The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 553-554 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

  • 3 days ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 553-554 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from episode 553 to episode 554, don't forget from today, everyone supporting
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00:25Episode 553 The Sweet Taste of Revenge
00:30Janet just stared blankly at Claire, assuming the worst was about to happen.
00:35Janet had been a child actor. Everything she had learned about the world was through the lens of
00:40power struggles in the entertainment industry. She believed that bullying and putting down others
00:46was the only way to succeed in life. She had done everything she could over the years to belittle
00:52Claire. Now that the tables had been turned, she was in a silent panic. That day was the first time
01:00Jasper had witnessed Claire being abused, but he was willing to grant Claire whatever she wanted
01:05for the years of abuse he had unknowingly allowed to happen. Claire looked around the room, tired of
01:12the dramatics and hatred. She just sighed. I don't have anything I need to say. Jasper looked at her
01:20in surprise. There's nothing you want to say or do, he asked. She shook her head. Edward and Janet
01:28didn't trust Claire's calm demeanor, assuming it must be a trick. Why are you covering for her?
01:34Jasper asked in confusion. You don't owe her anything, he said. She shrugged. I don't care
01:42about her enough to want anything from her, she answered. Jasper thought for a moment before
01:47looking at Edward and Janet. It was clear he was still furious. He pointed at them and said,
01:54if you ever lay a hand on my granddaughter again, you will feel my wrath. Claire was filled with
02:00satisfaction as she watched her father and Janet look shaken up. She had tried getting help before,
02:08but her father had always managed to intervene with Emma and Peter's help. She was finally able
02:13to relax. Revenge had never tasted so sweet. Edward looked at his daughter in a new light,
02:20realizing she was stronger than he had thought. Janet, though, glared at Claire with hatred.
02:27Claire didn't look at either of them. She had finally learned that trying to earn the love
02:33of people like them only made her feel worthless. She looks like her grandmother. Jasper thought as
02:40he saw the determined look in her eye. It made him feel both proud and protective. Let's go get
02:46something to eat, he suggested to her, and the two of them left the house. Edward rushed to Janet's
02:53side to check on her hand, but she pushed him away with disgust. Outside the house, Jasper assured
02:59Claire that he didn't mind if she called Peter instead of going out with him. She accepted the
03:04offer eagerly and texted Peter, who arrived as quickly as he could. She burst into laughter as
03:10soon as she climbed into the passenger seat. That was incredible! I can't believe what just happened!
03:17She exclaimed. He reached for her face in shock, his fingertips lightly brushing her swollen cheek.
03:25Who hit you? he asked. Was it Janet or your father? She was so excited that she couldn't
03:31feel the sting of it anymore. Don't worry, that was the last time anyone will hit me.
03:37My grandfather needed to see the abuse himself to know how serious it was. She explained. But he's
03:44not gonna let it happen again. He shook his head with worry. I'm fine. She insisted again. I couldn't
03:52have done this without you and Emma. I wish I knew how to thank you. She added. You're not giving
03:59yourself enough credit for your own strength, he replied, and you don't need to do anything to
04:04thank us. I'm just so glad we were able to help. Come on, let's have a nice meal together. You
04:12deserve to be treated. Relieved when she didn't argue, he thought about how much happier he was
04:18when he was with her. He looked forward to seeing her and wanted her to be happy as well.
04:24You know, I hate to say it, but this probably won't be the last problem you have with your
04:28father and Janet, he said with a frown. I know. I'll make sure to go to you and Emma for help.
04:36By the way, weren't you supposed to be going out of town? She asked. He shrugged without responding.
04:43He didn't want her to feel guilty by telling her he had already missed the enrollment date for
04:47business school. Maybe this is how things are supposed to be. He thought he was glad
04:54that their arrival at the restaurant distracted her from asking more questions. As they were
04:59looking at the menu, his phone rang when he recognized the phone number. He stared at it
05:05in surprise. Aren't you going to answer? Claire asked. He answered the phone hesitantly. Once,
05:13how did you get my number? He asked before the other person could speak.
05:17Emma gave it to me. Can we meet? It's important, she replied. He had planned to reject whatever
05:25requests she made, but he knew that Emma wouldn't have given out his number if it wasn't about work.
05:32What time? He asked. I can come meet you wherever you are now. She responded. He begrudgingly gave
05:40her the name of the restaurant. Claire looked at him curiously, waiting for him to explain.
05:47Finally, he looked up and said, Noelle is on her way. Episode 554. Desperate Measures
05:56Why is Noelle coming here? Won't that be awkward? Claire asked. It must be something about work,
06:04he explained. Although he wasn't sure what Noelle could have to say to him now that he had left the
06:09industry, he wasn't too worried with Claire by his side. Claire began worrying over the potential
06:15implications of his being seen with Noelle. He was no longer just a former classmate.
06:21He had become one of her closest friends. She didn't want to see his name get dragged through
06:26the mud again. If he ends up in another scandal, what was the point of him leaving the industry?
06:33She thought, I'm worried about the press. She admitted. Maybe I should meet with her on your
06:39behalf, she suggested. You know that any drama will affect your family's business, since you're
06:46no longer a singer. But the reporters won't find anything interesting about her meeting with me.
06:52He agreed to her suggestion after a moment. You should head out now then. I'll call you later to
06:58pick me up, she said. He expressed his gratitude and glanced back at her several times as he left
07:05the restaurant. Shortly after, Noelle came into the restaurant. Her disappointment was obvious
07:11when she spotted Claire sitting by the window alone. Where's Peter? she asked. Have a seat,
07:18Claire responded. He needed to go do something, so he asked me to stay back and meet with you.
07:26He wanted to know why you were looking for him so urgently. Noelle frowned and looked at her
07:31suspiciously. In that case, I'll just call him. Noelle said, pulling out her phone, but Claire
07:39placed a hand over her screen before she could dial his number. You two are done. He left the
07:46entertainment industry. Why are you trying to track him down? Claire asked. Noelle narrowed
07:52her eyes at her. Fine, I'll talk to you. A famous composer from Hollywood heard Peter's voice and
08:01thought it matched what he's been looking for. He wants to work with him, she explained. With a
08:07bitter look, Noelle added, if Peter is avoiding me because he doesn't want to see me, it's unnecessary.
08:15This is a rare opportunity that I thought he might want. Claire crossed her arms. You're
08:21overestimating your effect on him. He's not avoiding you, she replied. Noelle looked away
08:27angrily. Did you really come here because of this rare opportunity? Or are you here because you
08:34can't let him go? Claire asked. She shook her head in disbelief and continued. You're an experienced
08:42manager. You know how easily paparazzi could photograph you in a place like this. You wouldn't
08:49make such an amateur mistake. Noelle's eyes began watering as she fidgeted with her shirt sleeve.
08:56After a long pause, she admitted, I miss him a lot. Claire sighed. You're engaged to someone else,
09:05she pointed out. I know. I didn't realize how much I cared for Pete until after I was engaged.
09:12I was overwhelmed back then, and I didn't know what to do. Noelle replied. So what? You're here
09:20to beg for forgiveness? Claire asked. Was everyone wrong about you? Do you really think you can waltz
09:27in and out of his life and all will be forgiven? Do you really think that little of him? Noelle
09:33remained silent as her face burned with embarrassment. He left the entertainment
09:38industry, and he's never returning. Don't try to trick him into meeting again, Player said.
09:45Noelle gripped the edge of the table and leaned forward with a desperate look in her eye.
09:49I just need to see him one more time so I can move on. Just one look. He doesn't even need to
09:55talk to me, she pleaded. Claire shook her head slowly. Seeing him won't help you. You need to
10:02get your head straight, she said. Claire stood up, placing money on the table for the food.
10:08You don't have to worry about Peter's well. Being anymore? He's in a good place, and he has me,
10:15she said. To her surprise, Peter walked in. He had been watching and waiting for her
10:21to be ready to leave. Unwilling to leave her, he kept his eyes on Claire as he said,
10:28Are you ready to go? She nodded before tilting her head toward Noelle.
10:34I hate dramatic scenes like this, he chuckled and turned to Noelle and said.
10:39I still have a good impression of you. Please don't ruin it. Noelle, I, their closeness
10:45suspiciously, but wasn't deterred. What if I broke off my engagement? She asked.
10:52We shared so much. We could easily go back to how it was between us.
10:57Peter and Claire went stiff looking at each other with wide eyes. He looked at Noelle with concern
11:03and asked, When did you become this kind of person? She looked away, her eyes burning from
11:10the rejection. You need to make decisions for yourself. I already moved on. You should too,
11:17he said gently. He grabbed Claire's hand and whispered, Let's go home. They made it halfway
11:24to the car before Noelle came racing out of the restaurant at the top of her lungs.
11:29She held. I refuse to believe you don't have feelings for me. You were heartbroken when we
11:35broke up. I still love you. Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel,
11:42comment and like.
