hazrat abdullah aur hazrat amina ki shadi ka waqia Part 3 || Tareekh e Muslim

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hazrat abdullah aur hazrat amina ki shadi ka waqia Part 3 || Tareekh e Muslim
00:00Which tribe do you belong to?
00:04Abdul Muttalib replied, Quraish.
00:08He asked again, which branch of Quraish do you belong to?
00:12He replied again, Bani Hashim.
00:15He said, can I examine some parts of your body?
00:21He said, yes, but the condition is that the part should not be such that it's skin is necessary.
00:29Abdul Muttalib did not miss this opportunity.
00:34He examined the details of the signs found on your body.
00:39Then he raised his nose and examined the nostrils very carefully.
00:45All the signs were giving the same indication in the spirit of knowledge of Qiafah.
00:51Qiafah Shanas Pukar Uttha, Ashhadu Anna Fi Ihda Yadaika, Mulkan Wa Fil Ukhra Nububba.
00:59I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
