سيدنا إبراهيم ليس عربياً | د. محمد الصغير

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قناة الشيخ محمد الصغير، رئيس الهيئة العالمية لأنصار النبي ﷺ، ومؤسس وقف الأنصار، مستشار وزير الأوقاف الأسبق، وكيل اللجنة الدينية بمجلس الشعب وعضو مجلس الشورى الأسبق.

كيف ولد سيدنا محمد أعرابياً وهو من ذرية سيدنا إبراهيم وهو غير أعرابي؟
من #خطبة_الجمعة للشيخ #محمد_الصغير:


00:00Allah has favored people from this country, Ibrahim is not an Arab, and my last prophet is an Arab.
00:09So how does the equation come about?
00:12The children of Ishmael are embarrassed.
00:15Ishmael himself is embarrassed.
00:17Ishmael is getting ready for the coming last prophet, peace be upon him.
00:24And Ibrahim is emigrating with his Egyptian wife.
00:29The emigrant of Ishmael's Egyptian mother, peace be upon her.
00:35Who is doing it from the positions of the believers.
00:39We are moving between the two sides in the line and the passage, following Ishmael's mother.
00:47And Zamzam has exploded with dignity for her and her son.
00:53Imagine that everything we have created is predestined.
00:57Do you see what destiny does?
00:59Ibrahim is emigrating from the land of the Chaldeans, from Iraq, Babylon.
01:05He is emigrating to the Levant, first.
01:08He marries Sarah at the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque throughout history.
01:14Which was built after the Masjid al-Haram.
01:17And Ishaq remains.
01:21The progeny of Ishaq remains in this place.
01:24And he goes to the Sacred House, so that Ishmael remains there.
01:28The descendants remain in the holy places.
01:31Ishmael in Mecca and the progeny of Ishaq.
01:35The progeny of Ibrahim, peace be upon him, in this place.
01:39Then he is led by the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, from the Sacred House to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which we have blessed.
01:49To show him from our verses, that he is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
