The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 541-542 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

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The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 541-542 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from Episode 541 to Episode 542, don't forget from today, everyone supporting me by buying for Mia three coffees from the link in the description or in the first comment or below the video. We'll get access for all chapters of the book by email. Also, don't forget to subscribe, comment, and like.
00:25Episode 541 The New Nominees
00:55I would never let her forget it. I know that you're the heiress to Bain's Eye International and all, but I have seen your daddy to you in this family. Janet said, don't make me your enemy. You're already my enemy. Claire replied as she turned to leave. She wasn't joking when she said that she would side with Emma because of their similarities. She felt a special connection to her.
01:21After she left the room, she contacted the staff at Bains International and asked for Emma's phone number to Claire. There was no other woman in the world who was as devious as Janet to become Edward's wife. She had used every trick up her sleeve. She had even flown across the world to learn some unusual techniques to please him in bed. She stopped at nothing to get what she wanted and felt no shame.
01:47Janet had ended up pursuing acting, and because she had a natural talent for it, her career quickly took off. With her determination to succeed, whatever the cost, she was a perfect fit for the cutthroat entertainment industry. She had no fear of her competition, including Emma, and would do whatever it took to win.
02:09I can't believe such a blatantly deceptive woman won my father over so easily. Claire thought with disgust. She really brings out the worst in him, and I have to suffer because of it. She needs to be stopped.
02:23The time to recount the votes for the Best Newcomer Award swiftly arrived. The judges' expressions were focused, like they were about to make a life-changing decision.
02:35I know most of you are firm with your decision from yesterday, but tell me what you're thinking at the moment, Christopher said. I have decided to stick with my original vote, one judge replied. Me too, another said. About a dozen people expressed their opinions with no changes from their previous decisions. It seemed like Emma had completely lost her chance at an award and wouldn't even be named as a top-five nominee.
03:03Let's talk after we finish reviewing the votes, Christopher said with a frown. But first, I would like to mention that Kaleidoscope's peer team stopped some information that had been leaked from our meeting yesterday. Does anyone know how this information may have been exposed? We only agreed to review the votes because we respect you, a judge said. Are you going to insult us by suggesting that we leaked information? How would we know anything about that?
03:31Another judge asked. We were busy voting and counting votes the whole time. Stop messing around and let's vote. A third judge said. The judges nodded and started casting their ballots. Although most judges hadn't changed their votes, a few had been swayed by Kaleidoscope's letter and carefully reconsidered their original decisions.
03:53Emma was undeniably talented compared to previous winners of the Best Newcomer Award, and any doubts about her acting ability had already faded away. Only a small number of the judges who disliked her had been won over, but their votes had been enough to make a difference in the final count.
04:11The final result for the first round of votes ended with Emma, ranked in fifth place, and Janet in sixth. There was only a single vote separating the two women, and Emma had just barely slipped into the top five.
04:25Once, she should have pulled afar ahead with her skills, Christopher thought, but he sighed. At least she made it onto the list of nominees. Hopefully, the next round of judges will have a better eye for talent.
04:40As the judges chatted among themselves about the results, one judge turned to Christopher and said, I have no horse in this race, but I would like to know who you voted for. Was it Emma? What do you mean? He asked. You keep telling us to be fair and objective, but I want to know if you followed your own rules.
05:02The judge paused for a moment and said, If you want to convince us that you're truly impartial, you need to remove your vote. You might have been fair your whole life, but it seems like you've become soft over the years. Now's your chance to prove that's not the case.
05:20If Emma loses a vote, then she would have the same number of votes as Janet again, Christopher thought. Everyone seems to agree with his idea, though. They're really looking to start some drama, but I won't let them. He asked. So all I have to do is cancel my vote? That's right, the judge replied. Then we'll see who the true winner is. Fine by me, Christopher said, crossing his arms.
05:49Cancel my vote. Everyone thought he had voted for Emma, but after he removed his vote, her vote total stayed the same, and the vote total for the actress in first and second place changed. He had voted for someone else. Anyone have anything else to say? He asked. Any other requests? Everyone fell silent, including the judge who had asked him to cancel his vote, since a new result had been decided on fairly and without bias.
06:19Everyone accepted it. Since no one has anything to say, the final nominee list is officially set, Christopher said. Most of the judges were indifferent about the results, but those who disliked Emma scoffed to themselves. So what if her name made it on the final list? One judge said she received the fewest number of votes.
06:43A small number of votes is still enough to make it to the top five. Another replied she won her spot fair and square. The next group of judges would be stricter than the first. So Christopher was no longer worried that someone could sabotage Emma's chance at winning.
06:58After Kaleidoscope's peer team had released its statement, the public had already accepted the possibility that she could win an award. Her talent was obvious to everyone, and the judges would be foolish not to acknowledge it. All Kaleidoscope had to do was emphasize her ability, and any lingering doubts about her would quickly fade.
07:21Both Eric and Christopher had given their all to ensure that she had a fair shot at winning the award. Even though she had their support and protection, they had also created a lot of doubt. She was a great actress, and she put more effort into her acting than anyone else.
07:38But because of her relationship with Kaleidoscope and the fact that she was Eric's wife, everyone had ridiculously high expectations for her. She had to prove herself again and again until it was clear to everyone that she could stand on her own in the industry. Winning the Best Newcomer award would be the perfect proof that she had what it took.
08:08The judges had been impossible to bribe, so all she could do was slander Emma to make others dislike her. Despite her efforts, she had still lost by one vote. That night, she sat sulking on the sofa next to Edward, draping her arms around his neck and leaning her head against his chest.
08:32I can't believe Emma beat me," she said. I've played the main character in five films, and it still wasn't easy for me to get this opportunity. How could she possibly compete with only two films under her belt?
08:46Emma is our business partner," he replied with a sigh. You should let it go. She's your business partner, not mine," she said with a scowl. Your daughter tried to threaten me earlier and said she was going to side with Emma. Did she rig the vote against me? Claire walked downstairs into the living room and glared at Janet.
09:09You're twenty? Five years younger than my father," she said, looking away in disgust. Please don't rub yourself all over him. It's disgusting.
09:22Some nerve you have," Janet replied, pressing herself closer to him and running her fingers through his hair. There's nothing wrong with being affectionate with my husband. How could you speak to your stepmother like that? Edward asked, his cold voice resonating through the room.
09:40Did you do something behind the scenes today to sabotage her and help Emma? I'm sure you both know what type of person Emma is," Claire replied with a chuckle. If she wants something, it's already hers. She doesn't need help from someone like me. Luckily, we get along well. I need to hang out with her more often. I have a lot to learn from her, like how to deal with people who try to hurt me.
10:06She turned to leave, but Edward stood up and yelled, wait right there. She heard him clearly but didn't look back, so she didn't try to dodge when he ran up behind her and hit her in the back so hard that she fell over.
10:21That's what you get for bad-mouthing your stepmother, he said with his fist clenched. Don't let it happen again. Claire had grown used to this terrible abuse over the years and knew how to avoid triggering his rage most of the time, but his outbursts had grown worse since he had met Janet.
10:37She lay on a cold floor, refusing to beg for mercy or even acknowledge that she had been hurt, clenching her jaw so she didn't cry out in pain. Janet watched with her arms crossed and a grin on her face as Claire struggled to stand after she finally pulled herself up.
10:57She returned to her bedroom without a word. You'll both get what's coming to you someday. She thought as she rubbed her back, just wait. Soon after voting had finished, the nomination lists for the annual film awards were released to the public with Emma's name included.
11:15The story of Christopher being asked to cancel his vote spread to the public as well and had proved to everyone that he hadn't been biased toward Emma. To avoid causing any doubt that she had won fairly, he had intended to vote for someone else from the start. His request for the votes to be reviewed had clearly been in the interest of fairness.
11:38Instead of a favor for his grandson's wife, Emma had gotten into the final five, but it hadn't been an easy path and winning the award was bound to be equally troublesome.
11:50Seeing her name on the nomination list, several people called to congratulate her, including Noelle. Although Emma didn't have much to say to her, she still treated her politely.
12:02I'm really happy for you, Noelle said. You deserve to win. Thank you. Emma replied and then fell silent. Even though they had once been friends, they had drifted further and further apart because of Noelle's situation with Peter.
12:17Do you have any news about Pete? Noelle asked, even though she had a feeling that Emma wouldn't tell her anything. Stop thinking about him, Emma said. That ship has sailed and you should focus on your own life now. I know you feel guilty, but you really don't need to. To be honest, I still have feelings for him.
12:39Noelle replied. She had gathered all her courage to say that, but the words had come too late. I just didn't expect him to take things so seriously. He has always been a serious person. You should know that by now, Emma said. But a part of your heart has always been with someone else, so you would never be able to commit to him like he wanted anyway. Let him go.
13:05You're right, Noelle said with a sigh. I just wanted to let you know that I'm getting engaged. We're having a party in a few days to celebrate. In that case, congratulations, Emma said. She's getting engaged, but she still has feelings for my brother, she thought.
13:26What's her deal? Is love just a game to her? Thanks, Noelle said. I know you don't want to hear my voice right now. Sorry to bother you.
13:37I wish you two nothing but happiness, Emma replied, and then hung up. I don't want her to drag Peter back into that mess by letting him know that she has feelings for him. She thought Millie already hurt him, and Noelle just added salt to the wound. He has suffered enough.
13:55I should let him know she's getting engaged so he can move on for good. She called him and said, Noelle just called me to say she's getting engaged, and I thought you might want to know. She mentioned something about a party.
14:10I'm doing a lot better now, he replied. I'll be home in a couple days. Maybe I should go to the party and congratulate her. It's your choice, Emma said, unable to detect any sadness in his voice. Maybe he really is over her, she thought.
14:27I think it would be good for me. He said, if anything, it'll give me some closure. You should take someone with you just in case you need some support. She replied, you do sound better, but it still might be tough seeing her again.
14:43I understand, he said. He then hung up the phone and called Noelle, who was startled to see his name pop up on her phone. My sister told me you're getting engaged, he said. I just wanted to say, congrats.
14:59Are you coming back to New York? Noelle asked as a confusing mix of sadness and excitement rushed over her. I am, he replied. I'll be home in a few days. Despite everything, you've helped me a lot, and I'll never forget what you've done for me. I would love to go to your engagement party if that's okay with you. I'll put you on the guest list, she said. See you then.
15:25She had so much that she wanted to say to him, but as the words reached the edge of her lips, they disappeared into thin air. She hung up the phone and sighed. I can't believe he's coming to my engagement party, she thought. What did I get myself into now?
15:42The final nominees for the annual film awards had been officially announced, and the date of the ceremony was set for February 13th, the day before Valentine's Day. Three days before Noelle's engagement party, Emma received a surprise phone call from Claire, asking her to meet, if not for what had happened at the Millercore annual celebration.
16:05Emma would have completely forgotten about her, but as she remembered how they had taught Jenna a lesson that evening, Claire's face popped back into her mind.
16:16Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget, subscribe to my channel, comment and like.
