Girl's Barking Night hoeruyorudeep 2024年9月10日 人を見た目で判断したり容姿を理由に差別したりするルッキズム・・・美しくなければ価値が無い刷り込みの罠

  • 2 days ago
Girl's Barking Night hoeruyorudeep 2024年9月10日 人を見た目で判断したり容姿を理由に差別したりするルッキズム・・・美しくなければ価値が無い刷り込みの罠
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00I'm young, fair-skinned, fair-haired, white-haired, good-looking, big-chested.
00:06You like that kind of girl, don't you?
00:09I'm sorry, I do!
00:13The theme of tonight's Deep Talk is...
00:15There are men and women at work.
00:18I think men are nicer to cute girls.
00:21I think that's how it is in the world.
00:23There are a lot of girls who choose their friends based on their looks.
00:27I think it's a good thing.
00:29Rookies judge people based on their looks or discriminate based on their looks.
00:34If you get too caught up in your rookies,
00:36you'll struggle with the gap between your ideals and reality,
00:38and you'll feel uncomfortable both mentally and physically.
00:41That's right.
00:42So the theme of tonight's Deep Talk is...
00:44The Curse of Rookies
00:47I've taught my students at school.
00:52I'm still in elementary school, but I see a lot of beautiful girls on Instagram and TikTok.
00:57There are a lot of kids who want to get plastic surgery or lose weight,
01:01so I was a little surprised.
01:03Recently, the popularity of social media has accelerated rookieship among young people.
01:09Data shows that the percentage of young people who have a complex about their looks is the highest in the world.
01:15I think it's better to have beautiful skin,
01:17I think it's better to have no hair,
01:19I think it's better to have smooth hair.
01:21I feel like I'm being asked for my value as a woman.
01:26I think I spend half of my monthly salary on plastic surgery.
01:30I think I'm being trapped.
01:32People's eyes.
01:33I see.
01:34Some of them have this kind of problem.
01:36I have a big chest.
01:38That's why I look like a bitch.
01:40People call me a bitch.
01:42It's rude.
01:43It's not like that.
01:45I feel like I don't have to be a beautiful athlete, a beautiful soccer player, or a beautiful woman.
01:54I don't like to be made just by experience.
01:58So tonight, we're going to talk deeply about the curse of plastic surgery.
02:03A woman's deep hoarse night.
02:10This program is a talk show for adults talking about deep topics.
02:14Mr. Maeda, have you ever felt bad about being judged by your appearance?
02:19My older brother is very handsome.
02:23When I first met him, he told me that I have a beautiful face.
02:36So I said, I'm the one who asked you to do it.
02:39There were many things like that.
02:41Ms. Sakinami, can you give us a brief explanation of the curse of plastic surgery?
02:45The curse of plastic surgery is to judge and discriminate against people based on their appearance and appearance.
02:51It can also be said that if you are not beautiful, you are not worth it.
02:56It's not worth it.
02:58Depending on that judgment, you may hurt someone or yourself.
03:05Have you ever felt bad about being judged by your appearance?
03:10Yes, I have.
03:12It's easy for me to get fat and lose weight.
03:15Maybe it's because I grew up abroad, so the food I eat is different.
03:18When I was pregnant, I got fat and lost weight.
03:22I got a lot of comments like,
03:24Did you get fat? You're chubby.
03:26Why can't you lose weight right away?
03:28It's amazing.
03:30I think it's a judgment that fatness is bad and losing weight is good.
03:37I don't know why I lost weight.
03:40Sometimes I lose weight for mental reasons.
03:44When I was praised for my appearance since I was born,
03:49I felt very uncomfortable.
03:51I thought it was good to have two children.
03:54I thought it was bad to have only one child.
03:57I felt very uncomfortable.
04:00As I grew up, I noticed more and more luckism.
04:05What I'm careful about is not to talk about fatness and losing weight in front of my children.
04:11If I say, I'm glad I lost weight, it's not good to get fat.
04:15I don't want them to think that losing weight is worthless.
04:21So I don't even comment on it.
04:24When my friend told me that she lost weight by dieting,
04:28I said, I'm glad I lost weight.
04:31I'm reflecting on that.
04:33I don't care if my child is thin or not.
04:37It doesn't change what I love.
04:40So if I say, I lost weight by dieting,
04:43I say, I worked hard on my training.
04:45I say it in a way that conveys a feeling of gratitude.
04:50Have you ever told a woman like Maeda that you've lost weight?
04:54When I heard that I had to lose weight because I had a role,
05:00I said, I think I've gained a lot of weight.
05:05But it's better not to say it.
05:07I'm saying it because I think it's good.
05:11For example, if I say, I'm glad I lost cholesterol.
05:16It's good for your health.
05:19But I can't ask her, how's your cholesterol level?
05:23I don't know, but I don't want to tell her my personal information.
05:27I don't want to tell her.
05:29I can't ask her.
05:30Losing weight and gaining weight are especially sensitive.
05:34For example, when you say you've lost weight,
05:37some people will say, I said what I thought.
05:40I'm sure there are people like that.
05:43For example, when you say you've lost weight,
05:46some people will say, I said what I thought.
05:49I don't know the answer to that person's aesthetics,
05:52so I say, you look great.
05:54You look great.
05:55You look great.
05:56I have to change my words.
05:58Ms. Takayami, what do you think is bad about your appearance?
06:01The bad thing is that I'm a cartoonist.
06:04It's supposed to be a job that has nothing to do with appearance,
06:07but I want to see the face of that cartoonist on the Internet.
06:11I wonder if the person who draws such a work is beautiful or ugly.
06:16I've been told that.
06:20There was a lot of fear that people would care about my face in such a job.
06:25What is it?
06:26Are there many cartoonists who don't want to show their faces?
06:31When I show my face, I'm told,
06:34it's a burden, isn't it?
06:37It's like, Koda-chan is saying such a heartless thing,
06:40but the person who draws it is like this.
06:42There's a different filter.
06:43That's right.
06:44I had no intention of competing there,
06:46but I wonder why I'm on stage.
06:49I see.
06:50Ms. Okubo, what do you think?
06:52I think I've lived my life using luckism.
06:55We have that part, too.
06:57I can't help it with this costume I got.
06:59I have no choice but to live with this.
07:01I'm going to use it well,
07:03and I'm going to be the happiest person in this costume.
07:06Every time I'm told something in a variety show,
07:08I get a lot of money.
07:10That's disgusting.
07:11I'm rich.
07:12I'm rich.
07:13I don't want to say that.
07:15I don't want to say that.
07:16I don't want to say that.
07:17As a result,
07:18when there was a beautiful actress next to me,
07:20even though I was shown in two shots,
07:22the actress said,
07:24Oh, she's cute.
07:25Did she eat something?
07:26She said she was cute,
07:27but she was left alone.
07:30I can't touch her.
07:32But I think I can still touch her.
07:34There's a half-and-half situation like that.
07:36I thought it was disgusting.
07:38I agree.
07:39Everyone says something based on their own values.
07:44Is it a problem to think it's absolute?
07:47The problem is that
07:50if you're not beautiful, you're not worth it.
07:56Money is closely related to luckism.
08:02If you're a woman,
08:03you're young and beautiful,
08:05and you're thought to be worth it.
08:08If you have a complex,
08:11if you buy that, you'll be more beautiful.
08:14You'll have to pay more and more money.
08:18I think that's the problem.
08:22The more you worry about it,
08:24the more money you make.
08:26There are companies that use that method.
08:30There are ads that threaten you.
08:32If you gain 10 kg in three months,
08:34you'll be cheated on by him.
08:36That's right.
08:37If you lose weight, he'll apologize.
08:41I think you should dump him.
08:43You can't get old or fat.
08:46There's a saying,
08:47I was hated by him for being chubby.
08:49It's a complex method.
08:51Men also say,
08:53Men who can do it are bearded men.
08:55It's connected to ability.
08:58There's a man's luckism.
09:02I like men with big breasts.
09:05I want to be like that, but I don't.
09:08So I want to be big.
09:10I go to massages and buy underwear.
09:13I like it because it's beautiful.
09:16I like it because it's ingrained.
09:19I like it, so I want to be like that.
09:21I wonder if it was ingrained in the world.
09:25I sometimes ask myself that.
09:27If you were in America,
09:29if you had a good sense of value,
09:32you might not have been worried.
09:34You might have thought you were the best.
09:37I'm still looking for that.
09:42I see.
09:43Is it a good thing to be beautiful when you see a beautiful person?
09:52It's a hot topic now.
09:56People often ask me,
09:58Can't I think I'm beautiful when I see an idol?
10:03I think humans are made to think they are beautiful when they see beautiful things.
10:09But if you think you're beautiful,
10:11but you don't think you're beautiful,
10:14I think that's luckism.
10:18Like you said,
10:20I don't know if what I think is really my feeling or ingrained.
10:26Who decided that two people are good and one person is not good?
10:30I think it's nonsense to choose only one answer
10:35when you have your favorite type and favorite shape.
10:40But you're young, fair-haired, white-haired,
10:43have a good style, have a big chest.
10:45You like that kind of woman, don't you?
10:50No, I don't.
10:52I'm sorry, I like her.
10:55But Mr. Ueda doesn't think it's not worth it for someone who doesn't fit in.
11:00That's right.
11:01I'm sorry, but I'm not going to make excuses about my job.
11:05I'm not going to do that.
11:07Let's say there's an actress as a guest.
11:10Sometimes I have to say,
11:13You're so beautiful, aren't you?
11:16In an idol talk.
11:18When I say, You're so beautiful, aren't you?
11:20She comes up to me.
11:23If that's how the show goes smoothly, I'll say it.
11:27I can't hide it.
11:30I don't think that's a good idea.
11:32I think it's good to change it to something attractive.
11:37I don't say things I can't change.
11:41I don't have to say it.
11:43Fashion, hair, makeup, nails.
11:46It's about what you're trying to do.
11:48It's about praising your own sense.
11:51It's about the age and height you can't change.
11:54I don't think you have to praise or despise your own outfit.
12:01What do you think, Ayaka?
12:03But I think there's something I'm going to lose by being told, You're beautiful, aren't you?
12:10It's very difficult.
12:12For example, in Mr. Maeda's story,
12:14Is there a part that beautiful people lose?
12:17For example, in Mr. Maeda's story,
12:20It's like a model is living only by her looks.
12:24It's like a model is living only by her looks.
12:26You have to be beautiful.
12:27You have to look young.
12:28You have to be thin.
12:29You have to have white skin.
12:31It's all in your head.
12:35I think it's like a little trauma.
12:38How about you, Sherry?
12:40You're beautiful, but...
12:42Are you happy?
12:44Are you happy?
12:46How good would you be if you were to transfer to,
12:49But I think it's really not good to say.
12:51But I think it's really not good to say.
12:53But I think like this,
12:55But I think like this,
12:57People ask me that question in interviews.
12:59No, they don't ask something so delicate.
13:01No, they ask something so delicate.
13:02No, many people are suffering because of that.
13:06Sherry is beautiful, but...
13:10Sherry is beautiful, but...
13:11Are you happy?
13:13Are you happy?
13:14How about you, Cherry?
13:16Have you ever thought about losing weight?
13:18I don't know.
13:19When I was pregnant, I thought about how much I would gain weight.
13:22But I think it's really not good.
13:24After giving birth, how many months did I lose weight?
13:28There are a lot of people who report that.
13:31I think I don't have to say that anymore.
13:34There are a lot of people who are suffering from that.
13:38It's natural to get fat when you're pregnant.
13:41When I was pregnant, I had to gain weight to protect my baby.
13:44I was asked that in an interview.
13:47I didn't know there was such a delicate thing.
13:49There were quite a few.
13:51That's why I said from the beginning that I don't have to say that anymore.
13:56How about you, Akiyama-san?
13:58There are times when you think you're beautiful, right?
14:02When I was a student, I had a friend who was so well-dressed that everyone turned around.
14:08When I went to a festival with him, I couldn't move forward because I was talked to by a man every few meters.
14:16I was next to him, and I felt like I was envious of him.
14:22Later, when I told him that it was hard yesterday, he said,
14:25But I'm used to it.
14:27It's like giving up and getting tired.
14:30I realized that this is hard.
14:35There are two people who can be a top-notch elite in a top company.
14:43There are two people who are good-looking, and there are two people who are not good-looking.
14:48Even if they have the same career and skills,
14:51I think this person has improved in a different way.
14:55That's what I'm talking about.
14:58I think it's a waste of time to be judged unfairly.
15:10I think so, too.
15:12I think I've seen it in my own eyes.
15:17But if I were to say it as a representative of BUSU,
15:20I've seen it myself.
15:22I think I've seen that much.
15:27I've seen that you have a good impression of me.
15:32That's why I look at you like that.
15:35Who is BUSU?
15:37I'm talking about myself.
15:39Maybe so.
15:41I think it's okay to say that I'm BUSU to the people I'm talking to.
15:49I think it's okay to say that I'm BUSU to the people I'm talking to.
15:54What do you think?
15:55When I was in junior high school,
15:58I saw a scene where Mr. Okubo was being teased on TV.
16:04When I saw that, I thought,
16:06Why is he doing such a terrible thing?
16:08I get hurt and sad.
16:10So I hate people who tease Mr. Okubo.
16:15So if you want to be teased, it's good to be teased.
16:19If you're watching, you'll get hurt and sad.
16:22I'm hated, so there's nothing good about it.
16:25No one will be happy.
16:28In terms of variety shows,
16:30it's easy to call yourself an old lady.
16:35Because I'm an old lady.
16:37But if I do that,
16:39everyone will call me an old lady.
16:45I can't say that anymore.
16:47It's difficult.
16:49There are many people in the same age group who sympathize with me.
16:56It depends on the content.
16:58It depends on what you're saying.
17:00But in the end,
17:01if you say,
17:02I used to be like this.
17:03I'm an old lady.
17:05It's natural to think differently because you're from a different generation.
17:08But if you say that,
17:10everyone in my age group
17:12will say,
17:13I don't care if you call me an old lady.
17:15I wonder if I'm getting old.
17:17In this world,
17:18there's no such thing as
17:21being humble.
17:22It's like,
17:27It's like,
17:28Yes, I'm not young.
17:29Everyone is not young.
17:31There's no such thing as
17:33being humble.
17:35It's like,
17:36I'm ugly.
17:37It's like,
17:38I'm ugly.
17:39It's like,
17:40I'm ugly.
17:41It's like,
17:42I'm ugly.
17:43It's like,
17:44I'm ugly.
17:45It's like,
17:47I'm ugly.
17:48It's like,
17:49I'm ugly.
17:50It's like,
17:51I'm ugly.
17:52It's like,
17:53I'm ugly.
17:54It's like,
17:55I'm ugly.
17:56It's like,
17:57I'm ugly.
17:58It's like,
17:59I'm ugly.
18:01In this in this generation.
18:02In this generation.
18:03There's a sister like that.
18:06Our most ancient makers,
18:09the among us,
18:10The most ancient makers,
18:12painted in black
18:13the most accurate
18:13in black
18:14and something
18:15I've been hurt by it.
18:17I've done it.
18:19I see.
18:20Sumire, what do you think about this lookism?
18:23I'd like to tell you about it.
18:25I don't want to be too much trapped by lookism.
18:29I want to be more self-love.
18:31I want to raise my sense of self-sufficiency.
18:33I don't want to be judged by my looks.
18:35How about you, Takiromi?
18:37If I'm not beautiful, I'm worthless.
18:39I don't want to be bound by that curse.
18:43It's been a long time since we've been judged by our looks.
18:47It's a very special thing in human history.
18:51It's a strange thing.
18:53There are so many other things other than beauty that show your value.
19:00I want you to look for it and gain confidence in yourself.
19:06I think society is a little immature to judge people by their looks.
19:11On SNS, young girls are worried about their looks.
19:19But adults are worried about their looks.
19:21I think it's natural for them to try to respond to that.
19:25I want to make a society where teenagers can't do their best.
19:30I think so, too.
19:32Next week, we'll talk deeply about love after the age of 30.
19:37If you're over 30, it's hard to fall in love.
19:39I used a lot of dating apps.
19:42But the number of likes is decreasing day by day.
