate.
12:45That's right.
12:46That's right.
12:47What do you want me to do?
12:48Don't talk nonsense.
12:49I'll do whatever it takes to fool Ate.
12:51Is that what we want?
12:52Put Leila in bed with people?
12:53You're a bastard.
12:55I'll finish you.
12:57You're a bastard.
12:58You're shameless.
12:59Come on.
13:00You're shameless.
13:01Of course you're not a man.
13:02Shut up.
13:03Shut up.
13:05Go get some air.
13:08We're on the final stretch, okay?
13:10Not even Fusun can ruin our plan.
13:13Are you listening to me?
13:14We're in phase six and I'm going to blow up.
13:17Leila's better off acting quickly
13:19or someone's going to pay for it.
13:20Do you understand?
13:21Yes, I understand.
13:22What are you looking at?
13:23Shut up, please.
13:24What have we become?
13:26What are we doing?
13:27That's enough.
13:28I'm begging you.
13:30Don't you think we haven't spent much time together?
13:33I have to take care of the kids.
13:36Yeah, and I guess the little one hasn't let you sleep.
13:40Yes, I haven't slept much.
13:43I'm sorry, but I couldn't come back.
13:46Ate, there are kids in front of you.
13:48Don't get so close.
13:49The truth is, I don't remember the last time I had to hide a relationship.
13:54The truth is, I don't remember the last time I had to hide a relationship.
13:59It's more exciting, isn't it?
14:02Do you think so?
14:03I think so.
14:04We should go to dinner and have Mert take care of it.
14:07I'll take care of it.
14:08No, Mert will do it.
14:09Change of plans.
14:10Leila and I have something to do, so Mert will take you in the car.
14:15Leila's not coming?
14:16Not now.
14:17I'll take care of Berit.
14:19Just for a while.
14:20Leila will go home later.
14:22I'll be back very late.
14:24Let's go.
14:26She loves to blow.
14:29What's wrong?
14:30Do you think they're a couple?
14:32It can't be.
14:36Besides, Ate, she wouldn't do that to me.
14:39What are you talking about?
14:40It's nothing.
14:41It doesn't matter.
14:43It's nothing.
14:44Let's go together.
14:45Honour, dear, aren't you letting yourself be carried away by your feelings?
14:50I know you're thinking about Leila.
14:52But she's also my friend.
14:54Do you understand?
14:55I'm worried about her.
14:56Do you think you're the only one who thinks about Leila?
14:58We all want to get out of here, Honour.
15:00Look, Meriem.
15:01What she wants is to find her family.
15:04This job has become dangerous.
15:07The situation has changed.
15:09Fusun knows.
15:10I'm afraid something will happen to her.
15:12What if they find her?
15:13You're not the only one who's afraid.
15:15We're all scared.
15:16Don't worry.
15:17We'll do our best to fix it.
15:19You act as if you don't know Jakub.
15:22When has Jakub ever given up on anything in his life?
15:25Tesar is the best incentive we've ever had.
15:28Do you think he's going to let us escape?
15:30Okay, okay, okay.
15:32Well, I see you're all here.
15:36I think you should leave family meetings out of work hours.
15:42Mr. Honour, you shouldn't even be here right now.
15:46We're talking about work, I assure you.
15:50In similar gardens,
15:52there are people who plant organic crops and serve breakfast to earn extra.
15:57And we thought, why don't we do that?
16:00What you're proposing sounds pretty illegal.
16:04I'm sorry, but I don't understand.
16:06Is it illegal to earn extra?
16:09First of all, those two concepts don't go well together.
16:12I'll explain it to you.
16:13Let's say you go to an Italian restaurant
16:15and see that they're selling weird stuff inside.
16:19Wouldn't you think they're swindlers or something?
16:22Well, this would be the same.
16:24Besides, do you really think the Arjali farm needs any extra income?
16:32Mr. Hilter is right, really.
16:35We'll get to work.
16:37Of course, let's go.
16:38Good morning.
16:40Very good.
16:42These people are crazy.
16:44They want to plant organic crops.
16:46It's like this is their father's farm,
16:49not the Arjali farm.
16:51This is ridiculous.
16:59Don't worry, there's no one here.
17:03I'm nervous.
17:05I don't know how to act.
17:07You'll get used to it.
17:08You think so?
17:11Let's go.
17:38I've seen this on TV.
17:41I don't know, I didn't think it was real.
17:43I was wondering if people really washed their cars like that.
17:47Now that I see this, should I ask you to start cutting logs?
17:54If you want to.
18:00Should I cut them?
18:01You don't have to, it doesn't matter.
18:03Not because I know myself. I don't take long to cool down.
18:07Thank you very much. You didn't have to.
18:10I don't understand.
18:12How can you work in this heat, sweating all the time?
18:15But what are you going to do if you've left your salary in a restaurant?
18:19It's our destiny.
18:21It's worth it, miss.
18:26If you call me again, miss, as if you were selling me internet over the phone,
18:30I'll have to block you too and start calling you again.
18:36That's it, Meriem.
18:38Meriem. I was going to say Meriem, Meriem.
18:44By the way, one of the drivers of the company of Mr. Ateja is sick,
18:49so I have to cover for him.
18:51I'll work in both places.
18:53And I wanted to tell you in case I didn't see you.
18:57I understand, of course.
18:59You say it with nostalgia.
19:01You say it with nostalgia.
19:03Nostalgia is good.
19:07By the way, I don't want to work with Mrs. Fusun, but I'm going to have to.
19:13I understand you very well. I agree with you.
19:16That lady is the worst thing in the world, really.
19:20That's why I have an idea to get you rid of her for the moment.
19:25Let Varys go.
19:27He'll take Fusun wherever he wants.
19:29He'll do anything for her.
19:32Of course.
19:33Can he?
19:34Of course, of course.
19:36Call Mr. Ateja.
19:44Is something wrong?
19:46No, I'm fine.
19:50Tell me, Emert.
19:51Hello, hello, hello, Mrs. Ateja.
19:55I'm calling because, as you know, I'm very busy at home
19:58and I don't want to interfere with work at the company.
20:01I was wondering if Varys could help.
20:04Yes, tell Varys to go.
20:07Thank you very much, Mrs. Ateja.
20:09I hope you have a wonderful day.
20:12Good, thank you.
20:14Where is Varys going?
20:16We have a driver on leave and he's going to help.
20:19Varys is good.
20:21How do you know?
20:23Well, because he's young, good, he has energy, that's why I say it.
20:30Varys will be with Fusun.
20:34You're finally smiling.
20:37My friend wrote to me.
20:40Are you jealous or what?
20:42And if I'm jealous, what's wrong?
20:44What do you mean, what's wrong?
20:46Wait a minute, I'll tell you something interesting.
20:48You know that in English there is no word for jealousy.
20:50What are you saying? Of course there is.
21:02Excuse me.
21:03I almost fell, sorry.
21:05What a good couple.
21:06Did you get scared?
21:07Do you want to make a wish for this beautiful woman with dark eyes?
21:12Don't you want to ask for a child?
21:14No, no, no, thank you, we already have three.
21:16What? Three children?
21:18Yes, of different ages.
21:20Yours is incredible.
21:22But hey, this woman is beautiful and has a good time.
21:25Make a wish.
21:26Do you want yellow, blue?
21:28And what are they?
21:29Make a wish.
21:30A wish?
21:31And let us fly to heaven.
21:32I had understood that it was done at night.
21:34To cry for love, don't make that ugly to this woman.
21:37Okay, okay, okay, give me one, how much is it?
21:40What your heart wants.
21:41Here you go.
21:42Thank you very much.
21:43Give me that if you want and I'll throw it away.
21:45Well, thank you very much.
21:46We take the blue, what color do you want?
21:50Better yellow.
21:51The blue.
21:52The one you want.
21:53Thank you very much.
21:55Have a nice day.
21:56Have you done any before?
21:58Of course, there were 500 women, I guess it's normal.
22:04Well, I open it.
22:11Let's see, how do you do it?
22:14Like this.
22:15Do you know why you have done it before?
22:18Of course.
22:33Okay, are you ready?
22:34I am.
22:36And your wish?
22:37We ask for a wish, but we don't say it, okay?
22:42Please, I need help.
22:45I don't want to lose Alex.
22:49You don't ask for one?
22:53You have already done it for me.
22:55Let's go.
22:59Now we do this.
23:03Like this.
23:06Wait, wait.
23:18It's gone.
23:21Okay, let's go.
23:25Thank you very much.
23:27Thank you very much.
23:35Do you like it?
23:38What is it?
23:39It's an instrument.
23:41I like what you play.
24:06You will forget it soon.
24:09You will forget it soon.
24:12Oh, oh, my love.
24:16You tied your scarf on your head so beautifully.
24:23You tied it so beautifully.
24:26Oh, oh, my love.
24:29Your eyes are crazy.
24:33Oh, oh, my love.
24:36Oh, oh, my love.
24:40Oh, oh, my love.
24:43Your eyes are crazy.
24:47Your eyes are crazy.
24:51Oh, oh, my love.
24:54Oh, oh, my love.
24:58Oh, oh, my love.
25:03It was wonderful.
25:04It was great.
25:05Very nice.
25:06Let's go.
25:08Good luck.
25:12You sang very well.
25:13Did I?
25:19Hey, are you from El Mar Negro?
25:22I don't know.
25:24I only remember Istanbul.
25:26My city is Istanbul.
25:28Leila, I don't know much about you, really.
25:33All I know is that you're running away from your family.
25:36Don't you think we should get to know each other a little better?
25:39You're right.
25:42But I can't tell you much about my past either.
25:48Let's recap.
25:53Let's see.
25:55I know...
25:57that now you're a liar.
26:00So don't worry about that.
26:03What did you work as?
26:06In a coffee shop.
26:08And when I didn't have enough money, I started working in a bookstore.
26:13That's all.
26:14My life isn't very interesting.
26:16In fact, your life is much more interesting.
26:18So you tell me.
26:21No more details.
26:24Next time, maybe you'll give me more information.
26:28Anyway, I have to go downtown now.
26:32We're organizing a party in honor of my mother, and you're coming.
26:37Why am I going?
26:39Excuse me.
26:40What for?
26:42What do you want?
26:45It's up to you.
26:54What's going on?
26:55There's no other place to be?
26:57It must be for places.
27:02I don't believe it.
27:04Listen, dear Ansa.
27:06Put a chip on your husband, not me, you know?
27:10I'm not the one who's cheating on you.
27:14It's him.
27:16You're so funny, Fosun.
27:18I'm here for the fashion show tomorrow.
27:21What's going on?
27:22Didn't you know?
27:23Or did they not invite you?
27:26You're talking about a fashion show with my designs.
27:31I thought it was in honor of Yulida, not you.
27:34But if they've already killed you, it makes more sense.
27:41You'll see.
27:42Tomorrow, there'll be a wonderful show.
27:45You'll love my designs.
27:47You're lucky.
27:50Tomorrow, the designer will be chosen.
27:53And who will be in the jury?
27:55Me, not you.
27:57I'll get something more than the store, dear.
28:00Do you hear me?
28:09Why is that witch Ansa in the jury?
28:11This is unacceptable.
28:13This woman makes me nervous.
28:16Get out of the way, girls.
28:18What are you doing in the hallways?
28:20Get out of the way.
28:28What's going on?
28:29Why are you screaming?
28:31What do you think you're doing?
28:33What have I done?
28:34What are you doing with Ansade?
28:36You should have asked me to be the president of the jury.
28:42If you're not even in the jury,
28:45Bigé is the president.
28:47And this event is in honor of my mother.
28:51You may be making designs for Arjali,
28:54and you're going to present them,
28:55but you have nothing to do with the center.
28:59Do you understand?
29:01Of course not.
29:03You're not going to get rid of me, Adesh.
29:11What's going on here?
29:12Nobody has anything to do?
29:16I can't do anything related to Arjali, Mrs. Adesh.
29:20We'll see.
29:22Who's the best designer?
29:25Bigé, La Becaria, or me?
29:27We're leaving.
29:29Open the door!
29:31Mrs. Fusun.
29:38What are you doing here?
29:41Adesh, you're at my service.
29:43That's right.
29:45Mrs. Adesh sent me here temporarily,
29:48because the driver is sick.
29:52The girl...
29:54Leila, do you know if she accepted my proposal?
29:57I don't know, ma'am.
30:01I wonder what Mrs. Adesh would do
30:04if she knew there were swindlers like you in her house.
30:09And on top of that, she pretends to be smart.
30:11She doesn't even realize I'm doing her a favor.
30:15Son, what are you waiting for?
30:19Of course, of course.
30:22Go ahead.
30:25What's going on? What a mess!
30:28I just got the car. I'll take care of everything. Don't worry, ma'am.
30:33This car is so dirty!
30:45Okay, Mrs. Fusun. We're here.
31:02I know where she lives.
31:03Something's wrong. She was very angry.
31:06I'll call her.
31:07I know where she lives.
31:08Something's wrong. She was very angry.
31:11I'll call her.
31:16Good job, Darish.
31:18I knew you could count on me.
31:19I've met a lot of useful people, but this is too much.
31:26Merien, what are you doing?
31:29It's time, number, wait...
31:311538, to clean the same place.
31:34Please do your job.
31:35I remind you, the security guard was fired.
31:39You're right, Mr. Ilter.
31:41I'll take care of that right now.
31:43Don't worry about that now.
31:45They're moving Mrs. Yulide's designs.
31:47Help them.
31:55She has her phone in her hand.
31:59Be careful, don't drag it.
32:01She's touching the floor.
32:02They're dragging her down the floor.
32:04Lift it up a little.
32:05You have to lift it up more.
32:07That's faster.
32:08Like this, like this.
32:13If we fall and drag ourselves down the floor, they'll step on us.
32:16We're not even half as important as these clothes, it's obvious.
32:20You're important to me.
32:25Everyone's in love with this house.
32:28But, girl, what are you doing?
32:30Don't be nosy.
32:31This girl is a devil.
32:32Fusun should teach her to be a spy.
32:35She's just a girl.
32:37She only does housework.
32:41Miss Nergis.
32:43These photos are very valuable.
32:45I ask you to return them as soon as they are scanned.
32:48Of course.
32:50Listen to me, or I'll punish you.
33:07Where have you been?
33:09I went for a walk with Nates.
33:13That's great.
33:15Did you talk to Fusun and tell him you accept his offer?
33:21Leila, don't be stupid.
33:23It's a dead end.
33:25What are you going to do if you don't accept?
33:27What are you going to do?
33:29Come on, wake up.
33:32Look at her.
33:44Another one who doesn't know what he's doing.
33:47They're all wrong.
34:01What are you doing here?
34:03I'm here to help you.
34:05What are you doing here?
34:07I'm here to help you.
34:09What are you doing here?
34:11I'm here to help you.
34:13What are you doing here?
34:15I'm here to help you.
34:17What are you doing here?
34:19I'm here to help you.
34:21What are you doing here?
34:23I'm here to help you.
34:25What are you doing here?
34:27I'm here to help you.
34:29Challenging game.
34:44There was nothing for you to worry about.
34:47You played really well.
34:49We all saw that.
34:51You played the sollenets very well.
34:56I'm not gonna lie.
34:58I get excited, I get scared, I get a stomachache, and when I see you...
35:10Hey Aidos, I understand you.
35:14It's normal to get excited.
35:16In fact, it's very good.
35:18But there's something you need to understand.
35:21Look, I think...
35:23It could be...
35:28You're trying to...
35:30Show that you feel the same as your older brothers?
35:35Okay, it's normal to have feelings.
35:37But it's a little...
35:39Soon for that.
35:43I'm like your older sister and I love you a lot.
35:46And when I see you, I get excited too.
35:49I'll go train with them.
35:52Wait a second.
35:54Do you understand me?
35:59Come on, try harder.
36:10Tell me, Baris.
36:11Leila, I'm confused.
36:13A plot or something, I don't know what it is.
36:15But find out, okay? I'll tell you.
36:18Okay, but hurry up.
36:20I don't have much time, Baris, okay?
36:22Sure, sure, I know.
36:51Are you okay, ma'am?
36:53I'm not okay.
36:55I don't have to be okay all the time.
36:57You can't always be okay.
37:00No, of course.
37:01You asked me if I wanted water or something.
37:03Get on with your business.
37:23What do you know about the bride and the fugitive?
37:28I mean Leila.
37:30All I know is that they were going to a basketball game with the kids.
37:34That's all.
37:36I'll call Umut.
37:39Let's see what he's doing.
37:46Umut, dear.
37:47Ma'am, have you found anything?
37:49Don't worry.
37:51I know what I'm doing.
37:53I wonder if you know what you're doing, dear.
37:57What are you talking about?
37:58You know, as an older brother, you have to spend time with the kids,
38:02be with them, and do things together.
38:24Um, just so you know, I'm with Berit.
38:28How much longer are we going to keep this a secret?
38:31I'm getting tired.
38:32Just a little longer, okay?
38:34Don't worry.
38:37But do you realize that we look like teenagers?
38:40I realize.
38:41That's right.
38:45By the way, how do you tell Idost that you're his older sister?
38:49Oh, my God.
38:50Has he told you?
38:51How fast.
38:52Of course he told me.
38:54He's traumatized.
38:55The poor guy has a lot on his plate.
38:57And you go and tell him that.
39:00Yes, you may be right, but I already told you.
39:04I'm like this.
39:05I ruin everything.
39:08I'll take care of what you ruin.
39:10We've solved it.
39:11Man to man.
39:12So you've solved it.
39:15Man to man?
39:20By the way, we have something pending out there.
39:23Something we were going to do and couldn't finish.
39:26Do you think we should do it tonight?
39:34I don't understand.
39:35Do what?
39:36We were going to watch a movie with the kids in the projector and I made a mistake.
39:41You went to Vigée's house, right?
39:45To make up for it, I thought we should do it tonight.
39:48We can watch something with the kids and you can choose the movie.
39:52Of course.
39:53Of course.
39:57What's wrong?
39:59Are you imitating me, little witch?
40:02Are you imitating me, little witch?
40:05Come here.
40:06If you're bored, why don't we play something?
40:09I'll be right back.
40:21How long is this going to last?
40:23Excuse me?
40:25Look, I tried to be honest with you the other night.
40:29You were very honest.
40:31The truth.
40:32Let's not extend this situation.
40:34Let's keep being friends.
40:35You never run out of excuses not to feel guilty.
40:39It's good to know.
40:41They're not real excuses that I want to be your friend.
40:44Relax a little, huh?
40:46How can you always be so formal?
40:48Are you going to be so rigid all your life?
40:50You've hurt a woman on purpose.
40:53I'm strong.
40:54But I don't have a stone heart like you.
40:58Life doesn't always have a happy ending.
41:01But it can't be everything the way you want it to be.
41:05I need time to process and overcome these things.
41:09It's not easy.
41:11It won't hurt you, but I'm not like you.
41:16Vigée, Vigée, look.
41:18All I want is for us to be friends again, like before.
41:22You can't have everything.
41:24You have to move on, Página.
41:26Let's do the same.
41:29Let's move on, Página.
41:31Let's move on.
41:38Hi, Vigée.
41:39How are you?
41:46What movie do you want to see tonight, Bédit?
41:49Are we going to dress up again?
41:52I was expecting the title of a movie.
41:54I certainly wasn't expecting an answer like that.
41:58We're not going to dress up, because this isn't a party.
42:02It's a movie night.
42:08You're very pretty, Leila.
42:10And your necklace is beautiful.
42:13Can I have it?
42:35Wait for me here, okay, Página?
43:06Are you crying?
43:12I just remembered something.
43:15I don't remember anything.
43:17I don't remember anything.
43:19I remembered something, but that's it.
43:26When I'm older, I want to be just as pretty as you.
43:31You want to be pretty when you're older?
43:35I think you'll be much prettier than me.
43:41Little girl.
43:49I love you.
44:19I love you, too.
44:49I love you, too.
45:19I love you, too.
