Muhammad (PBUH) born on the 12th of Rabi' al-Awwal 570 CE.

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Muhammad (PBUH), the final prophet of Islam, was born on the 12th of Rabi' al-Awwal in the year 570 CE, in the city of Mecca, located in present-day Saudi Arabia. This date holds immense significance for Muslims worldwide, as it marks the arrival of the man who would bring the final message of monotheism to humanity. Born into the respected tribe of Quraysh, his early life was marked by trials, including the death of his father, Abdullah, before his birth, and the loss of his mother, Amina, at a young age. Consequently, he was raised by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, and later by his uncle, Abu Talib.

Despite the challenges, Muhammad (PBUH) was known for his integrity, earning the titles "Al-Amin" (The Trustworthy) and "As-Sadiq" (The Truthful) even before his prophethood. His life was characterized by deep spiritual reflection, leading him to frequently retreat to the Cave of Hira for meditation. It was there, at the age of 40, that he received the first revelation from Allah (God) through the Angel Gabriel, marking the beginning of his prophethood.

Muhammad (PBUH)'s teachings emphasized compassion, justice, and the worship of one God, and he played a pivotal role in transforming the socio-religious landscape of Arabia. His message of Islam rapidly spread beyond the Arabian Peninsula, influencing millions. Today, his life and legacy continue to inspire and guide Muslims across the world.


00:27Birthday of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, peace be upon him, also known as the Prophet Muhammad, involves detailing not just the specific circumstances of his birth but also exploring the historical, social, and religious context surrounding it.
00:40Importance of the Prophet Muhammad in Islam
00:43Overview of his life and legacy
00:46The state of the Arabian Peninsula before Islam
00:49The social, political, and religious environment of Mecca
00:54Lineage and family background
00:56Genealogy of the Prophet Muhammad
00:59The Banu Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe
01:02His parents
01:04Abdullah and Amina
01:06The birth of the Prophet
01:08Date and place of birth
01:10Miraculous signs and events surrounding his birth
01:14The significance of his birth in Islamic tradition
01:17Early life
01:19Childhood and upbringing in Mecca
01:22The passing of his parents in his care under Abdul Muttalib and Abu Talib
01:27Early signs of his prophetic nature
01:30Religious and cultural significance of his birth
01:33Celebrations of Milad, the Prophet's birthday
01:37The role of his birth in Islamic teachings and sermons
01:40The impact of his birth on the world
01:43Transformational impact on Arabian society
01:47The birth as a turning point in history
01:50How his birth is perceived in Islamic eschatology
01:53Summation of the Prophet Muhammad's life and influence
01:57Reflection on the continuing relevance of his teachings
02:02Detailed biography of the birthday of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa
02:07The birth of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, peace be upon him, marks a pivotal moment in world history
02:13As the final prophet in Islam, his life and teachings have profoundly influenced the religious, social, and political landscapes of the world
02:21Islam, the religion he propagated, is followed by over a billion people today, making him one of the most significant figures in human history
02:29The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad is an event of great religious importance, celebrated annually as Milad al-Nabi by Muslims worldwide
02:37Historical context
02:40Before the advent of Islam, the Arabian Peninsula was a region characterized by tribal divisions, polytheistic worship, and social inequality
02:49The city of Mecca, where the Prophet was born, was a bustling trade center and a religious hub due to the Kaaba, a sanctuary revered by the Arabs
02:57However, it was also a time marked by ignorance, jahiliyyah, with many people engaging in idol worship, and the society suffering from moral and ethical decay
03:06The birth of the Prophet Muhammad would herald the beginning of a new era, bringing monotheism, social justice, and a new moral order
03:13Lineage and family background
03:16Prophet Muhammad belonged to the prestigious Quraysh tribe, specifically the Banu Hashim clan
03:21His lineage can be traced back to Prophet Ibrahim, Abraham, through his son Ismail, Ishmael
03:27His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, was the custodian of the Kaaba and a respected leader in Mecca
03:36Muhammad's father, Abdullah, passed away before his birth, and his mother, Amina, came from a noble family in Yathrib, later known as Medina
03:44The lineage of the Prophet is of great significance in Islamic tradition, as it underscores his connection to the ancient prophets and the divine plan for the final revelation
03:53The birth of the Prophet
03:55Muhammad was born on the 12th of Rabi al-Awl in the year of the elephant, corresponding to approximately 570 CE
04:03His birth took place in Mecca, in the house of his uncle, Abu Talib
04:08According to Islamic tradition, several miraculous events surrounded his birth
04:13It is said that the idols in the Kaaba fell, and a radiant light shone from Amina's womb, illuminating the palaces of Syria
04:20These events are interpreted as signs of the impending prophethood
04:24The year of the Prophet's birth is known as the year of the elephant due to the famous event in which Abraha, the Christian governor of Yemen, attempted to attack the Kaaba with an army that included elephants
04:35The army was miraculously defeated, an event considered by Muslims as divine protection for the Kaaba and a prelude to the birth of the final prophet
04:43Early life
04:45Muhammad's early life was marked by both hardship and providence
04:49After his mother's death when he was six, he was cared for by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib, and later by his uncle Abu Talib
04:56Despite these losses, Muhammad grew up with a reputation for honesty and integrity, earning the title Al-Amin, the trustworthy, among his people
05:05His early life was also a period of preparation for his future role as a prophet
05:10He spent time as a shepherd, which is seen in Islamic tradition as a noble and prophetic occupation
05:16His experiences as a young man traveling with trade caravans exposed him to different cultures and religious traditions, broadening his understanding of the world
05:27Religious and cultural significance of his birth
05:31The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, known as Milad al-Nabi, is celebrated by Muslims around the world with great reverence
05:38The day is marked by recitations of the Quran, praises of the Prophet, and gatherings where the story of his life is recounted
05:45While the celebration of Milad is not universally observed in the same way across the Muslim world, it holds a special place in the hearts of many, symbolizing the joy and gratitude for the birth of the man who brought the message of Islam
05:57In Islamic teachings, the birth of the Prophet is seen as a mercy to the world, as he is referred to in the Quran as
06:03Ramadan lil-al-Amin, mercy to all the worlds
06:07The celebration of his birth is thus not just a commemoration of a historical event, but an expression of the ongoing relevance of his teachings and the light of guidance he brought to humanity
06:17The impact of his birth on the world
06:20The birth of Prophet Muhammad was a turning point in world history
06:24His life and teachings transformed the Arabian Peninsula from a society steeped in tribalism and idol worship into a unified community centered around the worship of one God
06:34His message of monotheism, social justice, and ethical conduct laid the foundation for a civilization that would flourish for centuries
06:42The impact of his birth extends far beyond the religious sphere
06:46The Islamic civilization that emerged under his guidance made significant contributions to science, philosophy, medicine, and the arts
06:54The principles he taught continue to influence legal systems, ethical norms, and social structures across the world
07:01In Islamic eschatology, the birth of the Prophet Muhammad is also seen as a sign of the final chapter of human history
07:08His coming fulfilled the prophecies of earlier scriptures and marked the beginning of the final revelation from God to humanity
07:21In conclusion
07:23The birthday of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, peace be upon him, is a momentous occasion that reflects the profound impact he had on the world
07:31His life, from the miraculous events surrounding his birth to his role as the final prophet, is a source of inspiration and guidance for Muslims around the globe
07:39The celebration of Mawlid al-Nabi serves as a reminder of his teachings and the enduring relevance of his message
07:46As we reflect on his birth, we are reminded of the values he stood for—compassion, justice, and unwavering faith in God—values that continue to resonate in the lives of millions today
07:56This biography provides a comprehensive overview of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, highlighting its significance not just in Islamic history but in the broader context of world history
08:06The document captures the miraculous nature of his birth, the cultural and religious importance of the event, and the enduring impact of his life and teachings
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