What is a lizard and how poisonous is it.

  • 2 months ago
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Lizards are a widespread group of squamate reptiles, with over 6,000 species ranging across the globe. They vary greatly in size, shape, and habitat, from the tiny chameleons and geckos to the large Komodo dragon. Most lizards are characterized by their elongated bodies, tails, and four limbs, though some species are legless. They typically have scaly skin, which they shed periodically.

Lizards are primarily insectivores, but some species are herbivores or omnivores. Their habitats range from deserts to rainforests, displaying remarkable adaptability. Lizards are ectothermic, relying on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature.

Regarding toxicity, the majority of lizards are harmless to humans. However, a few species possess venom, which they use primarily for hunting rather than defense. The most notable venomous lizards are the Gila monster and the Mexican beaded lizard. Their venom can cause pain, swelling, and other symptoms, but is rarely fatal to humans. Other lizards may carry bacteria, such as Salmonella, which can pose a health risk through handling or bites. Generally, while some lizards have defensive mechanisms that can harm humans, they are not considered highly dangerous.
00:00what is a lizard and how poisonous is it lizards belonging to the order squamata
00:26represent one of the most diverse and widespread groups of reptiles this extensive order includes
00:32over 6 000 species that inhabit various environments across all continents except
00:36antarctica their remarkable adaptability and evolutionary success can be attributed to their
00:42varied morphology behavior and ecological roles physical characteristics and morphology
00:49lizards exhibit a wide range of sizes and shapes from the diminutive dwarf gecko which
00:54measures just a few centimeters to the formidable komodo dragon which can reach lengths of up to
00:59three meters despite this diversity most lizards share certain physical traits typically they have
01:07a long slender body with a tail that is often as long as or longer than the rest of their body
01:12their limbs are usually well developed though some species such as the glass lizard have reduced or
01:17absent limbs giving them a snake-like appearance the skin of lizards is covered in overlapping
01:23scales made of keratin which serve multiple functions these scales provide protection
01:28against predators and environmental hazards and help to minimize water loss a crucial adaptation
01:33for survival in arid environments the coloration and patterns of these scales vary widely among
01:39species often serving as camouflage or a means of communication some lizards can even change
01:45their color a trait famously exhibited by chameleons which use this ability for both
01:50camouflage and social signaling sensory abilities lizards possess highly developed sensory organs
01:59their vision is particularly acute a necessity for their often fast-paced lifestyle most lizards have
02:06large movable eyelids and external ear openings though some species have evolved different
02:10adaptations for instance geckos lack movable eyelids and instead have a transparent scale
02:16or spectacle covering their eyes which they clean with their tongue in addition to their
02:21primary eyes many lizards have a parietal eye or third eye located on the top of their head
02:27this organ is sensitive to changes in light and dark and helps regulate their circadian rhythms
02:32in hormone production the sense of smell is also well developed with some species using
02:37their tongues to collect scent particles and deliver them to the jacobson's organ
02:41an olfactory structure in the roof of the mouth
02:43behavior and communication
02:46lizards exhibit a wide array of behaviors many of which are related to thermoregulation
02:51social interaction and predator avoidance as ectotherms lizards rely on external heat sources
02:57to regulate their body temperature they can often be seen basking in the sun to warm up or seeking
03:03shade to cool down this behavior is vital for their metabolic processes including digestion
03:09processes including digestion and locomotion social behaviors among lizards are diverse and
03:15complex many species are territorial and will display a range of behaviors to defend their
03:21territory these displays can include physical posturing such as the extension of a doula
03:27a flap of skin beneath the throat head bobbing or push-ups some lizards use chemical signals
03:33leaving scent marks to delineate their territory or attract mates
03:37reproduction in lizards varies widely most species are oviparous laying eggs that hatch
03:43outside the mother's body but some are viviparous giving birth to live young parental care is
03:49generally minimal though some species like the blue-tongued skink exhibit behaviors that protect
03:54their eggs or young from predators diet and feeding habits lizards have diverse dietary
04:01preferences which can include insects other small animals fruits and vegetation the majority
04:07of lizard species are insectivorous consuming a wide variety of insects and arthropods
04:13their feeding strategies range from active hunting to ambush predation depending on the species and
04:18their environment for example the chameleon uses its long sticky tongue to capture prey from a
04:24distance while the komodo dragon employs a more aggressive hunting technique using its size and
04:29strength to overpower larger prey herbivorous lizards such as the iguana consume a diet rich
04:35in leaves fruits and flowers these species often have specialized digestive systems to process
04:41plant material which can be tough and fibrous omnivorous lizards like the bearded dragon
04:47have a more varied diet that can include both animal and plant matter allowing them to adapt
04:51to a wider range of environmental conditions habitat and distribution lizards are incredibly
04:58adaptable and can be found in almost every type of habitat from arid deserts to lush rainforests
05:03and from sea level to mountainous regions their distribution is influenced by their physiological
05:09needs particularly their reliance on external heat sources for thermoregulation in desert
05:15environments lizards have evolved a range of adaptations to cope with extreme temperatures
05:20and limited water availability these can include behaviors such as burrowing to escape the heat
05:25and morphological traits like reduced body size to minimize water loss in tropical and subtropical
05:31regions lizards are often arboreal living in trees and shrubs where they can exploit a variety
05:36of food resources and avoid ground-dwelling predators the dense foliage provides ample
05:41opportunities for camouflage and essential survival strategy for many lizard species
05:48the dense foliage provides ample opportunities for camouflage and essential survival strategy
05:53for many lizard species in temperate zones lizards may be more seasonal in their activity
05:58hibernating or entering a state of torpor during colder months defense mechanisms predation is a
06:05constant threat for lizards and they have evolved numerous defense mechanisms to evade predators
06:11one of the most well-known is caudal autonomy the ability to shed their tail when threatened
06:16the detached tail continues to wriggle distracting the predator and allowing the lizard to escape
06:22while this defense mechanism is effective it comes at a cost as regenerating the tail requires
06:27significant energy and the new tail is often less functional than the original other defense
06:32strategies include camouflage as seen in species that can change color or have body patterns that
06:37blend into their surroundings some lizards like the horned lizard have developed physical defenses
06:43such as spiny scales and the ability to squirt blood from their eyes to deter predators
06:48ecological importance and conservation lizards play crucial roles in their ecosystems as both
06:54predators and prey by controlling insect populations they help maintain ecological
07:00balance and contribute to pest control as prey they provide a food source for a variety of animals
07:06including birds mammals and larger reptiles despite their ecological importance many
07:12lizard species are facing threats from habitat destruction climate change and the pet trade
07:18conservation efforts are essential to protect these species and their habitats
07:22this includes habitat preservation legal protection from over collection
07:26and public education about the ecological roles and conservation needs of lizards
07:32let me tell you about a dangerous incident one day snake is a poisonous animal which is more
07:38dangerous than the venom of a poisonous snake you must have seen that sometimes their tail
07:44falls off from the part of their body after the tail is on the ground it moves for a long time
07:50the lizards walking on the wall were more careful at this time of the season of lizard you must have
07:56seen that you can see lizard on the wall during this season especially in the kitchen take extra
08:01care during cooking because two days ago while preparing tea in kitchen a pot of tea fell into
08:06the pot and due to drinking the tea 11 family members of a house fainted doctors saved lives
08:13beware of poisonous animals and take special care of your food and drink
08:19in conclusion lizards are a fascinating and diverse group of reptiles that have adapted
08:24to a wide range of environments and play essential roles in their ecosystems
08:28their varied physical characteristics behaviors and ecological roles highlight their evolutionary
08:33success and the importance of their conservation thanks everyone for watching this video
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