General Hospital 9-11-24

  • last week
00:00Nurse Corinthos reporting for duty.
00:08I thought you were supposed to be on the schedule next week.
00:12Joanne needed the night off so I offered to sub in for her.
00:15I just came from filling out my paperwork at HR.
00:17I'm officially back.
00:19I am excited to have my best nurse back.
00:22Oh, thank you.
00:24I am going to sign you up on this floor because it will make me feel better knowing that you
00:30lose on your rotation.
00:31How's she doing?
00:32She's not doing well.
00:33But I'm hopeful that it'll be just a matter of time until Lucky comes back home to save
00:42his sister.
00:43Hey, Trina.
00:44I wasn't expecting to see you here so late.
00:47Oh, I was just finishing up some paperwork but I'm so happy to see you.
00:51You haven't returned any of my calls.
00:53Are you alright?
00:54I'm fine.
00:56Well, I heard what John Cates did to you and that must have been terrifying.
01:01Thank God Jason showed up when you didn't save me.
01:05I'm just, I'm just happy you're safe.
01:09I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you.
01:13Looks like someone needs a refill.
01:16Or can I tempt you with something a little stronger?
01:21Any word on Lucky?
01:24Unfortunately, no.
01:26Um, I have a few more questions that I would like to ask you, though.
01:31I told you everything I know.
01:33Oh, I, I think there's probably more to you than what you've already told me, Dr. Gannon.
01:39Please, call me Isaiah.
01:41Oh, right.
01:43What have you done that would make somebody want to kill you?
01:51They'll notify me as soon as the satellite spots anything over the area where they think Lucky's being held.
01:57Oh, thank you.
01:58For now, we wait.
02:02Which allows us to enjoy some of this flying whiskey.
02:07You come prepared.
02:08Yeah, always.
02:11Now, I understand that, uh, John Cates was murdered.
02:19I bet you're not crying too many tears over his untimely demise.
02:25He made my life hell.
02:28With Cates gone, your life just got considerably less complicated.
02:34Yes and no.
02:37What does that mean?
02:39My ex-husband is a person of interest in his murder.
02:45Are you okay?
02:46I'm okay.
02:47All right.
02:48Oh, I didn't want you to come down here and check on me.
02:50You're being questioned about the murder of an FBI agent.
02:52Of course I came.
02:53I don't want you to worry.
02:54It's being taken care of.
02:56Diana's taking care of it.
02:57It's a misunderstanding.
03:00And quite frankly, none of this would have happened if your father didn't go out of his way to try to make me look as suspicious as possible.
03:32Getting himself killed when I had an airtight alibi is the only decent thing John Cates ever did for me.
03:39I mean, I feel wrong agreeing with you, but...
03:42I can't believe that I was so wrong about that man.
03:46I can't believe he got me to lie to the cops for him.
03:49So Aiden Cates really forced you to say that Christina attacked you?
03:53And once I went on record saying that, Cates wanted me dead so I could never recant.
04:02You are so brave to admit that you were lying.
04:06Because that could be used against you in Avery's custody case.
04:10I know.
04:12I know, but I couldn't let Christina be prosecuted for the death of that baby.
04:18It truly was an accident.
04:21Well, then I hope that you coming back here means that you found a lawyer.
04:25No, not yet.
04:28But Nina's working on it.
04:30Thanks, but I think I'll take the coffee.
04:33Suit yourself.
04:36Oh, please join me.
04:39You know, apparently it's avoided your notice that I am actually working now.
04:43Oh, great, because I'm here to discuss business.
04:47Oh, really? You're done now?
04:48No, no, no, not me.
04:54And this is where I remind you that I've already declined to work with Ava.
04:58I know, but that surprises me.
05:00Yeah, but you see, Ava is charged with causing the death of my granddaughter.
05:04Why would I do anything to help her?
05:07Christina's fall was a tragic accident, Rick.
05:11But we both know that you pretty much do anything for a buck.
05:18Even trick someone into marrying you.
05:22I told you everything.
05:24I was attacked and kidnapped by Sidwell.
05:27I escaped and was tracked by the guy you caught.
05:30Do you have any other enemies?
05:33None that I know of.
05:35What, so it was just dumb luck then that Sidwell decided you're the doctor he's going to kidnap?
05:40He kidnapped me because I'm the best at what I do.
05:43Yeah, I hate to breeze your ego, but there are a lot of great doctors out there.
05:47No, there's great, then there's me.
05:51Okay, your God complex aside,
05:54why do you suppose that Sidwell would go to the trouble of sending someone all the way to Port Charles after you?
06:00You'd have to ask him.
06:02This is what I was wondering.
06:04That maybe while you were his captive, you saw something that you shouldn't have.
06:09Just a lot of guys with guns.
06:11All right, we'll put him on the back burner for now.
06:14Is there anything else in your life that could have precipitated this kind of attack?
06:21Like what?
06:22I don't know, you tell me.
06:24What exactly were you doing right before you were kidnapped?
06:28I assume you're speaking about Sonny Corinthos.
06:32I am.
06:34Well, the murder of a federal agent is a capital crime.
06:38I hope Sonny's got a good alibi.
06:42Aaron Clyde.
06:45He and I were together.
06:47Were you two alone?
06:51It was just the two of us.
06:54I see.
06:57You know how it is with exes.
07:00Sometimes you just fall back into old habits.
07:04So I've heard.
07:08That's all you have to say?
07:10I only know Sonny from his reputation, which, as I'm sure you're aware, is a bit of a mixed bag.
07:17But the fact that you were willing to reconnect with him speaks well of Sonny.
07:23And of you.
07:26You're blaming Dad for this?
07:28Who else am I going to blame?
07:30He's the one that told the police that I disposed of a possible murder weapon.
07:34Didn't Elizabeth Baldwin make the same statement?
07:36I'm sure that she was influenced by him.
07:38I don't know if that's true.
07:40You know what is true?
07:41This little stunt that your father pulled has messed with me and also messed with the investigation,
07:46because now it's harder for the police to find out who really killed Cates.
07:49I don't think that was Dad's intention.
07:51I think...
07:56What do you think, Mom?
07:59You don't really think that I killed Agent Cates, do you?
08:03I know that you would never...
08:05Good, because I would never kill him, no matter how much I hated him.
08:09Believe me, I hated him.
08:10Okay, good.
08:12I know that you love your dad.
08:14But quite frankly, what he's done to me, his dragging me into this murder investigation, is beyond malicious.
08:20Okay, just stop.
08:22I'm not happy with Dad for reporting you to the police, either.
08:24But we both know it's Christina's fault that you're in this mess, not Dad's.
08:30Michael told me that Lucky hasn't been back to Port Charles in years.
08:35It's been about 12 years since you lived here.
08:38That has to be tough on you and Aiden.
08:41It's not ideal.
08:44After all this time away, are you worried that Lucky might not come back?
08:49Lucky loves his family.
08:51He's gonna do everything he can to help them.
08:55Are you accusing me of something?
08:59I'm just...
09:01I'm trying to understand why a renowned transplant surgeon would leave Chicago at the height of his career to go off and do humanitarian services in Africa.
09:10You checked up on me.
09:12I'm a police commissioner, it's what we do.
09:14Oh, no big mystery.
09:17I have a specific skill, and I wanted to go where I was most needed.
09:22And you and Sidwell, your paths had never crossed before.
09:28And you said that you felt that someone was following you?
09:32Yeah, I mean, most people, you know, they wouldn't spot that, certainly not in a crowded airport.
09:38I guess working in a war zone has made me hyper-aware of my surroundings.
09:44I'm starting to think you do suspect me of something.
09:48Well, I think you know more than you're saying.
09:50You think I'm lying to you?
09:52I hope not.
09:54If it hadn't been for the incredibly well-timed intervention of Jordan Ashford, you would be dead right now.
10:02The guy who stopped my attacker?
10:06The deputy mayor?
10:08Yeah, deputy mayor.
10:10I'd love to meet him and say thank you for saving my life.
10:14We're in luck. Here she is.
10:19The hit parade continues.
10:24You think it's admirable that Sonny and I reconnected?
10:29That surprises you?
10:31Well, you're definitely in the minority around here.
10:35You're a smart woman. You know what you're doing.
10:38I trust your judgment.
10:43Does this recent connection mean that a reconciliation is in the works?
10:48No. Absolutely not.
10:50Yeah, sure. I mean, I understand that you and Sonny have gotten back together before.
10:55Wow. You've been checking on me?
10:58Yeah, I may have asked a few questions.
11:01Sonny and I are not getting back together at all.
11:04I mean, facing federal charges because of Sonny's business was a one-time thing.
11:09Well, if you're referring to the RICO case, the case they tried to bring against you, you've got nothing to worry about.
11:15Those charges were dropped.
11:17Yeah, only because of a lucky brick in the FBI's chain of evidence.
11:21I mean, someone out there must really like me.
11:27Rick is the one who sent the police my way, not your sister.
11:31Are you saying that both Rick and Elizabeth are lying?
11:34That you didn't dispose of a gun off Blackstone Canyon?
11:37Are you asking me as my daughter or the ADA?
11:40The fact that you've just asked me that tells me everything I need to know.
11:44Once again, you are protecting Christina from the consequences of her actions.
11:49I love you so much, but I need you not to be involved in this.
11:55I am already involved in this. I'm not stupid, Mom.
11:58The only reason you'd be getting rid of a gun is if you'd taken it from Christina.
12:01I cannot have this conversation with you.
12:03Fine. If you don't want to talk, then listen.
12:06You need to tell the police why you had that gun and where you got it.
12:11Stop sacrificing yourself for Christina.
12:13Molly. Molly, you have been through so much.
12:16You need to take care of yourself, not me right now.
12:19They haven't even charged me yet.
12:22Not yet. But it's in her own quality.
12:24Molly. Molly. Listen to me.
12:26It is very important right now that I keep my mouth shut so that I don't incriminate myself or anyone else.
12:33Diana's on her way. She will handle this.
12:36She will get me out of here, and I will not be charged with John's murder.
12:40How can you be so sure?
12:42Because there are far more likely suspects.
12:45That's true. But those far more likely suspects are far more likely to have covered their tracks.
12:51I'm so proud of you, Christina. You've really stepped up.
12:55You've done an amazing job.
12:58But I'm back, and it's late, and you should go.
13:01I'm sure you have better things to do with your evening than work.
13:04Oh, well, actually, I don't have any plans tonight.
13:08How are things between you and Jocelyn?
13:12We've kind of agreed to disagree.
13:16About me, huh?
13:19Oh, Trina. I really appreciate you standing up for me.
13:24Even when it puts you at odds with your best friend.
13:27Mom, I can never forget how supportive you were of my relationship with Spencer.
13:31Especially in a time when my mom wasn't.
13:34And I'm so glad to have had that time with Spencer.
13:37I'm glad too.
13:39I just hope that you never feel like you've paid a price for our friendship.
13:47I am sorry that I married you for your money.
13:51But I cannot defend someone who hurt my daughter.
13:56I'm very, very sorry for Molly's loss.
13:59I lost a child too, and I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone.
14:04But, how does it help Molly to blame an innocent woman?
14:10Please, Ava hasn't been innocent since she found out she was a jeroboam.
14:14I admit Ava's done some horrible things, but she did not do this.
14:17Oh, and you know this how? Because she what, told you?
14:20Come on, that's hardly a credible source.
14:22Ava insists that yes, she did have an argument with Christina.
14:25But Christina lost her balance and she accidentally fell out the window.
14:29That's what happened.
14:31Believe me, if anyone else was in that room, do you think they'd be brought up on manslaughter charges?
14:36That's irrelevant.
14:38Greg, you and I both know what it's like to be despised, right?
14:43To be the first person accused when the good people of Port Charles feel wronged.
14:48From one black sheep to another.
14:53Please fight to prevent Ava from being persecuted for her past,
14:58rather than the supposed crime that she's being charged with.
15:07Being your friend hasn't cost me anything.
15:10You haven't asked me to choose between you or my family, and I haven't.
15:16And I'm so grateful to have all of you in my life.
15:19Thank you, Trina.
15:21I'm sure most people in this town think the worst of me.
15:26And I know how hard that must be.
15:29So how can I help?
15:31Well, unless you're a defense attorney, there's really not much you can do for me right now.
15:35Oh yeah, that's kind of out of my skill set.
15:37I wish people would just believe that Christina's fall was an accident.
15:43Well, when I came to visit you in jail, you said,
15:46When something horrible happens, it's easier to have someone to blame.
15:52And you're right.
15:54I felt like for a while,
15:59blaming Esme for Spencer's death was helping me.
16:04But now I see that hating Esme only made my grief worse.
16:11I'm glad my words helped.
16:13They did.
16:15And thanks to my Aunt Stella, my family's able to move on with grieving Molly and TJ's baby without anger.
16:23But the Davis family, they're still looking for someone to pay.
16:28Not someone. Me.
16:31Look, I feel terrible for their loss.
16:34But you going to prison won't lessen their grief.
16:38It's just so wrong.
16:40You're innocent.
16:43You know, I find it interesting that you're bringing up Ava's past,
16:47considering your personal history with her.
16:50Yes, Ava and I have done a lot to each other, that is true.
16:55But I have realized that it's counterproductive to hold on to all that anger.
17:00And it's costing me one of the very few friends I have left in this town.
17:05I think Ava feels the same way.
17:08How enlightened of you both.
17:10It's really a no-brainer, Rick.
17:12I mean, think about it.
17:15How much better would your life be if you just let go of that grudge you have against Sonny?
17:22It's not a grudge.
17:25My brother has purposely tried to ruin my life over and over again.
17:31And he never seems to suffer any consequences for the bad things that he does.
17:35Well, what better way to get back at your brother who has hurt you so much
17:42than you getting Ava out of these charges?
17:48It's a tempting argument.
17:52But my daughter means the world to me.
17:55Molly is the best thing in my life, the only thing that I am truly proud of.
18:00The only thing that I am truly proud of.
18:04So, I'm afraid my answer is still no.
18:09I can't represent Ava.
18:12Well, I had to try.
18:14And I also have a daughter who is a much better person than I could ever hope to be.
18:21So I completely understand you wanting to protect your relationship with Molly.
18:29I hope you have a good night.
18:37Thank you for listening to me.
18:46Hi Lulu, I'm your nurse, Willow.
18:52We are all rooting for you.
18:54Especially your family.
18:57Just like my family did when I needed a stem cell transplant.
19:04My husband and his uncle saved my life.
19:08My husband never gave up hope.
19:11And Drew, Michael's uncle, risked his life to bring my donor back to Port Charles.
19:21So, if you can hear me, do not give up hope.
19:27Even when it seems you can't find a way out of the mess you're in, there's always something that can be done.
19:34You're Deputy Mayor Jordan Ashford.
19:38That's me.
19:42Feels like I'm missing something here.
19:44That was just me making a fool of myself, assuming you were a man.
19:48A mistake I wouldn't have made.
19:50If I had seen you...
19:52Thank you?
19:54Dr. Isaiah again. Thank you for saving my life.
19:58My pleasure.
20:01Is there something on my face, or... I don't...
20:07I'm sorry. I'm staring. It's kind of rude of me.
20:11I'm just not used to bureaucrats looking, so...
20:16Don't be offended, but you don't look like you spend your days in committee meetings talking about parking.
20:23Is that what you think a Deputy Mayor does?
20:26Kind of.
20:28Well, I promise you that my job is a lot more challenging than that.
20:32I believe you, especially since you single-handedly saved my life.
20:36Why did you do that?
20:39It seemed like a good idea at the time.
20:43At the time?
20:44No, sorry, I mean...
20:46Why would the busy Deputy Mayor be visiting a random John Doe at the hospital?
20:53Well, I heard about your situation, and I wanted to help.
20:57I figured you had family that were wondering where you are.
21:02I'm sure there's someone out there missing you.
21:06Well, I'm glad your legal troubles are over.
21:11To freedom.
21:16Just so there's no confusion, I'm not involving myself in Sonny's business ever again.
21:24I just want to focus on my family.
21:27By finding Lucky?
21:29Yeah. He's Lulu's best chance for a donor, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to bring him home.
21:36I admire your determination.
21:40You ain't seen anything yet.
21:44What about you?
21:46Is life in Port Charles everything you'd hoped it to be?
21:49And then some.
21:53This WSB station isn't ruffling feathers?
21:57Because I have a feeling there's a few people that have issues with you being here.
22:02Well, I think Mayor Collins likes me.
22:05I'm not so sure the police commission is too happy about my presence here.
22:09Yeah, I know.
22:12Are you cooperating?
22:14Good evening, Commissioner.
22:16Uh, drink?
22:20The animosity between you and Cates is public knowledge.
22:23Lots of people saw you screaming at him that day, including police officers.
22:26Do you know how many people hated him and screamed at him?
22:29Yeah, well, not all those people were caught with a gun the night he was murdered.
22:32It's circumstantial.
22:33Mom, you are kidding yourself if you think this is all just going to go away.
22:37They cannot prove that I killed Cates because I did not kill Cates.
22:40What about Christina?
22:41I hope she's home and I hope she's resting.
22:44Oh my God, stop thinking like a mom and start thinking like a lawyer.
22:48If you don't give the cops an alternative explanation for what you were doing on that bridge,
22:52you might actually find yourself charged with capital murder.
22:55I am so lucky to be alive and I am not going to screw up my second chance.
23:09That's one of the reasons I came back to GH, so that I could go back to the life I had before everything with Drew happened.
23:22I can't have feelings for Drew.
23:26I love Michael and our kids and everything we've built together,
23:32so I am going to get Drew out of my head once and for all.
23:47Finally, am I free to go?
23:51Are you doubting my skills?
23:56Yes, you are free to go.
23:58This, of course, is only a temporary reprieve.
24:01Alexis, you have no one to alibi you.
24:06You won't tell the police where you were when John Cates was killed,
24:09why you had a gun, why you threw it off a bridge.
24:12You're digging a hole you cannot get yourself out of.
24:14I panicked when I saw the gun in Christina's bag.
24:19I panicked.
24:20I panicked out of pure emotion.
24:22Like the blindly devoted mother that you are.
24:25When they find the gun, they're going to see it's not the murder weapon.
24:28If they find the gun.
24:30You don't think I did it, do you?
24:32Of course I don't think you did it.
24:35But you threatened the man in this very room only hours before he was murdered.
24:40And two trustworthy individuals saw you throw a gun off a bridge.
24:44I would not exactly call Rick trustworthy.
24:47That's what you got out of what I just said?
24:50Focus, Alexis.
24:52Because you and I both know it's not what you did or didn't do.
24:56It's what you can prove in a court of law.
24:59I appreciate you taking an interest in me.
25:02I'm kind of fond of breathing and I wouldn't be doing it if it weren't for you.
25:06You're welcome.
25:08But you didn't answer my question.
25:11Do you have family out there looking for you?
25:14Seems like family is important to you.
25:16It absolutely is.
25:18You see what I did there, right?
25:20You asked a question, I answered it.
25:23That's how a conversation works.
25:26Sounds more like an interrogation.
25:29You sure you're not a cop?
25:30I was.
25:32Look at that.
25:33Another question answered.
25:35Pretty good at this conversation thing.
25:38You know, I haven't been a cop in some time.
25:42One thing I remember quite clearly is that when someone dodges a question this much,
25:46they're usually hiding something.
25:53I don't have anything to hide.
25:55But there are certain things that I'd rather not revisit.
26:00I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand that.
26:04You'd be surprised.
26:06Working late?
26:09I've got a lot to catch up on.
26:12Yeah, how you doing?
26:15Well, honestly, for the first time in a long time, I feel hopeful.
26:23Yeah, I spoke to Trina, and it reminded me how lucky I am to have her on my side.
26:29Just somebody believing me makes this ordeal a little bit easier.
26:34Well, for what it's worth, I believe you, too, Ava.
26:39You know, I'm not surprised that Trina is standing by me.
26:43But I'm...
26:45I am a little surprised that you're being so supportive.
26:48Why is it so hard to imagine me doing the right thing?
26:51No, no, it's just...
26:56I'm so glad you're in my corner, and I'm so grateful.
27:01I've been as down as you are before,
27:05and I know how badly you just need a friend sometimes.
27:11How's it going with Rick?
27:14I'm sorry, Ava, but Rick still is refusing to take your case.
27:24You told the police you saw Mom toss a gun off a bridge?
27:30Yes, I did.
27:31So you're just going out of your way to set Mom up?
27:34Slow down here, okay?
27:36Elizabeth and I saw Alexis drop a gun off the bridge over Blackstone Canyon the night that Agent Cates was murdered.
27:42As an officer of the court, I am obligated to report anything that I witnessed.
27:47Okay, I love you, Dad, but doing the right thing has not exactly always been top of your radar.
27:52Molly, the police need to know everything that happened that night so that they can catch Agent Cates' killer.
27:57Mom didn't kill Cates.
27:59Besides, whatever she's going through, as always, is Christina's fault.
28:04Wait a minute. It sounds like you have more information about the case.
28:08I don't know anything for sure yet, but Mom doesn't even own a gun.
28:13Christina does.
28:15She could have easily gotten one from Sonny.
28:17And whatever Christina's done, Michael is covering for her, too.
28:21So you think your mother's covering for Christina?
28:24I mean, Christina was desperate to keep Cates from sending her to prison.
28:28So she killed him?
28:30I don't know. Maybe the guilt of killing mine and TJ's baby finally got to her and she snapped.
28:38They haven't changed her story.
28:40She's denying that Christina attacked her.
28:43Says that Cates pressured her into making a false statement.
28:49Knowing that, do you still believe that Christina was the aggressor?
28:54And she was responsible for her own fault?
28:58I'm glad you were talking to Lulu.
29:01Some people, including nurses, tend to forget that there's an actual person in that bed and not just a body.
29:08I like to think on some level Lulu can hear me.
29:14So I was just filling her in on things happening in Port Charles.
29:17Silly stuff.
29:19I think that's great.
29:22Well, I should get back to work.
29:33I want to apologize for snapping at you earlier when we were talking about Lucky.
29:38No, no, not at all.
29:40And I also didn't mean to imply that Lucky was purposely avoiding his family.
29:45Well, if I'm being perfectly honest, I think that's exactly what he's doing.
29:50Lucky's been running from something for a very long time.
29:54I just don't know what it is.
29:57And sometimes I think it's me.
30:00What makes you say that?
30:02It's a long story.
30:04But I am a big reason why he left Port Charles.
30:08I just didn't realize he was going to be gone this long.
30:12He has a son. He barely knows.
30:15And yes, they email and they video chat.
30:18But it's not like they're in each other's lives.
30:20Does Aiden know that you're looking for Lucky?
30:24He's excited at the idea that his dad's coming back.
30:28He's looking forward to spending time with him.
30:31And it's my biggest fear that Lucky will come back and he'll save Lulu.
30:37And then he'll leave.
30:39And then what's going to happen to Aiden?
30:42Losing his dad all over again.
30:46This is very cozy.
30:48Jack is helping us find Lucky.
30:51How is having a drink together doing that?
30:53Because we're waiting for the satellite photos of the area where we think Lucky is being held.
30:58Okay. Good.
31:01So, Jack.
31:03What can you tell me about an industrialist, Jens Sidwell?
31:06Nothing more than what I read in the paper.
31:09I very much doubt that.
31:12This is Brennan.
31:15You sure?
31:17Send me the link. Thank you.
31:23They found Sidwell's compound.
31:26Is Lucky there?
31:28I'm sorry, but the compound appears to be abandoned.
31:34I'm really, really sorry, Ava.
31:37But, um, Rick, he's just not budging.
31:41Thanks for trying.
31:43Luckily, there are a lot of lawyers in the world, and I can afford the very best.
31:47Well, you're taking this a lot better than I expected.
31:52Trina reminded me that I'm not alone in this.
31:55I have her, and now I have you.
32:00I've spent so much time scheming, trying to manipulate situations.
32:09I know I'm lucky to have any friends left at all.
32:12I know the feeling.
32:16It doesn't matter what happened in that hotel room.
32:19If Christina had never gone there at all, my baby would still be alive.
32:23Okay, honey, let's... let's stop talking.
32:25You're parents are obviously making me upset.
32:27Of course I'm upset.
32:30I lost my baby and my sister that day.
32:33sister that day. It was a horrible tragedy but isn't it possible that maybe
32:43it was just a terrible accident? The evidence says otherwise and the police
32:48agree because they arrested Ava. Okay, careful counselor. Remember, innocent until
32:55proven guilty. I just need to know who's responsible for my baby's death because
33:02whoever is responsible needs to pay. I don't know what to say to Aiden about
33:11Lucky. Maybe you should wait and see what happens. You know, he saw Jason come
33:18back into Jake's life and how they built a relationship and I know that that's
33:23what he's hoping with him and his dad. And you're afraid it might not. Lucky
33:30loves his son but he doesn't love living in one place for long. The
33:36satellite photo shows signs of recent activity. Looks like we missed Sidwell by
33:41a few hours. We were so close. Okay, well what do we do now? Okay, so what you do is you find all the
33:47satellites in the area and see if any of them caught Sidwell leaving. I don't
33:51take orders from you, Commissioner. And I can't dedicate an entire satellite to
33:56finding just one man. It's a man whose family has helped the WSB on numerous
34:02occasions over the years. Which is why I authorized a ground search. But you know
34:06as well as I do, even if we locate Spencer, getting him out of that part of
34:10the world will be extremely difficult. You ignore what he said. I will find
34:19Lucky for you. With or without your help.
34:25Please, Jack, please. I will pay. I will pay for whatever resources the WSB needs.
34:32Please, please. I have to bring Lucky home because Lulu needs him. I mean my family
34:38can't lose her. Haven't you already lost her? Do you think Christina killed John Gates?
34:46No, no, absolutely not. Then you've got to talk to her and get her to come in and
34:52tell the police exactly what happened that night. I can't. She's not in her right
34:58mind, I'm telling you. She doesn't know what she's saying. She's glad he's
35:03dead. What if she says that to the police? Of course, yes, that would be bad. I can
35:08handle the police scrutiny. You have to trust me, she can't. It's not an option.
35:15I know you would do anything for your daughters, but you don't have the luxury
35:20of protecting Christina anymore. Okay, when you disposed of that gun and got
35:28caught, you made yourself suspect number one in John Gates murder.
35:34I, I, you know what I can do? I can have my assistant compile a list of the best
35:41criminal attorneys in Manhattan. Well, thanks, that'd be great, you know,
35:45Miss Elisa. Oh, good, you're both here. I hope you didn't come by to gloat. Nina has
35:51already told me that you won't represent me. I changed my mind. I'll take your case.
35:56Why? I'm doing it for my daughter. Molly needs to know what really happened so
36:03she can be at peace and she can start the process of moving on. I have told the truth.
36:08Christina's fall was a terrible accident. Well, I hope so, because if I find out you're
36:14lying, I'll bury you. Knowing that, you still want me to be your attorney?
36:20Yeah, because I'm innocent. If I am charged with Gates murder,
36:28you will just convince the jury that I'm innocent. Now. What?
36:35You know, I will always do whatever I can for you. But if you are actually charged
36:40with the murder of John Gates, I can't be your lawyer.
36:47I need to make a statement. I have information about the murder of John Gates.
36:51Your cousin's been in a coma for four years. Even with the transplant, her odds aren't good.
36:59Her odds aren't good.
37:02As long as Lulu's still breathing, I won't give up on her.
37:06I won't take your money. Please, can you just let me do this?
37:10I'll continue the search without it. Okay.
37:12But. But what?
37:14Don't thank me yet. What I said to Anna is the truth.
37:19That area of Africa is extremely unstable. That makes it very hard to locate anyone.
37:24So even if I find Lucky, what's your plan? You don't have a SEAL team at your disposal,
37:30and that area is too dangerous for civilians. So who would you even send in to rescue Lucky?
37:38The night that Agent Gates was murdered, nobody knows where my sister Christina was.
37:45She has no alibi, and she had a motive to kill him.
37:49I live in Port Charles now, but I will always root for my Baltimore teams. Go Orioles!
37:56Ah, so you're a baseball fan, huh? What about the Ravens?
38:00Oh, uh-uh. I already told you something about where I'm from. Now it's your turn.
38:07Commissioner, did you find Lucky?
38:10No. So after you escaped, Sidwell made his getaway. The camp is completely abandoned.
38:17Do you have any idea where he would have gone?
38:19No. He was very careful about what he said in front of us.
38:22Oh, he must have said something.
38:24No. How are we gonna find Lucky now?
38:33On the next General Hospital...
38:34We're throwing a baby into the mix. It's just too much.
38:37Are you ready for something fun and exciting?
38:39You're expecting me to shed a tear over that bastard's death? That is not gonna happen.
38:44Do not get involved with Jack Brady.
38:45What I want to know is, what do you want to do about it?