The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 565-566 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
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#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
00:00Before listening from episode 565 to episode 566, don't forget from today, everyone supporting
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00:25Episode 565 Let's get this show on the road.
00:30Emma was destined to become world famous in her lifetime and Eric was destined to be the
00:35person to make it happen.
00:37Louise looked at Eric with a thoughtful expression.
00:41Ever since Emma had appeared, every peer situation involving her had been a rollercoaster ride.
00:47It's like Eric is setting a clever trap in a chess game and everyone is trying to anticipate
00:52his next move.
00:54He thought, little do they know that it's already checkmate.
00:58Andrea was not being held hostage, but the way Eric had treated her had left her fearing
01:04that he was lurking in the shadows as he plotted his revenge.
01:08After looking into his dark eyes, it was impossible for her to forget the coldness that had radiated
01:13from them.
01:15After she returned to New York, she stayed at a hotel owned by Kaleidoscope and worried
01:20that they were watching her the whole time.
01:22She even checked the room for hidden cameras and microphones before she went to bed and
01:27was sure that someone was waiting outside her door to prevent her from leaving.
01:32She tried to think of a way to escape from Eric's control and fight back.
01:37She even snuck out of the hotel by climbing down from the third floor, using the pipes
01:43outside her window, but there had never been anyone guarding the door.
01:49She was just a pawn in Eric's mind game and the fear he had struck in her had finally
01:53gotten the best of her.
01:55As soon as Andrea escaped from the prison, she had created for herself.
02:00She called Steven and then called the media to arrange an interview.
02:04She cried as she claimed that she had barely escaped the hotel with her life.
02:09That Kaleidoscope was a corrupt agency and that Eric was out for blood.
02:14I invited Emma over for a chat.
02:17She told a news reporter as they met for the interview.
02:20I thought she could use some company since we were both so far away from home, but Eric
02:25used the opportunity to threaten me.
02:27He made me withdraw from the annual film awards and forced me to hand over the best newcomer
02:32award to Emma.
02:34He still wasn't satisfied, so when I returned to New York, he held me captive to scare me
02:39some more.
02:40But even after he locked me in a hotel room and hired two guards to watch me all the time,
02:46I didn't break down.
02:48I managed to sneak out through the window while no one was looking.
02:52In front of the cameras, Andrea looked exhausted.
02:57Her eyes were swollen and red, like she'd spent the past few days crying, and her messy
03:01hair fell in front of her face.
03:04Her unkempt appearance, along with her convincing performance, easily tugged at the public's
03:11It wasn't easy, she said between sobs.
03:15It really wasn't easy for me to escape someone as relentless as Eric.
03:19She then broke into tears as the wall of cameras around her fired off their flashes.
03:24As clips from her interview circulated online, comments quickly rolled in on social media.
03:31If what she's saying is true, then there's something wrong with Kaleidoscope.
03:36Eric should be locked up for treating her like that.
03:39I never thought that Kaleidoscope would play so dirty to get what they want.
03:44What a shock.
03:46Andrea looked so pitiful that she has to be telling the truth.
03:49After returning home, Andrea transformed into her usual self.
03:54She was no longer the traumatized woman who had appeared in front of the cameras.
03:59Let's see how Emma and Eric handle this.
04:02She thought as she untangled her hair and wiped her face dry.
04:06Eric might think that he's the big boss of the entertainment industry, but I'll show
04:11him who really has the power.
04:14Emma saw Andrea's convincing performance on the news, but stayed calm, knowing that Eric
04:20already had a plan to fight back.
04:22But once the public started believing that he had bullied Andrea over the annual film
04:26awards and that Kaleidoscope was corrupt, she started to get angry.
04:31She didn't like it when the public smeared Eric's name.
04:35No one was allowed to insult him on her watch.
04:38She looked at her stomach as she placed her hand on it and said,
04:42From now on, we both have to protect your father's reputation.
04:46Whoever's in there can look out for me someday, Eric said from behind her, placing his hand
04:52on top of hers, but there's really not much they can do while they're still inside.
04:58She turned and looked at him.
05:01Someone's been busy, she said.
05:04Some people can live peaceful lives while others have to fight one battle after another,
05:09he said as he wrapped his arms around her.
05:12No matter which life you lead, I'll be by your side.
05:16She nodded.
05:18When we got married, I'd already started to deal with people who were either trying to
05:22stand in my way or push me aside.
05:25I knew that if I wanted to reach the top of the industry, I would have to deal with these
05:31All this time, I've never felt afraid.
05:34With you by my side, I welcome the challenge.
05:39Eric felt blessed as he locked eyes with her and they laced their hands together.
05:44He knew that no matter how much he told her he loved her, he could never express the depth
05:49of her feelings.
05:50I can't believe I found someone who not only is willing to put up with all the ups and
05:55downs of the industry with me, he thought, but also relishes working together to achieve
06:00our goals.
06:01What do you think about announcing your pregnancy tomorrow?
06:05He asked.
06:06Are you ready?
06:07Emma squeezed his hand and said, as ready as I'll ever be.
06:13Let's get this show on the road.
06:16As the video of Andrea's interview continued to circulate online, thousands of comments
06:21rolled in.
06:22Kaleidoscope is disgusting.
06:25How could they treat poor Andrea so terribly if they don't explain themselves?
06:30Soon we'll surround their headquarters and protest.
06:33I never thought Eric and Emma would do something like this.
06:37They should stop acting like the entire world is out to get Emma.
06:41It's obvious that they're only doing things for attention now.
06:44We should tear them apart.
06:47Andre should report this to the police.
06:50Eric deserves to be sentenced to life in jail for his abuse.
06:53He can't hide after what he did.
06:55He'll get what's coming to him soon.
06:58Faced with all the backlash and a steadily rising negative comment, Count Lewis finally
07:04felt that the time was right.
07:06The commenters were relentlessly attacking Kaleidoscope and the couple, and the annual
07:11film award judges were about to remove Emma from the nominees list.
07:16So, as instructed by Eric Key, released a statement on behalf of Kaleidoscope.
07:23We have big news to announce tomorrow.
07:25The statement was met with even more angry comments on social media.
07:31Kaleidoscope must be planning to use another artist scandal to cover up their own mess.
07:36Whatever it is, it's too little.
07:39Too late.
07:40I'll never support Kaleidoscope again.
07:43Seeing the negative response, Lewis added, tomorrow's announcement is related to Emma
07:49and the incident in the Netherlands.
07:52Those who had observed Emma for a while expected that she was waiting to attack when the time
07:57was right, and they complained that her tricks were getting old.
08:01Despite this, they were still curious about how she would pull herself out of this mess.
08:07At any rate, every incident that involved her always ended up providing some entertainment.
08:14As soon as Andrea saw the statement released by Kaleidoscope, she asked Stephen, what do
08:19you think?
08:21Will Kaleidoscope be able to recover from this?
08:24Stephen took a puff of his cigar and squinted at the TV.
08:28If Kaleidoscope isn't destroyed by this, then you'll suffer my wrath on top of Eric's, he
08:34said with a glare.
08:36As for the annual film awards, if you can't win when your competition has already been
08:41sabotaged, then you're completely worthless.
08:44I'll have no use for you then.
08:47Episode 566, A Change to the Nominee List
08:51Andrea shuddered when she heard Stephen's words.
08:55Although she had stuck by his side through thick and thin, she had to face the fact that
08:59he didn't really care about her.
09:02But she also knew that she could never get away from him.
09:05After all, she already knew too much about what happened in the underworld.
09:10Being an actress was the only area of her life in which she was able to maintain her
09:15She was desperate for an award and for the recognition and freedom it would bring her.
09:22If you manage to beat Emma and win, you'll have made my investment in you worthwhile,
09:27he said.
09:28Once you've done that, you can have whatever you want, within reason, of course.
09:34Stephen touched Andrea's cheek and stood up, leaving her alone on the sofa.
09:39I don't know if I can handle much more of this.
09:43Andrea thought, I hate Emma, and I hate the fact that she and Eric are devoted to each
09:50She thought, how can their relationship be so lovey-dovey?
09:54She wondered, they make me sick.
09:57Andrea felt like her world was falling apart, while Emma seemed to have everything.
10:03She had a husband who adored her, and she even had a baby on the way.
10:07She could tell that Eric was determined to protect both of them.
10:11Andrea, on the other hand, had no children, and Stephen barely tolerated her.
10:17She looked down and rubbed her stomach.
10:20She had been pregnant in the past, but had miscarried and hadn't been able to get pregnant
10:25since then.
10:26Besides, Stephen didn't want children with her.
10:30He already had a son from a previous relationship, and that was enough for him.
10:35Emma's had enough good luck to last a lifetime.
10:38She thought it's time for her to share.
10:41In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy watching her and Kaleidoscope getting slammed in the
10:46entertainment news.
10:48Janet was also delighted to see Kaleidoscope's name getting dragged through the mud, and
10:53she especially enjoyed watching Eric and Emma get criticized as she sat on the sofa, biting
10:58into an apple, and reading news headlines on her laptop.
11:02She started laughing, oh my gosh, it's been so long since I've been this happy.
11:09She thought, how wonderful it is to see Emma suffer.
11:13I'm so glad I called Andrea to get her started on her little scheme.
11:18Just then, Claire came into the room.
11:20When she saw Janet laughing, she said, what are you so happy about?
11:24Haven't you heard about Emma?
11:27Janet responded, are you talking about the annual film awards?
11:31I knew that Emma was predicted to win, Claire responded, but then I heard her name was about
11:36to be removed from the nomination list.
11:39Janet laughed again as soon as Emma's reputation is ruined.
11:43Your little friend Peter and the Miller family won't have time for you.
11:48She said, on top of that, it looks like your grandfather will be going back to his house
11:53Your luck is about to run out.
11:55Well, let me reward you with an extra piece of good news then.
12:00My grandfather decided to leave tomorrow afternoon, Claire replied.
12:05You can act like you don't care, but I see right through you, Janet said.
12:10Don't worry.
12:11I'll ask your father to go easy on you.
12:14After all, you can't clean the house if he seriously hurts you.
12:18She then stood up and walked out, humming happily.
12:22When my grandfather leaves tomorrow, you're in for a rude surprise, Claire thought.
12:28Just wait until you find out that he's given me the house and that you have to leave.
12:32Her grandfather had been in the next room the entire time and had overheard their conversation.
12:39After Janet left the room, he came in and said, tomorrow I hope you kick those two horrible
12:45people out once and for all.
12:47I plan on it, Claire responded.
12:51You've suffered so much.
12:53You need to stay strong, even when I'm not around.
12:57He said, I feel so guilty that I didn't know what you were going through.
13:01Now I just want to know that you'll be safe and happy.
13:06Don't worry.
13:07I will.
13:08Blair said, nodding, owning this house will make a huge difference.
13:13It was time for her to fight back.
13:16After so many years of abuse, she was not going to give in to them anymore.
13:20Claire went back up to her bedroom, but was too restless to sleep.
13:25All she could think about was what was going to happen the next day.
13:29So she decided to text Peter, are you asleep?
13:33She wrote, no, I'm studying.
13:36I have a lot to learn so I can take over the business for my sister.
13:40He responded, can you get a few people to back me up?
13:44I'm worried about how thing they're going to go tomorrow.
13:47Claire wrote, starting to feel very anxious.
13:50I'm glad you asked me for help.
13:53Peter responded, you mean a lot to me and I've got your back.
13:57I have to go right now though.
13:59I'll talk to you tomorrow.
14:02Good night.
14:03Claire wrote.
14:04She reread Peter's message and smiled.
14:07In fact, she was so happy that she was giddy.
14:11She sat back on her bed and hugged her phone, thinking about Emma and Claire.
14:17Peter had a hard time concentrating on what he was studying.
14:20After all, tomorrow was going to be a big day for both of them.
14:25In fact, he couldn't stop comparing Claire to Noel.
14:28Although Noel had been warm and caring, she also had a dark side that worried him.
14:33On the other hand, he felt comfortable and relaxed around Claire.
14:39She was a compassionate person who cared deeply about other people.
14:43And even though she could appear tough on the outside, she was thoughtful and sensitive.
14:49He particularly loved how she made him laugh.
14:53Perhaps Peter didn't realize it yet, but he was starting to fall in love with Claire.
14:57But every now and then, a disturbing thought came to mind about the one night that he had
15:01spent with Noel.
15:03Is it wrong that I'm still thinking about that night with her?
15:07He wondered.
15:08Does that mean I still have feelings for her?
15:11How can I get involved with Claire if I'm still thinking about Noel?
15:15Although the night seemed peaceful under a calm sky, excitement was brewing.
15:22Kaleidoscope was about to make a statement, and people were going crazy on social media.
15:26I can't wait to see how Kaleidoscope handles this.
15:30One person wrote Kaleidoscope always seems to deal with situations like this so well.
15:35I wonder what they're going to do.
15:39Someone responded,
15:41Concerned, Luke called Eric in the middle of the night.
15:45I just learned that Emma's name has been deleted from the awards nomination list, since the
15:50nomination list wasn't a secret.
15:52Luke felt pretty confident that the news was accurate.
15:56Thanks for letting me know, Eric responded.
15:59Surprised by Eric's calm reaction, Luke asked, Do you think this situation can be salvaged?
16:06I would say that there's a pretty good chance we're good at what we do, Eric replied.
16:11He then ended the call and gave his attention back to the woman in his arms, holding her
16:18Emma is more important to me than anything else, he thought.
16:22As long as we have each other, nothing else matters.
16:26Thank you so much for watching, don't forget to subscribe to my channel, comment and like.